A Fox's Love (American Kitsune Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: A Fox's Love (American Kitsune Book 1)
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Blinking several times as the sunlight filtered into his room through the window by his bed, Kevin tried to cut through the haze that had come over him and get his mind back into working order. It was a difficult process to be sure. While a part of the difficulty he had waking up this morning definitely had to do with the revelations that had been thrown at him last night, another part was due to the fulfilling warmth of his bed. It was a very comforting warmth that made him want to close his eyes and drift back off to sleep again.

But even with the veil of sleepiness that covered him, he could not help but wonder why this was. His bed had always been comfortable, yes, but not this comfortable. He had never felt the lulling sense of peace and contentment while sleeping in this bed that he did now. Not only were his eyes feeling droopy, but his body felt heavy, like it was being weighed down by something.

That might have had something to do with the pillow on top of him. It was so warm that Kevin couldn't help but want to snuggle into it and fall back asleep.

Deciding to do just that, Kevin tightened his hold around the body-length pillow and made to drift back off to sleep. Because more than half his mind was still caught in the land of dreams, he did not even bother to wonder why there was a body-length pillow on his bed when he had never had one before.

At least, not until the pillow moaned.

Kevin's eyes shot wide open. Like a bolt of lightning as it struck a large body of water, shock coursed through his nervous system and froze him in place. Wanting nothing more than to pretend he had not heard that, yet being unable to resist his own curiosity, Kevin found himself looking down.

Hair. The first thing he saw was hair. A lot of it. Long tresses of beautiful red hair splayed across his chest and the bed, looking like crimson flames as each strand caught the light of the morning sun that filtered into his room.

Creamy white skin was the next thing to catch his gaze. Making out the fair colored flesh of bare shoulders in between the gaps of hair was not very difficult. He could not see a face, which was currently nuzzling his chest, but he could most definitely feel the very feminine body that was pressing against his own.

Kevin could also feel warm breath hitting his chest. It caused shivers to run across his back and his skin to break out in goosebumps. Despite how pleasant the warm breath felt against his skin, his mind was more on the verge of panic than thinking about the pleasurable sensations.

In a situation like this, Kevin did the only thing he could think of.

He screamed. Loudly. Unleashing a shriek of surprise so loud that he likely woke up the entire apartment complex, the young high school student tried to scramble out of bed and away from the girl on top of him.

He really should have known better than to do that in a situation like this. Not only was she laying on top of him, but Lilian had a firm grasp around his torso, holding on like he was some kind of life-sized plushy. Even if he wanted to, he would have not been able to escape.

Not that this stopped him from trying. It just meant that instead of getting out from underneath the girl and off the bed, he ended up taking her with him when he fell.


His back hitting the ground with a loud thump, all the air rushed out of his mouth. Lilian landed on his chest and stomach, further compounding the problem and increasing the amount of pain he was in as well as the speed with all the oxygen in his lungs was expelled.

Somehow, while Kevin ended up getting dazed from fall, Lilian was simply stirred enough to rise from her slumber. Kevin may have been envious that nothing really happened to her while he ended up suffering, but his mind was a bit too busy trying to figure out why spots were appearing in his vision.

And while Kevin was dealing with his spotty problem, the young Kitsune laying on top of him sat up, her thighs straddling Kevin's waist as she put one delicate and feminine hand on his chest to keep herself upright while the other moved to rub her eyes cutely.

"Uwah..." Lilian made strange but cute noises as she yawned widely enough that, were Kevin not currently trying to get his brain screwed on right after taking his fall, would have allowed him to see her elongated canines. As the girl began waking up, her foxy ears twitching slightly as the cool air from the fan hit her, her eyes looked down and immediately zeroed in on her mate. "Morning, beloved." She gave him a sleepy smile. "Did you sleep well?"

Kevin blinked several times as the spots began slowly disappearing from his eyes. His lungs inhaled, sucking in some much needed oxygen, causing the rest of the spots to vanish. When he could finally see again, he was greeted with the sight of Lilian's face mere inches from his own.


Somehow, Kevin managed to scramble out from underneath Lilian's beautifully shaped thighs (Eric would be so disappointed), much to said girl's dissatisfaction (so was Lilian, apparently). She had been hoping he was finally over his surprise, or whatever he was dealing with by now so that they could get down to all the things that mates did, but it looked like that was still a ways off.

You are going to have to work much harder if you want to help Kevin get over himself, Lilian.

"Well, that's disappointing," Lilian said to no one in particular. Or at least, that's what appeared to be happening.


"It's okay, Mr. Author. I know it's not your fault."

That's very kind of you to say. Thank you.

"You're welcome."

Kevin ignored the strange girl's rambling―just who was she talking to?―and pointed an accusing finger at her.

"You! What are you doing sleeping in my bed!?"

"What do you mean?" Lilian looked honestly confused by his question. And she was. As far as she could see, there was nothing wrong with what she had done. "Where else would I sleep?"

The question actually caught Kevin off guard for a second. It was a good question. Just where would she sleep?

It was as he thought about this that he remembered who he was talking to.

"How about in your own home?"

"Can't," Lilian shook her head. "My home is in Greece, and I have no way of getting there right now."

Kevin frowned. "What about your family? Your parents?"

"Well, my father's dead, I think," Lilian tapped her chin. "I never knew him, and mom doesn't talk about him that much."

"O-Oh," Kevin looked away. Great, now he felt guilty for bringing up her parents. Way to make him feel like an insensitive jerk, Lilian. "Sorry."

"It's fine," Lilian smiled at him, not that he saw it, busy as he was trying to focus on anything but the beautiful naked girl sitting on the ground a few feet from him. "Like I said, I never knew him."

"So, um," Kevin scratched his chin. Wow, this was incredibly awkward. Couldn't this girl put some clothes on or something? At least then he might be able to look at her without his vision going dark. Oh, right. She had already told him she didn't actually have clothes to wear, hadn't she? Well shoot. "What about your mom?"

"Ah, well," Lilian blushed in embarrassment. "I don't actually know where she is right now. You see, I got separated from my family so..."

"So you're saying you don't have anywhere to go," Kevin sighed as he rubbed his face. He couldn't very well kick her out now, could he? Nope. Definitely not. It just wasn't in his nature to ignore someone when they were in trouble.

He was way too nice for his own good. Naturally. What Hero would be complete without having some kind of Hero complex or a 'saving people thing'? There wouldn't even be a Plot for this story to continue without that.

"Well, I guess you can stay here for now," Kevin ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "At least until you can get a hold of your family."

"Oh, thank you!"


Once more, Kevin found himself lying on his back as Lilian bodily tackled him to the ground and began nuzzling her face against chest. Just how she could gain enough momentum to actually force him onto his back when she was sitting down was beyond him. She must have some impressive thigh muscles.

Not that he was paying attention to such things. Really. At the moment he had other issues that were more prominent. Like trying to keep all the blood rushing to his cheeks and... somewhere else that he did not want to think about right now.

A Scene Break was needed here because the following scene was far too graphic to put into this story. That means you'll be forced to read a dialogue only scene. Enjoy.


I knew I made the right choice when I chose you to be my mate!”

Wha... what are you doing!? Get off!”

Now why would I do that? I need to show you how grateful I am. I promise you'll have fun... ufufufu...”

F-F-Fun!? I don't even want to know what you're idea of fun is! And what's with that laugh!?”

Don't worry about that. For now, let us begin furthering our relationship.”

We don't have a relation ― eep! What are you ― eek! Oh God! Stop!”

Ufufufu, let's just get rid of these.”

The sound of ripping echoed throughout the room.

My pants!”

Ufufufu, you won't be needing them anymore.” A pause. "Though I am curious to know how those got back on you. I could have sworn I stripped you after you passed out last night."

"You what!?"

"Well, whatever. Now, let us get down to deepening the physical aspect of our relationship."

Oh God! Stay away! No! NO! NNOOOOooooo.....!”

End audio representation.

Stimulating, wasn't it?


Several minutes and a lot of embarrassment later, the young Main Protagonist of our story found himself taking the coldest shower of his life. Icy cold droplets of water cascaded down his back as he pressed his palms against the tiled wall, his breathing heavy and his eyes clenched shut.

While it helped cool his nearly overheating body, it did very little to settle his mortification. That last scene where he just barely managed to escape Lilian with his virginity intact had left some serious mental scars on his psyche. He wouldn't be surprised if he needed counseling after this.

Please stop exaggerating, Kevin. It wasn't that bad.

And speaking of Lilian, there had to be something seriously wrong with that girl. Regular girls didn't sleep with people they had just met, and they especially didn't sleep with people they had just met while in the nude. Nor did they do... what she had just tried to do to him. It was like the girl had absolutely no sense of restraint... or any taboos when it came to things like nudity and sexual relations.

That last one was particularly bad for Kevin, her lack of any taboos, that is.

As if the mere thought of her was enough to conjure her up, the door began shaking as someone tried to open it.

Kevin's head jerked towards the door as the shaking picked up intensity, his eyes widening in barely masked shock and a little bit of fear.

After a moment or two the shaking stopped, and a voice spoke up.


It was Lilian, obviously.

Kevin stiffened, if only for a moment before relaxing. He had locked the door. There was no way she could get in, right?


"I was just wondering if you wanted me to wash your back," her muffled voice said.

Let the blushing commence.

"Wa-wa-wash... Why would I need you to wash my back!?"

A pause.

"Because it's too hard for you to reach on your own?"

"That's not a good enough reason!"

"Anyways," she ignored him. "Do you think you could unlock the door. It will be hard for me to wash your back if I can't even get in."

"D-Don't bother! I'm almost done anyways!"

"Oh..." Lilian sounded disappointed. "I guess I'll just let you finish then."

"Thank you."

Kevin couldn't hear her receding footsteps over the spray of water, but he hoped she had really left. In his haste to get away from her, he had forgotten to grab a pair of clothes for himself, and he didn't want Lilian seeing him like this. Just thinking about what she might to do him if she saw him in the buff made his temperature rise as all kinds of feelings he preferred not to contemplate inundated him.

On a side note, was it just him? Or was steam actually beginning to rise despite the water being on its coldest setting?

Seeing how the shower did not seem to be helping him anymore, Kevin decided to get out, dry off, and get dressed. Thankfully, Lilian really had left and he didn't run into her on the way to his room. He managed to get there with his chastity intact.

After he found a clean pair of jeans and a plain black T-shirt, he headed into the kitchen to make something to eat. While he was moving down the hall, however, his nose picked up the delicious smell of what he could only guess was eggs and something else being cooked. Walking into the kitchen where the scent was coming from, the poor boy was greeted by a sight that pretty much negated the effects of the ice cold shower he had just finished taking.

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