A Fox's Love (American Kitsune Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: A Fox's Love (American Kitsune Book 1)
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"Oh, that's right, you don't really know who I am since you haven't seen me like this before," the girl giggled. It was a beautiful sound and it sent all kinds of shivers down Kevin's spine. It was good thing then, that he wasn't really all there. Who knows what else that sound would have done to him if he were. "My name is Lilian Pnév̱ma, but you may call me Lilly, or anything else you would prefer."

Despite her words, Kevin was not listening. Rather, the sole focus of his mind seemed to be going towards his vision, which would explain why he was staring at the girl with a stupid, open mouthed look on his face. We should probably just be glad he wasn’t drooling like some kind of moron.

"However, I would be particularly pleased if you called me You Sexy Thing You."

With the light from the large window across the room creating beams of luminescence that illuminated her form,this girl, Lilian, seemed almost like an angel. Her long locks of gloriously red hair looked like it was on fire and there was a strange halo effect surrounding her, causing her perfectly unblemished and silky skin to gain an almost ethereal glow.

"My three sizes are 99-58-90. Oh! Wait," Lilian suddenly looked thoughtful as she tapped her lower lip with the tip of her index finger and scrunched her nose cutely. Kevin made a strangled sound at the utterly bewitching expression of adorable thoughtfulness on her face that went ignored by the girl doing the face making. "You Americans don't use the Metric System, do you? In which case, my three sizes would be 39-23-35."

Kevin didn't know how someone who couldn't be much older than him could have such an incredible hip to bust ratio. Of course, that was going off the assumption that he was actually paying attention to what she said, which he most assuredly was not. There were other, more distracting things keeping his mind occupied.

Like the fact that this girl was

"I don't really have much experience with this kind of thing, but then, given your age, I don't really think you have too much either.” Her cute smile was back in place as she looked down at him. “I'm really looking forward to learning more about you as we deepen and explore our relationship together."

Really, how was it possible for someone,
to be this beautiful? Surely there was some kind of universal law that said everyone had some kind of imperfection. Even her feet seemed to be perfect. Perfect feet! What the heck was up with that!?

"I know we have just met recently, but if you wish to explore the more... physical aspects of our relationship, I would have no issues if we started right now." And with that, she clasped her hands behind her back, the act causing her to unconsciously push up her already magnificent bust.

Or maybe not unconsciously. This girl had to know what her body did to boys his age, right?

In either case, poor Kevin was unable to withstand anymore stimulation. He let out a strangled gurgle, his eyes rolled into the back of his head, and his arms gave out, causing him to fall onto his back. The last thing he saw before darkness claimed him was bright green irises surrounded by crimson strands of hair.

Chapter 5: A Kitsune's Mate

It was a strange feeling, being roused to consciousness after getting knocked out from over-stimulation, something Kevin could now officially attest to. His mind felt incredibly foggy, sort of like how he imagined those spoiled brats would feel when they were hazed out on drugs or something. Even the most basic thought felt beyond his reach.

It certainly wasn't the most pleasant of sensations. How those drug addicts dealt with it was beyond him.

He also had a splitting headache. It felt like Thor had taken his war-hammer, Mjölner, and bashed it against his head to help generate a thunder storm. Kevin could not help but wonder if he had smacked his head against the floor when he had passed out.

At the same time, he was surprisingly comfortable. The pillow his head was resting against was velvety soft and incredibly warm and felt oh so nice. There wasn't much that could beat the feeling of comfort and contentment that this strangely textured pillow gave him.

The fingers that were running through his hair also had a hand (pun not intended) in soothing his pounding headache. Kevin could not help but release a pleased sigh as a set of slightly longer than average nails gently scratched against his scalp. God, was there anything better... than... this...



Hold up. Since when did pillows have fingers to run through his hair? For that matter, since when did pillows possess such warmth?

And now that he was thinking about it, pillows didn't feel all... strange like this. It didn't have the soft cloth texture of a pillow. So then what...?

Cracking his eyes open, Kevin found himself staring into bright green irises that were set into a face that was halfway hidden by a pair of well-developed breasts. A pair of well developed,

"Are you finally awake, Beloved?"

Eyes going wide, Kevin had a moment where he experienced the “WTF” kind of confusion anyone in his situation would suffer before he realized where he was. On a lap. The lap of the girl who had caused him to pass out in the first place. The lap of the girl who was still quite naked.

Well... at least now he knew why his, ahem, pillow, felt so odd. That had to count for something at least.

Kevin's already wide eyes widened even more as he found himself staring at a gently smiling face, judging from the soft and warm look in her eyes as she fondly gazed down at him. Her enchanting emerald eyes, which were alight with relief as she realized he was finally awake.

He couldn't see her lips, because at least half of her face was being blocked by the two large hills on her chest, but he could almost imagine the smile they were giving him at that moment.

Or at least, he would have been able to, if he were not dealing with other problems at the moment. Like those breasts, for example.

"I'm glad you're finally awake," her eyes held an obvious relief as she spoke. She ran her fingers through his hair again, but it didn't bring him any comfort this time. If anything, it made him feel like
there was something kicking him from inside of his stomach, like some kind of monster was trying to break free from his gut after he ate some really bad soup. And yes, that was a
reference. "I hope you're feeling better. I was really worried when you fainted on me."

It took Kevin exactly 1.2 seconds before the reality of his situation came crashing down on him.

His reaction was not quite what most people would expect, but it was hilarious nevertheless.


Releasing the most unmanly of squeals in the history of man, Kevin's head jerked up as he tried to get off Lilian's lap. It was a move committed out of instinct. It was also incredibly stupid.

Why was it so stupid? There were many reasons. The two biggest though was that, aside from the fact that it didn't actually get his head off Lilian's lap, it also brought both him and her a lot of pain.

Because the move was done out of reflex, Kevin had not taken into account the fact that Lilian's head was hovering just a little bit above his. So when he jerked his head up at such startling speeds that Lilian had no time to do anything other then widen her eyes, his forehead ended up smacking into the red head's chin, eliciting a cry of pain from the girl as her head was jerked backwards and upwards from the force of the unintentional strike.

Newtons Third Law of Motion states that when one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force of equal magnitude and opposite in direction to that of the first body. That is exactly what happened here. When Kevin's head hit Lilian's, her chin exerted the same amount of force that his head did, launching him back to his original position on her lap.

At least it did until the boy, in his pain, rolled off her lap and then off the bed entirely. He landed on the floor with a loud 'oof!' and brought his hands up to his head where it had met Lilian's chin.

He couldn't be sure because of the pain he was in, but Kevin was almost positive he was seeing stars.

No. Wait. Those were just spots where his vision had blurred out. Never mind.

"Ouch," Lilian moaned in pain as Kevin released his own pained groans on the floor below her. "You have a really hard head, Beloved. That hurt."

"I-I'm sorry," Kevin apologized automatically, completely missing the term of endearment that she had used for him. He had more important things on his mind. Like his headache for one. It had come back and brought friends. "I didn't mean to do that."

"It's okay," Lilian shook her head to clear it, then leaned over the side of the bed to look at Kevin. "Are you alright? You look like you took a hard fall."

"Yeah, I'm fine," Kevin sat up, still looking a bit dazed. "Thank you for your... Gurk!"

Yes. Kevin did just say 'gurk'.

The reason for this was, naturally, Lilian. The girl in question was still sitting there, looking at him with what could only be concern as she absently rubbed her now sore chin. There was a slight bruise on it, though it was disappearing at an astonishing rate.

She was also still naked. It was bad enough that she was female. That she had absolutely no clothes on was quite possibly the worst situation for a boy like Kevin to be in.

He could see every bountiful curve of her glorious body. No part of her was invisible to his eyes. Even the most sacred place a woman possessed was exposed to him as she let her legs rest over the side of the bed so she could look down at him.

Eric would have likely died of a heart attack if he had seen what Kevin was seeing.

Kevin felt like he was going to be sick. His stomach was doing flip flops and this was on top of all the butterflies he could feel, fluttering around in his gut. He could feel his heart hammering against his chest like a war drum or some kind of battering ram as it did its utmost to burst out from his rib cage. It wouldn't surprise him if it ended up exploding from all the pressure.

Worse still, he could feel all the blood in his body rushing towards two specific places. One of them was his face. The other shall not be mentioned for the sake of keeping this chapter to an M-rating.

"I'm glad you're alright," the girl said with a relieved sigh as she placed a hand against her chest, inadvertently drawing his eyes towards her large and perfectly shaped... um... assets. If Kevin's mouth had not been dry before, it was now. "I was so worried when you passed out."

"Gu... Huh... What..."

"I wasn't really sure what to do," Lilian continued, completely heedless of the way Kevin's eyes were beginning to bulge out of their sockets as he continued to stare at her nude frame. His face was beginning to turn blue as well, all except for the twin beacons of red on his cheeks. Breath Kevin, breath. "All I could think to do was put you in bed, but I wanted to do something like what you did for me when I was injured, except you didn't really have an injury that I could bandage."

"Wha... Wha... Wha..."

"Beloved?" Lilian looked down at Kevin in concern as his face began turning purple. Without really thinking about it, the beautiful girl climbed off the bed, got on the floor and crawled towards him on all fours.

Kevin thought he might die of sexy. Since the moment he had laid eyes on this girl (all of one or two hours ago before he passed out), he had known she was a beauty beyond most. Never was that beauty more obvious than now.

Crawling on all fours, she moved invariably closer with each 'step' she took. Placing one hand in front of the other in an almost painfully slow―at least to Kevin, feline motion that inevitably pushed her breasts together with each step. Behind the girl, her tail swayed hypnotically like an inverted pendulum, drawing the eye along the curve of her back to her small, shapely rear.

It was the most erotic act he had ever witnessed.

What was worse was that Lilian had no clue she was doing it.

And wait.... what was this about a tail?

It should be noted that this event (the sexy crawling scene, a classic among the more perverted animes and mangas out there) took place within the span of 2.5 seconds. Fortunately, this story was partially based off of

And while Lilian's “sexy crawl scene” was technically not cool, it was impressive...―and hot. Therefore, the Law of Temporal Variability, which states that time is not a constant and can change based on what is happening at the time, applies here just as well as when the hero does something 'cool' like stopping an energy beam of DOOM from destroying the Earth with nothing but his bare hands.

Or a giant Mecha Robot. Those are awesome.

Before Kevin had the chance to ponder the strange, furry object swaying behind her, Lilian was directly in front of him. The poor boy's entire body froze solid as the red haired beauty crawled onto his sprawled lap, straddling his legs with her gorgeous thighs as her hands went to the back of his neck.

With little warning, she pulled his head towards hers. For a second, his mind went blank.

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