A Fox's Love (American Kitsune Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: A Fox's Love (American Kitsune Book 1)
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Once he finished brushing and flossing and rinsing with mouthwash, Kevin walked into his room, changed into a pair of plain black boxers, climbed onto the bed, but didn't get under the covers. The fox followed him, hopping onto the bed as well, and Kevin decided it was time to check her bandages to see how her wound was doing.

"Alright, just lie down while I undo these bandages," Kevin instructed the tiny fox. She complied, laying down with her paws stretched out. Kevin proceeded to carefully take off the bandages. He wasn't very shocked to find that the wound was almost gone. There was just a very small, thin line that was healing even as he continued to look at it. He suspected it would be gone by tomorrow.

It looks like you’re not bleeding anymore,” he murmured mostly to himself. “So I guess we don’t have to put more bandages on you," he paused to look at the fox. "Unless you want me to?” The fox shook her head. “Guess not then.”

Deftly scooping her into his arms, Kevin crawled further into bed and made himself comfortable. He set the fox down on his chest as he lay on his back. The tiny creature curled up on top of him, getting comfortable for the night.

Good night.” A soft yip that sounded surprisingly similar to ‘night’ came from the fox as Kevin’s eyes began to grow heavy and he drifted off to sleep.

Had he stayed awake a little longer, he would have noticed the pair of emerald green orbs that remained awake for some time to come, staring at him with a look of adoration. This was truly a very different fox.

Pray for him.

Chapter 4: My Little Kit... or Not

Kevin woke up the next morning to find a small weight on his chest. Blinking several times as his mind began the slow rebooting process, going from '
half dead'
to '
partially cognizant'
, Kevin looked down to see that the weight was actually the small fox he had rescued the other day. She was still asleep and had curled up into a tiny ball on his chest.

Now that he knew what the unusual weight was, he let his head drop back down onto the pillow with a sigh. A glance to his left revealed the still somewhat broken alarm clock on the nightstand. It read 5:45. That was a little early to be awake on a school day, but not late enough that he could afford to go back to sleep.

How troublesome.

It took him several minutes of lying there before deciding it was time to move. Or maybe that was just how long it took his mind to actually start working correctly. Either way, it was time to get up.

Cradling the fox against him so she wouldn't fall and awaken, he sat up, and put her on the pillow his head had just vacated. For just a second, Kevin thought he saw a very human-like frown come to the fox’s face. It disappeared soon enough as the fox snuggled deeper into the memory foam pillow's warmth and Kevin played it off as a trick of the light. Foxes didn't have the facial muscles needed to frown like a human did, after all.

Minus waking up to a fox on his chest, Monday morning started the same as it always did. After taking a shower and getting dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a band T-shirt, he made it into the kitchen where began cooking a breakfast of eggs and bacon.

Standing in front of the stove, with two frying pans on two of the stove's cook-top, Kevin absently stirred the eggs in one and let the bacon cook in the other. Soon the sound of sizzling filled the room and the smell of cooked bacon wafted into the air.

A yip alerted him to the fact that he was no longer alone. Craning his neck as he continued to scramble his eggs, Kevin saw the fox was awake and sitting on the table again, staring at him with an awfully strange look. Stranger than last time she had been watching him at any rate. He couldn't quite put his finger on what that look was, but it was kind of disturbing.

Shaking his head, the young man greeted his foxy companion (no pun intended). “Good morning.” Kevin wondered if anyone else spoke with animals so casually, or if he was just unusual. “You hungry?”

Definitely unusual.


Kevin couldn't be sure, but he was positive she was saying 'yes'. The way her head bobbed up and down in the semblance of a nod helped. Just a little.

Alright then. Just let me add a few more pieces of bacon for you.”

"Yip, yip!"

Not long after, Kevin was seated at the table, eating from his plate, while the fox ate from the plate he had set for her. Once more, Kevin was able to see how strangely clean the fox was when she ate. It still kind of bothered him, seeing something like that, but he tried to put it out of his mind.

Breakfast was soon finished, the dishes were in the dish washer, his teeth were brushed, and Kevin was slinging his back pack over his shoulder as he prepared to leave for school.

There was just one problem.

Yip! Yip, yip!”

The fox was following him.

I’m sorry, but you can’t go with me.”

Was it strange that he felt guilty when the fox’s head dropped to the floor in a very human gesture of sadness? Probably. At least, it would be if you weren't an animal lover like him.

If you came to school with me everyone would know that there’s a fox in my apartment and then the landlord would find out and you wouldn’t be able to stay here anymore.” There must be something seriously wrong with him if he was taking the time to explain something as complex as why he couldn't take her with him to school, whether or not she was a Super Fox with incredible intelligence. “There’s a no pet policy in this complex, which means we’re not actually allowed to have any animals in here. Not even gold fish.”

Seeing the fox look up at him with those big, green eyes, staring at him imploringly had Kevin's inner fan-boy squealing.

Of course, he would never do something so unmanly as squeal out loud―yesterday's small incident where he had literally 'squee'd' notwithstanding―so he didn't. What he did do, however, was scoop up the fox and rub his nose against her snout. She seemed to like this because she started licking his face.

Aw... You're just the cutest thing I've ever seen!" That wasn't a squeal, by the way. There was no 'squeeing' involved there. "Try not to be too sad, okay? It’s not like I’m leaving for good. Just until after school. Luckily, I should be home pretty early today since we actually have a half day and I don’t have practice.”

He set the fox down and stood up. She still seemed depressed, but more from not getting anymore pampering than because he was leaving. Or at least, that was the feeling he got.

So, you be good and don’t let any of the neighbors or landlord see you.” Kevin tried to look stern as he spoke, he really did, but she was just so darn cute that it was impossible. “Okay?”


Alright then, I’ll see you when I get home.”


The Author would now like to take a moment to introduce the Scene Break. The Scene Break, normally represented in fiction as a double space with strange markings and/or symbols and what shall forever be known as “The Line” in fanfiction, is the break between scenes to denote a shift in time or to change the Point of View from one character to another, which shall be known as POV henceforth for convenience sake. And now that you all understand what the hell this large and pointless block of rambling is all about, please continue reading the story.


School that day was the same as it was everyday. Classes were fairly boring aside from a few of the ones he liked. Kevin went to Desert Cactus High School. It wasn't a very original name, but most high schools in Arizona seemed to be named after a cactus, a desert, a mountain, or all three, so it didn't bother him too much.

The school had over 1,000 students and large, blue and white buildings that were mostly square or rectangular. It had all the things a school of its size was expected to have: a library, over one hundred and fifty classrooms, a large gym with a weight room, a theater, a cafeteria, a track field, a football field and an indoor pool. For a school, it was pretty impressive.

Because today was a half day, they didn’t have lunch, so Kevin was able to leave right at 1:00 pm.

And speaking of, just what is up with half days anyways? They are practically useless. You only go to a few of your classes and most of the time you are so busy waiting for the quick day to end that you don't pay attention in class.

And on that note, let it be known that Kevin's math teacher absolutely hated half days for that very reason.

A few of Kevin’s friends asked him if he wanted to go to the arcade with them, which was really one of the only places they could go aside from the mall, which would be a boring place to spend time at.

Kevin declined.

Eric had teased him a bit after that, asking him if he was eager to go home and spend time with his fox lady (pun very much intended this time).

Kevin had smacked him in the back of the head.

It only took twenty minutes to get from school to home and visa versa on bike. That was another thing that was different about Kevin. Unlike most students under the age of sixteen, Kevin did not ride the bus. He disliked buses. Instead, he rode his bike just about everywhere.

Entering the apartment, Kevin expected to be greeted by a very excited fox kit. When he was not, a frown marred his face. Absently, he took off his shoes and made his way into the living room before calling out, “Hello! I’m home!”

The soft “pitter patter” of feet reached his ears. Kevin blinked. There was something off about the sound. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but it wasn't what he expected a fox's walk to sound like.

Whatever the case was, he didn't have time to think any further on it because at that exact moment a figure appeared in the hallway leading to his room.

Kevin’s eyes widened.

It wasn’t a fox. It didn't have four legs. It wasn't even an animal.

It was a girl.

A very, very beautiful girl.

Screw beautiful. This girl had to be the most gorgeous example of a female that he had ever seen. And considering he had seen all the posters of half naked super models Eric had all over his walls, that was really saying something.

Her long, crimson tresses descended like a effervescent waterfall. Bangs framed a face that looked like it had been lovingly carved from alabaster by the hands of angels, with a small, button nose set between two large, innocent looking emerald colored eyes and a pair of perfectly shaped, ruby red, cupid bow lips. A single strand of hair fell over her left shoulder, following the contours of her collar bone to the swell of her left breast, before curving over the well-crafted bosom and ending as it reached her underbreast. The rest of her hair trailed all the way down her back to her butt. Her

Which brought another point home. The girl before him was naked. As in, bare as the day she was born, completely exposed, all natural. Whatever you want to call it.

If Kevin's mind were not lost in limbo at the sight of this extraordinarily beautiful and naked girl, he would have had trouble determining where to look. At her angelic face, her slender neck and shoulders as they led into what Eric would call a grade-A chest, or that slim and athletically trimmed waist that gently sloped into a set of beautifully curved hips that had a very small patch of red hair just above the space between her legs. And speaking of legs, hers were incredible, mile long legs with beautifully crafted thighs and calves, flawless skin and sensuous curves, ended in a pair of small feet with cute little toes.

"Beloved,” the girl breathed out in barely masked excitement. Her legs tensed, her toes curled and gripped the carpet and her knees bent as if she were prepared to jump into the air. It only lasted for a second before her body shivered from head to toe. After that, she took a deep breath and straightened up.

Then she smiled at him. It was the kind of smile that caused hearts to burst, and his heart was no different. It felt like it was going to explode out of his chest.

It also caused him to fall to the floor as his legs turned into jelly.

Hitting the ground with a dull thud, Kevin landed on his backside. It was a good thing he had made it onto the carpet instead of remaining on the tiled floor near the doorway or that would have hurt a lot more.

Another thing to be thankful for was that even though his mind was gone to places that no one in their right mind would ever want to go (the teenage mind is a horrible place), his body still had instinctual reactions. His hands were quick to move behind him, keeping him from falling over completely without his mind telling him to do so.

Whether this was so he would not smack his head on the floor or because his eyes wanted to keep gazing upon the vision of perfection in front of him was unknown, even to Kevin.

"Welcome home,” her voice sounded like the gentle tinkling of wind chimes. It was lilting and beautiful and if Kevin were not already on the ground, that would have surely sent him down. "I missed you."

"Wha... Who... Eh...?"

Wow, monosyllables. As always, Kevin manages to speak with an eloquence that astounds all who hear him.

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