A Fox's Love (American Kitsune Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: A Fox's Love (American Kitsune Book 1)
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There were many other strands that drew attention to more of Lilian's perfect body. Kevin found it hard to keep his eyes from trying to follow all of them.

And that was to say nothing for the water that traveled down her glorious figure. Tiny droplets from the spray above that soaked her body and trailed wet paths across her perfect, unblemished skin. Kevin's eyes caught one adventurous droplet as it left a trail down her slender neck, traveled along the dips and curves and contours of her upper body as it moved towards her chest, where it proceeded to roam along the swell of her breast before disappearing between her cleavage and reappearing along her taut, flat stomach several seconds later. After dipping into and out of her belly button, it disappeared within the trimmed patch of red hair just above her, well, let's just call it her girl spot. We've still gotta try and keep this down to an M-rating, you know.

Looking back up, Kevin's eyes were inexplicably captured by the hypnotic green irises of the girl who had claimed he was her mate. She was smiling at him, seemingly pleased about something, though he could not fathom what. Actually, he couldn't fathom much of anything right now. His mind had temporarily left him.

It may have had something to do with all the blood flowing from his head to somewhere else.

"Well?" Lilian asked, forcing Kevin to snap out of his daze. He took one look at her mischievous and seductive expression, then flushed bright red.

"N-No thank you," Kevin's breathing was heavy as he tried to retain his hold on his consciousness. His vision was beginning to darken, but he valiantly fought against it. Do not pass out, Kevin. Passing out in the shower is bad.

"In that case," Lilian began again, turning around and exposing her backside to him. It was currently hidden by the waterfall of long, thigh length red hair, but that would change soon.

Grabbing her hair, Lilian moved the silken strands over her shoulder, exposing her entire backside to him. She then craned her neck to look at him out of the corner of her eye. "Perhaps you would like to wash my back?" A seductive smile crossed her lips as she wiggled her tight, toned tush at him. "Or maybe you'd like to wash something else?"

This time with an unfettered view of her backside, Kevin found himself once more trailing the girls flawless form. His eyes took in her soft, feminine shoulders and traveled along the delicate arch of her back before stopping at the tight, peach-shaped butt that seemed to jump out at him as dozens of water droplets traveled over and around it. The single tail she had out was even lifted into the air so that it would not spoil his view of those perfectly rounded twin cheeks.

Kevin's breathing picked up. The feeling of light-headedness intensified and his vision started to blur.

This was not the first or even the fifth time that he had seen Lilian naked. Kevin had become far too familiar with some of Lilian's more prolific habits, such as her dislike of wearing clothes when reading. He had caught her a number of times, laying on her stomach, bare as the day she was born, her feet kicking in the air as she read whatever book she found (she seemed to be mostly interested in his manga).

The girl seemed to have no sense of modesty. So yes, he had caught sight of her naked plenty of times this past week.

But this? This was different. Those other times she had been nude, yes, but it was more like she simply enjoyed being in a more natural state of dress. Or undress, as it were. He could deal with that, albeit, his face would burn like nothing else, but he could still deal with it.

What he could not deal with was this deliberate act of eroticism. Never in his life had he dealt with or even
something like this. It was like something out of one of those pornos Eric had hidden under his bed.

In other words, it was far too much sexy for him to take.

Had Eric or any other male been in Kevin's place, they would have surely lost any and all sense of self restraint. A good thing it was Kevin and not those other males then. While they would have probably ravished Lilian right then and there, Kevin did the exact same thing he had done when the fox-girl had first introduced herself.

He passed out.


Scene Break.


Somewhere around an hour later, Kevin found himself sitting at the table, eating a small breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon with a glass of milk. It was a nice breakfast. Lilian had put spinach and chopped onions, as well as a mix of spices beyond salt and pepper, in his eggs to enhance the overall flavor.

Despite how good it was, he could hardly taste it. Which was strange since he was focusing on his meal with far more intensity than most people would ever give their food.

Even his movements seemed to denote that in spite of the amount of focus he was giving his breakfast, he really wasn't all there. They were mechanical, automatic. If a robot could eat, it would likely be eating with the same mechanized precision that Kevin was currently using.

Why was he focusing so much on his eating to the exclusion of everything else? What could cause such a reaction out of our Main Protagonist?

The reason was as simple as it was obvious: Lilian. The girl in question was sitting where she always sat, on the opposite side of the table. Having finished her own meal, the red head had taken up her favorite past time of watching him.

It was disconcerting to the extreme. Enough to make anyone self-conscious, even those who had so much confidence in themselves that they were straddling the line of arrogance and narcissism.

Naturally, Kevin was trying to find something,
, that could help keep him from looking in her direction. Hence, the focusing on his eating, not the food itself, but rather the movements that were involved in the act. It was his belief that if he focused exclusively on what he was doing, he would be able to ignore the fox girl's flagrant staring.

It wasn't working out very well. He could literally feel her eyes boring through his skull. It caused his own to look over at her every now and then. When this happened, she could catch his eye and smile. This would cause him to blush and look away, unable to maintain eye contact for any longer than that as his mind replayed the shower scene of a few minutes ago.

A part of him, a very large, significant part, was still having trouble comprehending that scenario. He just couldn't understand what had possessed her to do that. Did she really think sneaking into his bathroom while he was taking a shower and doing... what she did was a good idea?

Who the heck was he kidding? Of course she thought it was a good idea. As far as Lilian was concerned, he was her mate. Any chance of them doing... something that he had absolutely no intention of even thinking about, much less doing, was a good idea to her.

Speaking of which, he still wasn't really sure what being her mate entailed. He understood what the term meant in the animal kingdom, but he couldn't see how they could mean the exact same thing in this instance, considering Lilian was most certainly not an animal. Was it like some kind of Kitsune marriage or something?

Ugh, now there was something he didn't want to think about. He was only fifteen. The idea of being married at his age was not appealing.

And besides, he was in love with Lindsay. Yeah, Lilian was gorgeous. Way prettier than Lindsay or any other girl could ever hope to be, but looks weren't everything. He liked ― loved! Lindsay for who she was, not how she looked.

Of course, Lilian had her good points too. She was actually a very sweet girl (when she wasn't pulling a sexy act on him), and nice, and she really did seem dedicated to him and―

No! Don't think about her, Kevin. Remember Lindsay, the girl you're in love with. She had plenty of good qualities. She was athletic and outgoing. She wasn't like those really fake girls who complained about everything and were really rude. Lindsay had substance.

Lilian had substance too, but it was a whole different kind of substance. It was the kind he was not willing to get into, lest he end up having some kind of anime moment and be blown back by a nosebleed or something equally impossible for a regular human to actually do.

Given all that had happened so far, he wouldn't be surprised if impossible actions like that were not only possible, but extremely probable.

Against his will, his eyes returned once more to the girl sitting across from him. Lilian was already watching him so she saw when he looked her way. The moment their eyes connected, a smile that lit up the entire room came across her face.

Kevin felt his own face become hot. In an effort not to get too embarrassed, he looked down.

This turned out to be a mistake. The moment he looked down, his eyes came in line with something that was even more distracting than Lilian's beautiful face.

Two guesses as to what that was.

"Do you like them?"

"Wha...?" Kevin's head snapped up so quickly that a loud crack came with the action. Containing a wince, he stared at Lilian, who was smiling broadly at him.

"My boobs," she said, and once more Kevin got to witness just how shameless this girl was as she grabbed her own breasts and began squeezing them together. "Do you like them?"

"Guh!" Screw the furnace. Kevin was pretty sure his face had just gone nuclear! "O-O-Of course not! Wh-wh-why would you ask something like that!?"

"Well," Lilian stretched out the word as she looked down at herself. Kevin followed her gaze and “eeped!”, yes “eeped!'”when he saw the red head hefting the two, perfectly shaped globes in her hands. Despite being clothed, he could easily see her nipples outlined by the shirt as her breasts were pressed together. "You've been staring at them a lot. I just thought you might like them."

She looked up and once more locked eyes with him.

"It's not like I mind if you look, you know." Her cheeks tinted pink as she looked down. It was such a rare moment of demure from the normally bubbly and shameless girl that Kevin's mouth went dry and his face, impossible as it may seem, became even hotter. "I want you to look at me. It makes me feel special."

Well crap. What was he supposed to say to that?

"L-Look," Kevin stuttered, "It's not that you're not pretty or anything, cuz you are." The smile that lit Lilian's face made him feel very ashamed for some reason. "But I wasn't looking at, well, I wasn't looking at... those."

Lilian seemed very disappointed to know that he wasn't looking at her breasts. Her head dropped down to look at the table, long bangs falling over her face to further shadow her eyes from view as a frown marred those beautiful lips.

To go along with this crestfallen look, Lilian's shoulders slumped to further give the impression of someone who was down in the dumps. Even her ears began drooping in what could only be described as depression.

Kevin felt like a heel, but at the same time he just didn't understand. Why did this girl enjoy it when he ogled her? Didn't girls not like it when you stared at their... uh... feminine parts so blatantly? Eric had gotten slapped more than once―try a couple dozen―because a girl caught him staring at her chest.

Then again, Eric was a well known pervert, with multiple peeking infractions.

Nothing said “I have no respect for women” better then spying on girls via hiding in one of the unused lockers and peeping them while they changed. Just how his friend had managed to get out of that particular scandal with only two weeks worth of suspension was beyond him.

Ah, the benefits of having a Principle as a father.

Tangent on Eric's perversion aside, that still didn't answer his question. That being why she was so okay with him staring at her like she was a piece of meat. There had to be more to it than her simply not possessing any nudity taboos. Was this another Kitsune thing? Or was it just a Lilian thing? Did she not mind him staring at her because she thought Kevin was her mate? Or was there some other reason?

Kevin didn't know. Just thinking about it gave him a headache.

"So, if you weren't looking at my boobs, what were you looking at?" Oh God, even her voice sounded downtrodden. Was it really that big of a deal? Maybe he should have just been honest with her?

No. There was no way he could do that. Not after he had already told her that he had not been staring at her breasts. He would have to come up with an excuse to get out of this.

In other words he needed to lie.

Too bad he sucked at lying.

Think quick, Kevin.

"I was looking at... your clothes."

"My clothes?"

Lilian looked down at the large band T-shirt she was wearing. It was one of Kevin's shirts that she had taken to wearing around the house because he had asked her to.

Personally, Lilian would have been perfectly content to walk around naked all day, but for some reason her mate preferred her to be dressed in something. She wasn't quite sure what to think about that, whether she should be insulted or not, but had deferred to him as he was her mate and this was his apartment.

She looked back up a second later.

"What about them?"


Kevin scratched at his cheek as he tried to figure out where he could take this. Dang. This whole 'being dishonest' thing was a lot harder than it looked. How did Eric manage to come up with such awesome lies?

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