A Fox's Love (American Kitsune Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: A Fox's Love (American Kitsune Book 1)
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It shouldn't come as a surprise that all of those instances involved her trying to give him more physical affection than he could stand, often times while she was naked.

Considering she only wore one article of clothing anyways, that really didn't mean much.

Several particularly sexy situations stuck out in his mind more than others. One instance had really imprinted itself in his psyche. It had been a truly scarring experience. He didn't know people could bend like that.

Regardless of any of that, he had to admit that living with someone else, and a girl at that, was an interesting experience. Potentially lethal (Lilian was Dangerous with a capital D) and incredibly embarrassing, but interesting nonetheless.

He didn't think he would ever get used to it though.

After dinner, once again depending on the day, he would either get started on his homework or, if he was already finished, sit on the couch with Lilian and watch TV. Or play video games. Kevin had learned from Lilian that she had never played video games, which was a crime because video games were awesome. Apparently, her mom didn't approve of her children corroding their brain via video games, television or any other type of brain corroding media, or at least, that was the vibe he was getting from Lilian.

Talk about harsh.

On a side note, Kevin had blushed heavily when he noticed just how cute Lilian looked when concentrating on whatever video game they were playing. Whether it was killing zombies in Resident Evil or tapping away on the guitar controller for Guitar Overlord XII, she would always have this look of intense concentration where her delicate eyebrows would furrow cutely, and her small tongue would poke out from between her lips as she stared at the screen with a look of such utter focus that one would almost think she was watching Kevin while he slept.

And that sounded kind of creepy. Scratch that, it sounded
creepy. Good thing Kevin didn't know she did that. Watching him while he slept, that is.

Of course, just because he thought she was cute didn't actually mean anything, Kevin reassured himself every time Lilian did something that made his face heat up in a good way. You know, like an “aw, that's absolutely adorable!” kind of way as opposed to the “oh my god! I can't believe she just did that! I'm so embarrassed!” kind of way. And yes, there is a difference.

...Anyways, just because he thought she was attractive didn't mean he liked her like, well, like
He was still in love with Lindsay, as he kept telling himself every time Lilian would catch him off guard with a kiss (you think he would be used to those after a week of being on the receiving end of them, but no).

Or when she would crawl onto the couch and sleep with him after he had fallen asleep even though she had a perfectly good bed.

Or when he would wake up the next morning to find her sleeping with him on the couch and them both in a very compromising position.

Yes, none of that stuff did anything to change his love for the girl he had been crushing on for the past three years.

Because, you know, having a girl that was the epitome of female perfection show how devoted she was to you would never change the mind of the Main Protagonist. What did you think this was? Some kind of anime where the beauty of the Main Female Heroine is directly proportional to how quickly the Main Protagonist falls in love with them? Pu-lease. Go watch Rosario+Vampire if you want that kind of crap.

Well, if nothing else, having a super hot fox-girl crawling onto his couch (and him) and using him as a life sized teddy bear gave him a great appreciation for the female figure.

As Eric would say, the girl was stacked.

This morning had been no different from all the other mornings he had woken up since Lilian barged into his life, even though it was a Saturday and there was no school. He had woken up after falling asleep on his couch (on a side note, he had taken to lying so that he was facing the west rather than the east, that way the sun would not get in his eyes when he first woke up). Like always, Lilian was lying on top of him, her head turned so that her cheek was resting against his chest, her breasts smashing into his torso and her legs a tangled mess with his own.

She still wasn't wearing panties, a fact that made itself known as she unconsciously rubbed herself against his left thigh, leaving behind a wet trail of something he'd prefer not to think about.

Needless to say, compromising did not begin to describe the situation properly.

As it had been five days since the first night Lilian had snuck onto the couch with him, he did not react by screaming his head off like all the other times this had happened.

He did, however, flush a deep shade of lobster red as he felt the girls bosom squishing against his chest. She still wasn't wearing a bra―not that she had one to use in the first place―so he could feel the stiff twin peaks on her chest rubbing against his skin through her shirt. Distracting also did not describe the situation properly.

Eventually, after laying there for upwards of five minutes like some kind of red faced idiot, Kevin managed to gain some semblance of self control.

Really, all that means is he managed to keep from passing out. In any case, with him now awake and no longer incapable of acting, he rolled the red haired beauty onto her side and got out from underneath her so he could take a shower.

It should be noted that this was much more difficult than it sounded. The reason being that Lilian seemed to be capable of sensing when his presence, or maybe the warmth of his body, was attempting to leave her. Each time he tried to get out from underneath her, the girl's hold on him would tighten. Often times she would actually wrap both her arms and legs around him in order to keep him from moving, making escaping her grasp a real challenge.

This morning was no different. Removing the girl's limbs from around his body took nearly ten minutes. Even her tail had decided to get in on the action.

Once in the bathroom and stripped down, Kevin put himself under the ice cold spray of the shower in an effort to bring the temperature of his overheating body back to manageable levels. Seriously, just staying in such close proximity to that girl made his entire body feel like it was being roasted over a fire.

As he stood there under the shower head, his eyes closed and his body shivering from the cold, the sound of the door clicking open went completely unnoticed.

For those of you who are wondering, yes, this is the complimentary “Embarrassing Shower Scene” that every
styled romantic comedy has as a fanservice. It's a tradition that cannot be ignored.

While the sound of the door opening and closing went unnoticed, the shower curtain being pulled aside did not.

Startled, Kevin turned around, more out of instinct than any real desire to see who had intruded on his shower. It wasn't that hard to figure out who he would find standing behind him. There was only one other person in the apartment aside from himself.

Having turned a full 180 degrees, Kevin laid eyes upon the person who was now in his presence.

His eyes widened. His jaw dropped. A shiver went all the way from the crown of his head down to his toes and his heart stopped beating for a full second before it sped up until it felt like a hummingbird was trying to fly out of his chest.

Lilian was standing before him, completely naked as she looked him over with a bright smile and flushed cheeks.

An odd strangled sound issued forth from Kevin's throat. If it had to be described, the sound would be something like “murgle.” Naturally, Lilian ignored the noise he was making in favor of examining her mate in all his naked glory.

In his shock and blank-minded state he had not covered himself.

"Morning, Beloved," she looked him up and down once, then licked her lips in a way that was as blatant as it was suggestive. "You're looking delicious this morning. Seeing you like this makes me want to eat you... ufufufu..."

Her words managed to bring some coherency to our Hapless Hero's mind. His reaction was about what has come to be expected from him.

"W-Wh-What the heck are you doing in here!?" His voice was very high pitched as he spoke. More like shrieked. Not that he could necessarily be blamed, even if he
have expected this to happen at some point.

"I came to see if you wanted me to wash your back," Lilian was still staring at him. Her smile widened as she looked down again. "Though I could also help you wash... other hard to reach areas if you wanted... ufufufu..."

When he noticed just where her eyes were looking, he gave a mouse-like squeak and moved his hands to cover his crotch. Lilian pouted at him, but he ignored it.


"Aww, come on, Beloved."

Lilian's eyes grew phenomenally wider than usual as she looked at him. They became quite dewy as well. To top it off, her lower lip began quivering. The combination of wide, teary eyes and quivering lips created an irresistibly adorable look that would put any man regardless of sexual preference down for the count. In short, she had just unleashed the ultimate technique.



Kevin struggled not to give into the dreaded Puppy Dog Eyes. Or would they be Foxy Kit Eyes? He supposed it didn't matter. No matter what this fearsome technique was called, it was a struggle to keep his resolve from breaking at the sight of something so

The fox ears drooping on her head did not help one bit. Nor did the fact that she was naked.

"I-I won't be swayed..."

In an attempt not to let her expression or nudity get to him, Kevin ended up covering his eyes with his hands (and thus forgetting to keep other things covered).

This effort to not look at the girl before him was ruined before it even began because Kevin, bless his soul, despite being a shy and easily embarrassed young man, was also a teenage male. Some things never change when it comes to the male gender

All Men are Perverts is a trope that can be applied to all men, which meant it applied to Kevin just as surely as it did for someone like, say, Eric. It is this thorough and well-explained reasoning that expounds upon why the young man's efforts were doomed right from the very start.

What did he do that made his efforts end up being in vain? He did what any male in his position would do.

"You're peeking~" Lilian sang out in a teasing and pleased voice.

"Wha―!?" Kevin quickly covered his eyes more fully. "N-No I wasn't!"

"Oh?" Lilian quirked one of her delicate eyebrows. Her lips curved into a smile. Not that Kevin could see it anymore. "Then what were you doing?"



"Hmm... well, whatever. If you don't want to admit you were peeking at me that's fine."


That was Kevin receiving a metaphorical punch to the gut.

"Just knowing that you were looking at me is enough to make me feel special."


This girl was quite merciless.

"I-I wasn't... I mean, I didn't..." Kevin tried to explain himself, not that he would be able to because, really, he would be lying and everyone knew how good he was at that. And it wasn't like it mattered anyways. Lilian wasn't listening anymore.

"Sure, sure, I believe you." She obviously didn't. "Anyways, are you sure you don't want me to wash your back? I promise you'll enjoy it, ufufufu."

Lilian took a step into the shower. Kevin twitched as he peeked through his hands again when he heard her feet make a 'pitter, patter' sound against the wet tile.

A second later he squawked in surprise and began backing up while Lilian advanced on him. Soon, he found himself pressed against the tiled wall with nowhere to go as Lilian continued to walk more fully into shower and stopped once she was directly under the spray of water.

"I didn't get to help you wash up these last few days because you always woke up and finished showering before I could join you." Naturally, because he had planned it like that ever since she first tried to join him. "So I was hoping I could wash your back today."

His arms dropping to his side like a pair of fifty pound weights had been strapped to them, Kevin's pupils dilated as he took in the sight before him. And what a sight. Standing under the spray of the shower head, Lilian looked even more bewitching than she normally did.

That was saying a lot, considering Kevin had already freely admitted, if only to himself, that she was the most gorgeous example of a female he had ever seen.

Her long, lustrous red hair was matted down on her head and plastered to her skin. Her bangs stuck along her cheeks and forehead, surrounding and somehow making her emerald irises even more enchanting than they usually were. Several of the longer strands were sticking to her body in strategic locations that almost seemed like they had been placed there for the sole purpose of drawing his eyes to the beautiful curves she possessed.

Kevin subconsciously gulped as he saw one particularly long strand flowing down her neck, moving across her collar bone before roving over the upper swell of the ample curve of her bosom as it traveled a dangerous path straight down the center of her incredibly well formed breast, just barely managing to conceal her nipple from view. Another was flowing along the outer swell of her right breast, following that perfect curve before sticking along the side of her slim waist.

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