A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) (80 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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I do grudge you your suspicions,

Muira whispered venomously.



Ewan implored, adopting what he probably hoped was a reasonable sounding approach. 

Just yesterday your husband was asking if I could take you back to Castle Cameron with me.


I explained that!



Ewan snorted.



Muira warned. 


re my brother, and I love you, but you are treading on dangerous ground here,

she said coldly.


And you

re my sister,

Ewan fired back. 

And I won

t stand by and watch MacRae make you miserable!



s not!

Muira shrieked, throwing her hands up in the air.  Why was Ewan making this all so difficult?  She had expected him to be happy for her; Lachlan sister had managed that much after all! 

He makes me happy,

she finished sharply. 

I would have thought that you could pleased for us!


With that she made a beeline for the door, not stopping or in any way heeding her brother

s apologetic calls.  She stormed out into the corridor, careless of the dangers that she might be facing

a small part of her
to meet Tavish.  In her current humour she felt quite an equal match for his vicious attacks!


Muira didn

t meet Tavish however; in fact she didn

t meet anyone as she marched back to the rooms that she shared with Lachlan.  Ewan hadn

t followed her.  He knew his sister well enough to know that the safest course of action was inaction - to wait until she

d calmed down before trying to approach her again.


Alone in her chamber Muira fumed, bitterly disappointed with her brother for his reaction to what she still perceived to be wonderful news.  She sank down into her favourite fireside chair and laid a hand across her stomach.  The gesture took the edge off her anger, and she found herself wondering whether it was a boy or girl that was blossoming inside her womb, whether it mattered, and which she would prefer


Lachlan would prefer a boy of course- an heir to carry on his family legacy.  Muira didn

t begrudge him that heir.  In fact she wanted it for him.  She wanted to be a perfect wife, so that Lachlan never again regretted the circumstances of their marriage.  A son would surely endure her a constant place in his heart, wouldn

t it?


Muria was still thinking on these things when the door opened up and her husband strolled into the room.  She leapt instantly to her feet and rushed over to greet him warmly, but she was a little perturbed by his serious expression.


Lachlan?  Is something wrong?

she asked anxiously.  Muira

s husband was silent for a while, but finally he answered her.



ve just spoken to your brother,

he revealed slowly.  Muira gave an indignant little snort.  Ewan was still set very firmly in her bad graces. 


Lachlan choked. 

Are you only staying with me for the bairn?



Muira gasped. 


she shrieked.  Why didn

t anyone understand? 


m staying because I love you!

she blurted, and then clapped a hand over her mouth when she realised what she

d said.



d never meant to make the confession so baldly, so recklessly.  She

d certainly never meant to reveal her true feelings before Lachlan had made his own regard for her perfectly clear.  She lifted her eyes to her husband

s face, fearfully wondering how he was going to react.  Would he laugh?  Would he toss her love aside?  Or worse, would he take her devotion, but be unable to love her in return?  Muira tried to judge which was the most likely as she forced herself to gaze straight into Lachlan

s eyes, but she couldn

t quite discern his expression.


You love me?

he whispered, his usually strong voice breaking uncertainly over the words.


Muira considered denying him, but such an act was beneath her, and besides, she didn

t think that she
claim not to love him, not now.


I love you,

she repeated breathlessly.


Oh Muira,

Lachlan groaned, he reached for her, and then crushed her tight against his chest. 


he growled possessively. 

I love you too,

he swore,

I love you so much,

he confessed, smothering her lips beneath his own before Muira had any chance to respond. 


She positively melted in his arms, her heart was singing like a freed bird. 
He loved her
.  He had said that he loved her, and this time Muira couldn

t help but believe him.  She could feel his love in every brush of his lips and whisper of his fingertips, in was on his breath and in his eyes, and yet she couldn

t resist asking for reassurance.



Muira murmured thickly.  She blinked up at Lachlan with a dreamy smile and heavy lidded eyes.



he purred. 

Let me prove it to you?

he whispered huskily.


And how to you propose to do that?

Muira asked coyly.


Well first, I need to undress you,

Lachlan explained, with a rakish smile that sent Muira blood pounding through her veins. 

And then I

ll lay you on the bed and kiss every inch in you.

  His voice was hot and insistence against Muira

s throat. 

And then I

ll worship you,

he finished gutturally. 


Muira shivered at the certainty of his tone, and then she shivered again as he began to put his words into actions, tugging at her bodice.  She was breathless with need, with love, she couldn

t believe how blessed she really was!  He loved her.  He
loved her.



she panted, simply needing to say his name.  Her hands roamed his back, revelling in the feel of the hard muscles that lay beneath his shirt. 

I do love you,

she puffed, standing on tiptoes to kiss him, all of him, every part of him that she could reach.  She listened to Lachlan

s low groan of approval, and felt it sizzle through her body, coming to rest in her womb.


God, I

m so glad that you

re mine,

he growled.  Muria gave a little mew of agreement, but she shivered all the same

supposing that fate had never thrown them together?  She might have lived her whole life and never known that the MacRae

s tanist was the one man capable of winning her heart.



m so glad you found me!

she gasped, unable to hold the words in. 


Lachlan looked momentarily surprised, and then he dipped his head to kiss her again, fiercely, passionately,


It felt different in some way.  Being loved by Lachlan had always felt exquisite, but now, somehow, it felt even better.  It was almost as though Muira had only been feeling with half of her senses before.  She felt as though a veil had been lifted from her eyes, as if a layer of armour had been removed from her skin.  Everything was suddenly more vivid, more intense, and it was because of the love that they had finally set free. 

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