A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) (78 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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And she wants to break the news to you,

he snorted, apparently not noticing the way that the tanist

s face suddenly turned a deathly shade of grey, because he continued muttering unhappily to himself as he wandered off down the corridor.


Oh my God,

Lachlan groaned, running a shaky hand through his hair. 


His legs carried him unsteadily the few extra feet to the door of his room.  He had to stay strong, no matter what he was told- he had to be strong for Muira.  He repeated this to himself this very firmly, as he twisted the door handle and then stepped inside the room.


The sight that met Lachlan

s eyes was not at all what he had expected.  Muira was not lying in bed looking sickly and ill.  In fact, she was not lying in bed at all.  His wife was sitting at the table by the window, polishing off a pot of tea and some biscuits.  She turned when she heard him enter, and a smile instantly blossomed on her lips.



she beamed, getting up and rushing over to him. 

I didn

t expect you back so soon,

she said happily, wrapping her arms around his waist and placing a kiss on his cheek.



Lachlan stammered in complete confusion. 

I saw the doctor.  He said that you had some bad news to break to me?


Bad news?

Muira wrinkled her nose.


at any rate,

Lachlan pressed frantically. 

Muira, what

s going on?  What

s wrong with you?

he demanded, practically begging her to explain what was the matter.



with me,

Muira said carefully.


Lachlan gaped.  He felt a rush of relief, but then- 

But- I don

t understand- you were so sick and unwell, and-

he stopped rambling when his wife pressed a gentle finger against his lips.


Muria smiled up at him again.  Only this time she looked a little more uncertain, a little anxious almost, but there was a shimmer of

what looked like, excitement in her eyes too.



s wrong with me, Lachlan,

she repeated. 


m perfectly healthy.  I

m just-

she paused, but then continued breathlessly,


m just pregnant.



Lachlan was certain that he must have misheard, but one look at his wife

s face, at the way she was virtually
, told him everything that he needed to know. 


Do you- do you mind very much?

Muira asked weakly, looking anxious again.



Lachlan choked.  He swept Muira up into his arms and twirled her around the room. 

I think it

s wonderful- the best news you could have given me!

he gushed.


You do?

Muira whispered, joyfully tearful. 

Oh Lachlan!

she squealed throwing her arms about his neck. 

I was so afraid that you

d be cross,

she confessed, cuddling close to her husband once he

d stopped dancing her around the room.



he repeated, frowning. 

Why would you think that?


Muira chewed her lip warily. 

Well, it

s just that- with everything that

s happened lately- I didn

t know if it would be an extra strain, another change that you weren

t prepared for,

she murmured quietly.  She gave a little delighted shiver when Lachlan popped a kiss on the top of her head.


A brilliant change,

he assured her huskily, letting his hands wander possessively over her body.  Muira blushed when they circled her stomach, passing heavily over the still flat plane. 

A baby,

he murmured reverently, tugging her even closer. 


he breathed, and Muira positively glowed.


It was the best reaction on the part of her husband that she could have hoped for!  She offered her lips for a kiss that Lachlan was only too happy to impart, tendering smothering her mouth beneath his own, but Muira whimpered when he pulled back after only bestowing a chaste buss.  She gazed up at his face questioningly, and read the hesitation in his eyes.



s wrong?

she asked fearfully. 
Was it only the baby that he wanted now, and now her
, Muira wondered in terror.  Had she misread his reaction?



re carrying our baby now
he murmured hesitantly, and Muria suddenly thought she understood.  She giggled with the sheer relief that she felt.


Our baby won

t mind in the slightest if you kiss your wife properly,

she teased, her voice a sultry whisper.



Lachlan dipped his head again, so that his breath whispered against Muria

s lips. 

What else am I allowed to do properly?

he rasped.


Why Mr MacRae, I

m quite sure that I don

t know what you mean,

Muira smiled coyly.



m quite sure that you do,

Lachlan growled.  His hands drifted to her bottom, crushing her hips against his own, and forcing her to feel the obvious evidence of his arousal.



s breath caught in her throat.  Being wanting by Lachlan was the most thrilling feeling imaginable.  The hunger in his eyes made her burn and ache.  She raised a hand to his face, lovingly stroking his cheek with the backs of her fingers before knotting her hand in his thick hair.


You still want me?

she purred aloud in wonder.  It was all too good to be true.


For an intelligent woman you do ask the most ridiculous questions,

Lachlan scolded, but with no venom, only amusement.  He lowered his head again, so that he could lavish attention on the elegant curve of his wife

s throat. 

I always want you,

he confessed, his words reverberating through Muira

s skin. 


ll always want you,

he promised, nipping and licking, and making his wife gasp and writhe.


Show me,

she panted. 

Show me, Lachlan,

she begged desperately, bucking and grinding against his body. 

Love me,

she whispered, meaning her plea in every sense of the words.


That would make it all perfect,
Muria realised dimly.  If only Lachlan could repeat his declaration of love from the previous week.  And if only she could believe that he meant it

Muira tried to push those niggling little thoughts aside as she gave herself up to her husband

s ministrations, revelling in the feel of his hands, his lips, he felt like he was everywhere. 



s fingers were just tugging at the laces of his wife

s corset when there was a loud rap on the door.   Muira froze, and Lachlan cursed, and then the knocking was repeated, joined with a call of

Mrs MacRae?

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