Read A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) Online

Authors: Stephanie Sterling

A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) (43 page)

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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That doesn

t mean what, pet?

Bridghe asked gently.


That he

ll give her up,

Muira whispered brokenly, tears finally spilling down her cheeks.


Bridghe sat down on the side of the bed next to Muira and gave her a motherly hug. 

Do you really think Lachlan would do that to you?

she asked, but she answered her own question. 

Because I don

t.  I really don



But maybe he


Muira sobbed. 

Maybe he

d rather have Morag instead of me?


Muira don

t be so silly!

Bridghe exclaimed.


But I

m a Cameron and-


And he married you anyway,

Bridghe nodded firmly. 


t that tell you anything, Muira?


That he

d been trapped?  That he

d been forced?  That when he was with her he was thinking of someone else?





s supposition couldn

t have been further from the truth.  In fact, as Lachlan finished tending to some of his duties as tanist, his mind was dwelling very firmly on his wife.  It had been all day. 
If she was any better, if she was any worse, if she was asking for him

if he could sneak back and see her without being missed.


Lachlan was at least confident that he

d left his wife in competent hands however, there was no one he would have rather entrusted Muira to than Bridghe.  He was relieved that his sister was so willing to help.  He

d feared that she might take his mother

s side.  He hadn

t seen his mother since their supper together

when Muira had said she loved him.


He gave his head a fierce shake.  She hadn

t meant it.  It had been a lie told to save him. 
Did he want her to have meant it though? 
That was the question plaguing Lachlan

s thoughts.  Did he want Muira to love him?  And, did he love her?  He wasn

t sure if he did, but he was quite sure that he could.  The fear he

d felt as he had helpless watched as she fought her fever had convinced Lachlan of that fact.


It would be so easy to love Muira.  She was beautiful, spirited, intelligent and passionate

and her smile- her smile made him feel so very alive.  It warmed his heart and made him believe that everything would be all right if they were just together


Lachlan shook his head again.  He was in danger of doing what he

d always sworn that he wouldn

t- make a fool of himself for a woman.  That was why he

d never planned to marry for love, that was why attraction and compatibility were the only qualities he

d ever wanted in a wife.  Lachlan hated to be made vulnerable, and Muira had made him vulnerable


That was quite obvious- given that he was standing outside their bedroom door, with his hand on the door handle, without remembering walking through the castle to get there.


Here now though
, Lachlan reasoned,
there was really no sense turning around without seeing Muira first.


So, he pushed open the door and walked into the chamber.  A grin broke across his tired face when he saw that Muira was sitting up, resting against the pillows, looking around the room and properly seeing things with her keen, bright eyes.


And how is my favourite wife feeling this afternoon?

he asked cheerfully, unprepared for the deeply hurt look that Muira shot in his direction.  Lachlan frowned; unaware of anything he

d done to upset her. 



Bridghe has been doing a grand job looking after me,

Muira said quickly, glancing towards the fireplace.  Lachlan followed her gaze uncertainly, finding that his sister was sat by the fire sewing.  She looked up and shook her head at him.


Is something wrong?

Lachlan demanded slowly, completely bewildered. 

Muira?  You are feeling better?


My fever

s gone, yes,

she murmured, turning her head away from him, sinking back down into the pillows as if she intended to take a nap.



s frown deepened, he marched over to the bed, intent on forcing Muira to explain herself


His bewilderment grew when Bridghe got hurriedly up from her seat by the fireplace and murmured something about needing to find their sister, Eithne, about a dress pattern or something.  She nodded very pointedly at Liane, forcing the maid to follow her out of the room so that the newly wedded couple were left alone.


is going on?

Lachlan snapped, exhaustion and confusion shortening his temper.  His wife was still turned away from him however, so he wasn

t sure that he understood her mumbled reply. 


he barked.


I said-

Muira began, rolling over so that she could glare up at him.

-why don

t you go and ask Morag?



Lachlan repeated hesitantly.  The irritated anger drained away from his voice immediately, replaced by an obvious uncertainty. 

What do you mean?

he asked slowly, deciding the best course of action was to see what Muira actually knew before condemning himself.


I mean she was here showing off her ring,

Muira hissed, her voice was shaky and straining against tears it seemed. 


Lachlan wasn

t sure that he

d ever felt like such a heel.  The guilt that surged through his conscience was immense

the guilt for an action that he

d executed before he

d even
Muira.  He didn

her an apology, but he felt like dropping to his knees and begging his wife for her forgiveness anyway.


Muira, you have to understand, Morag was just a woman I knew before I met you,

he said gently, not trying to excuse what he

d done- not yet at any rate.  He

d been such an idiot for leaving the ring!  But he

d meant it, not as a token of affection as Muira clearly believed, but as a token of thanks and farewell.


a woman?

Muira snorted derisively.


Lachlan frowned. 

What do you mean by-?


And I

your wife I suppose?

she snapped.


I don

t know what you want me to do, Muira,

Lachlan sighed. 


s only a ring.  I can hardly demand it back.



s not the ring!

Muira wailed.  Lachlan only half believed her, but he did hold his breath to hear what she

d add. 


s- it


she sobbed. 

I don

t know how to explain,

she cried, burying her face in the pillows.

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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