33 Artists in 3 Acts (56 page)

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Authors: Sarah Thornton

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Biography, #Art

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media, 20

MediaNoise studio, 283

“media resonance,” 202

Medina, Cuauhtémoc, 166–69

Medusa, 258

memento mori, 30, 332


entrepreneurial, 326

as subject of art, 194–96

“Men of Allah” series (Ramin Haerizadeh), 78

mental illness:

art and, 39, 78, 95, 101, 245–51, 290, 296, 309

of Kusama, 313–14, 317–18

Mercedes (cook), 164

Mercosul Biennial, 38

Merda d’Artista
(Manzoni), 152

Metallic Venus
, 105–6, 108

Meta-Monumental Garage Sale
(Rosler), 97

Metro Pictures, 174, 240

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 3, 236, 241

Mexican-American border, 168

Mexico, art scene in, 29, 31, 32, 163, 335, 341

Mexico City, 31, 330

Centro Historico, 163–64

Michael Jackson and Bubbles
(Koons), 106

Michelangelo, 121

Midgette, Allen, 234

Milan, 187–88, 201

Milhazes, Beatriz,
, 339–44

artists defined by, 344

painting process of, 342–43

studio of, 339–42

military, gays in, 62–63, 69

Ming Dynasty, 45, 83

miniatures, miniaturization, 165, 201

Minimalism, 69, 297, 314

Mini Me
(Cattelan), 153

Miraculous Journey, The
(Hirst), 364, 367

Miró, Joan, 6

Miro, Victoria, 56

mirrors, mirroring, 7, 246, 315

Mohammad, Arsalan, 365, 367

, 365, 366

Mona Lisa
(Leonardo), 166

money, as subject of art, 353–60, 365

, 367

Monroe, Marilyn, 17, 227, 240

Montaigne, Michel de, 284

Monty Python, 257

Monument to Discarded Fantasies
(Fraser), 348

Morandi, Giorgio, 50

Mori Art Museum, 12, 86

Morris, Frances, 317, 318

Morrison, Van, 225

Morse Institute of Conceptual Art (MICA), 266

Moses, Grandma, 100

“Most Wanted Men” series (Warhol), 40, 79

(Cattelan), 130,
, 247

Mother and Child (Divided), Exhibition Copy 2007 (original 1993)
, 257

multimedia, 57

Munich, art scene in, 12, 44, 252

Murakami, Takashi, 272

murals, 30–31, 211, 214, 331–32

Murderme (company), 368

muro del diablo, el
(diabolic wall), 336

Murphy Sculpture Garden, 295

Murray, Elizabeth, 341

muses, xv, 61–62, 157, 173, 206, 375

mutual, 70–71

Museum Ludwig, Fraser retrospective at, 347

Museum of Contemporary Art, 3, 189

“Museum of Crying Women” exhibition (Vezzoli), 369

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA; N.Y.), 69, 97, 173, 211, 241, 287–88, 290, 291, 328

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA; S.F.), Sherman’s retrospective at, 211–12

musicians, music, 282, 359

Music of Regret, The
(Simmons), 137, 241

Muslims, 63, 65

fundamentalist, 79

laws of, 364, 365

Mutu, Wangechi,
, 56–59

artists defined by, 59

studios of, 56

, 240–41, 250

(Warhol), 272

Nadine (L. Dunham character), 134–36

Nafousi, Roxie, 370

Nagler, Linda Fregni, 254

nakedness, 269

in art, 5–6, 15, 17–18, 56, 78, 121–22, 142, 161, 196, 222, 229, 290, 375

narcissism, xiv, 153, 177, 308–9

Narcissus, 153, 177

Nash, Mark, 357–58, 360

artists defined by, 359

National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), 331

National Election
(Johnson), 221

National Geograph
, 57

Native Americans, 41

nature, as inspiration, 287

natures morte
, 257

Nauman, Bruce, 121, 190, 268, 367

neo-expressionism, 58

neoliberalism, neoliberal art, 99

Nesbett, Peter, 128–29

Neue Nationalgalerie, 3

neuroses, 120, 218, 242

“neurotic artists,” 295–97

“New, The” series (Koons), 92, 99

“New Genres” department (UCLA), 298

Newhouse, S. I., 79

New Jeff Koons, The
, 92

New Negro Escapist Social and Athletic Club (Kiss), The
(Johnson), 218–19

New York
(magazine), 158

New York, N.Y., 85, 201, 252, 283, 325, 368

art scene in, 3, 4, 5, 11, 15, 29, 30, 32, 46, 49, 53, 56, 69, 81, 101, 125, 151, 153, 205, 225, 281, 290, 291, 313–14

see also specific dis

New Yorker, The
, 19, 112, 179, 239

New York Times
, 112, 137, 155, 158, 363

“Next Bathers” series (C. Dunham), 226

“9.5 Theses on Art and Class” (Davis), 184

Ninth Hour, The
(“The Pope”) (Cattelan), 233

Nirvana, 71, 74

Nocito, Jason,

Noland, Cady, 325–28

high prices commanded by, 325

Noland, Kenneth, 326

“No man is an island” (Gioni), 233

Norman, Maia, 261

Novak, Kim, 240

NPR, 145, 221

Nutt, Jim, 6

Obama, Barack, 221–22

Obliteration of My Life
(Kusama), 312

Obrist, Hans Ulrich, 43

Occupy movement, 350, 356

Official Welcome
, 266–69, 296, 347, 377

O’Gorman, Juan, 331–32

Ojeikere, J. D. Okhai, 251

O’Keeffe, Georgia, 341

Oliva, Bonito, 236

(Manet), 160

Olympic Games, Beijing (2008), 9, 43

omnipotence, 299–300, 304

“On Becoming: Billy and Katie 1964” series (Carland), 72

On Becoming Mom #2
(Carland), 72

One Year Performance 1980–1981 (Time Clock Piece)
(Hsieh), 290

(Noland), 325, 327

Op art, 30, 340

orientalism, 66

originality, derivativeness vs., 78, 85, 121, 152, 166, 174, 191, 228, 283–84, 290–91

Origine du Monde, L’
(Courbet), 17–18, 107, 143

Orozco, Gabriel,
, xiv,
, 29–34, 37, 65, 128, 189, 190–91, 267,
, 331–37

artists defined by, 227

de facto studios of, 333

father of, 332

on Hirst, 332

home of, 29, 34, 331–34

implicit social commentary of, 31–34

informal art workshop of, 334

mother of, 333

Tate Modern retrospective of, 29–30, 34

youth of, 30–32

Orozco, José Clemente, 30

Ortega, Rafael, 167

Ortega, Raul, 167

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 325

Otero, Angel, 221

Other Criteria (company), 368

O’Toole, Erin, 212–13

outsider artists, outsider art, 101, 138, 149, 245–51, 296, 306, 309

Pain Quotidien, 325

“Painter, The” exhibition (Koons), 107–9

painting, xv, 340

photography and, 222, 251

postwar, 69

tantric, 249

of Zeng Fanzhi, 50

see also specific painters and works

Palazzo Grassi, 189

Palazzo Reale, Cattelan retrospective at, 188

Palermo, Sicily, 247

Palin, Michael, 257

Panama City, 164

panhandling signs, 119

paparazzi, 272, 370

Pape, Lygia, 341

Paradox of the Praxis I (Sometimes Doing Something Leads to Nothing)
, 164

“Paranoia Americana” (Parrino), 326

Paris Bar, 348

parody, 96

Parque Lage art school, 339

(midwife), 169

participatory installations, 97

Paschke, Ed, 6

Patriotic Tales
(Alÿs), 164

patronage, 129, 247
, 355, 358

Paula Cooper Gallery, 281

peacock, as analogy for artist, 249

peasant, as analogy for artist, 51

Pedrosa, Adriano, 61

peer groups, 230

Performa, 253

performance art, xv, 12–13, 111, 119, 121, 130, 163–64, 246, 253, 282, 287–92, 297, 299, 306, 307, 318, 348–49, 373–75

all art as, 271

crafting personalities in, 265–69

defined, 289

of long duration, 288, 290

public participation in, 11, 13, 287–88, 373

see also specific artists and present

“Performing the System, Performing the Self” exhibition, 271

Perlman, Hirsch, 298

Permanent Food
, 128, 152

Perry, Grayson, 272,
, 303–10

artists and craftspeople defined by, 308, 310

Perry, Philippa, 309

personas, xiii–xiv, 19, 33, 73, 142, 246, 348

Ataman on, 66

in Cattelan’s work, 152–53, 234, 272

of Dalton, 181

“Dittborn” as, 40

of Duchamp, xiii, 280

of Hirst, 262

of Koons, 5, 7, 19–20

of Perry, 305–6

of Sherman, 171, 174–75

of Warhol, 7

“perverse artists,” 295–96

Petzel, Friedrich, 276

Petzel Gallery, 276–77

phallocentric art, 121–22

Philosophy of Andy Warhol, The
(Warhol), 7, 46

photography, xv, 30, 32, 69, 83–84, 92, 130, 133, 136–38, 149, 156–57, 161, 164, 172–77, 179, 193, 202, 206, 211–14, 217–23, 250, 251, 252–54, 262, 282, 291, 298, 315, 366

African, 251

Depression era, 72

digital strategies in, 214

gay, 121

and painting, 222

post-production in, 174–75

rationing in reproduction of, 181

record selling price for, 174

see also specific artists and works

photo-reportage, 72

Photoshop, 214

Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, The
(Hirst), 257, 263

remake of, 322

Piazza Affari, 187, 191

Picabia, Francis, 6, 19

Picasso, Pablo, 40, 50, 52, 79, 143, 247, 295, 375

picture frames, 212, 226

Picture of Dorain Gray, Th
, 213

“Pictures Generation,” 240

pigeons, taxidermied, 247

pilgrimages, 306

pill and medicine cabinets, 257, 368

“piña nona” paintings (Orozco), 331–32

Pinault, François, 49, 251

Pinchuk, Victor, 262, 321

Pinocchio, 189, 196, 201

Pinochet, Augusto, 37, 40–41

Pissarro, Joachim, 109

, 173

, 353–60

poetic license, 168

Police Drawing
(Baldessari), 127

police sketch artists, 127–28, 152


Ai Weiwei’s activism, 9–13, 23–26, 43–47, 53, 83–88, 96, 112–14

art driven by, xv, 1–114, 160

art market and, 99–100

conservative, 108

feminist, 18, 59, 65, 95–102, 160, 172

gay, 62–66

identity, 66

as implicit for Orozco, 31

as implicit for Zeng Fanzhi, 49–53

Koons’s on, 17, 108

Mutu on, 59

Rosler on, 98–99

Pollock, Jackson, 33, 221, 295, 314

Ponce, Manuel Barbachano, 332

(Koons), 78

Pop art, 33, 79, 172, 247, 322

kitsch in, 4

“Pope, The” (a.k.a.
The Ninth Hour
; Cattelan), 233–34, 247

“Popeye” series (Koons), 6, 126

“Pop Life” exhibition, 271, 277, 306

popular culture, 5, 66

pornography, 5–6, 57, 78, 125, 142, 157, 277

“Portraits” series (Zeng), 52

Portrait with Firewood
), 291

Post-Boom Odds
(Powhida), 184

pottery, potters, 303–5, 309

poverty, 182

of Ai family, 25–26

of Carland, 71–72

of Cattelan, 150

of Fraser, 297

of Julian, 357

Powhida, William, 180, 182–85

Prada, Miuccia, 273, 369

Pratt Institute of Art, 189

Price, Seth, 149

Prince, Richard, 172, 230, 323

Princeton University, 113, 137

producers, 206–7

(Fraser), 297,
, 373–75

propaganda, 97–98

prostitute, as analogy for artist, 276, 349

Pruitt, Rob, 272

, 283

psychopaths, 326

psychotherapy, 297, 304

as art, 373–74

psychotic artists, 295–96

Public Enemy, 222


artists’ promotions, 3–5, 109, 191, 211, 261
, 262, 313, 314

as medium for art, 271

reputation management, 15

public relations, 51–52

pumpkins, 317–18

punk music scene, 71, 74

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