33 Artists in 3 Acts (54 page)

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Authors: Sarah Thornton

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Biography, #Art

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Facebook, 183

(Ai Weiwei), 12, 45

Fake design company, 43–45, 85, 88

Fall of Communism as Seen in Gay Pornography, The
(Jones), 121

False Idol
(Hirst), 273, 275


acceptance and, 120

art as surrogate, 153

Dunham, Carroll; Dunham, Grace; Dunham, Lena; Simmons, Laurie

estrangement from, 172

gay community as, 121

kinship in, xv–xvi, 214

Family Business, 201

(fantasies; costumes), 348

Fantôme Afrique
(Julien), 356

Farrakhan, Louis, 218

fashion, 57, 218

and, 289

Cattelan and, 125

industry, 175

Kusama and, 315–16

Sherman and, 212

(Cattelan), 189

feminism, 18, 59, 65, 95–102, 160, 172, 183, 296, 349

Ferrari, Peirpaolo, 201–2

fertility, as theme, 106, 108, 142, 158, 226

fetishes, 305

“Fiction” series (Ataman), 62–63

“Field of Art, The” course, 298

Filicudi island, 201

films, filmmaking, 63–64, 133–36, 137, 140–41, 156, 167, 205–6, 240–41, 353–60

art as production of, 353–60

commercial vs. independent, 354–55

craft of, 358

documentary, 72, 126, 313

editing of, 283

improvisation in, 354–55, 359

montage of clips from, 279–84

multiple screens in, 356

soundtracks for, 282–83

see also
video art;
specific artists and works

Final Cut Pro software, 280

financial crisis (2008), 274

art market and, 350

Finch, Adam, 356, 358, 360

Fireflies over the Water
(Kusama), 315

Fischer, Urs, 235

Fischl, Eric, 230

Five Deaths
(Warhol), 261

Flash Art
, 5

flip-flops, 340–41

Flowers and Trees

folded drawings, 34, 37–41

folk art, 32–33

Fondation Beyeler, 248–49, 251

Koons exhibition at, 91–92

Fondation Louis Vuitton, 358, 370

(Ataman), 63

Forever Bicycles
(Ai Weiwei), 30

Forgotten Baby
(Elmgreen & Dragset), 201

For Heaven’s Sake

formalists, 143

“For Tammy Rae,” (Hanna) 71

Fortes Vilaça, 340

For the Love of God
(Hirst), 274, 323, 332,
, 364–65

Foster, Norman, 43

found art, 38, 326

(Duchamp), xiii, 152, 305

Four Bicycles (There is Always One Direction)
(Orozco), 30

Fraga, Juan, 336–37

Fragonard, Jean Honoré, 19

Frankfurt, art scene in, 105–9

Frantz Fanon: Black Skin White Mask
(Julien and Nash), 357

Fraser, Andrea,
, 265–69,
, 271, 275–76,
, 295–300, 306,
, 347–51,
, 373–77

on Abramovi
, 376

artists defined by, 266, 295–300, 376–77

art market criticized by, 350

essays of, 350–51

on Hirst, 376

Hirst compared to, xv, 275, 277

Kippenberger monologue by, 349

moral heritage of, 296

office/studio of, 298


artistic, xvi, 52–53, 202, 369

and omnipotence, 299–300, 321

of speech, xv, 46, 88, 92, 368

of thought, 23, 41, 52

through technology, 112

freeport, 364

“Freeze” exhibition, 262

Freud, Lucian, 17

Freud, Sigmund, 217–18, 299

Freudian interpretations, 6–7

Freud Museum, 217

friendships, 158

Frivolous Now, The
(G. Perry), 309

Fujiwara, Simon, 121

Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam, 321

Gagosian, Larry, 49, 174, 268, 328

and Koons, 77–80

Gagosian Gallery:

Britannia Street, 321–22

N.Y., 15, 79, 328, 370


function of, 99, 317

kinship of, 166

see also specific galleries

garbage dump, 247

Garcia, Juan, 166

gay pride, 296

gays, 317

as artists, 5, 17, 62–63, 77, 252, 357–58, 360

in collaborative art,
Elmgreen and Dragset

as subjects of art, 62–66, 70, 354–55

see also

Gelant, Germano, 236

Geldzahler, Henry, 236

gender, 130, 157, 194–95, 303, 305–6

and career success, 133, 135–36, 179–81, 289

in personas, xiii, 173, 175, 280

as subject of art, 307

see also
cross-dressing; men; women

General Idea, 5,

Generali Foundation, 276

genitalia, 58, 121, 137, 142, 158, 195, 222, 227, 249, 250, 272, 296, 315, 316, 364

Geppetto, as analogy for artist, 189

Germany, art scene in, 105–9, 347–48, 367

Giacometti, Alberto, 167, 179

, 117, 121, 245, 246, 249

Gilbert and George, 118

Gilliam, Sam, 221

Gingeras, Alison, 271, 275

Gioni, Massimiliano, xvi, 184, 201, 233–37

artists defined by, 235, 246

as Cattelan “imposter,” 126, 150, 234

at Venice Biennale artists’ opening, 245–46, 249, 252, 253, 254

, xvi, 205–8, 239

Gladstone, Barbara, 56, 194, 228, 250

Gladstone Gallery, 142, 225–26


as an artist, 366

Muslim use of, 365

transitional object as, 304

Godfather, The
, 190

Goldberg, RoseLee, 253

Golden Calf, The
(Hirst), controversy over, 274, 323, 370

Golden Globe Awards, 239

Golden Mask
), 291

Goldsmiths College, 262

González-Torres, Félix, 29, 62, 65, 69–70

Google, 13

Goose Wot Laid the Golden Egg, The (company), 368

Gordon, Douglas, 283

, 365

graffiti, 187, 296–97

artists, 58

Graham-Dixon, Andrew, 175

Graw, Isabelle, 107–8

Great Wall Walk, The
), 290

Greenberg, Clement, 234

Greenberg, Jeanne, 194, 240

Green Line, The
(Alÿs), 167–68

Greenpoint, Brooklyn, 95

Greenwich Village, N.Y., 29

Guggenheim Museum, Cattelan retrospective at, 151, 199–200, 202

Guston, Philip, 221

Haerizadeh, Ramin and Rokni, 78

Hagenberg, Roland, 17

hallucinations, 313, 317

“Hands Up for Hirst: How the bad boy of Brit-Art grew rich at the expense of his investors” (S. Thornton), 363

Hanging Heart (Magenta/Gold)
(Koons), 80, 258

Hanna, Kathleen, 71

Hannah (L. Dunham character), 208

“happenings,” 318

Harlem, art scene in, 126–29, 131, 328

Harper’s Bazaar Art Arabia
, 365, 367

Harvard University, 191, 219, 267

Harvey, David, 355

Hassan, Sheikh, 369

Hatoum, Mona, 65

Haus der Kunst, 12, 44

HBO, 156, 205–6

Hearst, Patty, 326

Hearst, Randolph, 326

hedge funds, 354, 355

Heibling, Lorenz, 50

Hendricks, Barkley, 222–23

Hepburn, Audrey, 240

Heron Tower, 353

He Said, She Said
(Dalton), 181

He Thinks He’s Picasso
(Bonami), 190

Hidden Mother, The
(Nagler), 254

(Cattelan), 200

hip-hop, 222

hippie counterculture, 296

Hirschhorn, Thomas, 267

Hirshhorn Museum, 86–87, 111–13

Hirst, Damien, 206,
, 257–63, 268, 273–77, 296, 306,
, 321–24, 332,
, 363–70, 376

and Bonami, 364–65, 368–69

commercialism of, 261–62, 273–75, 277, 280, 332, 343–44, 365–66, 376

companies of, 368

controversy over, 274

criticism of, 321–22, 369

declining market for, 313, 363–64

Devonshire farmhouse of, 161, 257, 321, 363

as disdainful of authority, 262–63

Fraser compared to, xv, 275, 277

Koons compared to, 275

paintings of, 257–59, 321–23

as prolific, 260

sculpture of, 257, 260, 322, 364

“shed” studio of, 257–60

Sotheby’s auction of, 261–62, 273–75, 323, 325, 335, 366, 368, 370

Tate Modern retrospective of, 322–23, 370

“History of the Human Face, The” series (Dittborn), 40

“History Portraits/Old Masters” series (Sherman), 175

Hitchcock, Alfred, 172, 283

Hitler, Adolf, 200

hoaxes, 126, 128, 150, 187, 189, 234

Hockney, David, 322

Hoffmann, Jens, 61, 128

Hohmann, Silke, 366–67

Holiday, Billie, 357

Holley, Lonnie, 101

Hollywood, 239, 240, 280, 283, 357

(Cattelan), 247

Holy Roman Empire, 61

Holzer, Jenny, 100

Hong Kong, art scene in, 49

Hoover vacuums, 92, 99, 144

horses, taxidermied, 125, 191, 248–49, 251, 258, 272

Horses Running Endlessly
, 31

“Hospital” series (Zeng Fanzhi), 52

House Arrest
(Johnson), 222

“House Beautiful: Bringing the War Home” (Rosler), 97–99

“How Do Artists Live?” series (Dalton), 228

How Do Artists Live? (Will Having Children Hurt My Art Career?
) (Dalton),
, 180–81

How the New Museum Committed Suicide with Banality
(Powhida), 184

How to Stay Sane
(P. Perry), 309

Hsieh, Tehching, 290

Hudson, N.Y., 292

Huerta, Enrique, 166

(residence license), 45

“Hulk Elvis” series (Koons), 17

Hulk (Friends)
(Koons), 18, 106

human rights, xv, 10–12, 46, 58, 96

Hu Mingfen, 44

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