15 Targeted (44 page)

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Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Tags: #steamy science fiction, #HEA, #brides of the kindred, #happy ending, #evangeline anderson, #alpha male, #spicy romance, #hot romance

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Tragar seemed to sense what was happening to her.

“Sit up some and bring your breasts to my mouth,” he ordered hoarsely. “Let me suck your tight nipples as you rub me against your pussy.”

Moaning again, Emily obeyed. She gasped when he captured one stiff peak between his lips but didn’t try to get away when he began to suck. She could feel the star-silver shaft loosening inside her as the chemicals in his pre-cum made her pussy hot and wet and open. She was sure the alien metal would come out soon and when it did, she was certain she was going to come…come so

“Tragar,” she gasped, pressing against him. “I’m so close! Think I’m going to…going to…”

“Yes, my
the big Kindred murmured, pausing his sucking for a moment. “Yes, come for me. Come all over my shaft as I suck the nectar from your breasts.”

He captured her other tight, pink nub between his lips and sucked hard, pulling the tender tip deeply into his hot mouth. At the same time, Emily rubbed the head of his cock over her swollen clit, sliding his flesh across hers and feeling the healing, tingling pre-cum coat her folds.

Oh God, it felt so good…so
Right in a way no other man’s touch had ever felt on her body. It was as though she was a plant that had been thirsty and dry all her life and the big Kindred knew exactly how to make her bloom. She felt herself opening for him…responding to the touch of his body against hers…giving herself up to the bliss only he could give her.

Suddenly, the star-silver shaft slid free. The pleasure that had been building inside her, looking for an escape, exploded like fireworks deep inside her as she finally reached the elusive peak she’d been reaching for. At the same time, she felt an answering release from the breast that Tragar was sucking.

“Ah! Tragar!” she moaned with equal parts relief and pleasure as she pressed against his mouth, her eyes tightly shut.

Tragar growled and gripped her hips tightly, pulling her forward. She could still feel his hard shaft throbbing against her now open pussy and she had a sudden fierce desire to sink down on him, to take his thickness deep inside her aching pussy and let him give her everything she needed.

The impulse was so strong she actually fit the head of his cock to her entrance and began to lower herself onto him. She needed him—God, she needed him
filling her…

The broad, plum-shaped head of his cock had actually entered her when Tragar seemed to realize what was happening. He stopped sucking her breast abruptly and pulled back, a look of horror on his face.

no! We cannot—we
not! You are only in the second stage of your
a second early breeding would mean your death!”

“But I want it—I
it!” Emily squirmed in his lap, desperate to get more of his thick shaft inside her. She especially wanted to feel his mating fist entering her, stretching her wide as she took every last bit of his shaft deep in her pussy.

“No!” Tragar pulled out of her in one swift motion and held her back, a look of regret and determination stamped on his strong features. “Emily, please,” he pleaded. “Stop this—stop and look at me.”

Unwillingly, she raised her eyes to his. She could see pleading in their golden depths as well as a lust that matched her own.

He wants this,
a little voice whispered to her.
Wants it as badly as you do—hell, maybe even more. But he won’t do it because he doesn’t want to hurt you. Because he knows it would be bad for you.

The thought made her pause and take a deep breath. If Tragar really did want to be inside her as badly as she wanted him there and yet had the willpower to hold himself back, couldn’t she hold herself back too? She needed to show some self control here—needed to overcome the hormones that were shouting like an angry crowd inside her and have some common sense. But God, it was hard…so hard when every atom in her body was crying out that she needed him filling, fucking her, claiming her

“All right,” she said, taking a deep breath. “All right, I’m sorry. I just kind of…lost it there for a moment.”

“Understandable,” the big Kindred rumbled. “I am told that a rush of lust often accompanies the first flowing of a

“Am I? Flowing?” Emily looked down at herself and was horrified to find that one breast was now noticeably smaller than the other. “Oh my God, I’m lopsided!” she exclaimed.

“It’s only that I haven’t drained the nectar from your left breast yet.” He stroked the full globe which still radiated an aching fullness that Emily could feel all through her chest and torso.

Her left breast suddenly started aching so fiercely she didn’t know if she could stand it.

“Well, uh, can you? I mean, if you don’t mind?” she asked desperately.

“Of course I don’t mind, my
he said gently. “It’s just that…”

“Just that what?” Emily demanded, beginning to get worried. “What’s wrong?”

He shook his head. “It’s just that while I was draining your right breast, your nectar should have started flowing spontaneously from the left. Do you remember what I told you—that a
breasts should flow like a fountain when she is in the second stage of

“Yes, of course I remember.” Emily shuddered. “Ugh, I
don’t want that to happen.”

“But it
to happen,” he said earnestly. “Otherwise your breasts will continue to fill with nectar with no way to relieve them. Well, other than for me to continue draining them for you.”

Emily bit her lip. “Oh, I’m so sorry. That’s…it’s really not fair to ask you to do that. Is there someplace we could buy a breast pump around here?”

He raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you seriously suggesting that we use an artificial device to pump the nectar from your breasts?”

Emily shrugged. “Well…yeah? Why not?”

“Because it’s blasphemy,” Tragar said harshly. “Even worse than the sacrilege I commit by sucking it from you with my mouth.”

“Okay, sorry!” Emily threw up her hands but the sudden motion jiggled her full left breast, making her groan. God, it seemed like it hurt even more now that the right breast was back to normal! Why was that?

“Forgive me,
my Khalla.”
Tragar cupped her full globe, caressing her gently with his big, warm hand. “I should not be debating with you when you are still in pain and need. Allow me to help ease your discomfort.”

Without waiting for a reply, he ducked his head and sucked her left nipple deep into his mouth, taking as much of her breast between his lips at once as he could.

Emily gave a long, low moan of mingled pleasure and release as she felt the deep pressure begin to ease. Before when he’d sucked her, she’d had her eyes tightly closed. This time, though, she watched…watched as the big Kindred sucked her full globe, caressing and massaging her breast to help her release the nectar. She watched the strong column of his throat move as he swallowed, drinking her down, taking all she had to offer and looking for more.

The sight of the big Kindred sucking her breast made her feel hot and breathless.
He’s just doing this to help me—that’s all,
she told herself.
I have to stay in control this time!
But her stern lecture to herself didn’t help—she couldn’t help getting aroused all over again. His hot mouth on her tender peak giving her pleasure and relief from the constant pain she’d been in for so long was sexual and healing at the same time. With each deep pull on her nipple, she felt an answering surge in her pussy until she was nearly moaning with desire.

Without thinking about it, she sank down in his lap until she felt the thickness of his shaft brushing against her outer pussy. She had the sudden urge to feel him against her again, to feel him sliding against her as he suckled her nipple in strong, deep pulls. Sinking lower, she felt his thick cock nestle between her pussy lips until he was rubbing against her swollen clit…rubbing in just the right way.

Oh God, feels good…so good!

“Emily…” Tragar stopped sucking for a moment, looking at her warningly.

“What?” she asked hazily. “I’m not…not trying to put it in me. I just want to rub against you some. Is there some law against that? Is it more sacrilege or blasphemy or whatever?”

“No, but it makes it damn hard for me to resist you,” he growled. “Feeling your soft, hot little pussy rubbing against my naked shaft makes me long to breed you which I know I must never do.” He gave one last deep pull on her breast and then sat back. “I am finished now, anyway. It’s time both of us covered ourselves.”

Emily looked down and realized her breasts were the same size now. Which was still larger than she was used to, but not nearly as huge and swollen as they had become ever since she’d entered the second stage of her Shift.
No more porn star titties!

“Thank God,” she said aloud, breathing a sigh of relief. “I’m so glad that’s over.”

“I’m afraid it’s not.” Tragar looked troubled. “Your nectar is still not flowing spontaneously as it should. And I think I know why—look.” He pinched one of her nipples gently, rolling the turgid pink point between his thumb and forefinger until Emily gasped in mingled pain and pleasure.

“What…why…?” she began.

“Look,” Tragar said again. He was pointing to the thick amber droplet of nectar he’d squeezed from her sensitive peak.

“What’s wrong with it?” Emily asked. “It’s clearer now—not cloudy like it was before.”

“It’s also much thicker than it should be,” Tragar rumbled. “Which is why I had to suck so hard to get it to flow in the first place. Your nectar should be almost as thin as water right now—instead it’s like
berry syrup.”

“I don’t know what a
berry is, but I take it that’s not good?” Emily asked.

He shook his head. “Not good at all.”

“Are you
you don’t want to just get a breast pump? I mean, if it’s so much work…”

“It is my very great pleasure to suck your breasts, my
he rumbled, his eyes burning with need. “But even if using a mechanical device to pump out your nectar wasn’t a sacrilege, it would not be possible. Your nectar is simply too thick.”

“What are we going to do?” Emily asked. “I mean, when I, uh, fill up again. Because I will—won’t I?”

“I’m afraid so.” He looked at her gravely. “I will simply have to keep sucking your peaks at regular intervals until the nectar begins to flow spontaneously—if it ever does, that is.”

“I did this to myself, didn’t I?” Emily asked in a small voice. “By putting the star-silver dildo-thing up inside me, I mean.”

“I’m afraid the star-silver is to blame. You, however, are not.” He cupped her cheek. “I take full responsibility for this on myself. I should never have left you in the shuttle where the voice witch could find you.”

“I still don’t remember much about her,” Emily confessed. “Only that she seemed really nice and sweet and that she wanted to help me.”

“That is a false memory,” Tragar said harshly. “She did her level best to harm you, my
She sent you into the Howlund alone and unarmed at a time when all of the males there were near their Change. You might have been

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