15 Targeted

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Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Tags: #steamy science fiction, #HEA, #brides of the kindred, #happy ending, #evangeline anderson, #alpha male, #spicy romance, #hot romance

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Brides of the Kindred


Book 15: Targeted


Evangeline Anderson



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Evangeline Anderson Books


Brides of the Kindred

Book 15: Targeted

Copyright © 2015 by Evangeline Anderson


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Author’s Note #1:
To be the first to hear about new e-book releases, join my new
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Author’s Note #2:
I'm happy to let you all know that I am going into Audio in a big way. I put both Claimed and Hunted into the audio format and I had such a great response from readers and listeners, that I have decided to put ALL the Kindred books, plus all my Born to Darkness books into audio. If you have a long commute or you'd like something new to listen at the gym or just around the house, give it a try. The Kindred books are performed by the very talented Anne Johnstonbrown whom I hand-picked to read the series and she really brings the characters to life. Looks for Sought, Found, and Revealed as well as my stand alone book, Purity, to be out in the Audio format by the end of 2015.


Author's Note 3#
I'm trying to find out which of my readers are also listeners. For a chance to win a free audio book, sign up for my new
Audio book newsletter.
It's the same as my e-book newsletter, but only for audio. And as always, I promise not to bother you unless I have a new audio book out or I'm running a contest with an audio book as one of the prizes.


Hugs and Happy Reading and Listening to you all,

Evangeline Anderson July, 2015

Other Books by Evangeline Anderson

Brides of the Kindred
books (in order)

(also available in print and as an audio book)

(also available in print and as an audio book)

(coming soon in audio)

(coming soon in audio)







(also available in print)





Forgotten coming Fall of 2015

Stand Alone Novels

(coming soon in audio)


Born to Darkness
Paranormal series

Crimson Debt
(coming soon in audio)

Scarlet Heat
(coming soon in audio)

Ruby Shadows
(coming soon in audio)

Cardinal Sins (coming soon)

The above books are just a small sample of Evangeline's work. For a complete list of books from all publishers, please visit her











Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Kindred 16:
Forgotten excerpt

Kindred Glossary

Also by Evangeline Anderson

About the Author






It was happening again.

Emily Brooks gasped as a flash of heat swept over her body. It started in her lower pelvis and rolled outward, like flames licking her skin from the inside out, stealing her breath and making every inch of her tingle with unwanted heat.

Oh God, ohGodohGod…No, please—not this—not this again!

Her hands clenched into fists at her sides and her toes curled in her sensible low heeled shoes. The shapeless cotton dress she wore was suddenly too hot—sticking to her full-figured body with the dew of sweat that bloomed across her flushed skin. The hair at the nape of her neck was prickling with tension and her eyes burned. Not like she’d gotten soap in them, though—they burned as if there was some strange heat source behind them. As though there was a flame inside her brain that was burning its way out.

But though all these weird physical problems were uncomfortable and strange, they weren’t what Emily feared the most. She feared the
coming out. The one she sometimes glimpsed in the mirror. The one inside of her who was getting closer to the surface every day…

“Miss Brooks? Miss Brooks, Avery pushed me!”

“Did not. Anyway, she pushed me first.”

“Did not!”

“Did so!”

Taking a deep breath, Emily forced herself to forget about what was happening inside her and concentrate on the kindergarten class under her care at George Washington Elementary.

Her stress must have come through in her voice, because all fifteen of her kids got suddenly quiet and looked at her with large eyes.

Oh God, what do they see? Do they see what I see when I look in the mirror?

Emily took a deep breath…then another. Calm, she had to be calm. It was only 9:30 and she had to make it until 2:15 when the bell rang for dismissal.

“Miss Brooks,” ventured Avery Andrews. “Do you feel okay? Maybe you oughta go to the nurse.”

“I’m fine, Avery. Thank you for your concern though—that’s sweet.”

Emily did her best to smile at the little boy who was the class clown but so endearing you couldn’t help but love him.

“You don’t
fine,” Kelsey Pincter remarked.

“Yeah, your eyes look funny.” Miracle Jackson said. “All sparky and hot. Like you gots a candle in your head, right behind your eyes—like a jack-o-lantern.”

Like a jack-o-lantern…
Emily took another deep breath.

“I’m just
she said again more firmly. “Or I will be if everyone will settle down before we go into the library. Other students are studying in here so we need to be…what?”

“Quiet!” they all chorused loudly and each of them put a finger to his or her lips. “Shhhh!”

Emily tried to smile. Normally her class was the light of her life—she loved kids and since she was never going to have any of her own, being a kindergarten teacher was wonderful. But just now she felt shaky and hot and out of breath—like she’d just run an hour on the treadmill at the gym. Not that she could usually do more than a brisk walk for that long but still—that was the feeling she had.

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