15 Targeted (20 page)

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Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Tags: #steamy science fiction, #HEA, #brides of the kindred, #happy ending, #evangeline anderson, #alpha male, #spicy romance, #hot romance

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Emily thought she was prepared in case the pain came back but as the big Kindred applied pressure to her tight peaks, the last thing she’d expected happened. A pleasure every bit as sharp and bright as the agony she’d felt earlier with her own touch flared through her.

“Ah!” she gasped as the whipcrack orgasm raced through her body. “Oh,
She jerked forward, pressing her breasts against his hands involuntarily, as though her body was begging for more. Her pussy was suddenly on fire with need.

The orgasm was such an unfamiliar sensation that at first Emily didn’t even know what had happened. She’d been completely sexless ever since the rape. She’d tried never to think about sex or watch sexy movies or read even mildly spicy romance novels. Touching herself—which she had sometimes indulged in during college before that awful night with Grayson—was out of the question. She just didn’t want anything to do with any of it.

But now the big Kindred had given her the first orgasm she’d had in years and just from squeezing her nipples. It was a sharp, quick pleasure that was over almost as soon as it started but his touch on her breasts had definitely made her come.

“Emily?” He was looking at her with concern in his golden eyes but didn’t quite release her nipples. “What happened?” he asked softly. “Was it painful?”

“No, just…” She took a ragged breath, trying to still her pounding heart. She could still feel the aftershocks from the intense pleasure running from her tight nipples to her pussy. Her pussy which suddenly felt incredibly wet and swollen. “Just unexpected,” she finally managed to gasp out.

He raised an eyebrow at her, clearly wanting to know what was going on. But Emily wasn’t about to tell him she’d just had her first orgasm since college just from him pinching her nipples. She pressed her thighs together tightly, hoping he wouldn’t guess.

“Um…what about the test?” she said, trying to gather her scattered thoughts and get back to the point. “What happened?”

“See for yourself,” he rumbled, releasing her nipples to her mingled regret and relief.

Emily looked down and saw a small bead of cloudy amber liquid perched at the tip of her right nipple and another, slightly larger one perched on the left. It looked a little like honey that had started to crystallize.

“Oh my God,” she said unsteadily. “What…what does that mean?”

“It’s not as bad as I feared.” Tragar studied the small beads of liquid thoughtfully. “There isn’t much nectar and it is thick and not too clear.”

“And that’s good because…?” Emily asked, still looking at her breasts.

“When you are fully into
the nectar should run clear and flow easily,” he rumbled. “I have heard stories of
whose breasts ran like fountains with their sweet nectar.”

“What?” Emily shook her head in disbelief. “You’re telling me that soon I’ll be shooting this stuff
That I’ll be flowing like a

He looked at her, his golden eyes half-lidded with some emotion she was afraid to name.

“It’s thought to be very beautiful by our people, Emily. Flowing nectar demonstrates a
fertility and bounty. It is considered good luck.”

“Not by me.” Emily ran her hand through her hair distractedly. God, what could she do to halt this process which kept getting weirder and weirder? Maybe someone on his home planet of Rageron could help her since they all seemed to know all about it. “So…we have time to get to your home planet?” she asked, indicating her bare breasts.

He frowned. “That remains to be seen. Rageron is at least two weeks journey from here because my craft cannot fold space. I have to rely on stable wormholes to make my way through the universe.”

“But we’re going to
, right?”

“Possibly. There is one last test. I must taste the nectar.”

“Uh, really? You want to
it?” Emily had been planning to go in the bathroom—where ever it was in his ship—and wash it off. “What will that prove?” she asked.

“If the nectar is bland, you should remain in the first stage of
for some time—hopefully buying us time to get to Rageron. But if it’s sweet…” He shook his head. “That will limit our time to get there considerably.”

“All right. Um, if you say so.” Emily shifted uncomfortably. “I guess if you really don’t mind tasting it…”

“Tasting the nectar of a
is considered a great honor,” he murmured.

“All right. And how do you want to…” She motioned at her jutting breasts, not sure how to finish.

“If you would permit me, the traditional way is to taste the nectar right from the source,” he said gravely.

Emily’s heart, which had begun to slow down a little, started beating double time again.

“So you’re asking if you can suck my…”

But he was already shaking his head.

“No, sucking is forbidden and wrong. Besides, such an action would surely stimulate the nectar to flow and cause you to pass through the early stages of
too quickly. Think of it as more of a kiss—I ask only to take your nipple within my mouth for a moment and bathe it with my tongue in order to taste your nectar.”

“Oh, uh…” Emily squeezed her thighs together even tighter, feeling hot and bothered all over again.
It shouldn’t be a big deal,
she argued with herself.
He’s just testing to see what’s going on. And besides, he’s been touching and pinching your nipples already—why should having his tongue on you for a minute be any different?

But somehow it
different, and the thought of the big Kindred taking one of her nipples between those sensuous lips and lapping at the tight, sensitive peak made her pussy throb. But what else could she do?

Tragar was waiting quietly, watching her face as she decided whether she would permit this or not. His patience and the fact that he wasn’t pushing her or demanding she let him do this helped decide her.

“Go ahead,” she whispered at last, straightening her shoulders and pressing her breasts out toward him. “I…I guess it’s all right.”

“You honor me,” he said gravely in that deep, rumbling voice. Then, to her surprise, he got off the bed and got on his knees before her.

“Um…why are you…?” She indicated his position.

“I’m showing reverence to a
You honor me greatly with your trust, allowing me to take your nipple between my lips even for a moment,” he said.

“Oh…” Emily bit her lip. As it turned out, his change in position was also beneficial. Because he was so much taller than her, it helped put his face more or less on the level of her breasts.

he murmured, and cupped her right breast in his hand very gently. Then, his eyes never leaving hers, he leaned forward and placed a hot, open-mouthed kiss on her tight peak.

Emily bit back a gasp as she watched her full pink nipple slip slowly into his mouth. True to his word he didn’t suck her at all but she did feel the warm, wet glide of his tongue circling her areola and then, slowly, lapping gently but firmly over her sensitive bud.

“Oh,” she couldn’t help moaning as her pussy throbbed again. She squeezed her thighs tightly together, wishing she’d thought to put her panties back on. But they were still around her ankles from the spanking earlier. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so bare and vulnerable…or so hot.

Tragar seemed to take a long,
time to taste the small droplet of nectar which had been perched on the tip of her nipple. He caressed her peak over and over, lapping slowly with his hot tongue, making her squirm. Emily was afraid she might come again and indeed, she did feel the pleasure beginning to grow, but somehow she was able to keep from shaming herself while he licked her.

At long last he withdrew, leaving her puffy nipple shiny and wet. Emily shivered and suppressed a moan as the cool air of the room swirled around her tight peak.

“Well?” she somehow made herself ask.

He frowned. “I
it’s sweet.”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “Do you…do you need to taste the other one to be sure?” Why was she offering to let him do this to her again? She didn’t know—the words just seemed to come out on their own.

His golden eyes were half-lidded again as he looked at her.

“It might be best,” he rumbled.

“Well then. I mean, I guess if you

Biting her lip, Emily thrust her other breast forward, offering herself to him.

“Gods, you’re beautiful,” he murmured hoarsely. “You honor me deeply, allowing me to taste both of your tight peaks.”

“Uh, you’re…you’re welcome, I guess,” Emily whispered, not knowing what else to say. She knew it wasn’t right but she couldn’t help wanting to feel his hot mouth on her again, to feel the soft warmth of his tongue caressing her aching nipple so gently.

But Tragar surprised her. Instead of taking her second nipple into his mouth, he cupped her breast and began to lap her tight peak with long, slow, delicious strokes of his tongue.

Emily gasped as she watched him, unable to take her eyes away for a moment. Before she’d been able to feel him licking her, but she hadn’t seen anything because her nipple had been in his mouth. This time she could watch as his warm, wet tongue lapped over her puffy nipple, sweeping from side to side and then circling around and around until he got to the very point. And the whole time, he kept his eyes on her face, almost as thought he was saying,
Look at me…watch how I taste you…watch me lap your sweet, pink bud…

She could feel the pleasure building inside her again, winding tighter and tighter like a wire in her belly that might snap and send her over the edge at any moment.

“I…uh…” Her breath came out high and breathless. “Why are you…I mean…”

He stopped for a moment.

“I am trying to stimulate your body to produce a little more nectar without sucking you, Emily. Do you wish me to stop?”

“No,” she whispered at once, without even thinking about it. God, did she sound desperate or what? “I…I mean do what you have to do,” she amended quickly.

“I will.” His voice was a low possessive growl. “Do you mind if I massage your breast some to make it produce?”

“Not…not if you’re gentle, I guess,” Emily whispered.

“Always, Emily.” His eyes met hers again as he began a slow, gentle massage, his long fingers kneading her full globe.

Emily gasped as she saw another cloudy golden drop, this one much larger, slowly grow on the sensitive tip of her nipple. She thought the big Kindred would lean over and taste it at any moment but he just kept up his gentle massage until at last the bead grew too large and broke, the amber liquid flowing down over her areola and the underside of her breast in a sticky trail, like thick honey.

Only then did he lean down and, starting at the undercurve of her breast, lick upwards, ending with a last, slow caress of her aching nipple with his tongue. Emily’s pussy surged again—she didn’t know how much more she could take before she embarrassed herself with another unwanted orgasm.

she whispered brokenly. “Tragar…”

He straightened up, his eyes burning.

“Sweet,” he announced and there was a mixture of pleasure and deep worry in his low voice. He looked at her. “This isn’t good, Emily.”

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