101 Excel 2013 Tips, Tricks and Timesavers

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101 Excel® 2013 Tips, Tricks & Timesavers

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About the Author

John Walkenbach
is a leading authority on spreadsheet software, and principal of J-Walk and Associates Inc., a one-person consulting firm based in southern Arizona. John is the author of more than 50 spreadsheet books and has written more than 300 articles and reviews for a variety of publications, including PC World, InfoWorld, PC Magazine, Windows, and PC/Computing. John also maintains a popular website (The Spreadsheet Page,
) and is the developer of several Excel utilities, including the Power Utility Pak, an award-winning add-in for Excel. John graduated from the University of Missouri and earned a Masters and PhD from the University of Montana.

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101 Excel® 2013 Tips, Tricks & Timesavers

Table of Contents


Part I: Workbooks and Files

Tip 1: Changing the Look of Excel

Tip 2: Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar

Tip 3: Customizing the Ribbon

Tip 4: Understanding Protected View

Tip 5: Understanding AutoRecover

Tip 6: Using a Workbook in a Browser

Tip 7: Saving to a Read-Only Format

Tip 8: Generating a List of Filenames

Tip 9: Generating a List of Sheet Names

Tip 10: Using Document Themes

Tip 11: Understanding Excel Compatibility Issues

Tip 12: Where to Change Printer Settings

Part II: Formatting

Tip 13: Working with Merged Cells

Tip 14: Indenting Cell Contents

Tip 15: Using Named Styles

Tip 16: Creating Custom Number Formats

Tip 17: Using Custom Number Formats to Scale Values

Tip 18: Creating a Bulleted List

Tip 19: Shading Alternate Rows Using Conditional Formatting

Tip 20: Formatting Individual Characters in a Cell

Tip 21: Using the Format Painter

Tip 22: Inserting a Watermark

Tip 23: Showing Text and a Value in a Cell

Tip 24: Avoiding Font Substitution for Small Point Sizes

Tip 25: Updating Old Fonts

Part III: Formulas

Tip 26: Resizing the Formula Bar

Tip 27: Monitoring Formula Cells from Any Location

Tip 28: Learning Some AutoSum Tricks

Tip 29: Knowing When to Use Absolute and Mixed References

Tip 30: Avoiding Error Displays in Formulas

Tip 31: Creating Worksheet-Level Names

Tip 32: Using Named Constants

Tip 33: Sending Personalized E-Mail from Excel

Tip 34: Looking Up an Exact Value

Tip 35: Performing a Two-Way Lookup

Tip 36: Performing a Two-Column Lookup

Tip 37: Calculating Holidays

Tip 38: Calculating a Person’s Age

Tip 39: Working with Pre-1900 Dates

Tip 40: Displaying a Live Calendar in a Range

Tip 41: Returning the Last Nonblank Cell in a Column or Row

Tip 42: Various Methods of Rounding Numbers

Tip 43: Converting Between Measurement Systems

Tip 44: Counting Nonduplicated Entries in a Range

Tip 45: Using the AGGREGATE Function

Tip 46: Making an Exact Copy of a Range of Formulas

Tip 47: Using the Background Error-Checking Features

Tip 48: Using the Inquire Add-In

Tip 49: Hiding and Locking Your Formulas

Tip 50: Using the INDIRECT Function

Tip 51: Formula Editing in Dialog Boxes

Tip 52: Converting a Vertical Range to a Table

Part IV: Working with Data

Tip 53: Selecting Cells Efficiently

Tip 54: Automatically Filling a Range with a Series

Tip 55: Fixing Trailing Minus Signs

Tip 56: Restricting Cursor Movement to Input Cells

Tip 57: Transforming Data with and Without Using Formulas

Tip 58: Creating a Drop-Down List in a Cell

Tip 59: Comparing Two Ranges by Using Conditional Formatting

Tip 60: Finding Duplicates by Using Conditional Formatting

Tip 61: Working with Credit Card Numbers

Tip 62: Identifying Excess Spaces

Tip 63: Transposing a Range

Tip 64: Using Flash Fill to Extract Data

Tip 65: Using Flash Fill to Combine Data

Tip 66: Inserting Stock Information

Tip 67: Getting Data from a Web Page

Tip 68: Importing a Text File into a Worksheet Range

Tip 69: Using the Quick Analysis Feature

Tip 70: Filling the Gaps in a Report

Tip 71: Performing Inexact Searches

Tip 72: Proofing Your Data with Audio

Tip 73: Getting Data from a PDF File

Part V: Tables and Pivot Tables

Tip 74: Understanding Tables

Tip 75: Using Formulas with a Table

Tip 76: Numbering Table Rows Automatically

Tip 77: Identifying Data Appropriate for a Pivot Table

Tip 78: Using a Pivot Table Instead of Formulas

Tip 79: Controlling References to Cells Within a Pivot Table

Tip 80: Creating a Quick Frequency Tabulation

Tip 81: Grouping Items by Date in a Pivot Table

Tip 82: Creating Pivot Tables with Multiple Groupings

Tip 83: Using Pivot Table Slicers and Timelines

Part VI: Charts and Graphics

Tip 84: Understanding Recommended Charts

Tip 85: Customizing Charts

Tip 86: Making Charts the Same Size

Tip 87: Creating a Chart Template

Tip 88: Creating a Combination Chart

Tip 89: Handling Missing Data in a Chart

Tip 90: Using High-Low Lines in a Chart

Tip 91: Using Multi-Level Category Labels

Tip 92: Linking Chart Text to Cells

Tip 93: Freezing a Chart

Tip 94: Creating a Chart Directly in a Range

Tip 95: Creating Minimalistic Charts

Tip 96: Applying Chart Data Labels from a Range

Tip 97: Grouping Charts and Other Objects

Tip 98: Taking Pictures of Ranges

Tip 99: Changing the Look of Cell Comments

Tip 100: Enhancing Images

Tip 101: Saving Shapes, Charts, and Ranges as Images


Excel is a very popular program. Millions of people throughout the world use it on a regular basis. But it’s a safe bet that the vast majority of users have yet to discover some of the amazing things this product can do. If I’ve done my job, you’ll find enough useful information in this book to help you use Excel on a new level.

What You Should Know

This book isn’t a beginner’s guide to Excel. Rather, it’s a book for those who already use Excel but realize that they have a lot more to learn. This book contains 101 tips and tricks that I’ve learned over the years, and I’m certain that about 99 percent of all Excel users will find something new and useful in these pages.

If you have absolutely no experience with Excel, this book might not be the best choice for you. To get the most out of this book, you should have some background in using Excel. Specifically, I assume that you know how to accomplish the following tasks with Excel:

→ Create workbooks, insert worksheets, save files, and perform other basic tasks.

→ Navigate through a workbook.

→ Use the Excel Ribbon and dialog boxes.

→ Use basic Windows features, such as file management and copy-and-paste techniques.

What You Should Have

To use this book, you need a copy of Microsoft Excel 2013 for Windows. If you use an older version of Excel, some of the tips won’t apply.

As far as hardware goes for the computer you use to run Excel, the faster, the better. And, of course, the more memory in your system, the happier you’ll be.

Conventions in This Book

Take a minute to skim this section and become familiar with some of the typographic conventions used throughout this book.

Formula listings

Formulas usually appear on a separate line in monospace font. For example, I might list the following formula:


Excel supports a special type of formula known as an
array formula.
When you enter an array formula, press Ctrl+Shift+Enter (not just Enter). Excel encloses an array formula in curly braces to remind you that it’s an array formula.

Don’t type the curly braces for an array formula. Excel puts them in automatically.

Key names

Names of keys on the keyboard appear in normal type: for example, Alt, Home, PgDn, and Ctrl. When you need to press two or more keys simultaneously, the keys are connected with a plus sign: Press Ctrl+G to display the Go To dialog box.

The Ribbon

Excel 2013 features the Ribbon user interface, which was introduced in Excel 2007.

When you need to select a command by using the Ribbon, I describe the command by using the tab name, the group name, and the command name: for example, Choose Home⇒Alignment⇒Wrap Text. This command translates to “Click the Home tab, locate the Alignment group, and then click the Wrap Text button.”

Some commands use a drop-down Ribbon control. For example: Home⇒Styles⇒Conditional Formatting⇒New Rule. In this case, you need to click the down-pointing arrow on the Conditional Formatting control in order to access the New Rule command.

Many commands begin with the word File. Clicking the File tab takes you to the Backstage View.

Functions, procedures, and named ranges

The names of the Excel worksheet functions appear in all uppercase letters: for example, “Use the SUM function to add the values in column A.”

Unless you’re dealing with text inside quotation marks, Excel isn’t sensitive to case. In other words, both the following formulas produce the same result:



Excel, however, converts the characters in the second formula to uppercase.

Mouse conventions

The mouse terminology in this book is all standard fare: pointing, clicking, right-clicking, dragging, and so on. You know the drill.

What the icons mean

Throughout this book, icons appear in the left margin to call your attention to points that are particularly important.

I use Note icons to tell you that something is important — perhaps a concept that can help you master the task at hand or something fundamental for understanding subsequent material.

  I use Caution icons when the operation I’m describing can cause problems if you’re not careful.

  I use the Cross-Reference icon to refer you to other tips that have more to say on a particular topic.

How This Book Is Organized

To provide some semblance of order, I grouped these tips and tricks into six parts:

→ Part I: Workbooks and Files

→ Part II: Formatting

→ Part III: Formulas

→ Part IV: Working with Data

→ Part V: Tables and Pivot Tables

→ Part VI: Charts and Graphics

How to Use This Book

This book really isn’t intended to be read from cover to cover, as you would read a novel — but I’m sure that some people will do so. More likely, you’ll want to use it as a reference book and consult it when necessary. If you’re faced with a challenging task, you may want to check the index first to see whether the book specifically addresses your problem. The order of the parts and tips is arbitrary. Most readers will probably skip around and pick up useful tidbits here and there.

There are also an additional 30 bonus tips that you’ll find at

About the Power Utility Pak Offer

Toward the back of this book is a coupon that you can redeem for a discounted copy of my award-winning Power Utility Pak — a collection of useful Excel utilities, plus many new worksheet functions.

You can also use this coupon to purchase the complete VBA source code for a nominal fee. Study-ing the code is an excellent way to pick up some useful programming techniques. You can take the product for a test drive by downloading the trial version from my website at

Power Utility Pak version 7 requires the Windows version of Excel 2007 or later.

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