101 EROTICA STORIES (112 page)


Authors: Vallen Green

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In one of the houses, very open for everyone to go there, in and out, and without worry of theft or what-not, Alia saw in the shadows, 4 or 5, 3 of them men, 2 of them women, having a sexual spectacular of their own. She can see, by the shadows alone, how wild they were getting, how one of the men was offering his cock on the mouth of another, while the hand of that woman was servicing the cock of another. She can see how the women were kissing each other, as two men were already inside of them, humping them as they were sitting down on them, and while one of the men was spreading his cum all over those women.


Yes, this Northshire land was very strange, was very exotic, and was very open, and it drove Lucas to actually engross himself with human conversation, one thing a vampire had not done in eons with humans, and Alia too was there.


While the men were celebrating their festivals, with fireworks, with all sorts of magic and sorcery running about that fire, ice, and wind was floating above them like playthings, Elithra, an elder of the Northshire, was telling stories of monsters that roamed the deep forests of their own lands, how these were giants, dragons, and wyverns who posed great challenges to the mighty warriors of their people. Alia was very interested, as it was her first time listening to stories of monsters aside from her own kind and of his lover’s. Lucas then had the temerity to ask Elithra, of whether he had heard of vampires and werewolves. Elithra simply laughed, gulped the remaining wine from his cup, and said:


“My friend, the monsters I was telling you about, they are far scarier, and far dangerous than your vampires and your werewolves. These creatures, they’re actually friends of our people. They come in human form, not as disgusting as a dragon is, and they think like us, eat like us, well mostly, and feel pain just like us. These monsters I talk about, there is no pain for them. They will kill anything that moves, until they themselves die.”


Lucas was very surprised of these words, to a point that he was close to revealing who they actually were, but Alia, sensing this, prevented her lover from doing so.


A New Era Begins as One Ends


But they were safe, and the two could not have been happier. In the nine months that passed, and with practically the people of Northshire knowing of Lucas’ fright of sunlight, and the rumors going on about who he really was, the lovers stayed there, and the people welcomed them. Alia was about to give birth, and when she went into labor, she was subjected to the rituals of that place, and in the incense and smoke that the village elders and the village shamans were administering to Alia for her to give birth, visions of what was going on the other side of the sea were being seen by her.


She first saw her brother, leading a charge on one of the human settlements on the far west of the eastern woods. She also saw human hunters being eaten by her brethren, and most of her brethren bleeding and being overtake by the hunters themselves. She also saw of the fate of the vampires, who had overestimated the reclusion that was offered them by South Dorne. She saw how humans have been torching the settlement of Dorne, going nearer and nearer to the coven newly established there. She also saw Lord Varis, who was overlooking this chaos, and whispering to himself the name of his son, Lucas.


The visions stopped, and the first thing she heard were that of a cry of a newborn baby. Her baby had teeth, 2 fangs immediately protruding the mouth. The baby was a boy. His eyes were deep yellow, sharp as that of a werewolf’s, and he was hairy, but not as hairy as a newborn werewolf. Lucas saw his child, and named him Lucard, the name of his older brother. Lucas was proud of this baby, but every moment he had not stopped of thinking about what this baby was, and what he brought to the world. And as soon as the shamans gave the baby to him, he never let go. Months passed after the birth, and Lucas made sure that the baby would not be seen outside of their house, nor would he go outside of it. This house, offered generously by the people of Northshire, became a safe haven for the sun sensitive Lucas, since it had no windows and it forever lit of candles. Alia went off to work for the fields, and her unusual strength was welcoming for the farmers who had a hard time to carry the goods. Rumors soon spread that Alia was a werewolf, and soon, people came to accept of the fact. The shamans, however, were ever-wary, as even to their own lands they were made known of the child that is half-vampire and half-werewolf, and if that child came, what that child really was.


The boy came to grow, by now 4 years old, all in that small place. Eventually, though, there came a great tragedy for the people of Northshire themselves. The onset of the war brought refugees, some werewolves, and some vampires, and most human hunters, onto the shores of Northshire. These werewolves and vampires and human hunters have connived upon themselves to conquer the newly discovered islands beyond the sea, and they were intent in getting Northshire for themselves. Lucas was forewarned of this sighting, as one of the nearby islands was already overtaken by this different group.


The people of Northshire were formidable warriors, but unfortunately, most had been set out to fight in one of the tribal conflicts in the farther east of Northshire. What was left to defend the town was only a handful of warriors, and Lucas and Alia. The people then turned to the couple, asked if they could talk to the refugees and in order for them to at least stall the incoming raid to Northshire until their warriors would return from the tribal conflict.


Lucas and Alia, having fallen in love with the town of Northshire, obliged with the request, and as soon as the refugees’ ship was seen docking near Northshire, the couple was waiting for them, along with a dozen of the warriors left of Northshire.


The numbers of the refugees were at a steady 100. The werewolves were werewolves, but chained by human hunters, with whips being lashed at them, the vampires were also chained, and were deprived of food to a point that most of them had become wild, untamed beasts themselves. The human hunters knew how to raise their own army of werewolves and vampires, and one of the leaders, General Greak, went to speak with Lucas, who was waiting that night on the other side of the shore.


Greak offered his hand, to the refusal of Lucas, and he informed him of his plans to “settle” here in Northshire. Lucas, of course, not ignorant of the attacks from the other islands, refused to let Greak and his ragtag band of refugees enter the town of Northshire. The elders were looking on top of the hill that overlooked the entire shore. There they could here everything, but as old as they are, could only offer prayers to their Gods.


Lucas left his 4 year old asleep in their house, and Alia went with Lucas, to the latter’s objection. Greak, when hearing of the Northshire people’s refusal for them to enter into their town, went back, and as soon as you can say “war”, werewolves immediately came ravaging through, running wild, and intent on killing whatever could be seen moving. Alia immediately transformed into her werewolf form, and she was no pushover when it came to the art of combat. As soon as the rabid werewolves were able to go near the group of Lucas and Northshire warriors, Alia had already slashed 3 of them down to the ground, and had ripped off their necks. The warriors fought valiantly, and tried to slash their way through the other werewolves, but these werewolves grew more powerful, as their rabid nature and lack of food had worked as the hunters predicted, and these werewolves only saw food in these warriors. Lucas tried to kill a handful of these werewolves, and his skill in swordsmanship proved handy in that situation. Alia had also managed to take down a number of them, but some had taken good hits to her, and she was limping when all the werewolves there died. Next, the vampires were sent, and again, the warriors, and Lucas, and Alia fought valiantly. Warriors of Northshire dwindled in number, and Lucas and Alia fought off vicious attacks, but had both suffered serious injuries. When they were able to fend off the vampires sent to them, the hunters came with whatever weapons they had and attacked at the already weakened warriors. Lucas and Alia, bleeding from all of that chaos, still tried to kill whatever they could kill. Lucas had suffered a tremendous blow, and Alia, too, was bleeding. Both of them were at the point of death. Seeing each other on the field, they immediately, and with whatever force they had left, went and kissed each other, for the last time. They were overpowered by the raiding hunters, and both died, protecting their adopted home.


The warriors of Northshire though, were soon joined by another battalion of warriors who were advance parties of those coming home from the just-concluded tribal conflict in the far east. This helped the Northshire people to save their own lands and thwart the invasion made by the refugees.


In all the commotion, people almost forgot the child left in the house of Lucas and Alia. Lucard was crying when an elderly old woman had found her. The strongest warrior of all Northshire, Alkun, proceeded to take care of the boy. He taught him all of the things that made him the strongest warrior in those lands. Alkun also seeked the counsel of one of the village elders, Sebun, who said that he shall teach the boy to become literate, and to know the way of the scholar.


Alkun, Sebun, and all of Northshire put their efforts to breed Lucard well. He grew up to become one of their finest children. He walked in the way of the sun, unlike his father, and he disciplined himself well, unlike his mother. He did know, growing up, of who his real parents were, and they truly were. Sebun would sometimes say that his parents were one of the greatest protectors of Northshire. Sebun also did not shy away as to tell Lucard of his true nature.


All of Lucas’ hopes for his son, to be grown in relative exile, with no one else to see him, was met with utter failure. Lucard grew up to be well educated by Sebun, and well trained by Alkun. When he was of age, he was the greatest warrior Northshire has ever seen. In his heart though, he had always wanted to go back to the other side of the sea, to see where his origin lies, and to know what had happened in the war told only by Sebun to him.


And so he sailed for the lands of his father and mother. There he met only great disdain, as much of the remaining vampire population was left decimated, and about 3 dozens of them were left. The unity of werewolves was not enough to overthrow the entire human population, but it was enough to deal the human population a heavy blow, as the human population was ravaged heavily by the war, and the strong men and warriors met their early deaths.


Lucard immediately went to the center of human civilization, Qartha, where the old and frail king did nothing but bow down to Lucard as soon as he saw what truly Lucard was. He had no problem disposing of whoever still guarded Qartha. He was there, with full force, and in the end, he invited the remaining of the vampiric coven council and his uncle, Alia’s brother, who was now blind, for them to have a chat in that city of Qartha. In the end, Lucard was able to broker a peace deal, where the old council member of the vampires agreed that they shall live in relative exile, and where his uncle, Alia’s brother, agreed too that they shall live and not go out of the Eastern Woods. The king of Qartha, in representation of all humanity, agreed that Lucard shall take his stead upon his death, and that humans shall not hunt vampires nor werewolves.


The prophecy did come true. Lucard was the harbinger. He did destroy the races, but only of how they once were. He created a new world, where humans, vampires, and werewolves did not kill themselves, but lived in relative harmony. He was a harbinger of doom, but the doom of the old ways, where war between the races were waged. Lucard became king, was so for a good number of years, and he did unite his lands.


Darkness falls in the eastern woods, and in Qartha, and in South Dorne, but no one is heard screaming, and no one is heard killing.





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