101 EROTICA STORIES (110 page)


Authors: Vallen Green

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The Start of the New War


Lord Varis’ had just called for his remaining generals to be convened in the Coven when news reached that the werewolves were moving closer to their settlement. This coven was built on the isle of Monture, just north of the Eastern woods where Varis was successful in bringing the remaining vampire culture and brethren there just after Lucas had met Alia. Varis was now organizing a full raid of two communities believed to be housing werewolf rebels, on the outskirts of the Dawn marshes about 3 days from their coven. The messenger also told that the werewolves themselves were organizing, a scene very rare for the wild beasts who would rather go in packs. The messenger also revealed that for the first time, the wolves have elected themselves a leader for all wolves, and have gathered in very large numbers just within the eastern woods. But that was not all that the messenger told, as he revealed that new human forces have gathered, on the information that wolves and vampires still live, and are intent on killing off these remaining races.


Varis simply smiled as he heard of the news, and dismissed the messenger immediately upon hearing them. He spoke:


“We have been given the greatest opportunity by the Blood God to strike. Our enemies, humans and wolves, have prepared themselves for battle, and so too shall we. I have called all of you generals to execute this plan that I have been concocting for quite some time. While wolves and men try to hunt us and each other, we shall flee.”


One of the generals, distraught by what was just said, asked:


“Flee? You gathered us generals just so that we would flee? What madness is this?”


Varis simply laughed this off, and revealed his true intent:


“Yes, General Cubris, we shall flee. I have found an apt settlement south of Dorne where we could gather as much as all of the remaining vampires and where both humans and wolves have not yet tread. There, we shall wait. As humans and wolves battle each other to extinction, we shall find our great harbinger of doom and we shall raise him, for us to follow him, and for him to spare us, of what he shall do. There, when both forces are weak because of their fighting, and without shedding vampire blood, we shall strike with great force, and we shall be victorious in reclaiming this world.”


“I have sent all of you generals to organize a massive evacuation procedure, and to collect whatever vampire settlements are left out there, for us to gather in South Dorne and for us to wait for wolves and men to kill themselves”, he finalized.


The generals were left speechless of the plan, as it was, in a word, quite sensational. It was thought of a disgrace, a proud race of Vampires, to just run away and wait for things to happen. But what more could they do? They have been depleted to a few hundreds thanks to the Human War, and are now left literally on the throes of extinction. This plan would give them the necessary time to rebuild themselves, and to strategize well behind closed doors where humans and wolves are unaware of their presence. This would also give them the opportunity to go away from the impending attacks to be done both by the werewolves and the new human hunters. If they go, unaware into the darkness and abyss as what their leader and lord had just proposed, then the wolves and humans shall have no choice but to battle against themselves. This was a sound plan. But this was grand, and too broad. The specifics are still left in the air, for which Lord Varis asked his only son, Lucas, of how to go about with it.


“It’s a little risky, and the evacuation would last a helluva lot of time, and when it’s all finished, the wolves and humans would’ve noticed that we were fleeing. Not to mention, they would have started with their individual attacks by then”.


Lucas added: “we can’t even be sure if the ‘haven’ we are going to go to is really unbeknownst to our human and wolf enemies”.


Varis, disappointed by the reluctance and pessimism of his son, explained further the plan:


“Son, this is the only way for us to get the upper hand in this coming attack. If we were to join them in the skirmish, we wouldn’t be able to handily defend ourselves. We number in a few hundreds, our strongest men number in the few dozens. Do you want kitchen maidens to fight the hunters?”


Lucas, apparently unfazed by this answer, defended his own: “we’ve always waged wars between humans and wolves, always killing, always sucking blood, and we only hurt ourselves. Our numbers dwindle more and more as we continue to wage these kinds of war. If you ask me, we should just broker a peace treaty. What more could the humans worry? They’re more powerful than we are right now, they have more numbers, better weaponry, better warriors. The wolves are of the same condition as we are right now, and they shouldn’t be so stupid as to attack knowing that they’d just be killed. I doubt that the gathering of the wolves were really meant for another uprising. It’s time, I think, to broker a peace treaty, and seek asylum, or at least, integration among our peoples”.


One general suddenly lashed out on the young man, yelling: “blasphemy!”. Other generals seem to sing the same tune, and his father just fixed himself by his chair, and looked at his son for quite a period of time. His demeanor was more serious, more grave-looking, than it had been since the Human War. His face was that of a father who’s looking at his son with great disappointment, and with great anger.


After staring down his son for a considerable amount of time, Varis spoke: “you shame me, son. In front of these generals of ours. Have you forgotten your vampiric blood? Why is it that we have to bow down to these lower creatures and simply accept defeat? Why broker for peace when we know that they shall just break it, without considering even what peace truly is? Have you forgotten what they did to us? To your sisters who were raped before stakes were put to their hearts? Of your older brothers who fought valiantly to make sure that you and I could escape the castle? Peace is never an option now, boy, and you listen to me, and listen well, the moment that we even think of making friends with these beasts and with these dirty humans would spell the doom of our race. Do you understand me?”


Lucas, looking at his father’s enraged eyes, could only stand there in silence, without mimicking another word. He just glanced his eyes away from that of his father’s, and asked to be excused, to which he was.


Meanwhile, the generals, began to plot out the different paths to take in reaching the haven in South Dorne, where the vampires plan to wait out impending attacks from both the human hunters and the werewolves.


The Other Side of the Spectrum


Alia was listening in as the werewolves gathered in the cave of howls, and their newly elected leader, Alia’s older brother Royle, begins to make a speech:


“It is high time for us werewolves to unite, as one race, to defeat the evils that hunt us down, that treat us as mindless animals, that consider us the worst of the world’s creation. We have been living out of fear, out of constraint for so long. But we will not be constrained no longer. Both humans and vampires alike have not yet tasted the full force of the werewolf race. For as far as we have lived we have defended, and fought, in small packs, never to unit under one single banner. Now, the world will tremble before us as we ravage every human town and every vampire coven and strike down upon our enemies in full force, and with the numbers that they would have never thought were as many. They will bow down to us once we have established ourselves, and I implore you to keep your words of honor, and swear to one banner, and to one general, who will lead you to victory. I am that beast, I am that wolf, and I shall lead you all to salvation”.


To the thunderous howls of approval of the different werewolves, Alia became worried. She and her lover, Lucas, had always talked about brokering a peace treaty, a pact of some sort, between the different races, if only to make sure that no more wars will be waged, and more importantly, so that no hindrance shall anymore be in the way of them being together. Alia, in her human form still as was her brother, came inside the cave of howls and expressed her own opinion. Before the gathered group of leaders of packs of werewolves, she spoke:


“My brothers, have you not grown tired of the endless suffering that we have faced, because of the wars that we continuously wage for the sake of our own race? Is it really our goal to dominate, to ravage, all the other races? Must we be the ever-dominant force that must always think of other species as of the lower kind? Are we full of hubris as the vampires? Are we as stupid as the humans? In a time where we continue to kill each other, we must be the ones to broker the era of peace, where man, vampires, and werewolves live together in harmony! We must have the temerity to be the better race, to be the ones to start an era of goodwill. Who are we to take over the world? We respect nature, and we continuously pray to our own gods, as old as they maybe. We are attuned with mother nature herself, and she lives and breathes in us as our elders would say. Should we be that monstrous force that would destroy nature herself? Or should we be the ones that would preserve it? My brothers, it is time we stop this war!”


Some of the elder wolves laughed upon hearing the young, human-formed cub spew out talks of peace. Alia’s brother just looked at her, and with that he himself spoke to her:


“My dear sister. We cannot allow ourselves to be open with these humans, and with the vampires. Of the three we are of kindred spirit, but they have proven themselves to untrustworthy and too vile. If we are to live, we must assert our dominance over them. Are not you glad that all the wolves of the known world gather to create one powerful nation of wolves? Is this not a great achievement, one of the greatest achievements of our kind, even?”


Alia, ever the rebel, and ever the wild spirit, continued to defend her cause, as she told her brother, and everyone else present:


“What good will our dominance be if we have killed those that live with us? Are we safe in the fact that we have killed children, women, innocents, all for the sake of us not worrying? Are we the proud and noble wolves of lore that would not go into battle without justifiable reason? We have a good amount of force now thanks to our unity, but we must use that unity in order for us to attain peace, and not war!”


The wolves grew adamant, and had wanted to make Alia leave the cave, but it was Alia herself, out of sheer disappointment, who left the cave. She knew that an impending attack by a united wolf race would undoubtedly start a war with the humans, and the vampires shall most probably join the fray, as was her thoughts. The first thing, the only thing she could think of was her beloved Lucas, whom she had talked about in the light of peace.


So she fled, but not before noticing that she has not bled for more than a month. It was more than a month, coincidentally, that she had had her last tryst with her beloved Lucas. SO she thought, with all hope, and with all fear, that she is pregnant with her lover’s baby. How could that have been possible, as it seemed impossible before, she asked herself. No man, of vampire, and of wolf alike have ever been known to exist. But she remembered something. So, on her way out of the eastern wood haven of werewolves, she looked at old inscriptions in stone, of prophecies of elder werewolves, and there she saw, the image of a vampire, and of a werewolf, with a child, of werewolf and of vampire alike, in the middle of them. This carving in stone was what was known as the end stone, as it told the story of the end days. The coming of this child shall be the harbinger of great doom to the world. And there she knew, with all seriousness, that it was she who shall bore this child into the world, so she fled as fast as she can, with all her beastly power, to meet with her beloved.


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