Van, Becca - Mate for Three [Pack Law 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (3 page)

BOOK: Van, Becca - Mate for Three [Pack Law 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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He didn’t force or demand, and he didn’t open his mouth. He just tantalized her, sliding his lips back and forth in a light caress. He felt her sweet breath sigh against his mouth as she exhaled. He kept his hands to himself and only touched her with his lips. He was about to pull back and give her room, but his little mate surprised the hell out of him.

Talia reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, closed her eyes, and opened her mouth under his. She became the aggressor in the mating of their mouths. She slid her tongue over his lips, and he was lost. He opened his mouth and took back control of the kiss. He wrapped his tongue around hers, pulling it into his mouth, and he sucked on her. He groaned as he clasped her around the waist, pulling her onto his lap. She was so small and light he barely felt her weight. But, man, did she have curves. He felt her breasts crush against him as she opened herself up to him and he devoured her. She tasted so sweet. He was nearly drunk on her flavor.

He felt his wolf pushing at him to claim her and knew he had to pull back so he could get a hold of his control. He slowed the kiss until he was sipping at her lips and then eased back away from her.

He could smell the musk of her dripping cunt and felt his wolf butt up and push him, demanding to be let loose. He saw Talia’s eyes widen, and then she was trying to get free. He let her go instantly, aware she needed space and time to get herself back under control. What he didn’t expect to see was suspicion in her eyes.

“What are you?” Talia asked in a whisper and rose to her feet.

“Talia, don’t be scared of us. We would never hurt you. In fact we would give our lives to keep you safe,” Blayk stated.

Blayk watched as she continued to back away and was glad when Chris moved up behind her to stop her falling over the coffee table and hurting herself. She bumped into Chris, and she tilted her head up and back. She surprised him again when she didn’t pull away from his brother this time. She just stood there staring up at Chris, and he could smell the feminine scent of her creaming cunt. He watched and waited to see what she would do.

“She needs to know. Since she’s asked I am going to tell her what we are and where she fits in. The sooner she knows everything the sooner we can start courting her,”
Chris said to him and James using their telepathic link.

“Talia, just remember we would never hurt you, okay?” Blayk pleaded.

“Okay,” Talia replied.

Blayk watched her carefully and smiled when he realized she was leaning against Chris. She probably wasn’t even aware of how telling her trust was in that moment, but he was, and he knew his brothers were, too. Chris reached down and picked Talia up into his arms. He had an arm beneath her knees and another around her shoulders. Blayk’s brother carried their mate to a large armchair across from him and James. Talia didn’t seem to be worried to find herself on a strange man’s lap, which he was thankful for. His brother still had one of his arms wrapped around Talia’s waist, holding her still while she looked at him expectantly.

“We are werewolves, Talia. And you are our mate,” Blayk explained and watched her intently. She surprised him yet again. She snuggled up against Chris, resting her head against Chris’s torso, smiled, and closed her eyes.

“Oh shit. Out of the frying pan into the fire,” Talia whispered shakily, and her body went rigid with tension.

“I don’t want you getting mad with us, darlin’, but we ran your license plates to find out about you and then we checked your name through the police database. We know about your ex, Talia. We know what he did to you. Are you on the run from him? Does he know where you are?” Chris asked.

Talia had sat up when Chris had begun to speak. At first she looked outraged and then resigned. She glared at him, James, and Chris. She pushed away from Chris and rose to her feet. She paced the away and then back again.

“You could have just asked me. Why did you do that? Why did you go behind my back like that? He’s going to come for me. You see, my ex is also a werewolf. He is the Beta of a small pack in Idaho. I met him just as I was finishing college. It was a whirlwind romance. We were married within a month. His Alpha is his brother. He didn’t even bat an eye when Paul beat me for some infraction in front of the whole pack. In fact his brother encouraged it. Paul knew I wasn’t his mate, but he married me anyway. He took great delight in telling me that the last time he beat me. He told me I was just a piece of ass to keep himself occupied with until his real mate came along. I organized a restraining order against him while I was recovering in hospital and filed for divorce.

“My divorce came through four weeks ago, just as I was being released from the hospital, and I left. I have been on the road ever since. I know all about werewolves and how they treat their mates. I know you think I am your mate. Maybe I am and maybe I’m not, but there is no way in hell I am letting you claim me or tell me what to do,” Talia stated.

Blayk was in shock. No wonder she hadn’t batted an eye when he had told her what they were. But the situation she had been in had just made their lives a hell of a lot harder. He had no idea how they were going to get Talia to accept him and his brothers as her mates, much less how to heal the pain he heard behind her words.

Chapter Three

“Talia, what you have been through, I can only imagine. But please believe me when I say we would never ever hurt you. We won’t claim you without your consent and we will protect you from any danger. I don’t know what the pack you lived with taught you, but we don’t work that way. We cherish our mates. If you don’t believe me just go and ask our Alphas’ mate, Michelle, or our cousins’ mate, Keira,” Chris stated.

“Look, I know you believe that, and maybe it’s even true. But to date, my experience has proved to me that men can’t be trusted. Actions always speak louder than words. I’m not going to lie to you. I am attracted to all of you, but I am not willing to act on that chemistry. I’ve been there, done that before. Do you really think I am going to jump from one fire to another without questioning?” Talia asked.

“Baby, I…we understand you have reservations, but we promise we won’t ever hurt you. Please, stay here with us where we can keep you safe. We won’t pressure you at all. You have never lived with your true mates before. Please give us a chance to show you we are nothing like your ex,” Blayk pleaded.

Chris watched Talia as she nibbled on her lower lip. His cock had been hard since the moment he had smelled her scent in the house. His balls were aching, and he wanted to pick her up, strip her naked, and bury himself balls-deep in her hot, wet cunt. But he knew that wasn’t an option.

He was the eldest out of the three of them at the age of thirty-four. He and his brothers had been hoping to meet their mate for over ten years, but since their Alphas and their other cousins had found their own women, that yearning had tripled. It had been wonderful to watch all his cousins interact with their mates and woo them into their lives and their beds. But it had also been hard. He hadn’t felt envious of any of his family members until recently. Now that he and his brothers had their mate in their den, the knot of jealousy had diminished. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy to convince Talia they were worth the risk to love and mate with, but there was no way in hell he was giving up.

“Okay. You have a deal. I will stay here, for now. But if you guys put one foot wrong or try to lay a hand on me without my permission, I will cut your balls off and shove them down your throat,” Talia stated resolutely.

“You won’t need to do that, darlin’. You get to make the first move,” Chris said with determination.

“Do you promise?” Talia asked, tears in her eyes as she looked at him.

“Yes, darlin’, I promise,” Chris replied.

Chris saw Talia’s shoulders sag as the tension in her muscles released for the first time. She looked so damn tired and lonely. He wanted to wrap her up and never let her go. She surprised him by moving toward him and giving him a hug.

“Thank you,” Talia whispered.

Chris watched as she straightened and turned to his brothers.

“Do you two promise as well?” Talia asked.

Chris had to bite his tongue as she stood with her hands on her hips and glared at Blayk and James. She was so full of passion and fire. He couldn’t wait to tap into that appetite and set her free. He knew her ex had never touched her heart or her desire. He couldn’t explain how he knew, but he just did.

“I promise, baby,” Blayk replied.

“I promise, sugar,” James stated.

“Okay then. I’m glad that’s settled,” Talia said.

She turned toward Chris and surprised him yet again. Talia climbed onto his lap and snuggled against him. She reminded him of a kitten with her spitting and claws, but when she was happy, she was content to curl up and cuddle. Chris wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in close to him. Her scent permeated his senses, and he inhaled deeply. His wolf had settled down and was waiting, ready to claim his mate, but willing to be patient for the moment. He only hoped his beast wouldn’t push too hard or become too impatient and take over. The shit would definitely hit the fan if he or his brothers claimed Talia before she was ready.

He was going to have to run every night and jack off, too, just to keep control over his animal. It would be worth it though. The thought of finally having her come to him and his brothers so they could claim her was a dream he’d had for many years. He wasn’t willing to shelve that dream now that they had finally found her.

Chris looked down when her heard Talia’s breathing change. She was sound asleep. She looked like an angel, with her long white-blonde hair flowing around her face and over her shoulders. Her light eyelashes were barely visible against her creamy skin. He knew then that no matter what she said, she already trusted them. If she didn’t she wouldn’t have let Blayk bring her home, and she wouldn’t be curled up on his lap. He studied the dark smudges beneath her eyes and felt his anger begin to boil again. The thought of her ex laying into her in front of his Alpha brother and no one helping her was too hard for him to comprehend. How anyone could treat any woman like that was just so alien to him, but the fact that she was his mate and had been seriously injured made his gut churn.

She was so tiny compared to him and his brothers, but he knew beneath the fragile exterior she had a core of steel. She wouldn’t have survived if she didn’t. He knew she was going to fit into the pack really easily. He wouldn’t have been surprised if she ended up being best friends with Michelle and Keira. He could just see the three of them keeping him, his brothers, and his cousins running around in circles after them. He smiled and closed his eyes, savoring the feel of his sleeping mate in his arms.

“She’s gorgeous, isn’t she,”
Blayk said, using their mental link.

“Fuck yeah. I’m nearly too scared to touch her,”
James stated.

“She might look fragile, but she is so strong inside. You saw the way she negotiated with us. Where those the actions of a delicate little rose?”
Chris asked his brothers.

“No. She is strong and feisty and so fucking gorgeous. My cock is so hard I could pound nails,”
Blayk stated.

“Yeah, I’m in the same boat, bro. Her scent just wraps around you and won’t let go. My wolf has been pacing since I caught her scent in the house,”
James stated.

“Mine, too. Make sure you run in your wolf form every night and jack off if the desire gets too intense. We can’t let our beasts take control and claim her. We can’t betray her trust that way. She would run, and we’d never see her again,”
Chris explained.

“Yeah, we know, Chris. In fact I think I’ll go for a run now,”
Blayk said.

“I’m with you, man. Then I’m hitting the shower,”
James said.

Chris closed his eyes as his brothers left their rooms. He was content to just sit where he was holding his woman curled up in his lap. He leaned his head back and listened to the beat of his heart. He was content and felt complete for the first time in a very long while, and he hadn’t even claimed her yet.

BOOK: Van, Becca - Mate for Three [Pack Law 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
3.29Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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