Van, Becca - Mate for Three [Pack Law 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (2 page)

BOOK: Van, Becca - Mate for Three [Pack Law 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Chapter Two

Talia followed Blayk through the door and gasped at the sight of the beautiful interior. She couldn’t believe the luxury of the place, and she was still only in the hallway. There was money practically dripping from the walls. Talia began to feel uncomfortable. She was a lowly receptionist at a hotel for goodness’ sake. She didn’t belong here.

“Come on, baby. I’ll show you around,” Blayk stated, pulling her from her trance.

Talia followed and stayed slightly behind him when he led her into a massive living room. There were people everywhere. She wondered if they all lived here or if they were just guests. He pulled her over to where three large, handsome men sat with a small woman.

“Everyone, this is Talia Black. Talia, these are my cousins Jonah, Mikhail, and Brock Friess and their m—wife, Michelle,” Blayk stated.

What? Three husbands?
“Nice to meet you all,” Talia replied, hoping her shock didn’t show on her face.

“On behalf of everyone here, welcome, Talia,” Jonah said.

“Come on, I’ll show you to your room. You can meet everyone else later,” Blayk said.

Talia followed Blayk and couldn’t help looking back into the room as she left. She saw a few of the men sniffing the air and wondered if she needed a shower.
What’s up with that?
She felt the hair on her nape stand on end. Something about their behavior struck her as familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger on why that was.

Blayk led her up a wide staircase then up another set of steps. He led her to the left of the long hall on the third story of the house. She followed along, but she felt as if she were moving on automatic. Something wasn’t right here, but she couldn’t put her finger on the pulse, so to speak. She was too exhausted to ask or even wonder further. Blayk stopped at the end of the hall and opened the door. He pulled her into a normal-size sitting room, and she sighed with relief. At least something in the house seemed normal. He led her farther into the room and across to a doorway on the other side. He showed her the bathroom and then to a small guest bedroom with a queen-size bed.

“This is the spare room in the suite I share with my two brothers, Chris and James. We each have our own room. I hope you will be comfortable here, Talia,” Blayk said as he turned to look at her.

“Thank you. I know I will. Thanks for all your help, Blayk. I’ll be out of your hair tomorrow morning, as soon as I can arrange for a new tire and of course a spare,” Talia said as she nervously gripped her purse.

“There’s no rush, baby. Stay as long as you need to. Okay?”


Talia heard a door slam and jumped at the loud noise. She turned toward the door and froze, and her breath stalled in her throat as she saw two men looking in at her. She backed up a step and flinched as she bumped into Blayk’s hard, warm body. She sidestepped the large man until she was against the far wall, her amazement at the sight of the two handsome men making it difficult for her to breathe.

“Talia, I’d like you to meet my brothers, Chris and James. Guys, this is Talia Black,” Blayk stated.

“Hey, sugar, pleased to meet you,” James said and stepped forward, offering her a hand.

“You, too,” Talia replied as she took his hand. She felt her eyes widen as she shook hands with James. The same tingling warmth and sexual arousal traveled through her as it had done when her skin had brushed Blayk’s. When he released her, Chris offered his hand, and she had the same reaction.
What the fuck?

“Nice to meet you, Talia,” Chris said in a voice so deep she shivered.

“You, too,” Talia replied, words nearly beyond her comprehension. She was so entranced by the three men that she was having difficulty getting her mind and body to cooperate. Talia had thought Blayk was tall, and he was, but Chris was even taller.

Chris had to be in the vicinity of six feet six inches. He had light, sandy-brown hair and brown eyes with gold flecks. He had sharp cheekbones, and his square jaw was classically handsome. He was the most muscular of the three brothers, but his physique was not quite the bodybuilder type. He was solid and big.

She slid her eyes over to James. He was the shortest of the three at around six foot two, with light-blue eyes and blond hair. He was pure, solid muscle, with wide, broad shoulders and bulging biceps, and handsome in a harsh, rugged way. He had light-blond stubble on his jaw and an indent in his square chin. She moved her gaze over to Blayk again. He had a dark-olive complexion with his black hair and blue eyes. He wasn’t as muscular as James or Chris, but he was still well toned.

“Are you all right, baby?” Blayk asked.

“Yes,” Talia replied and cringed mentally at the sound of her high-pitched voice.

“Are you hungry, sugar?” James asked.

“No, thank you.”

“Why don’t we leave you to it? Make yourself at home, darlin’, use anything you like,” Chris stated. “We’ll be in the living room.”

Talia watched warily as the three men left her to get settled. She relaxed for the first time since Blayk had found her sitting in her car on the lonely, quiet, dark road. She grabbed some clean clothes from her bag, opened the door to the bedroom, and peeked out. She sighed with relief when she saw no one and headed to the bathroom. At least she’d be able to shower tonight. Who knew when she would be able to get clean again? She intended to be out of here as soon as she could arrange it.

* * * *

“What’s she so scared of, bro?” Chris asked.

Blayk looked up at Chris as he sat down across from him. “I have no idea. She’s hardly spoken a word to me beyond introducing herself.”

“Where did you meet her?” James asked.

“I was on a run and I smelled her. I found her on the road no more than five minutes north of here. She was sitting in her car. She had a flat and I offered to change her tire for her but she had no spare.”

“Shit, that’s not good. Where is she from?” Chris asked.

“I don’t know. As I said we haven’t gotten beyond the introductions. I’ll need your help to get her to open up. She had a couple of boxes in her car and a suitcase. She’s either moving or she’s on the run,” Blayk stated.

“What do you think?” Chris asked. “What’s your gut telling you?”

“She’s in trouble and she’s on the run,” Blayk replied.

“I agree. She’s so skittish. When we walked into the room I could smell her fear. She was nearly panicking. Her heartbeat was fast and so was her breathing,” James stated.

“How the fuck are we going to get her to trust us and stay here? We can’t let her leave. She’s our mate,” Chris said.

“She obviously trusts you, Blayk, otherwise she wouldn’t be here. How did you get her to come home with you?” James asked.

“I offered her the spare room and I showed her my ID. I think the fact that I’m a doctor helped to sway her decision. Plus I don’t think she has anywhere else to go, and by the looks of the heap of junk she’s driving, she has no money either.”

“She’s such a tiny little thing. She can’t be much over five foot. Man, the top of her head doesn’t even reach up to my chest. She is so petite, I’d be scared of hurting her when I touch her,” Chris said with a sigh.

“Boy, does she have curves in all the right places. And her hair. God I’ve never seen such white, fine hair before. Her eyes are gorgeous, they remind me of the deep blue sea,” Chris said with a groan.

“My wolf’s pushing against me already to claim her. What the hell are we going to do? She says she’ll be out of our hair first thing in the morning. How the hell do we keep our mate here and then break the news to her that we are werewolves? She is going to freak out. She’s already scared shitless. I don’t want to frighten her any more than she already is,” Blayk said with a sigh.

“I think we just have to take one step at a time. If she leaves we have to follow. We can’t keep her here against her will. So we follow her and woo her. Blayk, you set it up with Jonah to get someone ready to take over our duties if need be. Did you get her license plate number?” Chris asked.

“Yeah,” Blayk replied and told his older brother the number. “Are you going to run it?”

“What do you think?”

Chris walked over to the dining table where his laptop was on and open and Blayk followed. He watched as his brother ran Talia’s car plate. Talia was from Twin Falls, Idaho. He watched as Chris pulled up a search for “Talia Black from Idaho” on the Idaho statewide repository. Blayk was glad they had access to this information since he managed security for the Friess Pack along with his brothers. What came up on the screen blew him away.

Talia had been married for a year but was now divorced. Her ex-husband, Paul Rogan, had used Talia as a punching bag. He felt his fury rise and his blood boil as Chris clicked on picture after picture. His wolf pushed against him, wanting to change and go find the bastard who had hurt his mate. The sight of their small woman so bruised and battered made him sick to his stomach. Her eyes had been swollen shut, her jaw and face bruised beyond recognition. The fact that the motherfucker who had hit her had gotten off on good behavior nearly made his wolf howl. He wanted to hunt down that bastard and rip him apart. His brother looked up at him, and he saw the same fury on Chris’s face. James moved toward him and looked over Chris’s shoulder at the laptop monitor.

“Motherfucker,” James roared.

Blayk could see James was having as much trouble controlling his beast as he had. His brother’s eyes were a glowing gold color. A sound and the clean scent of his mate drifted to him on the air. He looked up to see Talia standing uncertainly in the doorway to the living room. She looked like a scared rabbit.

He longed to go to her and take her into his arms. He wanted to mark her and know she would be under his and his brothers’ protection. He wanted to know everything about her, but most of all he wanted to be able to love her. But not just in the physical sense. Of course he wanted to claim her and make love to her, but he wanted to show her he loved her already. That love was part of her being his mate. He wanted to shower her with love, respect, and affection, but he knew he would scare her off if he did. So he took a deep breath, trying to get his rage back under control, and walked over to her. He stopped in front of her and slowly reached for her hand.

“Are you okay, baby?” Blayk asked.

“Yes, thanks. But my name is not sugar, baby, or darlin’,” Talia stated as she looked up at him. “My name is Talia, use it.”

“Sure thing, baby,” Blayk replied and was pleased to see her eyes shooting daggers at him. That meant that ex-bastard of hers had not beaten the spirit out of her. He led her to the sofa and sat down beside her. James rushed over and sat on her other side. She looked from him to James, and he could see the cogs in her mind turning as she frowned at him and his brother.

“Did you say your cousins shared a wife?” Talia asked.

“Yes, they are all brothers and they fell in love with the same woman. They were lucky enough that she fell in love with them, and she accepted them all as her husbands,” Blayk explained.

“But that isn’t even legal. How the hell could she marry three men at once? How she can even deal with that many men is a mystery. Dealing with one, let alone three, is a complete nightmare,” Talia stated.

Blayk didn’t think Talia had meant to say those words out loud. He watched her cheeks turn red, and she lowered her eyes. She looked so afraid sitting there between him and James, but so damn right. He leaned toward her, intoxicated by her scent, and sniffed the fragrant skin of her neck. He looked down into her eyes when she turned toward him. He could see her fear and uncertainty, but he could also see and smell her desire. He held her eyes with his and lowered his head slowly. He heard her heart rate speed up as well as her breathing. Her eyes widened with surprise, her pupils dilated, and her eyes changed from a deep blue to almost violet. He kept his eyes connected with hers, as he slowly brushed his lips against her soft, moist flesh.

BOOK: Van, Becca - Mate for Three [Pack Law 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
11.26Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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