Van, Becca - Mate for Three [Pack Law 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (6 page)

BOOK: Van, Becca - Mate for Three [Pack Law 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Talia, your mates want you to get anything and everything you need. Don’t worry about spending their money, honey. Your men are nearly as rich as King Midas. In fact all the men of the pack are filthy rich from all the properties they own, so don’t you go worrying about spending their money. Now, what do think of this?” Michelle asked as she held up a royal-blue teddy.

“That is so gorgeous. I can see you in that. You will look so damn sexy,” Talia stated as Michelle held up the lingerie.

“My thoughts exactly, but this color is for you. Go get some more clothes and try them on. We aren’t leaving until you have a closet full of clothes and loads of underwear,” Michelle said as she shoved the teddy at Talia.

“You guys are the best,” Talia said in a voice thick with emotion as she took the teddy and then went on searching the racks.

By the time the three women left the shop, it felt like they had cleaned out the store of all its merchandise. Talia had several pairs of jeans, a couple of skirts with mix-and-match tops, two dresses, lingerie, and shoes to go with everything. They headed to the SUV, dumped their purchases, and then walked toward the small café across the street.

As Talia followed behind her two friends, she heard the squeal of tires on the road and turned her head toward the sound. The sight of a large dual-cab truck barreling toward her froze her in her tracks.

Then she sprang into action. She pushed Michelle and Keira out of the way just as the truck was upon them. She leaped and threw herself forward, landing on the opposite side of the road on her hands and knees. Her palms burned as she scraped her skin, and she felt a white-hot pain in her knee where she landed awkwardly. She looked up to see the taillights of the truck disappearing around a corner in the distance.

“Oh my God. Talia, are you all right?” Michelle asked as she helped her to her feet.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she replied but couldn’t contain her wince as pain shot through her knee.

“Talia, you just saved us from being run over,” Keira said as she placed her hands over the small bump of her belly. “What did the asshole think he was doing? Was he fucking blind?”

“I think they were after me,” Talia stated as she limped across the pavement with the help of her new friends.

“What the hell does that mean?” Michelle asked with a scowl on her face.

“Obviously you haven’t been told,” Talia said as they entered the café.

“Told what?” Keira asked.

Talia explained to Michelle and Keira about her disastrous marriage, her hospitalization and divorce, and her flight from her ex-husband. “I think my ex may have found out where I am.”

“But you’re divorced,” Michelle said. “What does he want with you now?”

Talia shrugged. “I found out he was after me and I didn’t ask questions. He’s crazy.”

“Talia, you are so brave. Are you all right? Let me have a look at that knee,” Keira said and held the door to the café open for her. She helped her to a seat and squatted down in front of her. “It’s already beginning to heal, thank goodness. Now that your mates have claimed you, there is werewolf DNA flowing through your body, which enhances your healing ability. Michelle, call in for reinforcements,” Keira said.

“Shit, do you think that’s necessary? Nothing happened. We’re all okay,” Talia stated.

“I’m not willing to take any chances. What if that was your ex and he comes next time with a gun? Keira is pregnant, and I have a baby at home. I’m not leaving anything to chance,” Michelle said, and Talia saw her pull her cell phone from her purse.

Talia tried to concentrate on Michelle and Keira, but she kept seeing that large truck bearing down on her and her friends. It was just pure dumb luck that Keira hadn’t fallen over when she had pushed her. She wouldn’t have been able to live with her conscience if she had hurt Keira, but most especially Keira’s baby. She began to shake and knew she was reacting now that the adrenaline was leaving her system. She felt tears prick her eyes, and even though she tried to contain them, they spilled down over her cheeks. She had to leave. She couldn’t stay here knowing she could get other innocent people hurt when it wasn’t necessary.

She ignored the pain in her knee and jumped to her feet. She was at the door to the café before the two women could react, but she had forgotten that Keira was a werewolf. The other woman was at her side in moments, gripping her firmly by the arm and pulling her back to the table.

“You’re not going anywhere. Where did you think you were going anyway? Your car isn’t here and just think about how your mates will react if they find you gone. You’re hurt and need attention and you have nowhere else to go,” Keira said as she pushed Talia gently but firmly back into her seat.

“I can’t do this. I can’t stay here and see people I care about get hurt because of me. It’s not right, Keira,” Talia sobbed.

“No. What isn’t right is thinking you can protect us when it’s not necessary. You’re the one they’re after. You are the one who needs protection, Talia. You can’t spend the rest of your life on the run. I know what that’s like, I tried that myself. You have to take a stand and fight for what you’ve got, girlfriend. You can’t let this bastard win. You are safer with us and the pack. Don’t you know they will protect you with their lives?” Keira asked.

“That’s what I’m scared of. I don’t want anyone getting hurt because of me. It’s not fair and it’s not right,” Talia sobbed.

“Was it right for that freak to use you as a punching bag and a sexual object?” Keira asked and held up her hand to stop Talia from interrupting. “Don’t you dare deny what he did to you. We know what it’s like to be loved by your mates. What he did to you was wrong on so many levels. It wasn’t your fault, Talia. None of it was your fault and neither was the fact he nearly hurt us when he was trying to get to you. Nearly doesn’t count,” Keira smiled. “Oh shit, I think I just creamed my panties. The cavalry have arrived.”

Talia laughed through her tears at Keira’s off-the-wall statement, and turned to look out the window. Her breath hitched and her pussy dripped as the sight of nine tall, sexy, handsome men getting out of trucks, but her reaction was only for the three men who had already claimed her heart.

Talia watched as Jonah, Mikhail, and Brock Friess pinned their eyes on Michelle. Greg, Jake, and Devon Domain only had eyes for Keira, and as she slid her eyes to the left she saw that Chris, Blayk, and James were looking at her. She could see their worry and concern, but she could also see the fire in their eyes as they stared at her. The men were beside her moments later. She gasped as she was plucked from her seat and lifted over the back, and then she was in Chris’s arms. He cradled her against his chest as he looked down at her.

“Are you okay, darlin’? Did that bastard hurt you?”

“No, I’m fine. Just a little scraped up is all.”

“Where are you hurt, baby?” Blayk asked from her side.

“Just my hand and knees, but they’re already healing.”

“Let me see, sugar,” James said. He took her hands in his, and he winced at her scraped, bloody palms. He released her hands and knelt down. He pushed up her jeans, being careful not to hurt her, and he grimaced at the deep cut in her right knee. Blayk was at his side examining her wounds as well.

“We need to get you home, baby. I want to clean these up for you,” Blayk said.

“Okay,” Talia replied with a sigh and snuggled into Chris. It felt so good to be in his arms as her three men fussed over and cared for her. She hadn’t been cared for in so long. She looked over Chris’s shoulder as he carried her out of the café and saw Michelle and Keira being carried out behind her. She didn’t care that the other patrons gawked at the scene they made. She was happy and safe with her men here with her. She was looking forward to going home.

Talia was surprised when Chris let her sit in her own seat in the truck then figured he probably wanted her safe and secure with her safety belt on. She sighed and closed her eyes as James slowed the truck and turned into the driveway of the Friess pack house. She was feeling rather tired and drained after the events of the day. She wanted to shower and change and maybe take a nap, but first she would let Blayk tend her wounds. He was a doctor after all, and she knew he would need to feel as if he had taken care of her.

She opened her eyes when James pulled the truck to a stop. Chris was out of the vehicle and at her door before she could blink. He unbuckled her belt and lifted her up into his arms once more.

“I can walk, you know,” Talia said gently.

“I know you can, darlin’. Why risk hurting yourself when you have me to carry you? I’ll help you with your bath and then Blayk can fix you up. All right?”

“Okay, but I’m not even hurt bad, just scraped up a little,” Talia said, hoping to placate Chris.

“We should never have let you go out alone, Talia. One of us should have been with you so we could protect you. We knew there was a possibility that bastard would find you. This should never have been able to happen. We could have prevented it,” Chris stated.

Talia could tell by the tone of his voice that he was berating himself. She had never had anyone so concerned for her welfare before, and the knowledge that he and his brothers worried for her filled her heart with joy.

“You can’t be with me twenty-four hours a day seven days a week. It’s just not possible. It wasn’t your fault, Chris. I knew the risks as well, but I was so excited about going out with Michelle and Keira, the thought of being found and attacked never even entered my mind. So if anyone is to blame, it is me,” Talia said.

“No, darlin’. It’s our job and need as your mates to make sure you are safe. From now on you don’t go anywhere without one of us by your side.”

“Won’t that be difficult since you guys are the security around this place? I know that’s not all you do, but I know you have responsibilities to keep the pack safe.”

“Yes, darlin’, we do have responsibilities and our first priority is to you. You are our mate, Talia. We can’t lose you. We have waited for you for a long time,” Chris said.

Talia sighed and rested her head on Chris’s shoulder. She hoped she had hidden her disappointment at him not telling her what she wished to hear. She didn’t understand why she needed to hear her mates tell her they loved her. She knew she was in love with them, but she wasn’t sure if she could say the words out loud yet. How could she expect to hear those three words from her mates when she couldn’t say them herself?

Talia pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind. She wondered if it had been her ex after her, or if it had just been a coincidence. The windows on the vehicle had been too dark for her to see through, and everything had happened so quickly, she hadn’t been able to get a look at the license plate. Could it really have been Paul in that truck? She didn’t know anyone besides her mates and some of the pack members. She hadn’t been here long enough. She knew there were probably members of the Friess Pack she hadn’t even encountered yet. There were always people coming and going at all times of the day and night.

Talia lifted her head as Chris carried her into the massive bathroom. He sat her on the vanity and turned on the faucets on the tub. He turned back to her and was about to help her remove her clothes when Blayk and James entered the room.

“Blayk, you should go and check on Keira. I had to push her out of the way of the truck so she wouldn’t get hurt,” Talia said with concern.

“Did she fall?” Blayk asked.

“Well, no, but that’s not the point. She’s pregnant, so you should check on her.”

Talia became a little disconcerted as Blayk stood staring at her, but his eyes were unfocused. She saw a smile cross and face, and then he looked into her eyes.

“Keira’s fine, baby,” Blayk said.

“How can you know that? You haven’t even examined her,” Talia asked with a frown.

“I know because I just spoke to Greg through our telepathic link. He says Keira and the baby are just fine.”

“You can talk to each other in your heads?” Talia asked incredulously.

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