Read Torn from You Online

Authors: Nashoda Rose

Tags: #na, #new adult, #dark contemporary

Torn from You (34 page)

BOOK: Torn from You
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I leaned back against the tiles as more
memories flooded.

I never heard the door open, nor the
dropping of clothes on the floor, still lost in my grip of

Hands cupped my cheeks, and my eyes flew

Our eyes locked.


Desire spiraled around us tying us together.
Logan tilted his head, the water pounding down on him as he leaned

I closed my eyes and inhaled him.

He was part of me.

Logan had never left me. And I knew that
even if I denied us, I’d never get him out of me. Love didn’t work
that way.

“You don’t get to touch that yourself
without me.”

I moaned, and that was all it took before
his lips crashed down onto mine. Our need was so intense every part
of my body ached.

There was nothing sweet in his kiss. His
force was bruising, relentless, and he stole my breath. My hands
were all over him, gripping, fondling, pulling at his hair one
minute then stroking his back the next.

“Emily,” he murmured as his mouth scorched
my skin and nibbled across the curve of my neck until he was
suckling my shoulder. His hands ran down my sides to my thighs then
back up again. I leaned my head back, his rough hands caressing my
wet skin. I needed it stronger. I wanted more.

He stopped. “You still on the pill?”


“Thank fuck.”

His hands leaving me drained my body of heat
even though the water was still driving down on us. My eyes flew

“Logan?” I was breathing hard, and I reached
for him unable to stop myself. I needed him, screw sensible. I
didn’t know how to be sensible around him. He knocked sensible
right out of the universe.

“Don’t move.”

I gasped. It was that voice. That deep,
resounding voice he used when I was forced to call him Master.

My body lurched with desire, and I stopped
breathing as I stared at him watching me. This man controlled
everything about me.

“Please,” I begged.

“Part your legs.”

I did.


I did, my chest rising and falling as my
eyes never left his. He moved in, then his hand cupped me, and I
moaned at the touch.

“Shh, Emily. No sounds.”

“Logan.” It was me still begging. His hand
moved away, and I cried out grabbing for his hand to put it back.
But he stopped me with one look, and my hands dropped to my sides,
and I knew exactly what he was doing to me. He’d make me wait. He’d
fill my body with such need that I’d do anything for him so he’d
end my blissful torture.

“No touching.” The orders were familiar, but
this time I knew the intent of the man who said them. Logan loved
me, and damn it, he knew this is what I needed. He’d known all
along, and he was showing me that no matter what he’d done to me
for those two weeks, I desired this. I wanted this and still

He never forced me. He gave me what I
wanted, yet I tried to deny.

I nearly broke when his fingers glided down
between my breasts to my bellybutton then lower until he was
slipping back and forth through my folds. My eyes closed, legs
shook, and I held my breath as he tortured me. The pads of his two
fingers scissored on either side of my clit, just touching then
backing off again. I was about to break when his fingers drove
inside me, and my head fell back hard against the tiled wall. When
I moaned, he withdrew, and I nearly screamed at him, but knew that
I got nothing doing that, so I looked at him and swallowed,

“Good girl.” He smiled, and his fingers
circled my clit, slow and soft until I was panting, the urgency
building in me so intense. I was desperate to come.

But Logan didn’t let me as he pulled back
and bent his head to suckle my nipples, first one and then the
other. His hands gripped my hips while he relentlessly pulled on
the sensitive nipple with his teeth until he saw my body tense and
arch against him in pain. Then he let go and circled the sensitive
nub with his tongue.

“Turn around.”

The moment I had my cheek up against the
tiles, he took my hands and placed them above my head spread eagle.
His hands curled around my wrists and locked them there.

I pushed back into him and felt his cock
twitch as it touched my ass. He groaned, and his mouth delved into
the crook of my neck. “I need my cock inside you. I need to fuck
you so hard I’m afraid I’ll break you.”

In response, I wiggled against him, and he
let go of my wrist to slide down my chest to between my legs where
he began his assault, bringing me so close yet stopping again and
again until I almost cried.

“Logan. Now. Please. Please.”

“Bend over.” He took a step back so I

He groaned, and then his fingers wove into
my hair and pulled back so he could reach my mouth. His kiss was
fierce as he pushed inside me so deep it was almost painful. He
filled me, the swell of him stretching my insides as he began to
move in and out. His arm locked around my waist, my hands pressed
up against the wall, his mouth at my ear, hearing his rough, harsh
breathing as he went faster.

“Baby.” He drove harder, and I pushed back
against him. “I can’t ... I can’t stop.”

“Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

He pushed again and again, pumping into me,
water pounding onto our backs and shoulders. The water may be
running cold by now, but I didn’t care, because I couldn’t feel it.
All I could feel were Logan’s teeth biting my shoulder and mine
biting my lip.

When his hand came between my legs and
touched my clit, I screamed and went over the edge, long jolts
ricocheting through me as he relentlessly pounded until his entire
body tightened, and he shoved hard one last time.

Twitches flickered through my body as he
leaned into me, hands covering mine against the wet tiles. His
fingers curled until our fingers were knit together then I felt the
jerk of his cock before he pulled out.

“Jesus,” Logan whispered close to my ear. He
brought our arms down then locked his around me. He kissed the side
of my neck. “I’d have never fucked you if you didn’t want it.
Never. When we were together ... Eme, that was just me and you. No
one else. I was scared there too, and I needed you.” He stepped out
of the shower and snagged a towel. “Come here.”

I turned off the taps and came to him. He
dried my body, slow and gentle, taking his time. It was erotic the
way his hands ran over my skin in a rhythmic stroke with the
softness of the towel.

“You good?”

I nodded. I’d just been given an orgasm to
kill all orgasms. Yeah, I was good.

He nodded once then grabbed a towel and
walked out of the bathroom.

I stood staring at myself in the mirror, my
skin pink from the water and Logan’s hands. I could see his teeth
marks in my left shoulder and another red mark further up, below my
ear. I ran my finger across it then down to my shoulder where he
left his mark on me, and then I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms
around myself. I still felt him all over me, inside of me like he
was swimming through my veins.

I loved him. This man that had broken me,
and at the same time saved me. We were both broken in a way. I
realized that he was more than me. We were unable to be repaired.
But maybe that was why we were so good together.




He heard the door to the bathroom open and
his cock sprang to attention before she even appeared. Fuck. It was
like the flood gates of the Hoover Dam had been broken. He wanted
to have her again so bad; it was excruciating. Nothing, not even
the months of torture he’d endured had hurt more than being denied

Logan lay on his back, one arm crooked above
his head as he watched her walk out of the bathroom wearing his
white button-down shirt that barely covered her ass. She looked
like a timid angel; she was nervous, her steps hesitant and pausing
near the bed. He made no secret of his appreciation and took in
every inch of her. She flushed under his intense gaze; and it was
sweet, and his cock was already swelling, needing her again.

He thought he’d lost this woman. He thought
he’d die in that shitty cold cellar. Raul had done a number on him,
gutted Dave right in front of him, and that was only the beginning.
Being a fighter didn’t help against chains that held his muscles
stretched past their limit. He could remember hearing the click of
the door, the inevitable slow stride of Raul as he walked through
the darkness until father stood in front of his son. Then Raul
asked the same question he asked every single day for months.
“Where are they?”

And Logan gave his same answer. “Fuck you.”
He’d suffer a thousand years before he’d give up Emily or his
mother’s location. Deck had relocated his mother, and Emily was
safe at the farm with Deck and his men making certain nothing
touched her.

Yeah, he was screwed up after Deck got him
out of there, took three months to physically recover and then
another few to get his head on straight. He grew up with fucked up
shit; he knew how to cope, block shit out. That didn’t mean he
didn’t have trouble dealing; it meant he found an outlet—his

“Logan?” Her soft voice was a whisper of
sweetness, and he shoved the memory into the locked, black box of
his mind.

“Baby, come here.” She almost looked
fragile, the shielded look in her eyes was gone. He’d fucked it
right out of her. It was about goddamn time too.

She knelt on the bed, and the shirt moved up
to reveal her inner thigh. He groaned as his cock twitched again.
This is what she did to him. He was putty in her hands, and the
fucked up thing was she thought he was the one in control.

When she started to crawl up from the end of
the bed toward him like a cat, he nearly blew his load. Every
muscle tensed, and he was panting like a female dog in heat. She
wasn’t trying to be sexy; it was just the way she moved that sent
his libido through the sky right into Pluto.

He couldn’t take watching her anymore and
grabbed her under the arms and pulled her up against him. “If
you’re not sore, I’m fucking you again.”

Heat flashed in her eyes, and he wanted to
bow to the Gods for giving him this woman. A water droplet slipped
down a strand of her hair, and he caught it between his fingers
before it dropped onto her shirt. He slipped his finger into his
mouth and tasted the scent of her shampoo, coconut papaya with a
hint of vanilla.

He rolled her over onto her back then came
on top of her, grabbing her hands so they were above their heads.
“Hold the rails.”

His cock was at full attention and hardened
further when he saw her submit to his command. She was so
submissive, and she didn’t even know it. Damn, she was made for
him. Screw the shit that went down. Screw everything; this woman
had him locked to her, and he’d suffer a million Raul’s in order to
be right where he was now.


And that right there, her soft begging of
his name could undo any man. He grit his teeth to keep from
plunging into her and not stopping until he came. Instead, he
hardened his jaw and gave her what she wanted and needed.

“Use one hand. Play with your breasts.” He
waited, watching to see what she’d do, and slowly, she obeyed,
caressing the swells, her fingers circling her nipples. “Pinch
them.” Her mouth fell open, hesitant at first, but she did it. And
it was beautiful. Her back arched, and she gasped as her fingers
tightened on the perky red peaks. Damn.

“Harder.” He saw the reluctance again. She
needed this just as much as he did. “Harder, Emily.”

When her fingers squeezed her nipples this
time, he saw her wince, and every one of her muscles lying beneath
him tightened. Perfect. Fuckin’ perfect. He pushed her hand aside
then leaned down and grabbed her nipple between his teeth and
pulled until he heard her suck in air. Then, he swirled his tongue
soft and sweet around the nub, soothing the pain.

“Open your legs, baby.” There was no
hesitation at that, and he smiled as he reached between them and
felt her soaking wet already—or still. Whichever, it didn’t matter.
Her pelvis tilted toward him, and he shook his head. “No. Wait.” He
wanted to laugh when he saw her frustration, the adorable flash of
defiance in her eyes and then the deep breath and her resolve to

He slipped his finger inside her and
groaned. So tight. No wonder his cock wanted her so bad.

He curled his finger inside her while his
thumb played with her clit, circling, stroking, changing between
hard and soft pressure, never letting her body know what he was
doing next. He watched her face, the play of emotions telling him
when she was getting too close and he needed to back off.

“I can’t take it. Stop torturing me.”

She was a little pissed now, and he couldn’t
have that. She should know better. He stopped his thumb’s movement
but kept his finger inside her, completely still. He let her make
the mistake and move up against him, trying to get what she
desperately needed. Fuck, it was like being handed a slice of
heaven. He almost caved seeing her body move up and down on his
finger, and if he hadn’t just had her in the shower he would’ve
said fuck it and taken her.

“No moving.”

Her eyes flew open, and she stopped moving.
There was that look of panic on her face, not from whether he’d
hurt her, well ... a little ... but how he was going to make her
scream. “I think you know the rules?”

Frozen, she gave him those begging eyes, and
he wanted to eat her out for a goddamn two-week feast. Instead, he
decided to eat her out and have her squirming into his mouth for
mercy. And he’d let her scream, he decided. Just hearing her voice
was going to make him come. Christ, little did she know that this
was more torture for him than her.

BOOK: Torn from You
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