Torn from You (37 page)

Read Torn from You Online

Authors: Nashoda Rose

Tags: #na, #new adult, #dark contemporary

BOOK: Torn from You
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“That song’s going to make you famous. It’s
beautiful. I love you, Logan.”

He put his guitar aside then grabbed me,
flipped me onto my back and hovered above.

Slowly his weight lowered onto me, and I
felt his cock press between my legs. It sent the raging through my

“Are you good with being fucked out in the
middle of a horse field?”

I laughed, because it was out in a horse
field where he had taken my virginity. “Yeah. I’m good with that.
Now kiss me,” I ordered.

He chuckled. “I’m rubbing off on you.”

“Then stop messing around and put your cock
inside me, rock star.”

“Jesus, Eme.” He groaned, and his mouth
smashed onto mine. It was hard, and it was Logan taking what I was
giving to him with every part of myself.


We were putting our clothes back on—well I
was; he was doing up his jeans—when I heard the gate off in the
distance clang.

I looked up. “Deck.”

Logan turned then quickly stood in front of
me while I finished clasping my bra and pulled on my shirt. When I
was done, I came up beside him and took his hand; he squeezed.

“Emily. Logan.” Deck chin-lifted. He looked
pissed, but then again, Deck always was hard to read. His mood
could easily be off because he had a shitty coffee this morning.
“We need to talk.” He directed the statement at Logan.

Logan stiffened, and I knew Deck didn’t have
a problem with shitty coffee. This was about Alfonzo.

“Eme.” Logan leaned down and kissed me then
let my hand go.

“Is it about him?” I asked Deck. “Did you
find him?”

“I told her.” Logan put his arm over my

Deck nodded once. “He hasn’t resurfaced yet.
But we do know he hasn’t crossed the border. We have that angle
covered.” Deck nodded to me. “You mind giving us a few minutes,

There was no point in asking if I could
stay. Both these guys were super protective and they’d want to keep
as much of this from me as possible.

“Okay. I’ll start getting ready for
tonight.” I started to walk away when Logan snagged my hand and
brought me up against his chest. Deck stepped away from us and
turned his back. Then Logan was whispering into my ear with that
sexy voice that dialed up my desire once again.

“Take a shower. Then lie naked on our bed on
your back. Arms above your head. Legs apart, knees bent.”

My breath hitched, and I pulled back.

“I’m going to tie you up.”

Again my breath hitched, but because I
remembered the last time I was tied up and left alone for

I was still shaking my head no when he
tucked my hair behind my ear and kissed the tip of my nose. “You
trust me?”

I did. Despite what happened, I knew
everything he’d done was to protect me. “Yes,” I whispered.

“This isn’t about being helpless. Or me
dictating or controlling. It’s about you trusting me to give you
what your body needs. It’s knowing I’ll always take care of

I nodded, still hesitant at the thought of
ropes around me. It made me nervous and unsure of myself, and yet,
I wanted to trust him.

“I’ll be there in twenty.”

I nodded, and then he let me go, and I was
walking away, my heart slamming against my ribs. Fear or excitement
tap danced through me. There was a fine line between the two.


By the time Logan came into the room, my
limbs were trembling so badly the bed was shaking.

His eyes traveled down my naked body then
back up. His expression to others would look cold, dark, maybe even
stiff, but what I saw was deeper, and it was awe. It was what kept
me on my back and not running for my life. He looked so floored at
the sight before him, and all my confidence skyrocketed, because I
could do this to him.

He kicked the door shut, and the loud noise
made me jump, but I kept in the position he’d asked of me.

“Emily.” His eyes were on my pussy that I
swear was leaking wetness down the inside of my thighs having him
stare at me like that. “Jesus.” His eyes came to mine. “I don’t
deserve you.”

“Logan.” I wanted him to stop standing there
and come to me, but he was taking his time, just admiring the
sight, and it made me hotter, and I was shifting uneasily as my
need heightened. “Please.”

Logan walked over to the dresser by the far
wall, and opened the lower drawer. I heard him shuffling around and
then he stood up straight with a black silk scarf in his hands. My
chest started heaving.

The bed dipped.

He knelt near my head, the silk falling over
his wrist as he reached for my hands. I jerked away, and he
frowned. “You’re safe, baby.”

I nodded, but the thought of being tied up
again and unable to get away sent my stomach churning.

He let the scarf fall to lie over my wrists
then cupped my chin and turned my head to look at him instead of at
the scarf. “You can always say no. One word and it stops. I think
you need this. We need it. I want your trust, and to get that we
have to work through what happened. Change what you’re feeling to
something beautiful.”

“I have,” I breathed, and it was a lie.

“No, baby. You haven’t. I saw your face when
I mentioned tying you up.” Logan leaned forward and kissed me.
“You’re not ready, we’ll wait.”

He left the bed taking the scarf with him.
The drawer opened, and the disappointment I felt was overwhelming.
I did want this. I wanted him to have control. I needed to let
go—completely. I wanted to wash away the bad memories with good
ones, and Logan could do that.


Logan turned.

“Please. I want to. I trust you, Logan.”

He walked back over to me and slid the silk
over my wrists. I felt the desire swim through me to replace the
fear. The smooth material caressed my skin like the tip of a
feather as he glided it up each arm and then down again. It wasn’t
rough and chafing, but soft and cool to my heated flesh.

He slowly wrapped the silk around my wrists
above my head, but he didn’t tie them to the bed rungs like I
thought he’d do. “You’re not ready for that. Another time.”

I was. I wanted whatever he wanted from

He stroked the side of my face. “I want you
to submit and give all of yourself to me. Fear isn’t part of

He slipped off the bed then began to
undress, and I watched, aching to touch myself as each piece of
clothing fell to the floor. Then he crawled up from the bottom of
the bed, so his head was between my legs.

I was gripping the bed post so tight I heard
it creak with my movements. I was arching toward him, wanting him
to lick me, give me what I hungered for. What I needed.

“Stay still.” He ordered, and at the sound
of his deep, resonate voice a wave of desire shot through me. He
leaned closer, and I could feel his breath on my pussy, scorching
heat blazing so hot that I was ready to scream at him to just touch
me. I knew my sweet torture would last longer though.

“You’re swollen and glistening. God, Emily.
You’re mine. This pussy is mine. Nothing touches it but me.”

“Honey. Please.” My knees were trembling so
badly that he had to steady them with his hands around my

Then he spread my lips apart, and his tongue
touched me. I moaned, sinking further into the bed as he began
suckling deep and hard, then soft and sweet. Dragging my wetness
upward with his tongue, and then swirling over me, he had my entire
body arching to meet him.

Unable to touch, my hands were tied
together, and Logan had complete control over my body; it was a
release of pure ecstasy. A giving of myself to him, trusting him to
do what I needed, what my body desired.

I was near exploding as two fingers drove
inside me at the same time as he sucked hard on my clit. I
screamed, arching, and he put his other hand on my stomach to keep
me in place. He pulled his head back.

I moaned. “Oh God, Logan. Please.”

“Not yet. You will wait, Emily. Every time,
unless I tell you otherwise.” Then he turned around and lay on his
side beside me, his cock inches from my mouth, so close I could’ve
swept my tongue out and touched it. I wanted to, God, I wanted to
taste it.

“You want this?” He gripped his cock in his

I nodded.

“Good. Because I’m giving it to you.” His
knees came on either side of my head, and then he lowered until the
tip of his cock was touching my lips. “Open. Take all of me. I’m
coming inside your mouth, baby.”

I opened, and his heated hardness came into
my mouth, and I wrapped my lips around him tasting the sweet, salty
pre-cum on the tip of my tongue.

He stiffened and groaned. “Oh fuck.” He
settled further on top of me, and then I felt his hands pushing my
legs open.

I sucked while he moved up and down, fucking
my mouth while he drove his fingers inside me and licked and sucked
until I was screaming inside, wanting release. Yet every time I got
close, he backed off.

His balls hit my face as he pumped hard into
my mouth again and again, and I knew he was close when he began
sucking on me ruthlessly.

“Now, baby.”

I sucked his cock hard, taking him deep into
my throat, my wrists straining against the silk scarf as my body
arched then reached its peak at the same time as I felt him
stiffen. His cock was deep in my mouth, and the spurt of his cum
slipped down my throat. I swallowed and moaned and swallowed more
as he came at the same time I did. It was beautiful and it was him
giving me everything I wanted.

He pulled out then turned around and pulled
me into his arms. “I love you, Eme.” He stroked my back then over
my ass then up again until his hands undid the scarf, and I was
finally able to touch him.

And with my hands on his chest feeling his
heartbeat, and my head nested in the crook of his arm I fell




I woke to Logan’s sexy voice, but it wasn’t
beside me.

“The party has started. Let’s go, baby.”

“Shit. You let me sleep?”

“You needed it.”

I stretched like a cat after a good nap and
felt the sweet soreness in my jaw and smiled. Damn, I’d never done
anything so erotic as last night. The thought of Logan sent a wave
of heat through me. A heat that filled my heart and made it
feel—complete. And when I looked up at Logan standing at the end of
the bed dressed in dark jeans and a purple pinstriped button-down
dress shirt, I totally fell in love all over again.

I could lie here for hours and admire him
with his delicious bedroom hair and purple shirt that showed off
his russet eyes.

He frowned. I licked my lips.

God, I loved him. He looked so confident and
self-assured even though tonight the band had to impress some big
names in the music industry. I was probably more nervous than he

I couldn’t believe this man was mine. He
never gave up on me. He never gave up on us.

“Do I get a kiss?”

“Right now, all I want to do is say fuck it
and crawl back into bed with you. So coming any closer ... is a bad

The sheet slipped to my waist as I sat up
and I heard him groan.


There was no question I wasn’t getting a
kiss, so I threw the covers aside and slipped to the edge of the

His hands clenched into fists as his eyes
travelled down my naked body then back up again. He shook his head
back and forth and inhaled a deep breath. It felt amazing that I
could do that to this man, make him want me. He’d always made me
feel beautiful. He still did, and I loved him even more if that was

He cleared his throat, but it was still a
little unsteady as he said, “I bought you a dress. It’s in the

I sat up. “You bought me a dress?”

He gave a curt nod. “Shoes are there

“When did you do that?” We’d spent nearly
every moment of the last week together.

“When I went to see Deck. Get dressed, Eme.
Meet me downstairs. I want you to meet our new manager.” He walked
out of the room shutting the door a little too hard behind him, and
I laughed. I also noticed how his jeans had become snug between his
legs when I’d thrown back the covers.


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