Torn from You (29 page)

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Authors: Nashoda Rose

Tags: #na, #new adult, #dark contemporary

BOOK: Torn from You
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“Jesus, Kat, that’s not true.”

“You expect to stay here?” Kat grabbed the
bowl of popcorn, walked into the kitchen and placed it in the sink
before turning around and looking at Ream. “You have the nerve to
stay here? I can’t believe you.”

“Farm is Logan’s. The band is back in T.O.,
so that means we’re staying here.”

“Yeah, I know. But I assumed you wouldn’t.
You know I live here Ream, and I don’t want you anywhere near me,”
Kat burst out.

Ream’s face hardened, and I dropped to my
knees and quickly began picking up stray popcorn kernels Kat had
missed. The history between these two was explosive and not in a
good way.

“Kat.” Ream ran his hand through his hair.
“You have to get why I couldn’t do it.”

“You fucked off as soon as I had a little
freak out over my shit. Not cool. You need a reward for shittiest
move ever.”

“Kat, you’re not being fair.” His voice was
calm, but there was an edge to it. “That’s some serious shit.”

Her voice hardened. “Damn right it is. And I
saw your face when I told you. Your feet were running before I
finished speaking.”

I had no idea what they were talking about,
which was strange because I’d known Kat since we were kids. What
serious shit did Ream now know that I didn’t?

Ream’s face dropped. “Fuck, Kitkat. That’s
bull. I needed time to take it in.”

Kat threw up her arms. “You know what? I
really don’t give a crap anymore. Sleep wherever the hell you
want.” Kat stalked off into her bedroom and slammed the door.

I looked up at Ream and wished I hadn’t. The
guy looked pissed, eyes cold as if he was going to join
Walking Dead
crew and rip zombie heads from their

“Sculpt’s back but dealing with some

“Why is the band back early?”

“That’s Sculpt’s deal.” Ream avoided my eyes
as he threw his bag over his shoulder then glanced at Kat’s closed
bedroom door, shook his head, and walked up the stairs to the
second floor.

I finished cleaning up, turned off the TV,
and went and knocked on Kat’s door. “It’s me. You want to

I heard her walking across the hardwood
floors then the door opened. She’d been crying. Her face was all
blotchy, and there were tears rolling down her cheeks. Shit. What
was going on between those two?

I took one step and pulled her into a hug.
She wrapped her arms around me and then sobbed on my shoulder. Kat
pulled back and wiped her tears away with her arm then sniffled.
“Thanks, Eme. But I can’t talk about it now. And I see your face
... Yeah, I should’ve told you a long time ago, but it’s ... I
don’t ever want to be treated differently.”

I had no idea what she was talking about.
Why would I treat her differently?

But whatever it was Ream knew, it was
serious, which meant I understood why it was hard to talk about.
“You need me ... anytime, Kat. Okay?”

She smiled, but her lips were quivering, and
I knew she was trying to hold back. I heard her door close behind



The bed dipped.

My eyes flew open, and I came face to face
with Logan. He was sitting beside me, his back up against the
headboard, his legs resting on the mattress, ankles crossed. His
hair was wet, and a few drops had fallen and were making blotches
on the shoulders of his white T-shirt. He looked absolutely
delicious and sexy, and he was in my bed.


“Eme.” His voice was low and quiet, deeper
when he spoke like that. Sexier. “Go back to sleep.”

He was going to watch me sleep? I was
uncertain whether I was comfortable with that or not. The intimacy
of him sitting in bed, albeit fully clothed, was unsettling. Okay,
really unsettling, because it reminded me of those nights in Mexico
when he held me to him after we had sex, and I had loved those

I frowned when I saw the cut above his right
eye and knew instantly why he arrived back later than Ream. I was
disappointed really. He didn’t have to fight anymore, and he’d told
me he hated it. So, why was he still doing it? “Did you win?”

His mouth twitched, and my belly did this
flip and dive and left an insatiable ache. God, I wanted to grab
him and taste his lips so badly that I nearly reached up and
touched his face. Damn it, my sleepy-self needed some control.

“I never lose. You know that.”

Figures. Actually, it was hard to imagine
Logan lying on the ground after getting the shit kicked out of him.
My heart picked up speed at the thought. I never wanted to see him
like that. Was that what happened in Mexico after I left? Was Deck
trying to tell me that Logan had lost a fight really badly? Maybe
Raul had done something to him because he lost?

“I don’t fight like that anymore. Haven’t
since the night you got out.” Oh. So that blew that theory up. “The
cut is from breaking up an altercation Crisis had at the last

“Then why are you here so late?”

I expected hesitation or some sign that he’d
avoid telling me or not tell me at all. Instead he surprised me
when he said, “Had a meeting with Deck.”

“Deck? What kind of meeting?” Why would he
have a ‘meeting’ with Deck?

“Go to sleep, Mouse.”

“Logan, maybe you should—”

He scowled, and I felt like smiling. He was
good at looking mad, and yet for some reason I just felt like
running my finger over his lowered brows. It was strange, because
this is how I used to feel when we were together.

I wanted him to hold me while I slept. There
was nothing sexual about it, just to feel protected and cared for.
He’d always given me that. Even when he had no choice but to hurt
me, he still protected me, I just hadn’t known it.

“Close your eyes.” Logan looked down at me
and waited until I did as he asked. “Dream sweet, Emily.”


When I woke, Logan was gone, but his imprint
remained on me and the bed. I had no clue how long he stayed; all I
knew was that I could still smell him. I rolled over and hugged the
pillow where he’d been and breathed in deep. He was back. I pressed
the pillow into my face and moaned.

After showering, taking extra care to shave
and wash my hair, I dressed in my chocolate-brown breeches with a
snug black T-shirt.

When I came out to the kitchen, Kat was
standing at the counter looking rather disheveled. She was dressed
in ripped jeans, a grubby top with paint splattered all over it,
and her hair needed an appointment with a brush. I found it
surprising to see her awake considering she usually fell out of bed
five minutes before she went out to the horses. But from the looks
of her, she had probably been painting all night.

She half-smiled, and I noticed the puffiness
around her eyes. Whatever went down between her and Ream was bad.
Kat was tough, and this was wrecking her.

“Hey,” Kat mumbled then tagged her coffee
and went and sat at the island.

I was in the middle of pouring myself one
when I felt a presence behind me. I nearly dropped the coffee pot
when his hands rested on my hips. My body reacted to him instantly,
and I felt the goose bumps race along my skin like wildfire.

His breath wafted across my bare neck, and I
closed my eyes as I tried to control the urge to swing around and
launch myself into his arms.

“Morning,” he whispered into my ear.

It was the most erotic words I’d ever heard.
Low and graveled with a hint of sex as if we’d just made passionate
love all night and he was kissing my neck as he said the words. I
wanted him to kiss my neck, to feel his lips against my skin. Damn
it, the touch of his breath was enough to cause an ache so intense
between my legs, I thought I might have to go back to my room and
bring out my bunny before I could function.

I found my voice, but it crackled. “Um,

“Dream sweet?”

I wish he’d back away so I could think
clearly. I couldn’t even pick up my coffee without him seeing my
hands tremble. I nodded.

“Good.” His fingers squeezed my hips as he
leaned closer, his mouth inches away from my ear. “You’re sexy
while you sleep.”


When he moved away, I took several deep
breaths before turning around. Coffee in hand, I immediately met
Kat’s eyes. Her brows rose, and she pretended to undo her pants. I
shot her an evil glare and glanced at Logan who thankfully had his
back to us while he browsed through the fridge.

My gaze froze on him. Logan wasn’t wearing
his shirt, and every muscle was visible, flexing with each movement
he made while shifting things around in the fridge. He had a tattoo
that went from the top of his right shoulder down the back of his
shoulder blade midway to his waist then it swung around to I
guessed, his chest. I never expected the stunning drawings of what
appeared like a horse merged with a hawk surrounded by what I could
see of it—a dragon’s tail. I also got a good glimpse of the side
tat that said, Tear Asunder in calligraphy writing.

Christ, I was drooling.

He straightened then turned with the milk
jug in hand. My mouth dropped open as I stared at his chest.
Memories of him hit me like a huge wave of heat. How I used to
touch him, hold him, curl into him, and yes, even the memories I
tried to forget but couldn’t. Of us in the shower. Kneeling. Taking
his cock into my mouth. When he’d tell me to undress. To lie down
and give myself completely to him. It turned me on and I wanted it
again—I wanted the dominant Logan without the fear that had come
with it during those fifteen days. And he was making that

He must have known I was gawking by the way
his mouth twitched as he watched me watch him.

I quickly looked down at my feet and went
and sat beside Kat who was eyeing us both. She unzipped her jeans
and the sound echoed. I gasped. She laughed then hid it by clearing
her throat. At least I’d made her smile.

Logan wasn’t paying attention to us as he
chugged back the contents of the milk then threw it in the
recycling bin. When he looked over at me, I glanced away. I was
confident over the phone that I could resist him but now—now I
wasn’t so sure.

“When are you leaving to see that

He remembered. I told him about a new client
the other day. The potential to expand my cliental from this one
client was enormous considering he was involved in the thoroughbred
racing community. If I helped his horse then word would spread and
I could gain more cliental which meant having my own farm sooner
than I planned. “Umm well, I said I’d be there for ten. So
shortly.” Was my voice quaking? Did he notice?

“I’ll take you.”

“What?” Shit. Not a good idea. Spending even
a few hours close to him wasn’t a good idea. Kat was right, I was
caving and it terrified me. “I don’t think that would be a—”

“Eme. Lego. Stop.” His short abrupt use of
my nickname sent a jolt right through me. “We’ve been talking on
the phone for weeks, now were going to talk in person.” He leaned
against the counter, palms on either side of him resting on the
marble surface. With his stance like that, it made his tatted arm
muscles bulge and his chest to ... “Emily?”

My gaze darted away from his arms and up to
his face. His eyes danced with mischief and I suspected Logan knew
exactly how to make himself look irresistible. He’d never done that
during the weeks in Mexico. Never flirted, never looked at me with
anything other than cold steel eyes.

“I don’t like people around when I’m working
so ...” Yeah, he so wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

“You’re not going alone. You don’t know who
this guy is and it’s not safe. I’m not taking any chances.” Logan’s
tone had turned calm and assertive. He was going to push this.

“Then I’ll take Kat.”

She held up both hands. “Sorry, Eme. No go.
I have the farrier coming this morning and twenty horses getting
trimmed and a deadline for the gallery for two more paintings by
the end of the week.”

Shit. “Then I’ll call Deck.”

“Deck has better things to do,” Logan said

Yeah, like hunt down guys like Raul and save
girls like Raven. “I’ve been seeing clients’ horses for two years.
I’m not changing now because you’re suddenly back and being
overprotective. The guy is well known in the racing world and—”

“You’re not going alone.”

“Ugh.” I looked to Kat and she immediately
jumped in. “Sculpt, you’re being ridiculous. This is her business
now. She helps horses and—”

“Stay out of it, Kat. This isn’t
overprotective, this is being cautious.”

I put my coffee cup down a little too hard
on the counter and dark liquid spilled over the sides. “Fine.” Was
I crazy? Yes. I had sucker written all over my forehead, but a part
of me—okay a huge part of me—was excited about spending the day
with Logan.

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