This Love of Mine (Raine Series #1) (16 page)

BOOK: This Love of Mine (Raine Series #1)
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I'm not
sayin' I never wanna be with you again, because trust me, even if I wanted to,
there's no way I could fight the urge to stay away from you. I'm just sayin'
let's take the time to get to know one another, and then we can see where we
stand. I'm willing to make a deal with you though." I finally gave in a
little and let myself smile. His soft, easygoing nature was contagious and I
could only hope and pray that one day soon, I could live my life the same way.

the deal, sweetheart?"

I knew I
had his interest peaked when a wide smile spread across his face as he spoke to
me. "I'm willing to spend every last minute you have here with you until
you have to leave. But after that, you have to agree to let things play out as
they may. No guarantees, deal?"

I could
see the hesitation and anguish in his eyes. He didn't want to agree, but what I
was offering him was all I could give at the moment. Deep down I believe he
knew what I was saying made the most sense. He was only eighteen and I was only
seventeen. We had plenty of time to have a relationship, when the time was

if I say I want more than that?" He looked flustered, and I guess deep
down I couldn't blame the guy, but this was the only way this was going to

know I can't do that right now, Madison. I need to work out my issues before I
can move forward with you."

all just sounds like bullshit to me, KJ. I honestly think that you're scared,
and you are tryin' to think of any possible reason for us not to be together. I
know it's scary, but I'm willing to hold your hand the whole way. I

believe you Madison, trust me I do. But, this is all I'm willing to offer right
now, so make your decision."

I stood
back, arms crossed firmly over my chest, waiting for him to answer me. I knew
time was quickly dwindling down and we were running out of it. I love my granddaddy,
but when he meant business, he meant business. Out of nervousness or fear, I
began tapping my foot like an impatient child. A part of me was terrified of
what his answer may be when I started pushing him. Would he push back? Would I lose
him for good? Damn it, Madison, say

My eyes
were tightly shut, when I felt the heat of his body close enough to breathe in
his signature scent. I still wasn't able to put my finger on exactly what it
was, but it was a mixture of sandalwood and vanilla, and it did things to my
insides. Lovely things, I might add. His hot breath seared my skin as his mouth
closed in on mine, before he finally let the most amazing words float past his

take anything I can get when it comes to you, pretty girl. Don't ever forget
that I will never stop fighting for you, and despite what you say, I think you
secretly want me to."

I turned
my face into his and pressed my lips tightly against his mouth. I let him take
the lead and soon enough, my mind, body and soul were floating in ecstasy as
every touch, and every kiss left me yearning for more. I didn't want to be the
one to break contact, but apparently I didn't have to. He pulled back with a
hazy and satisfied look playing across his face.

should probably get inside, before your granddaddy comes out and shoots me in
my ass. I hope you sleep well, darlin'." His lips gently caressed my
forehead and then my nose, before finally descending upon my mouth one last

of me?" I knew he most likely would, but hey, telling him to do so
couldn't hurt, right?

He whispered in my ear as he turned and headed back to his house.

watched him walk away for what felt like an eternity, but of course it ended
far too soon. I was already willing sleep to take over me and for the sun to
rise on a new day. I needed to see him, needed to feel him and I definitely
needed to have him inside me once more.

I kicked
the gravel beneath my feet before turning and heading back into the house. I
had all but expected my granddad or grandmamma to be waiting up for me, but the
house was deserted, not a person in sight. I let out a loud sigh as I pressed
my back firmly against my bedroom door and slid down to the floor. I felt bad
for lying to Madison, but I also knew it was for his own safety. My momma knew
exactly what she was doing by coming here. Hell, she and Wren probably set up
the entire charade themselves. I laid my head against my crossed arms resting on
top of my knees, when I felt myself beginning to drift off to sleep. I just couldn't
pull myself over to my bed, I was now physically and emotionally exhausted from

Just as
I was about to fall into a deep, dreamless sleep, I felt my phone vibrate in my
front pocket. I jumped at the small movement it made and hastily pulled it out
to see who would be calling me so late. I almost stood up and jumped for joy
when I saw Cami's name flash across the screen. I instantly answered and flung
myself on top of my bed. This was exactly who I needed to talk to you, and it
renewed my energy instantly.

my god girl, I am so glad you called me. I have so much to tell you, and you'll
never believe it."

you'll never believe what I need to tell you either. Although, my news is more
of the life or death sorts. Are you sitting down?"

sounded so serious, and it was a rare occasion when Cami was serious.
"What's going on?" I sat straight up on my bed, bracing myself for
the impact of her next words.

is looking for you, and your mom has already left to come and get you."

know." I was relieved to know that it wasn't anything more serious than
that. Not that Wren coming to find me wasn't a serious situation, but it was a
hell of a lot easier to deal with than some of the other things that had
crossed my mind.

do you mean you know?" She sounded out of breath and I could only assume
that she was out for a run. When Cami became stressed or sad, she turned to
running as her form of therapy.

mean, she was here not too long ago. It's really a long story and as much as I
want to tell you the entire story right now, I am exhausted. I have so much to
tell you, but"


I woke
up with my cell phone stuck to my face. I wasn't sure how long I had been in
that position, but I vaguely remembered a conversation with Cami. A sheen of
sweat had built up along my brow, as the morning sun came blazing through my
window with no curtains to shield the heat. I could hear the sound of voices
floating up the stairs, but paid them no mind, figuring it was just my
grandparents. I rolled over in my bed, realizing that I was still wearing my
dress from the night before. I headed towards the bathroom to shower, now was
as good as any to get ready and start my day.

As I
stood under the stream of scorching hot water, the events from last night
started pouring through my mind one by one. Some were amazing and I wanted to
relive them over and over again, until I got to the reason why I had been so
late getting to sleep. I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to deal with my
momma, or Wren for that matter, but I suppose I would have a little bit of time
to think about it.

I rushed
through the remainder of my shower and quickly pulled on a pair of denim shorts
and a tight gray, V-neck shirt. I ran a brush through my hair, before pulling
it up into a ponytail and then making my way downstairs.

commotion coming from the dining room had all but multiplied by the time I hit
the last couple of steps. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard Madison's
voice billowing through my house. Never in a million years did I expect my granddaddy
to allow him in our home, especially after how he spoke to him last night. I
debated whether or not to turn and high tail it up to my room, pretending I was
still asleep, but when I heard the next voice break through the chatter, I
practically went running towards the sound.

I hit
that bottom step and ran, the best I could, throwing my arms around that blonde
little firecracker, I called my best friend.

my god, what the hell are you doing here?" I shouted as I pulled her into
a deeper embrace. It felt like I hadn't seen her in forever, and I missed her

hey there girly. It's good to see you too. I was actually hopping on a plane
when you fell asleep on the phone with me this morning."

I pulled
back, dragging her over to the table with me so I could sit down. I had stopped
taking my medicine a day ago and the pain was still a little unbearable when I
stood on it. "No way! Why? And why didn't you tell me?" I still
couldn't believe that she was here.

I found out about, well, you know who, I just knew that you were going to need
me around." She let out a small laugh and then looked in the direction of
Madison. In my excitement, I had totally forgotten that he was even here.

you get in here, cowboy?" I winked at him before either of my grandparents
could notice.

know. I forced my way in." He chuckled under his breath.

No really?" I was dead serious. After the conversation I had overheard
with my granddaddy and him, I was all but certain that he wouldn't be allowed
around these parts.

when my granddaddy interjected. "I invited him over this morning. No sense
in y'all runnin' around behind our backs. This way, we know where y'all are at."

mouthed a 'thank you' to my granddaddy, and then turned my full attention back
to Cami. "So, how long are ya stayin'?"

Mom and Dad say I can stay the rest of the summer. That is, if your
grandparents are willing to have me." She glanced between my granddad and grandmamma.
They both rolled their eyes and happily obliged. They loved Cami, and there was
no way they would say no to something that made me so happy.

let's get ya unpacked and then we can head out to find somethin' to do."
We both stood from the table and she grabbed her suitcase before we both headed
towards the stairs. I knew Madison would be sittin' there, mouth open,
wondering if I was going to pay him any attention.

comin' cowboy, or ya just gonna sit there looking at me all crazy like?" A
broad smile stretched across his face as he pushed himself up and away from the
table, following right behind us.



When I
got the call from her grandfather this morning, I was more than surprised. I
assumed after our talk last night, that he would all but push me as far away
from Kayla as possible. Boy was I wrong. Apparently, Mr. James had never seen
Kayla this happy before and was crediting me with it. He also explained how her
best friend was in town, and knew that I would want to meet as many of Kayla's
close friends as possible, given the fact that she only had two.

seemed like a nice enough girl. When I first walked into the James' home, she
ran right over to me, pulling me into a deep hug. I wasn't quite sure how to
react to her overt friendliness, but I was willing to take what I could get
when it came to the important people in Kayla’s life. When she finally pulled
back, she grabbed my hand and tugged me over to the table. We all sat and had a
great talk before Kayla finally woke up and made her way downstairs.

I stood
against the wall next to the window, staring aimlessly out on the vast land,
while she and Cami talked and caught up on her bed. I was feeling out of place
and Kayla had made no effort to involve me. After another ten minutes of them
rambling on, I decided to head back to the house. I made my way over to her
bedroom door to leave, when she finally spoke to me.

ya headed, cowboy?" She seemed genuinely interested, but I couldn't bring
myself to make her feel bad for wanting to hang out with her friend.

have some things to do around the ranch. Figured I would give you two some time
to catch up on things. I'll catch ya later." Without another word, I
turned the knob and made my way downstairs.

I wasn't
sure if I would run into her grandfather as I left, but I was sure as hell
hoping I wouldn't. Luckily enough, the bottom floor of the house was empty. I
made my way outside, breathing in the mid-morning air. I dug my smokes and
phone out of my back pockets, just before I hopped over the side fence, making
my way to the only place I could feel at ease.

I lit up
my smoke as I walked and decided to call Glenn. There wasn't much work around
the farm today and my grandfather was in town with my gran for a little while
longer, so I figured I would make the most out of my day off.

By the
fourth ring, I was starting to think that I may have to spend the day with
myself, but at the last second, Glenn answered.

goin' on, bro?"

a whole lot, man. Just seein' what you're up to. KJ's friend from Arizona is in
town and I'm bored as fuck. You wanna hang?"

I was just about to call ya, anyway. We've decided to have band practice
tonight. You in?"

the lord. After our show, we never talked about practice and I was startin' to
worry that we were putting our music on hold. I didn't want that right now,
givin' the fact that music was my release at the moment. "Yeah, count me
in. Alright, well whatcha wanna do?"

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