Theirs (9 page)

Read Theirs Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Theirs
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Biting her lip, Susie gave them each a quick glare as she made an elaborate gesture with her hand. “This is Blake Bear, and to my right, his brother Brian.” If the woman could show emotion on her face, Blake would bet it would be surprise and eagerness. “Brian, Blake, this is Mrs. Thomson.”

Mrs. Thomson held out her hand, and Blake watched Brian do the polite thing by giving it a slight shake as the lady said. “Call me Ellen, please.” Blake, on the other hand, just raised his eyebrow at Ellen, who held her hand out to him. A second later he felt a kick under the table. Reluctantly, he took the woman’s hand and let go as soon as the woman gave his hand back.

Susie called the children over as they ran off. Ellen pulled up a chair and started chatting, without caring her children ran wild. Every chance Ellen got, a hand, or some body part would touch his or Brian’s arm or legs.

He glanced around to see Susie wandering off, talking to another couple, and trying to control Ellen’s kids. Growling, he stood and stomped over to Susie, interrupting her. “Sweetheart, lunch will be here any minute.”

She turned startled eyes up at him. The people who Susie was talking with smiled and shooed her away, telling her they would see her on the weekend. Filing the last information away for later, Blake guided Susie back to their seats. “How on earth do we get rid of the woman? She needs to be looking after her children, not you.”

Susie nodded. “I’ll figure it out somehow. Ellen is my stepmother’s closest friend.”


Brian looked up to see Susie walking back to the table with his brother. Throwing a glare his brother’s way for leaving him with Miss Groper, he stood up, pulled Susie to him before she could sit down, and lifted her so he could give her the kiss she deserved. Brian needed to show her to never leave him alone with a woman like Mrs. Thomson again. Brian also hoped the lady would get the picture and leave them alone.

As his lips touched hers, Susie’s mango and honey taste exploded in his mouth. He wrapped his arms around her more tightly as his tongue met hers in a dance of love. His hands travelled up her back and back down again. The kiss was interrupted by a rude huff, and two children saying “Yuck.”

Susie pulled away, panting, bright red, and pushing on his chest to be put down. Blake chuckled and pulled a Susie into his arms. She squealed and pushed against Blake, growling, “No way, Blake. Don’t even think it.” His chuckle turned into a full blown laugh.

Mrs. Thomson stood up smirking. “Well, let’s see what your farther thinks about this disgraceful display. Julie said you let yourself go, but I didn’t think this much.”

He and Blake growled, and the woman added, “And you two should be ashamed. I have heard about your family, and I doubt your mother will be happy. I thought the Bears where known for their class.”

Okay, that was it. Brian wasn’t usually the hot headed one, but he had just been groped for ten minutes by this so-called “lady,” and she had the hide to speak rudely to his mate. He glared at her, and knew his eyes flashed bear as he snarled, “Get out.”

Mrs. Thomson paused in her tirade and turned wide eyes on him. “I beg your pardon. You can’t tell me to leave.”

He grinned. “Do you want to make a bet? I…we”—he pointed to Blake, and his cousin Slater, who come out of the office—“own this place. Our family owns the whole mall strip.”

Mrs. Thomson took a step back, huffed, yelled at her children to come, and walked out of the restaurant. A couple behind them clapped, and the other couple Susie had talked to also clapped. Brian sat down without saying another word. Susie moved to her seat, and he smiled as she took his hand, lifted it to her lips, and kissed it. “Thank you.”

Brian nodded and watched as she placed her other hand on Blake’s chair and moved her seat closer.



Chapter Nine


The rest of lunch turned out uneventful, besides learning that she was she dating, mating, whatever they called it, men from the Bear family, which scared her. Everybody who was anybody knew the Bear family. They were high society. Richer than God. Not that she cared about their money. She didn’t. Her father was a wealthy man, and if she’d lived and done what her parents wanted, she’d probably be married off to some up and coming high society man. Yuck. Definitely not the life for her. Shaking her head, Susie didn’t even want to think about what being a part of the Bear family would mean. She thanked God she’d left her mobile at home, so her family couldn’t badger her.

Turning in the car seat, she studied Blake, who was quiet. She wondered if he was annoyed she wouldn’t let them touch her in the restaurant. It wasn’t that she didn’t want her men to show her attention, but just as soon as they walked into the packed restaurant, everyone stared at her, and she felt very inadequate. It only got worse when she’d seen the Swans, and it became a nightmare when Ellen arrived with her two little devils. Being with two men wasn’t a common thing, and she was a tad embarrassed. Susie was already the black sheep in her family, and knew when they found out about Blake and Brian, it would just make her even more so. She dreaded the version of the story Ellen was currently telling her family.

Blake opened the car door. As they got out to meet the real estate agent, he pulled her into a hug, a real bear hug. She snorted at her own joke. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

She snuggled into him nodding, not wanting to think of all the new dramas in her life created by their lunch.

Looking up, she frowned as a stunning, leggy redhead strolled over to Brian and fawned all over him as she introduced herself. Susie rolled her eyes as Ms. Redhead dazzled Brian with a shiny white-toothed smile. “Do you think he knows he has a fan?”

Blake hugged her tighter and chuckled. “Ah, sweetheart, is that jealousy I hear in your voice?” Elbowing Blake, she manoeuvred out of the way, even with his arms still wrapped around her waist. “You have nothing to worry about. I happen to know Brian now has a thing for tiny brunettes with brown eyes and large natural tits.” Snorting, she moved his hands away as he cupped her breasts.

Brian came over with the redhead clinging to his arm and introduced her as Sarah, their real estate agent. Sarah’s eyebrows drew up as she got a hold of Blake, and Blake groaned, pulled Susie closer, and whispered, “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” It took a moment to figure out why Blake apologised. Then it all became clear when Sarah glared at her and turned her focus to Blake.

“You sounded different on the phone. I thought I spoke to Brian the whole time, I told myself when a Blake answered the phone earlier I was hearing things. Because I didn’t think you knew how to use a phone, as I have never had a phone call from you until yesterday. Fancy that. I was sure you said you would call the first, second and third time we were together. I thought it funny you stopped going to the nightclub I go to.” Sarah looked back to Susie with a smirk on her face. “Are you the sister? You must be. I have learnt I am one of many, and he dated us all at the same time. Blake’s not the settling type, so you can’t be his woman.”

Blake winced, and Susie looked to Brian to see if he would help Blake out, but the grin on his face showed he was clearly enjoying his brother’s misery. Feeling sorry for the woman in front of her, she turned, crossed her arms over her chest, took a step back, and frowned up at Blake. He looked like a child who’d just been taken to the principal’s office. His eyes were wide, and he looked anywhere but at her. His shoulders were slumped and his hands hung at his side. “Please tell me you didn’t sleep with this woman three times, and never call her back or tell her it was over?”

He glanced behind her and tried to get someone’s attention. Turning, Susie saw Brian with his hands up in surrender, and Sarah now looked between the three of them until her gaze finally settled on her. Susie sent her an apologetic smile before facing Blake again. “Are you going to answer me?”

Blake studied her for a moment, stunned that she’d taken the woman’s side. “She knew the rules when we started. I don’t settle down with women or have relationships.”

Brian groaned behind her, and Sarah gave a huff. Sighing, Susie took two steps back and touched the car door handle before Blake growled and spun her around. “Don’t just walk away. Talk to me.”

“Why? Why should I give you an explanation? You obviously feel it’s all right not to tell things to women, like that you have finished with them or you don’t want to ever settle down and don’t want any kind of relationship. Well, excuse me if I don’t feel like looking at houses when in two days’ time, you will probably never call me or even bother to tell me it’s over. Maybe the last couple of nights have been a joke or some ploy to get in my pants because you have slept with everyone else.”

Susie snatched her arms out of Blake’s hold, and walked away. She didn’t get far before a snarling Blake grabbed her by the waist, turned her to face him, lifted her up, and all but roared, “Mine. You are mine. You will never leave me. Mine.” His mouth mashed against hers as he pulled her closer to his body. Her back hit the car. As his hands travelled up her back, his tongue pushed into her mouth, exploring, and tasting.

Blake’s flavour burst into her mouth, and she lost the will to stay frustrated and angry. She held him to her as his mouth ravaged hers, and his hands stroked over her burning body.

A chuckle and a cleared throat brought her back to her senses, and she pushed on his chest. He moved an inch away, but held her firmly to him. “Tell me you’re mine. Ours.” She glared at him and he stared back, his hands cupping her arse. “I won’t let you go. You’re mine forever. Ours forever.” He looked over at Brian, and she groaned, glancing at a wide-eyed Sarah.

Great. Just fucking great
. Susie knew he wouldn’t let her go until she agreed, so taking a deep breath, she whispered, “I’m yours, but I still want to leave.”
For now
, she added in her head.

His emerald green eyes flashed brighter as he focused on her and he gritted out, “Say it again, and louder. I don’t think Brian heard, did you, Brother?” She turned her head as much as she could to see Brian staring at her.

Muttering under her breath, she said, “I know he heard. Sarah is already looking at me strangely. Please don’t make me say it.” She felt Brian come up beside them and she didn’t look at either of them. She was embarrassed. Susie didn’t want this woman to know she was with both men. “It’s only been a couple of days. Give me some time to get used to the idea that I have not one, but two men.” She looked at both of them, pleading for them to understand.

Running his hand through his hair, Brian nodded, turned, and pasted a smile on his face as he said to the real estate agent Sarah, “Sorry about the show. Susie here is Blake’s fiancée.” Susie gasped and glanced up at Blake who still focused one hundred precent on her, even as Brian continued, “She is not used to how close and big our family is. We are trying to get her to realise she is now a permanent part of our family.”

Sarah turned to her, her lips turned up at the corners and jealousy flashing in her eyes. Cupping Blake’s face, Susie prayed the woman would believe Brian. She loved him for doing it for her but…

She darted a look at Brian. Oh no, how had he done it? Days ago she didn’t even know him. Today, at this moment, she’d just learned she loved him. How could she not? They’d looked after her when she was sick, and always tried to make her happy, even when she knew she was being stubbornly difficult. Blake and Brian didn’t care about her weight, and she’d never felt so cared for. They annoyed her at times with their overbearing ways, but she knew they did most things to keep her safe. The thing that made her love them the most was they’d stuck up for her against family friends. No one ever stuck up for her against her family.

She glanced back to Blake and muttered, “Apologise to her. Please. For me.” She turned pleading eyes up to him. “If you do, then we can go and look at these houses.”

His forehead came to rest on hers before he gave her lips a gentle brush with his. “All right, sweetheart, anything for you.” Beaming up at him, she realised in forty-eight hours she’d fallen head over heels in love with not one, but two men. Was it possible?

He gently put her down and turned to Sarah and Brian, who were still chatting softly. In a clear voice, Blake said, “Sarah, please forgive me. I should have called.” Sarah’s face was a mask of shock. She turned to Susie and looked at her in awe, like Susie had accomplished some major feat.

In a hoarse voice Sarah choked out, “Thank you. I am sorry for the drama. I knew your reputation.” She smiled at Susie and added, “It’s nice to see you have changed, and congrats on being engaged.” Sarah sent a grin Susie’s way, before taking Brian’s arm and moving to a black sports car. “Why don’t you two follow us?”

Before she or Blake could answer, Sarah got in her car and Brian hopped in the passenger seat. Blake opened her door with a grin on his face. “Who would have known that all I had to say to get women to stop whining at me was sorry.”

Susie punched him in the chest, giggling. He caught her hands and brought them up to his mouth before kissing each knuckle. She sighed, as tingles started in her body, and her pussy clenched. “This is why I love you.”

He froze, and she cursed herself for her stupidity as startled bright green eyes flashed at her. Bitting her lip, she snatched her hands away and tried to sit in the car. “Don’t worry. Pretend I didn’t say it.”

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