Theirs (6 page)

Read Theirs Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Theirs
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“Well, don’t worry. I’m sure you’re all going to be hearing a lot more about us as Susie is going to be mo—”

A moan slipped from Susie’s mouth and she interrupted Brian. “Okay, fine. You’ve introduced yourselves, now you can go.” Grabbing both his and Brian’s arms, she pushed them towards the door.

Grinning down at her as she tried to move them and got nowhere, Blake took pity on her and grasped her hand in his and turned to her friends. “Excuse us a moment, will you?” His lips curled up in the corner in a wicked smile as he added, “When we come back, everything will be sorted and Susie will be ready to join you.” He laughed as Susie growled and stormed to her room.



Chapter Six


“What the hell do you think you two are doing?”

After slamming the door behind them, Susie turned to face the two most frustrating men in the world. Blake smiled, and his dimples became more pronounced and his eyes turned all innocent. Ha! Yeah, right. She now knew what he could do, and she would bet her life savings and her home that he was so far from innocent he could be the devil. She looked to Brian, hoping she would have better luck, but his blue eyes flashed bright, and his arms were crossed over his chest as he waited for her to talk, like she was the one in trouble.

“Why did you make it look like we have something going on? Because now they are going to hound me for information I don’t have.”

Blake pulled her to him, lifted her up, and kissed her. His tongue traced her lips, seeking entry. She refused to give in. She wanted answers, and she was going to get them. When his hand moved down to her arse and he squeezed, she gasped and his tongue sneaked in. Blake kneaded her arse and ground her against him until she panted for more. Moving her hands up around his neck, she held him closer. He pulled away when Brian chuckled.

“I think she gets the point, Brother. There is something going on between us. Susie knows she is our mate. Don’t you?”

Blake put her down and she took a step back to stare at both of them, realising they were going on about the mate thing again. “You guys are serous, aren’t you? You truly think I’m your mate. You weren’t just doing some dramatic thing to get me to sleep with the both of you?”

Blake growled and Brian stepped towards her. He said, “I don’t think now is the right time to talk about this with three of your friends out there straining to hear all this. How about you go out tonight, have fun, and we will meet up here tomorrow around ten-ish? That should give you enough time for a sleep in.”

They didn’t look like they could be joking, and she hated to admit it, but they were right. It wasn’t the right time to discuss this with her friends in her lounge room. Groaning, she gave them one last glare before sighing. “Fine, but make it eleven-ish, because I am not a morning person.”

Smiles came over both their faces which took her breath away, and she hoped she wouldn’t regret getting involved with Blake and Brian.

They watched her get ready, grumbling at every outfit she chose. In the end, Susie growled, “If you don’t shut up and keep your comments and thoughts to yourselves, I swear neither of you will like the consequences.” She gave them her best stern face and stomped her foot for emphasis. After what felt like hours, but was probably only minutes, Blake made the motion of zipping his mouth and Brian put his hands up and vowed not to speak unless spoken to.

Satisfied, Susie put back on her first choice of black lacy underwear and a red and black fifties-style dress that probably did show off too much boob. Blake snarled the first time she’d put the dress on, but what could she do? She shrugged to herself. She topped it off with her red fuck-me-boots which, as Brian said, made the outfit look like she was ready to get some. She grinned to herself at their glowers, brushed out her hair and turned to them as she put her lipstick on. “Come on. I’ve been very rude. My friends are out there waiting for me, and I’ve been in here arguing with you two. Usually if I’m running late they are all in here with me.” They both raised their eyebrows and looked around her tiny room.

Gathering her ID and a fifty dollar note, she shoved them in her bra, walked to her door, and turned the knob, only to be stopped by Brian as he turned her around and plastered his mouth over hers. Sighing as his taste exploded into her mouth, she gripped him to her as their tongues tangled. A knock on her bedroom door interrupted her. Her friend Sandy yelled, “You alright in there, Susie? Are you coming or do you want us to go?”

Pushing at Brian’s chest, she detangled herself and opened the door, trying not to fix herself up and give away what she’d been doing.
Sandy grinned as she leaned forward and straightened her dress, putting her breast back in the right place. Shooting a glare at Brian, who grinned and winked at her before he walked down the hall. Sandy followed behind giggling. Turning to Blake, Susie sighed. “Don’t even think about messing me up again.” He chuckled but his eyes where flashing as he gazed at her hungrily. Grabbing his hand she pulled him back out with Brian and her friends


Brian turned to his brother as they arrived at his house. “I know we have only just met her and you don’t want to let her out of our sight until you’re sure she knows how we feel and what her place is in all this, but we can’t force her to stay with us.” Running his fingers through his hair, he tried to put a positive light on the situation, so he wouldn’t have to do what he knew Blake was going to make him do. “It might do her good to go out tonight, let off some steam, figure out all the new info she found out and have some fun.”

Blake growled at him and pushed his way into his house as soon as he unlocked the door. “So you have no problem with her going out in what she was wearing, with a bunch of her single friends tonight, after everything that has happened to her in the last twenty-four hours?”

Blake snarled at Brian and chucked a beer at him, which Brian caught, then chugged down. His brother grabbed another beer and Brian could tell Blake was concentrating on not smashing the bottle in his grip.

Slamming the fridge shut, Brian thought about what Susie had been wearing when she left and growled, “All right. Give me five minutes to get dressed. I’ll chuck you some clothes down and we’ll go watch our girl. And just so you know, from what I got, she will kill us if she finds out we did this.”

Blake shrugged and grinned up at him. “I don’t care.”

“To look at you, Blake, anyone would think you’re the easy-going, laid-back brother.” Brian shook his head. “How wrong they all are.” Brian ran upstairs to his room to shove on a shirt and grab one for Blake.


Brian knew this was a bad idea, especially as they now had to avoid hands and come-ons from women left, right and centre whilst trying to remain hidden. It definitely didn’t help he had to stop Blake and his own bear from going over and killing any of the many men dancing with and checking out Susie’s assets, which, with the choice of clothing she’d worn, weren’t doing a good job of staying concealed.

Narrowly avoiding another arse grab, Brian turned to Blake. “You do realise at this rate she will see us and think we don’t trust her, but most of all she will think we are possessive, controlling jerks.”

Blake turned and snarled at the women coming their way before he turned on him. “Maybe I am all those things. All I know is I’m thirty-seven years old and feel I have been waiting for years for her.” Brian stopped Blake from intercepting another group of men who joined Susie and her friends. He turned and growled at Brian. “Tell me, Brother, that you don’t feel the same.”

“Fine. I admit it, but I don’t want to blow it with her before it has had a chance to start and I’m here only because I don’t trust everyone else.” Blake grinned and nodded. This time, when they both turned back, they ordered a beer each.


Okay, she was trashed. Susie had never drunk this much in her life. This state had something to do with all the things she found out today. Oh, God, could it truly only been today? Glancing at her watch, Susie watched the numbers blur but they told her it all happened yesterday. Maybe it was a wicked strange dream. Picking up her glass of Bailey’s, she downed the liquid in one swallow, moaning when she noticed nothing was left. Grinning at the blond who winked at her, she stood from the booth on wobbly legs and wandered out to join Jane on the dance floor. The blond followed. She wasn’t going to worry about any of her troubles here tonight. Decided, she turned to Samantha and Sandy who come over to join in the dancing fun. She grabbed their hands and pulled them into the dancing circle.

Time flew by. At one-thirty, last drinks at the bar were called. By now Susie had spent her fifty and had drunk several gifts from admirers. Going back to their booth, she and her friends grabbed their jackets and she sat down for a moment to give her feet a rest. When she got up again, the world spun, and she would have fallen if four hands hadn’t grabbed her.

Groaning, because there was no way, no matter how drunk she was, she could forget the smell and feel of the arms around her. The confirmation came when Blake snarled, “I told you not to wear those shoes.” Brian’s hands disappeared as Blake picked her up. She squealed as he carried her out of the club in a cradle hold.

Not caring how they knew where to find her, or how long they had been there, she snuggled into Blake, mumbling, “Don’t forget my friends. Can’t leave without them. I didn’t call taxi yet.”

Kissing her head Blake hugged her tighter. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Brian is going to take them home.” She nodded into his chest and tried to force her eyes and her foggy mind to stay awake.

She sighed. “You smell so good. I knew it was you and Brian as soon as your hands touched me. Your scent surrounded me and I instantly felt safe.” He stopped and moved her so all her weight lay on one of his arms. He opened the door and gently placed her in the front passenger seat.

She dozed for the drive to her house and stirred when he picked her up and walked to the door. He unlocked it with her key and walked to her room where he took her dress off. He paused to take her shoes off and give each of her feet a rub. Whimpering at the exquisite feeling, she said, “I could fall in love with you so easily. If by some miracle I already haven’t already.”

He paused for a moment and kissed her lips. She could have sworn he muttered, “I love you too, my little treasure.”

Leaning into him she took a deep breath and slipped into sleep.



Chapter Seven


Brian woke at his usual five in the morning, stretched his tired body only to hear a moan, and looked down to see Susie’s head on his chest. He chuckled as she nestled into him and kneaded his chest, moaning when his chest lifted.

Blake, still fast asleep with Susie’s legs tangled with his, looked very content. Brian smiled as he wondered if she’d moved herself like this over him, or if Blake manoeuvred her into the position.

Nudging his brother, he whispered, “I have an appointment at six. Since you don’t need to be there until eleven, I’ll get most of my work done and finished this morning and see you back here later tonight. Are you staying or coming into work now?”

A growl escaped before his brother’s head came up and Blake glared at him. “I organised this Sunday as a day off. I’ve been working hard with my men and their last big fights were a week ago. Only two have fights coming up. So my work load is pretty light.” He smirked at Brian. “I’ll call some real estate agents and see what they’ve got, and I’ll make sure I organise a larger bed. So don’t rush back. I’m sure I can keep her busy.” To make his point Blake pulled a sleeping Susie off Brian, and across his chest. She moaned and fidgeted for a second then sighed, settling herself back in.

Brian leaned over and gently lifted some hair out of the way as he brushed his lips over her soft cheek. “Sweet dreams, honey.”

After getting out of bed, he pulled the clothes on from last night and strolled to the door. “I’ll be finding someone to take some clients off my hands so I have some free time cleared up.” Blake’s arm came out to wave in acknowledgement before wrapping around Susie again. Grinning, Brian added, “Oh, and since you have all this time, you can call Mum and Dad, and don’t forget Gwen.” He laughed as a drawn-out growl followed him out of the house.


Walking in to the gym, Brian waved at Dane, the night guy. “Give me a minute and you can go. Sorry I’m late.” There was chuckling as he ran up the stairs to his and Blake’s office where he dumped his bag and wallet before coming down again to a grinning Dane who leaned back against the wall.

“I’m surprised you even came to work today.”

Raising his eyebrow, Brian waited for Dane to continue.

“Oh, come on. Everyone knows you found your mate.”

“Yeah, how the hell does everyone know?” Brian glared at Dane, in no mood for guessing games after all the drama the last twenty-four hours.

“For starters, you had sex with a woman in your office. A real screamer, I’m told.” Brian growled at Dane who laughed and put his hands up. “That was the first clue. You never take women up there. Now if we talk about Blake, he is a different matter, as he is always taking women up to the office and making them scream.”

Brian groaned and ran fingers through his hair.

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