Theirs (11 page)

Read Theirs Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Theirs
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There was a pause before he heard his brother tell Blake where he was, and then Blake growled, “Good, meet me at the metro hospital as soon as you can.” He shoved the phone in his pocket and snarled, “Let’s go.” Brian wrapped his arms around Susie as they walked out of the house, and got into the car.



Chapter Ten


Susie was numb as she got out of the car at the hospital. How did she not know Greg was back in Sammy’s life? Sammy was supposed to be one of her best friends. Brian wrapped his arm around her and whispered, “Honey, you couldn’t have known.”

She leaned into him. “I should have known, but she came out on Friday so I thought everything fine. He never let her go out.”

He rubbed her back as they walked to the entry were two massive men stood to the side talking. They had the same build as Blake and Brian. One was even just a little bit taller. The two guys turned when they spotted them and instantly Susie could see they were related to her men. The taller one looked like an older version of Blake, only he had Brian’s blue eyes. The other, she’d seen early today at lunch. He was about the same size as Brian, but he had lighter hair, almost a dirty blond, and his eyes where green.

Blake whacked both guys on the back and explained the situation, and that the doctor had called, which we they all knew he wasn’t supposed to. The one who looked like Blake growled, and seemed to grow as his eyes flashed. She shrunk back whispering, “You can’t go in there like that. Not only will they not let you, you would also terrify Sammy more.”

Mr. Scary stared at her. “This is the one mum’s whining about. This is your mate?” He glared at Brian and Blake.

They grinned and pulled her forward. “Yes, this is our mate. Brock, meet Susie. Susie, meet Brock, and this one is our cousin Slater, although he is more a brother too.”

Both men nodded to her and Slater remarked, “Saw her earlier at the restaurant. She’s cute.” Brock stared at her, until his lips finally curled in what she assumed was a welcoming smile. She shivered. He was scary.

Brian tightened his arms and pulled her in to him. “Do you have your badge, Brock?” Brock nodded and Brian walked with her to the door.

Leaving Brian’s arms as they all walked in, Susie went straight to reception and waited for the person in front to finish. When the lady left, she asked what room Sammy could be found in. They all travelled to emergency room ten B. When they arrived, two men in scrubs stoped them. “Sorry but only family is allowed in here. Are you…” They stopped as Brock flashed his police badge.

Just before Sammy’s door, Susie paused. She was angry with Blake and Brian for inviting a cop after she’d told them what happened with Greg. Pointing at Brock, she said, “He can’t come in. I can’t believe after what I told you, you invited a cop.” She gave both of her men a death stare.

Susie was surprised when her guys didn’t answer, but Brock did. “Oh, I like you. You’re feisty, and I don’t like men who beat women.” He touched his nose. “I have a built-in lie detector. It’s one of the perks of being a shifter.”

She gulped as she turned to Blake and Brian who had shit-eating grins on their faces. Stomping her foot she muttered, “Fucking fantastic. Another reason to feel so lucky.” Before she opened Sammy’s door, she said, “Give me five minutes alone with her first, please.” She didn’t wait for them to agree and slipped into the room.

Susie gasped as she saw her friend’s battered and bruised face. Anything visible was purple or black. She rushed straight to her friend, who looked startled to see her. The one eye that was open dilated, and she tried shaking her head. “Oh, sweetie, what has he done to you?” She stroked Sammy’s hair. “I’m going to help you get away from him this time. I will lend you some…”

A hand came down hard on her shoulder and squeezed until she winced. Glancing behind her, she saw Greg, with his short blond hair and his brown eyes that seemed almost black as he stared down at her with so much hatred. “You little fat bitch. You won’t be taking her anywhere.” He dragged her up, and a scream escaped her before he covered her mouth and whispered, “If I ever see you near Samantha again, I will…”

“You’ll do what?” She sighed as she recognised Blake’s voice. Greg turned with her in his arms and she screeched as his hands caught her hair, pulling it. Blake moved toward her, his eyes glowing, as Brian went for Greg.

Instead of letting her go, Greg gripped her tighter. Brock said, “I would let her go if I were you, buddy. If you don’t, you will die an ugly death. You see, you never harm a bear’s mate. And unluckier for you, this lovely lady has two of them”

She hoped Greg listened to Brock, because right now Brian as a giant grizzly bear came at them.

Greg squealed as bear claws slashed him across the face. Blake grabbed her, yanking her out of Greg’s arms and to him. Brian went for Greg again, but Brock stopped him, standing in front of the bear who hunched over in the small room. “Brian, enough. Change back. We can’t kill him here. We can’t kill him today.” The bear made a snorting sound, and she watched transfixed as the bear seemed to shine, and light of every colour swirled around like magic, and then all of a sudden Brian stood there, still in his clothes, looking like he hadn’t just changed into a huge bear.

Greg lay on the floor shaking, and Brock knelt and talked to him. Susie stepped away from the chaos and checked on Sammy, who had passed out. Susie frowned, wondering why no one came in with all commotion. A doctor or a nurse should have come in. She flinched as Brian pulled her to him. His body seemed to sag as he sighed. “Please tell me you’re not scared of me now.”

Thinking back to a moments ago when he changed and charged at them, Susie was stunned to realise that she wasn’t afraid of him. Even when he clawed Greg, it never once crossed her mind the bear would hurt her. Turning in his arms, she stared up at him. “No, I’m not.” She reached up and stroked his face. “I love you, even when you’re a grizzly bear.”

Brian beamed down at her, and brushed his lips across hers. “Say it again for me, honey.” Her hands moved up to wrap around his neck, and she pulled him closer and whispered into his ear, “Brian, I love you.”

He picked her up and muttered as his head rested against hers. “I love you so much. Don’t ever do anything so silly again. You knew he was about somewhere.”

She giggled as she thought of everything. “Oh, no one better mess with me. I am probably one of the safest women in the world now.”

He gave a mock growl, and gently placed her down, only to pause and swear. Susie turned to see what he was swearing at, only to gulp, and try to run over to Sammy. Brock stood over a whimpering Sammy, being held back by Brian. He said, “Mine.”

She looked over the other side of the bed to see Slater, who also said, “Mine.” Susie started to get cranky as the two men stared at each other like they were ready to kill each other.

Brushing off Brian’s hold, she went over to them and gave them her best death stare. “Stop it now. This is not the time or the place for it. Not only that, you are scaring my friend. I don’t care what she is to either of you, but if you don’t get away I will whoop your arses.” They both turned on her, and looked her up and down. Straightening she sighed. “Fine, I will get Brian and Blake to do it.” They grinned as she felt four hands on her back.

She glanced down at Sammy to see her give a slight nod in thanks. All the guys moved away, and she was finally alone with Sammy. “I promise, he won’t hurt you again. You are safe now.”

In a croaked voice that could barely be heard, Sammy asked, “Where is Greg?”

Slater came up next to the bed, mumbling, “Alive, unfortunately, but going to jail.”

Sammy shut her eyes as tears streamed down her cheek. “Thanks.” Susie leaned down and wiped the tears away, and gave each cheek a kiss.


They arrived back at Susie’s place in the early hours of the morning. They all collapsed into a heap together on the bed. Blake prayed for the rest of the week to be quiet and uneventful. They sorted out a watch on Sammy. She’d agreed to come and live with them for a while until she fully recovered, which didn’t go down well with Brock and Slater.

Blake was happy for the next couple of days. He only worked seven till four, and Susie finished at four thirty. He picked her up from work every afternoon and she would growl about her perfectly good car. She hadn’t used it since meeting him and Brian.

On Friday afternoon, Susie called him at work to tell him she’d been writing all day and was heading over to see Sammy. He and Brian left work late, but made sure they got back in time to surprise her with a dinner. The phone started ringing at about six. Blake grabbed it, even though it was Susie’s phone. “Hello.”

Quiet greeted him on the other end, and then a gruff male voice said, “I would like to speak to my daughter.”

He smiled as he hadn’t heard much about Susie’s family. She wasn’t fond of talking about them. This was his chance to get some info. “She’s not here right now. Is there anything I can help you with?”

Blake could hear a woman in the background, giving instruction. “Fine. You’ll do. Tell her she needs to be at the Plaza at seven o’clock, no later, and if she brings a date, tell him to be mindful because she will be sitting with Richard. He is still not happy she gave back his ring. Anyhow, tell her it’s best if she comes by herself. I don’t want any drama.” He heard the woman telling Susie’s father to ask about the two men at the restaurant Ellen had told them about. The man mumbled that his daughter would never disgrace him by being with two men publicly.

Blake gripped the phone and tried not to break it as he snarled, “Okay, I have all the information. Why don’t you give me the address for the function again, just in case she has forgotten.” Susie’s father told him the address of the Crown Plaza Hotel, and that it would be in Function Room A.

After hanging up, he stomped back into the kitchen and informed Brian of his conversation. “You don’t think she’s still embarrassed to be with both of us, or undecided about us? Should we confront her?”

Blake grinned at his brother. “Oh, we are going to do better than that. We are going to go to a dinner tomorrow night.”

Brian smirked, and rubbed his hands together. “Let’s show her why she was given two mates.” Blake chuckled as he thought he couldn’t wait to see what excuse their little mate came up with.



Chapter Eleven


Susie gripped her purse tighter as she entered the function room at the
Crown Plaza alone, feeling guilty about lying to her boys. She hadn’t really lied, more like stretched the truth. She did go to Jane’s, and she was going to have dinner, so all in all, mostly the truth. She just hoped it was enough to convince their shifter noses.

She groaned as she walked in and her father and stepmother glided up to her. The first comment out of Julie’s mouth was “I thought you were going to gym, so you could lose weight. What happened?”

In a foul mood for having to fib to her men, Susie snarled, “I’m here. Think yourself lucky.” Julie huffed, and Susie groaned as Richard, her ex, strolled over to them. He wore a black suit and looked as slick as ever. His blond hair was gelled back, and his teeth bleached as white as they could go. His lean frame did nothing for her. She shivered in disgust at the thought of his touch.

Her father shot her a ‘be nice’ look, and she gritted her teeth. Richard took her hand and placed a sloppy kiss on it. Susie shivered again in revulsion and resisted the urge to wipe her hand on her dress. “You look beautiful as always, Mrs. Sutten, and I see my gorgeous girl has arrived. You don’t mind if I steal her for a dance?” Susie almost gagged as her stepmother giggled and nodded.

Susie snatched her hand back as soon as they were far enough away. “What the hell are you doing?”

Richard yanked her to him as they danced across the floor. Ignoring her earlier question, he smiled down at her. “We look good together. I bet you miss me.” She shook her head, and pushed at him when he tried to kiss her. Thanking God when they were interrupted by a stunning woman, tall, with dark olive skin and midnight black hair tied into an elegant braid. She had full puffy lips, which at the moment where turned down in a frown.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Richard seemed speechless, as he stared at the beauty. Susie took the chance to manoeuvre out of his hold.

Richard found his voice. “I assure you, ma’am, I can because she is my fiancée.” Susie growled, stomped her feet and opened her mouth to tell him she most certainly was not when the lady laughed. “Oh, really? You might want to tell my sons who have been staring at her since she got here, and are coming this way ready to kill you, that.”

Susie turned just as Richard did, watching him pale, as two handsome men in black tuxedos stalked up with death in their eyes. Susie smiled, and sighed. “I love those two so much.”

Not caring where she was, she rushed to them and threw her arms around both of them. “I’m so glad you came. I missed you so much. You two look so hot.” She grinned up at them both. “Wow. Lucky me.” Reaching up, she pulled Blake’s face down and brushed her lips over his before whispering, “I’m sorry for lying. Forgive me. I love you.” Letting him go she reached for Brian and did the same. Turning she gulped as she saw everyone had stopped and was staring at them.

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