Theirs (2 page)

Read Theirs Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Theirs
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His sister raised an eyebrow at him, shrugged, and turned back to Susie. “If it’s okay with you, my brother can sign you up. He knows the drill.”

Susie hesitated, nodded, and sat back down again. His sister kissed his cheek, and then moved so she hovered over his ear and whispered, “I’ll call you later.” Before Gwen walked out to collect her stuff from their office upstairs, she paused at the door. “It’s nice to meet you, Susie. I look forward to seeing you again, and thanks for understanding.” Susie nodded to Gwen before she walked away.

Sitting down in the seat his sister vacated, Brian looked at the screen to see the start-up survey to determine what type of membership fit a person best was blank. Clearing his suddenly dry throat, he stared at the face now studying him. “So, where was my sister up to with you?”

The pink covered her cheeks again as she answered. “We’d just started. Gwen asked me what type of membership I wanted. Um, I would like a personal trainer to help me keep my goals and reach my goal weight. Maybe a Zumba class twice a week as well.”

He nodded. “Okay, so what’s your main goal? What do you want to gain from coming to our gym? From what you just said, you have a goal weight. How long have you given yourself to reach your goal weight?” Thinking about it, he wouldn’t mind having something to hold on to while he loved his woman for a change. His brother always told him the reason he only slept with women once was because he wasn’t going for the right type of woman for a big healthy shifter.

Her brows furrowed for a moment, before she answered, “To tell you the truth, I hadn’t really thought that far ahead. Once I have a trainer I will talk goals and stuff with her.” He couldn’t hold in the chuckle as the ‘her’ was drawn out and louder than the rest.

She glowered at him, and he grinned as a plan formed in his mind. “You came in on the perfect day. We’re running a special, six months’ membership for the price of one year, and if you sign up today, you’ll get a personal trainer twice a week.” He gave her their six month membership price and knew his sister would try to kill him when she found out what he did, but Brian, in his thirty-six years, had never had an instant attraction to a woman. Sure, he’d lusted after many, even thought he’d loved one once, but a woman had never consumed his thoughts from the moment he met her like Susie did. She was his mate. It explained why she smelt like his favourite food and he found her gorgeous when usually he wouldn’t even glance her way. His cock hadn’t deflated since he saw her. He wasn’t going to let her get away.

Susie nodded. “All right, can I read over the contract? If everything is okay, I will pay today, so I can start ASAP.” He nodded as he made the changes he needed to the contract and printed it out before handing it to her.

She grabbed the contract. Her hand brushed his, further confirming that she was his mate when the tension in the room seem to double. She shivered, and her mango and honey scent intensified. His bear come to the forefront growling at him to throw their mate over his shoulder, take her to their home, and show her all the benefits of being with a bear shifter.

He watched as she read through the pages, using them to try and hide every time she looked at him. Susie bit her lip. Brian swore when he couldn’t sit anymore with the tightness in his pants, thanks to his dick being painfully hard against his jeans. He stood, adjusted himself, and noticed her eyes never left his crotch.

She signed the contract without even looking at the rest. She stood slowly, and mumbled, “Um, I better go now. Nice meeting you. I look forward to starting with one of your f-e-m-a-l-e personal trainers.”

He couldn’t help the wide toothy grin that spread over his face as she again stated that she wanted a female, and not him, as a trainer. When he reached for her hand, she avoided his touch only to trip on a chair and fall into his chest. A whimper escaped her as his hands came around her. “Careful, honey.”

She lingered for a moment or two before pulling away from him and rushing out of the room, grumbling, “Thanks.”

Tomorrow would be a long day, but if he had a say in it, it would end on a high note. He looked over at the object of his desire, and images of the perfect way to exercise flashed across his mind. He knew a stupid smile spread over his face, but he didn’t care.


With a bounce in her step, Susie strolled through her townhouse front door. She couldn’t wait to get started tomorrow afternoon. It worked out perfectly. She would meet with her personal trainer at five o’clock to have her first half-hour session. She’d have time to buy some much needed workout clothes.

She called her friends and planned Saturday night out to celebrate her new fitness kick. Satisfied with her day and bursting with ideas, she went to her computer to write with a new lead character in mind. A tall man, olive-skinned, sky blue-eyed, with midnight black hair and big kissable lips. The perfect hero for her next book.



Chapter Two


Five minutes early, Susie walked into Healthy Bodies in her new black yoga pants, sports bra, and a white baggy T-shirt over the top. She was ready to start her new fitness regime. A pretty teenage girl sat at the reception desk this time. She smiled at Susie. “Hello, welcome to Healthy Bodies. What can I do to help you today?”

Susie was pleasantly surprised by the young girl’s professionalism. “Hi, my name is Susie. I joined yesterday and was told to come here for a locker key.” The girl nodded and handed her a key from under the reception desk.

“I’m Tayler. It’s nice to meet you. Would you like me to show you where to go or did they show you yesterday?”

Susie smiled at Tayler. “Thank you. That would be great. I left yesterday without asking for a tour. Silly, I know.”

Laughing, the girl walked out from behind the desk. “No, you’re fine. You would be surprised at how many people do that.”

Susie bet she wouldn’t be. All they had to do was see Brian and they would willingly sign anything, because that’s what she’d done. Susie didn’t want to admit she didn’t even ask for a tour.

“How about I take you to the locker room?” Tayler asked.

Susie nodded and followed the girl.

Susie put her bag in a locker and followed Tayler out. “So, do you work here often?”

The girl giggled. “Not as often as I would like. I’m doing my HSC this year. I’ve cut back on some week days so I can study, but I try to get as many shifts as I can, especially on the weekend because it’s the busiest. The owner is always in, and it’s worth coming to work just to look at him.”

When they arrived back at reception, Tayler went back behind the desk. “Can I help you with anything else?”

Susie beamed at the girl. “No, thanks. You’ve been a great help. I’m now waiting on the personal trainer I booked. She should be here any minute. Our appointment is for five.” Tayler’s face and whole demeanour changed. Her eyes went from bright and happy to the best teenage glare she’d ever seen. Her mouth tuned down and her body stiffened. Tayler glanced at the clock then back at Susie and this time Susie felt like a bug under a microscope.

Finally she said in an icy tone, “I don’t see it. What coul—” She got cut off and her eyes rounded as her mouth slammed shut just as Susie felt a hand gently touch her back. Startled, she jumped, almost banging into the reception counter.

Brian said, “Tayler, I see you have met my new client.”

Susie prayed he was only talking about her joining the gym and not personal training. She inwardly cringed as he continued, “Don’t disturb me for the rest of the afternoon. Susie here is my last training session for the day.”

She wasn’t quick enough to pull away when he reached down and grabbed her hand. A jolt rushed through her system at his contact, and although she knew the girl was going to be no help, she turned to Tayler for help and stuttered, “B-but I c-can’t have you as my trainer.”

He paused as he led her toward stairs she hadn’t noticed at the side of the room. “Why not?”

She stared up into his bright blue eyes, trying to think of a good excuse. “Um, well, ah, I asked for woman yesterday. Remember?”

“I’m the most experienced trainer here. I’m also co-owner, so I can give you the best service.”

She gave an involuntary shiver as the last words came out husky and thoughts of other services she would love him to give flashed through her mind. He started walking up the stairs, gently pulling her along.

She looked around, noticing several women watching her. Groaning, she straightened her shoulders and followed his lead. “Is there somewhere downstairs we could go?”

Reaching the top landing, he opened the door before turning to her and pulling her inside. “Yes. We have two rooms downstairs just for this.” Susie raised her eyebrow at him as he tugged her farther in and then shut and locked the door. She gulped as she looked around the large room for another exit. All she saw was windows. Susie took a step back and her body hit the door. She looked up in time to see his mouth descending on hers.


Being a bear shifter had its benefits. One, he was stronger than any human. Two, he had better hearing and a heightened scene of smell, and right now he could smell she was turned on by him. Every time he touched her, her honey and mango scent intensified. Three, he could move a lot faster than humans, which he thought could come in handy now as he convinced her to stay while blocking all her exits.

When Susie took the step back and hit the door, he took the opportunity to lower his mouth over hers to show her what he’d been dying to do since yesterday.

Since she’d left, he’d had a permanent hard-on, which made his usual lazy Friday night one of the worst in his life. No matter how many times he’d jacked off or tried to sleep, he couldn’t, as thoughts and fantasies rushed through his mind. His bear growled in his head.
Mate. Go find mate. Claim mate. We need her for cubs
. Brian groaned, tossed, and turned all night. He was lucky if he even got an hour’s sleep.

As his mouth touched hers, the outside world disappeared and she became his only focus. At first she was frozen, rigid against the door, until his tongue came out and traced along the seam of her lips. She opened on a gasp as he slowly moved his hands up her body, starting at her waist. Her own tongue came out to meet his, hesitantly at first, before she slowly melted into his embrace, meeting him and tangling their tongues together. He groaned as his hunger built for her.

Brian slowly moved his hands up to her large rounded breasts, caressing her through the fabric until he got frustrated with the barrier of clothes between them. He allowed one hand to shift then used his bear claws to slice through her shirt and bra, leaving him free to play with her plump tits. She didn’t seem to have noticed how his hand changed. She was too busy with her own hands, which currently slid down his back and into his pants. Susie sighed into his mouth and squeezed his arse.

Brian chuckled at her actions and pulled himself slightly away so he could figure out the best way to get the rest of their clothes off. His lips curled in a satisfied smirk as he ripped his own shirt off and pulled his shorts down without giving her the chance to even glance at his assets as he was a big guy, huge everywhere. Even though most women say they want a big cock, when they are in the presence of one, they usually run scared. Grabbing Susie around the waist, Brian yanked her pants off. He heard a rip but didn’t care. Her underwear followed quickly, landing on the floor behind them. She squealed and tried to cover herself with her hands. Picking her up, he moved to sit her on his desk. He then took a step back to get a better look at the treasure before him.

Wow, magnificent
. Her long brown hair sat fallen out of her braid. Her eyes had this dazed expression swirling in them. Her chest heaved and her breasts where perfect large globes that would overflow his hands. Her soft round tummy, which she was trying to cover with her hands, didn’t distract him from the smell and the white cream he could see dripping from her pussy.

He knew the main reason she responded to him so strongly was because he was her mate, and no matter whether a person was a shifter or human, it was impossible to resist a true mate. No matter how hard a person tried, in the end, the true mate bond always won.

Grinning, he dived between her thighs to lap at her honey. She cried out instantly as his tongue touched her lips. “Ahh, oh, Brian.”

He grinned at the sound of his name as she panted it. She tasted so good. He probed with his tongue in and out, making sure he had every last drop. She bucked as he licked over her nub, and then sucked it in before giving it a nip on release. She squealed and he watched as her eyes got large. Her mouth opened in an “o” shape of wonder like she hadn’t felt what he was doing to her before. Her cheeks were bright red as she turned her head to the side and gave a shy smile as she slowly ground against him, and he chuckled at her innocent reactions. When he moved back up her body to do some tasting of some very ripe melons, Susie arched into him. She begged, “Please, I need to… Oh, come.”

He looked up from her breasts, his mouth hovering over one, and he couldn’t resist. His tongue snuck out and circled around the pointed nipple before he sucked the whole thing in. With a pop, he released her and grinned up at her.

“Oh, honey, you will come before I drive my dick home. I want to feel you come around my fingers. You’re gonna coat them with your cream.” Brian placed one thick finger in her pussy and sucked on her breasts, pumping his finger in and out until he felt her walls start to quiver. He added a second finger, thrusting them faster. Screaming, she arched into his hand. “Just a little more, come on. I’m so close.” He sucked harder on one succulent nipple, his tongue swirling around the tip, and he gave a gentle nip, then he repeated the treatment on the other side as he caressing her nub with his thumb. Susie yelled out his name and he felt her walls contract around him.

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