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Authors: Savannah Reardon

The Queen Slave (7 page)

BOOK: The Queen Slave
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“It is time to get your genital area treated so you do not have to be shaved any longer. We need to get rid of this stubble first though,” the nurse said as she produced a depilatory cream from the case she was carrying and spread it generously over Neenah’s mound and ass, even getting between the fold and into her ass crack to make sure all stray hairs were covered. The nurse went back to the bathroom and came back carrying a basin filled with water and a cloth so that she could wash the fast acting depilatory off Neenah’s skin.

Once she was certain that all hairs had been removed, she took a sonic pulse unit out of her case. The unit sent sonic pulses into the hair follicles, paralyzing them, which prevented them from growing hair for up to twelve months. The nurse took her time, making sure that she had zapped all the follicles in the area of Neenah’s pussy and ass.

“There, all done, now you will not have worry about shaving for quite some time,” the nurse said and then left the room.

A few minutes had passed when a short older man entered the room carrying a large black bag and approached Neenah’s chair. He pulled a nearby stool over and sat down in between Neenah’s legs. Pulling some cotton and a bottle of clear liquid out of his bag, he poured the liquid over the cotton and began rubbing it on the area right above her pubis.

From the smell not to mention the way it stung on her newly denuded skin, she could tell that the clear liquid was alcohol. He then pulled out of his bag a cylindrical metal object with a tube protruding from the bottom end and what looked like a needle poking out the top. He pulled a jar out of the bag and set it on the adjoining table, and then hooked the tube into the jar.

He flicked a switch on the cylinder and it purred to life, vibrating slightly in his hands. “This might hurt a bit miss,” he said as he brought the cylinder down to her skin.

Neenah yelped in surprise and pain as the needle bit into her sensitive skin. Her fists clenched and tears began to run down her cheeks as the needle continued to jab into her skin. After what seemed like an eternity, the humming stopped and the man began gathering his supplies and putting them back into his black bag.

Neenah lay in the chair, trying to calm down, her still skin smarting from the tattooing she had just received. She speculated that this is what Master meant by his mark. She wondered what would be done to her to symbolize that she was his primary.

No sooner had she thought this than the door opened, and in walked another man. He carried a small pouch in one hand and a small ice chest in the other. He came up and stood at Neenah’s side. Using a marker, he placed a dot on each side of first one nipple and then the other. He stepped back and checked to make sure the dots were lined up evenly. Opening the chest, he pulled out an ice cube and began to circle it around her nipple.

The shocking cold was a new sensation for Neenah, but amazingly, it felt really good. He continued circling her nipple until it was standing very erect, and then he did the same thing to the other nipple. Once he had them both standing at attention, he reached into his pouch and brought out two clamps. He attached the clamps on Neenah’s areolas to keep the nipples standing straight up. A needle was pulled out of the pouch, and Neenah realized what he was about to do.

He punched the needle through her nipple, and Neenah screamed. He took a fourteen gage ring and slid it through the hole the needle had carved through her nipple. Then, he repeated the process with the other nipple.

Neenah was left in the chair, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her nipples were throbbing from the intense pain of having the needle shoved through them. The feeling of the metal underneath her skin was very strange.

Shortly thereafter, Master returned and admired the work that had been done on her and then released her from the chair and informed her that she could have the rest of the day as a free day.

As she walked back to the room, each step made her breasts bounce, which in turn caused her newly pierced nipples to throb. Entering her room, she found Keera waiting for her. Keera beckoned Neenah to follow, so she went back out the door.

They walked through several corridors before coming to a set of shiny double doors. Keera entered a code on the keypad, and the doors slid open, revealing a large circular room with five separate doors laid into its walls.

“This is the slave quarters. From now on, this is where you will live. The main room is the area where we can visit with each other and find an activity to keep us occupied during any free time. Three of the doors lead to bedrooms, one to the bathroom, and one to a small kitchen. We are allowed to use the kitchen as long as we do not have our day filled with appointments. Each bedroom has an external locking mechanism that Master can use during a slave’s punishment.

“The room beside the bathroom is yours. There is a control panel on the inside next to the door. It will flash a message if Master requires your services and will give you instructions on what to do. You can go and lay down for a bit to recover from your marking, or you can lounge about in here and utilize one of the lap tops or watch the big screen.

“As long as we are not locked in our room for punishment, we are allowed to talk to each other and do whatever else suits our fancy. However, once we leave this area, we are not allowed to interact unless Master permits it. Nylia will join us if she ever manages to pass training; otherwise, it will just be the two of us until Master can find a suitable replacement for her.”

Neenah was going to ask what she meant by that last statement, but Keera turned her back and stalked off before the words got out of her mouth. Neenah wondered what in the heck had gotten into her. Keera had always been nice to her until last night and even then all she had noticed was the slight sneer on Keera’s face that simply could have been her imagination.

Deciding that she could use a rest after the traumatic experience of being tattooed and pierced in the same day, Neenah walked into her room and saw with delight that she actually had a bed instead of just an animal rug on the floor. She lay down and sighed as her body sank into softness. After a few minutes, she realized that she was not going to be able to fall asleep. The weirdness of Keera’s behavior was really bothering her.

She mulled it over in her mind for a bit and thought that maybe Keera was jealous. After all, Keera had been with Master for quite some time and more than likely felt that she should be his primary slave. Having a new slave be given the honor probably rankled Keera. Neenah wondered why Master chose her instead of Keera.

Keera was a stunning woman. Sleek blond hair adorned her head, falling well past her shoulders. Her pert breasts jutted out from her body, no sag to be seen. She had the face of a goddess, and her icy eyes were very enticing. Come to think of it, considering her statuesque height, Keera might very well be of the same race as Master. All in all, she was perfection to behold, and Neenah was confused as to why Master would choose her instead of Keera.

She looked around the room and noticed that there was a lap tap sitting on the table beside the bed. Seeing the bed must have really taken all of her focus, for she had not seen the lap top until just now. She reached over and grabbed it, pulling it onto the bed with her. Her hands pulled the top up and the unit powered on, screen lighting up to illuminate different categories. She realized that this was the same unit that she had used on her previous free day, so she called up the book she had been in the middle of reading and began to read.

Soon the words began to blur together, so Neenah closed the lap top, setting it back on the table, and lay back on the pillow. As she pondered some more on the reasoning behind Keera not becoming the primary slave, she drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Five


Obviously, the modifications to her body took more out of her than she realized because she did not awaken until the next morning. She slowly rose out of bed and checked the panel. The message waiting for her said that she would be getting another free day as Master had decided to take over Nylia’s training instead of leaving it sole
ly in the hands of a trainer. It also said to check her lap top for instructions on how to clean her nipples.

She popped open the unit and opened the instruction file. Once she had read it, she left the room and headed towards the bathroom. Inside the medicine cabinet, she found everything she needed to clean and doctor her nipples. Luckily, they were not as sore as they were the day before. The pulsing pain had dulled to a slight ache. Neenah was very grateful for that.

Suddenly Neenah was startled by a knock at the door. “Yes?”

“Master has commanded that I take care of any needs that you may have today,” Keera said as she opened the door and entered the bathroom. “Oh, were you getting ready to doctor your nipples?”

“Yes, there were instructions on what to do on my lap top when I woke up this morning.”

“Well, since I have been commanded to take care of you today you need to let me do it. I used to have nipple rings, so I know how to take care of them.”

“Why do you not have them anymore?” inquired Neenah as Keera crossed over to the sink and began to fill it with water.

“Only Master’s primary is allowed to wear nipple rings. Other slaves are not allowed any type of body decoration except for Master’s mark.”

Neenah thought about this as Keera added body salt to the water in the sink and pushed Neenah over the sink until her breasts were down into the water. “You need to soak in the salt water for three minutes. I will come back in three and do the next step.”

Left bent over the sink, Neenah thought about Keera’s statement about the nipple rings. Did that mean that Keera had been Master’s primary once, and that is why she had worn the rings? From Keera’s earlier statements, Neenah had thought that one of the slaves who were sold had been the primary, and that Keera had expected to rise to that position upon their selling. Had she been Master’s primary and thus been ringed or had she had them before becoming Master’s slave and was required to remove them?

“Time is up, you can stand up now,” Keera said as she walked back into the bathroom. “Stand still and I will take care of the rest of it.”

While Keera doctored Neenah’s nipples, Neenah decided the only way that she was going to find out about the nipple rings was to ask. “Keera, did you have nipple rings before Master bought you, or did you have them because at one time, you were Master’s primary?”

“I had been Master’s primary. When you are Master’s primary, you are not supposed to have to service anyone but Master. I have never heard of any of his primaries ever being given to someone else for their temporary usage. He always used one of his two other slaves for that. However, while at the party of an important client, Master commanded that I service the client.

“It seems that this client was very important to Master’s business, and Master wanted to keep him happy. The client had commented on me and asked to be allowed to use me as he saw fit for the night, and then he would return me to Master in the morning. Master agreed, and I was taken to the bedchamber of the client.  I was furious that Master would allow anyone else to use me, his primary. It just was not done. The other two slaves were at the party, Master could have said the client would have to use one of them, but he did not.

“Anyway, when the client came into the room, I went out of control. I screamed at the man and jumped on him, pounding at his face and chest. I thought by doing that, the client would not want to deal with me and would send me back to Master. I was wrong. The client threw me on the bed and tied me up, and then he had his way with me. He kept me tied up all night, using me whenever the urge hit him. When he returned me to Master the next morning, he told him what I had done.

“Master was enraged. Not only had I blatantly disobeyed, but my behavior had made Master look bad. It made it look like Master could not control his slaves, and that they obviously did not respect and fear him as they should. Also, the client backed out of the business deal with Master, causing him to lose quite a bit of money.

“I was demoted and punished severely. To this day, I am still not sure why Master did not sell me immediately, and I was especially confused as to why Master kept me when he sold the other two slaves to make room for you and Nylia. I think maybe he wants me to constantly remember how I shamed him. See, ever since that happened, Master has not allowed me any pleasure or release. Any time that I am used, I am not allowed to cum. I am not allowed to self-pleasure myself either. If I were to be sold, then my next Master would possibly allow me pleasure. That is the only reason that I can think of that would make Master want to keep me; so that he can punish me continuously.”

“I am sorry Keera. Being a slave in itself has to be extremely difficult, but being punished continually by a Master that otherwise seems to take good care of his slaves must be even worse.”

“Well, considering how most slaves are treated, I am not sure why Master thought I would end up in a place where I would be treated better than this. You would think that he would have sold me to someone he knew to be a bad Master. That would have been the worst punishment of all. Now, that is enough about that. Come into the kitchen. I have breakfast waiting for you.”

Neenah entered the kitchen and saw that there was already a plate of hot food sitting on the table. “Keera, you do not have to do this. I can take care of myself.”

“No, I can’t let you do that. Master has given me an order. I am to see to all of your needs today. If I let you do it, then I will be disobeying Master, and I will be punished.”

Neenah silently nodded her assent and ate her breakfast. She desperately wanted to have Keera for a friend, seeing as how Keera and Nylia would be the only two people that she would have much contact with, but she was afraid that Keera’s resentment about the primary situation would keep that from happening.

After Neenah had finished her breakfast, she put the plate in the sink and went into the living area. Keera was not in there, so she figured that she must be in her room or in the bathroom. She picked up the remote to the big screen and turned it on. Flipping through the channels, she discovered that all of them were sex channels. Obviously, Master did not want his slaves to learn about anything except that for which they were bought. She found a channel that was showing two women together, and she decided that she would watch it for a while.

She was not sure why, but seeing two women together made her body tingle. Vivid in her memory was the day that Keera spent trying to make her cum, while she had to fight against it. The feel of Keera’s hands and tongue on her body was exquisite. What Master did to her was also wonderful. Neenah was a little confused by all of this. Being brought up without any true knowledge of sex really caused problems with where she was now.

For the next couple of hours, she sat entranced by the movie. She had yet to see any males. The entire movie had consisted of different females pleasuring each other. Especially intriguing to Neenah was the harness that some women wore that had a dildo or vibrator attached and allowed the two women to fuck as if one of them was a male. Clearly there was one advantage to that; the woman who wore the harness could fuck indefinitely if she so desired, unlike a male who must stop upon reaching orgasm.

As the video was coming to an end, Neenah yawned and stretched, realizing that even with all the sleep she had gotten the night before, her body has still not fully rested from the ordeals of  her week of training. She decided to go take a nap. She would have told Keera what she was doing, but for some who was supposed to be taking care of her needs for the day, Keera was not being very attentive. She had not seen Keera any since eating breakfast this morning.

Neenah went to her room and lay on the bed, curling up on her side, mind thinking through the events of the past week as she slowly drifted off to sleep. She awoke feeling a weight on top of her body pressing her down into the bed. Opening her eyes, she saw Keera straddling her chest as she tied her hands to the middle of the headboard.

“Keera, what are you doing?”

“I am taking care of your needs. After watching that video, you are sure to be horny, so I thought I would help you out a bit. Just lay back and relax.”

“Keera, if you had wanted to do this for me, all you had to do was ask. You definitely did not have to tie me up. Now, untie me please.”

“Oh, I do not think so. I think things will go so much smoother if you stay tied up; besides, Master ties you up all the time, so it should not bother you. Now hush or I will be forced to gag you.”

Neenah knew that she should be angry with Keera for doing this, but to be honest, after watching that video, she was horny and the idea of Keera tying her up and having her way excited Neenah to no end.  She watched as Keera put on a harness with a dildo in it like she had seen the women in the movie wearing. The dildo was huge, and Neenah was a little worried that she would be too tight to take it.

Keera saw the look on Neenah’s face when she strapped on the huge dildo. “Oh, is the horny slut afraid of the big dick? Don’t worry, I’ll make sure it fits,” Keera said with a sneer.  She climbed on top of Neenah, putting her pelvis in a position so that the dildo was close to Neenah’s mouth. “Suck my cock slut and do it good!” Keera shouted.

As she thrust the dildo into Neenah’s mouth, she leaned down and began licking on Neenah’s clit to get Neenah aroused enough to get her pussy juices flowing. As much as she despised Neenah, she had to be careful with her thrusts; Master would be very angry if Neenah got hurt.

When she was satisfied that Neenah was wet enough, she turned around and got in between Neenah’s legs. “You ready for my big dick? You are such a slut. I bet you can’t wait to feel my huge dick ramming into your pussy,” Keera taunted as she lined up the head of the dildo with the entrance to Neenah’s pussy. She eased the head inside, pushing to get the mushroom shaped tip past Neenah’s tight pussy opening.

Neenah yelped as Keera slammed the rest of the dildo into her pussy. Having the massive dildo slammed into her all at once made Neenah feel like she was being split open. The discomfort soon gave way to pleasure as Keera pinched Neenah’s nipples while she continued to pound into Neenah’s wet pussy.

“Oh yeah slut, you like that don’t you? You like being fucked by my huge dick,” Keera goaded as she continued to fuck Neenah with the strap-on. By this time, Neenah was so turned on that she was moaning and grunting as Keera fucked her, hips bucking up to meet the thrusts of the dildo as it plunged inside her warm depths.

Keera pulled out and rolled Neenah onto her stomach and pulled her knees up under her so that her ass was sticking up in the air. She pushed the dildo back into Neenah’s pussy and resumed fucking her. Reaching behind her, Keera grabbed the bottle of lube that she had laid on the bed and poured it onto Neenah’s ass. She rubbed it around Neenah’s puckered asshole, massaged the bud, relaxing it so that it would accept her finger, and then she slowly slid her finger inside Neenah’s tight ass.

As Neenah felt the finger push into her ass, she moaned with animalistic lust and humped her ass against the invader. Having the dildo in her pussy and a finger inside her ass felt so good that she knew her body would soon be in the clutches of a monstrous orgasm.

“You nasty slut, you are getting off on having your ass fingered,” Keera taunted as she slipped a second finger inside Neenah’s ass, trying to stretch her out so that she could fuck Neenah in the ass with the strap on.

Neenah was precariously close to coming, but the training she had been put through to learn self-control was helping her to hold off its impending arrival. She knew that if she held it off for as long as possible, the orgasm would be extremely powerful.

Keera thought she had sufficiently stretched Neenah’s asshole, so she pulled her fingers out of Neenah’s ass and pulled the dildo out of Neenah’s sopping pussy. Keera poured more lube onto Neenah’s ass and apply it liberally to the dildo and then put the head of the dildo against Neenah’s pucker.

Neenah was extremely close to coming and all she could think about was that she needed something big inside her. She pushed back against the dildo causing the tip to slide into her hole. Neenah gasped at the feeling of being stretched wide around the huge dildo.

Keera stayed still for a moment, letting Neenah get used to the feeling and then slowly pushed the dildo further into Neenah’s ass, stopping every couple of inches for Neenah’s ass to adapt to the size of the fat dildo. Soon, she had the dildo completely inside Neenah.

Neenah groaned and squirmed, needing to feel the huge cock thrusting inside her ass. Slowly, it began to move inside her, and she ground her ass back into it, trying desperately to speed up the thrusts as it plunged in and out of her ass.

“Just look at you slut, you want to be fucked so badly that you are humping against my dick. Tell me what you want!”

“Fuck my ass! Fuck me hard!” Neenah screamed, all self-control gone.

Keera began pounding into Neenah’s ass, getting more turned on with each thrust. The base of the dildo was banging against her clit with each thrust, and she was not sure if she would be able to prevent the orgasm. Considering how long it had been since she had been allowed to cum, getting punished might very well be worth the amazing feeling of having an orgasm overtake her body and leave her breathless.

BOOK: The Queen Slave
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