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Authors: Savannah Reardon

The Queen Slave (5 page)

BOOK: The Queen Slave
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“You know what is going to happen now, do you not?” he asked.

“Yes, Master. I will be punished.”

“Why am I going to punish you?”

“Because, I came without permission, and that is against the rules.”

“You must learn to control yourself. We will work on that during your training time.”

Master pushed a button and the back of Neenah’s chair rose, putting her into a more upright position. He then reached over and grabbed two metal rods that were clamped together so that they were parallel. He slipped her breasts between the two bars and then began to tighten the tension, causing the bars to slide closer together, compressing her breasts between them. He did not tighten them nearly as much as he could have, but he knew that the position of the bars would still make her very uncomfortable.

“Now, you sit here and think about how you are going to try harder to control yourself next time while I go deal with Keera’s disobedience. I sat you up so you could watch. Even slaves that have been with me awhile still sometimes forget their place.”

Master left Neenah in the chair and walked over to the cross where Keera was strapped.

“Are you ready for your punishment, Keera?”

“Yes Master. Punish me. I deserve it. I knew better than to talk to a slave in the middle of training and in your presence, but I did it anyway.”

“You will get twenty lashes with the cane. I will explain the rest of your punishment after that.”

While Neenah was not happy to see Keera getting punished, she was glad for the distraction. It kept her mind from focusing totally on the discomfort in her breasts. Neenah watched as Master brought the cane smashing down on Keera’s ass and winced when it hit with a loud smack.

This was the first time that Neenah had been able to get a good look at Master. Her first memories of him were blurry, dulled by the relaxilixer given to her by the Nargs. She studied him as he continued to lash Keera with the cane. She could tell that he was a humanoid but was not sure to which race he belonged. Judging from his tall height, golden muscular skin, and ebony hair, she guessed he was of Ovurian descent. She wished that she could see his eyes. If they were the rich color of the sky, then she would know that she was correct in her guess.

Master finished with the caning of Keera and then released her from the cross.

“Now, for the rest of the punishment; you will leave the plug in your ass until I say that you can remove it. You may not take it out to go to the bathroom. Also, you have now just made it that much longer before you will be allowed to masturbate or cum during sex. Now, follow me.”

Master walked over to where Neenah was restrained, and she quickly dropped her eyes, remembering that she was not allowed to look him in the face. He loosened the vice and removed it from her breasts.

“Keera, clean out my cum and Neenah’s juices from her pussy,” Master commanded.

Keera kneeled on the floor between Neenah’s legs and licked her pussy, lapping up the mingled juices that were beginning to dry. She ran her tongue up and down Neenah’s slit, licking around her clit and between her folds. Then she pushed her tongue inside Neenah’s pussy, licking out the juices that remained inside her.

Neenah’s body quivered as Keera’s tongue brushed over her sensitive clit. She could feel the pleasure building as Keera cleaned her pussy. “I must control myself,” Neenah thought. “I must not cum. I must not cum,” she chanted within her mind as Keera’s tongue bathed her slit.

Just when she thought she could not hold on to her control, Master told Keera to stop.

“That is enough. Training is over for today. Keera, take Neenah back to her room and doctor the whipping marks on her ass so that they do not get infected. Then, you can let her do the same for you.”

Keera led Neenah back to her room and walked over to the cabinet and removed a jar of ointment. She pulled out a big glob and smeared it onto Neenah’s ass. Neenah sighed with relief as the ointment soothed her raw butt.

“This ointment will cause the rawness to heal quickly. By morning, you will not even feel the slightest bit of tenderness.” Keera handed the jar to Neenah and she returned the favor, coating the lash marks on Keera’s ass with the ointment.

“I will return shortly with your supper. Is there anything you would like to ask me before I go?”

Neenah was glad that Keera had asked. There had been a nagging worry ever since Master had taken her virginity.

“What happens if I get pregnant?” Neenah asked.

Keera laughed, “Sorry, I know it’s not funny to you,” she said. “While you were still out from the drug, a doctor came in and examined you. He gave you a birth control shot; it is good for a year. We get yearly exams and shots. Master definitely does not want to have to deal with babies.”

Keera walked out of the room, and Neenah thought that she must have a lot of practice walking with a plug in her butt cause she was walking like it did not bother her. Neenah lay down on the rug, her body exhausted from the day’s activities and punishments. Her stomach rumbled with hunger, but she knew if Keera did not come back soon with her food, her body would give in and go to sleep.

Neenah sat up, trying to fight off the exhaustion, knowing she would need the energy tomorrow that the food would provide. A few moments later, Keera re-entered the room carrying Neenah’s food on a tray.

“Here you go. Eat up and then get some sleep. I know you are exhausted after today’s ordeal. When you finish, you can just set your tray in the floor beside the rug. I will get it in the morning.”

Keera exited the room and Neenah hurriedly ate her food, her body craving sleep. Finally, she was finished and able to lie down, and she was asleep almost as soon as her head met the floor.

Chapter Three


The next day began like the previous one with Neenah being awakened by the bright light and the sound of the door sliding open as Keera entered carrying Neenah’s breakfast. She set it down in front of Neenah and turned and walked out of the door without ever saying a word. Neenah noticed that the plug was still firmly planted in Keera’s ass and wondered if that had anything to do with Keera’s less than sunny disposition. Neenah ate her breakfast in solitude wondering what would happen in training today. She vowed to control herself and avoid punishment.

Amazingly, her ass was not sore this morning. Keera was right about the ointment. It really did work quickly.

Just as Neenah was finishing her breakfast, the door slid open and Master strode in, followed by Keera, who was carrying a small box. Neenah barely managed to bow her head before meeting Master’s eyes. 

“Today’s training will take place in your room and will focus on learning self-control. Keera will be in here with you and will pleasure you in different ways. You must make every effort to hold off your orgasm for as long as possible each time. By the end of the day, I expect you to have greater control. You are allowed to cum, you just must hold off as long as possible each time. I will be watching. If I think that you are not trying hard enough to hold off your orgasm, I will come in and give you some incentive.”

Master walked out of the room while Neenah was thinking that she did not want to know what his incentive would be. Keera brought the box over to where Neenah was sitting and sat down beside her.

“Lie down,” Keera said. “It will be easier that way.”

Neenah lay down on the rug, curious as to what Keera had in the box.

Keera began to rub Neenah’s body, paying special attention to her breasts and her pussy. Soon, Neenah was writhing with arousal, as Keera began to concentrate solely on Neenah’s pussy.  Neenah’s body trembled as Keera stroked her clit, teasing it from the hood. She pushed a finger inside Neenah’s pussy and began to thrust as she continued to work Neenah’s clit, stroking and rolling it between her fingers.

Neenah bit her lip, her hands clutching the rug and her ass pressing to the floor as she desperately tried to fight against the orgasm threatening to crash through her body. Neenah’s head tossed from side to side as the pressure on her clit increased and the thrusts into her pussy quickened. Every muscle in her body was stretched taut with the effort of her mind fighting against her body for control. Her body won the fight when Keera put her face between Neenah’s legs and began to lick her clit while rubbing her G-spot with a finger. Neenah screamed out as the force of the orgasm hit, her body wracked with spasm after spasm of rapture.

Keera continued to stroke Neenah until she came down completely from her orgasm. Keera then sat up and rummaged through the box, giving Neenah time to recover.

Neenah lay on the rug praying she had been able to hold off the mind blowing orgasm long enough that Master would be satisfied and not punish her. She held off for as long as she could until the sensations in her pussy were so powerful that she could not stop the tidal wave of orgasm that crashed upon her. Gradually, her breathing returned to normal, and she noticed that Keera was digging in the box.

Pulling out a vibrator, Keera smeared some lube on it and rubbed it against Neenah’s slit. Slowly, she pushed the vibrator into Neenah’s pussy and began to fuck her with it. After thrusting for a few strokes, Keera twisted the dial on the base, and it began to vibrate, sending little shocks of pleasure through Neenah’s pussy.

“Oh no,” Neenah thought. “I am not going to be able to fight long against this. It feels absolutely fantastic!”

The vibrator hummed inside her, thrusting in and out, causing Neenah to shudder with ecstasy. She ground her ass into the rug, desperately trying to get away from the vibrating phallus. Her pussy clenched around the vibrator, the wet walls absorbing the sensations and threatening to send her over the edge. She gritted her teeth, forcing her mind to think of something other than the delicious vibrations coursing through her pussy.

She succeeded in her fight for only a few moments longer before Keera leaned over and began sucking on her pert nipples while continuing to fuck Neenah with the vibrator. The electric sensations the suckling brought about combined with the vibrating fuck her pussy was getting sent Neenah flying over the precipice, hips bucking as she came violently.

Neenah lay gasping for breath, thinking it was getting harder to fight off the orgasms instead of easier. How in the fuck was she supposed to stop her body from responding to such amazing sensations? Her ruminations were interrupted by the sound of the door sliding open and a ball of fear curled inside Neenah’s stomach.

Releasing a sigh of relieved breath, Neenah relaxed when she realized the person entering was another girl slave carrying a tray of food for Keera and Neenah to have for lunch. She had been sure that it was Master
coming to punish her for coming too quickly.

She was amazed that it was lunch time already. Obviously, she had fought the orgasms longer than she thought. She sat up as the slave placed the tray on the floor between her and Keera. They ate in silence, Neenah glad for the time to recover and prepare for the next onslaught. She noticed Keera rocking from side to side while eating and wondered if that meant that the plug was still nestled firmly in Keera’s ass. She would have to look and see when Keera moved after finishing her food.

They ate quickly and took care of washing up and Neenah made a point of walking behind Keera to get a look at her ass. Sure enough, the plug was still lodged solidly in place. Neenah knew that Keera must be very uncomfortable at this point, since Master said that she was not allowed to take it out, even to go to the bathroom. While they were washing up and taking care of nature’s call, the other slave girl came back in and got their lunch tray. Neenah wondered if she had already been through training. She was fairly sure the slave was an Antharian, especially considering the way she looked at Neenah while she was in the room.

“Ok slaves, you are finished with lunch, so get back to training,” Master’s voice said over the intercom.

Neenah lay back down on the rug and Keera dug through the box for another toy to use.

The afternoon session went along similar to the first, with Keera doing everything possible to coax an orgasm from Neenah, and Neenah doing everything feasible to keep from
coming for as long as possible. Neenah astonishingly managed to maintain enough control that she only came once before Master’s voice interrupted and told them the training was over for the day. Neenah was very glad that Master had disrupted the session because she had been on the verge of exploding with a massive orgasm. Even after Keera stopped the stimulation, Neenah’s pussy and clit throbbed from the need to cum.

Keera gathered up the toys and left the room, walking very slowly. Master’s voice sounded once again over the intercom, “You did very well today Neenah. I could tell when I stopped the session
that you were very close to coming. You may please yourself to get relief if you choose.”

Neenah was very tired from the day’s or
deal and had no intention of coming again, but her body had other ideas. Her pussy and clit continued to throb, causing Neenah to squirm, unable to keep still.

“Oh fuck it,” Neenah muttered and leaned back on one arm while putting the other between her legs to stroke her pussy. This was the first time that she had ever touched herself there for any reason other than bathing, and she took her time exploring the area. Little tingles shot through her pussy as she stroked her puffy lips, dragging the middle finger of her hand from her pussy opening up to her clit as her other fingers followed alongside, stroking her swollen labia.

She stretched her legs out some, planting her feet firmly on the floor and spreading her knees wide apart. Finding that stroking the clit brought hot shocks of pleasure, Neenah stopping stroking up and down her slit and began playing only with her clit, rubbing and stroking the sensitive nub. Her pussy throbbing with the need to be filled, Neenah lay on her back and used her other hand to finger fuck herself, thrusting at first with one finger and then adding a second as her arousal grew. Her hips bucked off the floor as her fingers stroked and thrust faster, her body trembling on the verge of release.

As the pleasure built to a powerful climax, her hips rose feverishly to meet the fingers slamming into her wet pussy. Loud moans echoed in the room as she wantonly masturbated, pushing another finger into her slippery pussy as she stroked her swollen clit. Her body shuddered as the orgasm crashed through her, fingers still pumping furiously into her pussy.

Coming down from her high, she slowed the thrusts of her fingers, then pulled them out and looked wonderingly at the juices that dripped from them. Curiously, she brought them to her mouth, speculating about how her juices would taste. She tentatively licked her fingers and found that the taste was not unpleasant. Fingers entered her mouth, and she sucked off the rest of the juices wondering if all women tasted the same or if each woman had her own distinct flavor. She wondered the same thing about men. Would all men’s cum taste the same as Master’s or was each different? She had a feeling that she would find out the answer to both of those questions in the future.

Soon after, the third slave girl entered the room carrying Neenah’s supper. Neenah wanted to ask the girl her name but was not sure if talking to another new slave was allowed, so she remained silent. She quickly ate her food, then laid the tray off to the side and stretched out on the rug.

She wished she had a blanket to cover up with as her body began to shiver, chilled from the cooling sweat. As she lay there drowsily, waiting for the lights to click off, she realized that the room was getting warmer. She remembered that Keera told her the rooms here were temperature controlled, so she figured that there must be sensors that activated the heated or cooled air when her body temperature rose or fell. As her body warmed, the lights in the room clicked off, and she drifted slowly off to sleep.

The next couple of days of training consisted of more self-control exercises and several sessions of sucking Master’s cock. She managed to do both well enough that she avoided punishment. The only thing during those days that happened differently than the first was that Keera came in on the third morning and shaved her pussy again. It had begun to grow stubble and had to be shaved smooth.

Keera said that if Neenah passed training sufficiently enough for Master to make her his primary that he would have her pussy treated so that it did not have to be shaved. Neenah had also noticed when Keera arrived that morning that the plug was no longer in her ass, so she figured that Keera’s punishment time must be over.  She was glad about that. She liked Keera and had hated to see her so miserable.

The fifth day of training began much like the first four with Keera bringing in breakfast. Neenah ate and then quietly waited to find out what today’s training would entail. The door opened, and Keera walked back in and beckoned for Neenah to follow her.

They walked down the corridor and into the room in which Neenah had been trained in on the first day. Lying strapped to the reclining chair was the third slave girl who had brought Neenah’s food a couple of times during the week. Master was standing beside the chair and ordered Neenah to come to him.

“Today, you are going to learn how to pleasure a female. If you were paying any attention to what Keera did to you on the day of self-control training, then you should not have any trouble with today. Nylia needs to work on her self-control. She is not doing a very good job of it so far. However, before you get started on that, we need to do a little something that will help get you prepared for tomorrow’s training.”

Neenah was ordered to bend over the padded saw horse, and Master rubbed some lube into her ass crack. While he stroked her puckered hole for a short time, Neenah had to fight strongly against the urge to squirm. Having someone play with her ass made her feel very naughty, and the fact that it felt so good made her feel even more decadent.

As she started to moan and get really into having her asshole stroked, Master slowly pushed a thin metal speculum into her ass. Neenah did not know what had been inserted in her ass, but it felt surprisingly good.

Master slowly began to spread open the speculum, stretching her tight, virgin ass little by little. Neenah moaned and squirmed as her ass hole widened, the tight rings slowly expanding as the speculum opened her ass. By the time Master was finished increasing the spread of the speculum, Neenah felt as though she were about to split open.

Without closing the spread speculum, Master pulled it out of Neenah’s ass only to replace it a few seconds later with a medium sized butt plug that he slowly worked firmly into place in Neenah’s ass. “You will keep this in place until I take it out tomorrow during training. You may not remove it to go to the bathroom.” Neenah was then ordered to stand up and go begin pleasuring Nylia.

Standing beside Nylia’s chest, Neenah slowly began to rub her breasts, running her hands in a circular motion over Nylia’s soft skin. She flicked a finger over Nylia’s nipple, causing it to stiffen. Both nipples continued to stiffen and stand erect as Neenah pinched them between her fingers and pulled them slightly away from Nylia’s body. As she leaned down to take a nipple in her mouth, Neenah snaked a hand down between Nylia’s legs and began to slowly rub the hairy mound.

BOOK: The Queen Slave
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