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Authors: Savannah Reardon

The Queen Slave (3 page)

BOOK: The Queen Slave
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“The slave up for auction is none other than Queen Neenah, defeated ruler of Anthar! Neenah is the daughter of the deceased King Lomar; therefore, she is of royal blood and ancestry. Those of you who are knowledgeable in Antharian history no doubt are aware that any Queen that is of royal blood remains a virgin during her reign.

“The slave card bears the official signature and seal of the examining doctor testifying that Neenah does truly bear out this fact. She is indeed a virgin. Neenah is twenty years old and is in perfect health. Look at those large round breasts and that firm, tight ass. So much fun can be had with this slave. Who wants to be first in the race to own this fantastic female specimen?”

Lights flashed all over the auction board signifying every attendee who wished to enter the bidding war at the base price. As the race progressed, fewer lights were visible on the board with each level of bidding. Neenah hung from the chains, still too zoned on the potion to be very aware of what was transpiring.

Finally, as Neenah’s price reached an astronomical amount, only two lights remained on the board.

“Will the two remaining bidders please come to the front so all may watch the rest of the auction and see who is victorious in procuring this fine specimen!” shouted the auctioneer as the two bidders slowly made their way to the area in front of the dais.

The first bidder was a humanoid who towered over most of the crowd. His midnight hair tumbled past his broad muscular shoulders. The second was a Droigoird, a squat hairy alien from the planet Droig. Droigoirds were almost as repulsive as Nargs with their thick hair covered hide, long trunk-like snout, and broad nubby tongue.

The selling price continued to rise as each bidder pushed the button to light their number on the auction board at each price level.

“Stop bidding you giant lout!” hollered the Droigord. “Galaxian Trash such as you doesn’t deserve such a high-class slave!”

The tall humanoid ignored the jaunt; his eyes continuing to move between the board and Neenah and not looking at anything else.

At last, the price reached a level that the Droigord could not afford and the humanoid’s bid was the only light remaining on the board.

“Plaxis!” cursed the Droigord as he huffed off in defeat.

“Congratulations to bidder one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine!! You are now the proud owner of the slave Neenah! Please see the auctioneer to pay for your slave and receive her papers. Thank everyone for attending this special auction and I hope that you all have better luck at your next venture.”

The humanoid took care of business and then was led over to the dais in order to take possession of his newly acquired slave.

“She has been given a dose of our planet’s special relaxilixer. It should last for a little while longer, though I cannot say for certain exactly how long. She seems to have a rare immunity to the potion, and it does not remain effective for her as long as it does most.” The guard released Neenah from the chains and turned her over to her new owner.

The humanoid removed a diamond encrusted collar from his long flowing coat and placed it around Neenah’s neck. He attached a thin silver chain to the collar and led Neenah from the room and out to the launch pad.

A planetary shuttle took Neenah and her owner to the launch center so that they could board the humanoid’s ship and travel to his home planet.

Chapter Two


Neenah startled awake and discovered that she was in a small dimly lit room that was bare with the exception of a small toilet, sink, and the soft furry animal skin on which she was lying.

As the lights suddenly brightened, a melodic voice sounded in the room. “Oh good, you’re awake. Master felt it would be best for you to sleep for the journey in case the relaxilixer wore off mid-flight. You are now at your new home on the planet Xarsis. I will bring you some food momentarily, and then we will discuss your training.”

The voice stopped talking, and Neenah sat on the skin, mind still muddled from the drug she was given on the ship. The door slid open and a petite humanoid female entered the room carrying a tray holding a steaming plate of food and drink. She placed it on the floor in front of Neenah and then sat down beside her.

“I am Keera. I’ll be your guide during training. Eat your food and I will tell you what to expect as a slave of Master.”

Neenah sluggishly reached for the cup, almost knocking it over. Keera reached over and steadied the cup, wrapping Neenah’s fingers around it.

“Do not worry, once you have gotten some of the food into your system, the drug will wear off quickly. Master was very angry that you were not fed at all while in the hands of the Nargs. Quite nasty bunch they are, you were lucky that none of their race got hold of you. Master normally refuses to do business with them but could not pass up the opportunity of acquiring a slave such as you.”

Keera chattered on for a bit, allowing Neenah time to eat so that the drug would be flushed from her system.

Once Keera felt that the drug had worn off enough for Neenah to comprehend the information about training, she began to explain.

“Master normally has three slaves at one time. After hearing of Anthar’s conquest, he sold two in order to gain two younger slaves. Since I had been with Master the longest, I was kept in order to guide you and the other slave through training. Normally, slaves are trained by Master’s assistants, leaving Master free to do business and see us only when his pleasure dictates, but for some reason, he has decided to do your training himself.

“Slaves have no claim to anything, be it another person or any material possessions. We are not allowed to own anything, even clothing. We are to remain naked at all times within Master’s compound unless he sends special outfits for us to wear. If we are to travel and the weather is cold, we are allowed to wear clothing, but we must shed them as soon as we are within a temperature controlled climate.

“Master is our owner, and we must obey his commands. We can do nothing without Master’s permission. When in the presence of anyone that is not a slave, we may not speak unless given permission to do so. Also, if Master asks you a question, you must address him as Master. If you forget, you will be punished.

“Most of the time, we must remain in our rooms unless Master calls for us, but occasionally, he will allow us to go outside and roam around the compound. Training consists of Master giving you orders to do specific things. Training continues until Master is satisfied that you know how to obey. Any hesitation or resistance shown to Master’s orders brings immediate punishment.

“Master takes good care of us but expects complete obedience and submission. During training, you will remain in this room at all times. Food will be brought to you, and I will take care of your cleanliness. Once training has been completed, you will be moved into the slaves’ quarters.

“Your room there will be very similar to this one except there will be a separate bathing chamber that we all share, and you will also have the ability to make or order your own food and drink. However, keep in mind that if Master sees that you are abusing this ability, he will disconnect the food server. Do you have any questions?”

Neenah sat silently for a bit, trying to absorb the information that Keera had imparted to her. “You said use for his pleasure; this means that I am being used for a sex slave, correct?”

“Yes, that is correct. Slaves are categorized according to the service they perform. While slaves can actually be used in any capacity their owner wishes, generally they are used in the category in which they were placed. Master uses us for his pleasure, but he does allow us pleasure in return if we are obedient. Generally, Master will choose one slave as his primary, and share the other two with business associates. Occasionally, he will rent us out for big parties or conventions.”

“I see. What exactly is done during training?”

“Because you are a virgin, you will not only be trained for obedience to Master, but you will also be taught sexual techniques. You must be sure to put forth one hundred percent effort or you will be punished. Master has no patience for laziness. I can’t really go into specifics of what will be done; that is against the rules. I have pretty much told you all that I can.

“The most important thing I can tell you to prepare you for what is to come is to obey Master without hesitation and remember the rules. This will ensure as little punishment as possible and will shorten your training period. I must leave you now. Training will begin tomorrow. Lights will be out shortly.

“Even though you slept on the trip here, you should still be able to sleep, and you should really try to do so. Tomorrow will be very long since training lasts all day. Good night Neenah.” Keera rose from the floor and carrying the now empty tray, exited the room, the smooth steel door gliding shut behind her.

Neenah remained on the floor thinking about the predicament in which she had found herself. Having very little knowledge of sex, she was not sure what was in store for her during training. The only information she had about sex she learned during her education. Male genitalia entered the female genitalia in order to bring about reproduction. She was unaware of any other aspect of it.

The idea of having to remain silent and following orders did not sit very well with someone who was used to giving orders. Punishment did not sound very appealing either. Neenah vowed to try and keep her composure and follow commands. Punishment was not an activity that she relished.

Abruptly, the lights went out, and Neenah lay down and tried to sleep. For quite some time, it eluded her and thoughts of what might happen to her the next day tumbled in her head. Finally, after what seemed like hours to Neenah, she drifted off to a fitful sleep.

Neenah woke to bright lights and the sound of the door sliding open to allow the entrance of Keera.

“Good morning, time to wake up!” Keera cheerfully chirped. “I have brought you breakfast. You need to eat all of it so you will have plenty of strength for today’s training session. Once you finish eating, I will get you washed up and then you will be ready to begin training.”

Keera set the tray containing breakfast in front of Neenah and then walked to the door. “I am going to go get the stuff for your washing. I will be back shortly. Get your breakfast eaten while I am gone.”

Neenah slowly ate her breakfast, trying to get fully awake. She was unsure what the time was but felt that it must be early because she was still quite sleepy. As she was taking the last bite of her breakfast, Keera re-entered the room carrying a basin and bathing supplies.

“All done? Come on over here to the sink and we will get you washed up.” Keera filled the basin with warm water and then poured in an amber colored liquid. She put the washcloth in the basin and swirled it around, creating bubbles in the water.

Wringing the excess water out of the washcloth, Keera rubbed it over Neenah’s body, being sure to wash under her arms and paying special attention to Neenah’s pussy and ass. She then ran water in the sink, rinsing the soap out of the washcloth so she could get the suds off Neenah’s skin.

After she had finished rinsing, Keera took a bottle of lotion and poured a generous amount into her hand. “We must keep your skin soft and supple for Master,” she said as she vigorously rubbed the lotion into Neenah’s skin.

“All right, now you are ready for your training session. Master should be here shortly. You need to go kneel down on the rug and bow your head. Keep your head bowed even after Master walks in unless he tells you to look at him. You never look him in the eyes unless he allows it,” instructed Keera as she walked out of the room.

Neenah kneeled on the rug as instructed, bowing her head and wondering how she had gone from being the ruler of a planet to being a slave who had no rights. Losing her planet to the reprehensible Nargs was bad enough but being sold into slavery was heaping insult upon injury.

She had always prided herself on being able to control her emotions, but today, they were threatening to get the better of her. “I will not panic,” she thought as her body betrayed her, trembling with fright. She had no idea what to expect of training.

Being Queen of Anthar meant that she was not allowed any knowledge of sex. Reproduction was the only part that she had been taught and even then, she didn’t understand what the female or male reproduction parts were. Because Queens must stay virgins throughout their reign, Neenah was not allowed to even have sexual thoughts.

Any exposure to sex was thought to increase the chance of a Queen defying tradition, which would lead to her dethroning. So, Neenah lived a sheltered life, having no friends since they might talk of their sexual experiences. Neenah was as untouched and pure as possible, considering that she had never even touched herself.  Even self sex was not allowed for a Queen, for that was thought to lead to sex with others.

Neenah was startled when the door slid open, and it took all of her self-control not to look up to see who had entered.

“Very good, slave, you are the first slave in a while to maintain enough control to not look up after being told to keep your head bowed,” said a deep voice that sounded vaguely familiar to Neenah. “Stand up but keep your head bowed.”

Neenah did as she was told and a powerful hand with long graceful fingers moved underneath her chin to attach a thin sliver chain to her collar.

“Follow me. It is time to begin your training.”

The chain tightened, and Neenah had no choice but to follow along. They walked down the long corridor and turned right; entering a doorway that Neenah thought at first was just another corridor. Neenah couldn’t see much of the room they had just entered, but it seemed to be quite large and filled with different types of furniture.

“Your training will be two fold and a little more extensive than normal. Considering the traditions of your home planet, I know that you have no knowledge of what sex is. You will learn during training how to give and receive sexual pleasure. Your primary job as a sex slave will be to service me at any time I choose. You may also be given to others for use. You also must learn to obey me at all times. Any hesitation or resistance on your part will result in punishment.

“In order for you to understand how to give pleasure to others, you must first learn what pleasure feels like and how to control yourself.”

Neenah was led to a reclining chair and pushed back into it. Her wrists and ankles were tied to the chair so that she was unable to use her limbs to defend herself.

“Since you have no idea what an orgasm feels like, you need to experience one so that you know what to expect. After this time, you will not be allowed to cum no matter what is being done to you unless you are given permission. One more thing, you may make appropriate noises to show your arousal, but you may not speak at any time unless I have asked you a specific question.”

Master took Neenah’s breasts in his hands, squeezing and kneading them, eliciting an involuntary moan from Neenah. One hand traveled down her stomach and slid between her legs.

“No, do not do that. I can’t be touched, please!” Neenah cried.

“Hush slave. You forget your place. You are no longer bound by the traditions of your race. There is no longer a throne for you to lose, nor any keepers of the traditions to kill you,” Master said as his finger traced the outline of her pussy lips and then lightly stroked over her clit while on its way to her opening. Slowly pushing his finger into her, he pulled out some of her juices and rubbed them onto her clit.

Neenah let out a gasp as her nipple was sucked between his lips; a tingle spreading from her suckled nipple down to her swelling clit. He worked her clit between his fingers, stroking and pulling, teasing it out from its hood as it swelled with arousal.

Neenah arched her back trying simultaneously to get him to suck her nipple harder and apply more force to her clit. Her body was responding automatically to his touch. The sensations were so new and alien to her that her mind had already shut down, unable to function under the assault of fingers and tongue.

Hips bucked, rising to meet his touch as he slipped a finger inside her virgin pussy while continuing to stroke her engorged clit with his thumb. Neenah let out a cry of surprise and pleasure as her body was overcome with spasms; orgasm wracking her body.

Master continued sucking and stroking until the orgasm had reached its peak and come back down; Neenah’s breathing slowly evening out and returning to normal.

The restraints were until and Neenah was pulled roughly from the chair.

“You disobeyed me, and that cannot be allowed to go without punishment. I realize that your station in life prior to becoming mine will cause problems in the beginning, but you will never learn unless you are punished for your disobedience. You cannot speak out unless I have given you permission, no matter what might be going through your mind at the time. If I have not said that you can speak, then you cannot speak!”

BOOK: The Queen Slave
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