Read The Hot Floor Online

Authors: Josephine Myles

The Hot Floor (9 page)

BOOK: The Hot Floor
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“I’ve never said that.”

“No? Must have been Evan, then.” Rai scrunched his nose up. “Do you think I’m selfish? I mean, I know I don’t do much cooking and all of that stuff, but I tidy and dust. And I’m really generous in some areas.” His smirk didn’t leave me in any doubt as to which areas he meant. Damn. I so didn’t want to hear that right now.

“You’re busy,” I said loyally. “You’ve got your thesis to write. I don’t know how you do that all day. I’d go nuts.”

“Some days I feel like I am, holed up in that library…” Rai’s gaze drifted to the evening sky outside. A smile lit up his face. “But then I think about getting back home to Evan and seeing you later—cheers me right up, that does.”

“I see.” Had he just included me as one of the things he looked forward to each day? I took a gulp of brandy to hide my confusion, only to set off yet another coughing fit.
Way to go, Josh, you smooth operator.

But this time, Rai was right there, and I felt his hands on my back, circling hypnotically.

“Thanks,” I croaked when I was finally able to.

“My pleasure.” Rai’s hands still circled, the strength and surety of his touch surprising given how slender his fingers were. I shifted my weight forwards a fraction, and he took the opportunity to sneak in between me and the back of the sofa, so I ended up sitting between his legs. The massage continued, and despite the towelling fabric between us, I could sense every point where our bodies touched. I became intensely aware of just how naked I was under that dressing gown. All Rai would have to do to undress me would be to move his hands around my waist and pull on one of the cords…

I had to stop thinking like that, or my knob was going to make a bid for freedom on its own. I concentrated on Rai’s massage instead.

“That’s good.” A week of intensive vase-making followed by my little trip through the ceiling had tied my back muscles up in knots, but Rai seemed to have the knack of discovering them and working the kinks out. The soreness morphed seamlessly into a loose-limbed comfort, and my head flopped forward, groggy and relaxed.

“This would work even better on your bare skin with some oil,” Rai murmured, “but we’d better wait till Evan gets back.”

Evan… I heard sounds in the hallway but didn’t register their meaning until I heard Evan’s voice.

“That’s seriously hot,” he said in a throaty voice.

My eyes flickered open, taking in Evan’s tall form lurking in the shadows by the door. He was leaning back against the wall, rubbing at his crotch. I couldn’t see any more detail in the darkness, but Rai and I must have been more visible in our little pool of lamp light.

“I could do with some oil,” Rai said. “Or lube. Have we got any of the warming stuff left?”

“Hang on, I’ll check.”

While Evan made noise in the bedroom, Rai started to pull at the dressing gown, tugging it down off my shoulders.

“Wait, I’m all dirty.” I’d cleaned the plaster dust off my face and hands with a tea towel in their kitchen, but I knew I must be covered in the stuff, which had stuck to my damp skin. I would’ve had a shower, but what with both our bathtubs out of action for the time being, that hadn’t been an option.

“Doesn’t matter. I’m sure I’ve seen worse. You should try dating a plumber.”

“Mmmm.” I went for noncommittal, given how jealous Rai had been earlier. It seemed to do the trick.

“He’s absolutely filthy some days when he gets home. Stinks of sweaty, grimy man.” Rai pronounced the words with a sultry growl. “I have to ambush him before he has a chance to wash it all off again.”

“You, uh, you like that?”

“Oh yeahhh.”

This time I didn’t resist as Rai pushed the dressing gown off my shoulders, and I even wriggled my way out of the sleeves for him. My heart was beating like crazy, and I couldn’t spin together a coherent thought, but I put myself in Rai’s hands.

I trusted him, I realised. I couldn’t exactly say why, but his strangely disciplined approach to swinging reassured me that he knew what he was doing. Evan most definitely was not going to burst out of that bedroom in full caveman mode, kicking me out on my arse.

I trusted both of them.

“Hmmm, you’re pretty clean, you know. I think the worst of it came off on the dressing gown.”

I glanced down to see the white dust on the purple fabric. I felt breath hot on my nape. Then lips.

A long breath shuddered out of me, shaking my body as it went. I had no power to resist. I didn’t want any.

Rai kissed me again, a wet swipe of tongue heating then cooling my skin. I let my head drop to the side, an unspoken invitation to taste all he wanted.

A subtle change tingled through me, like the electrical charge in the atmosphere before a storm. My hairs stood on end, and I opened my eyes.

Evan stood in front of me, naked, his eyes dark and his dick thickening up as I watched. Even recumbent, it was a thing of power, heavy, thickly veined, the ridge of his helmet obvious even under his foreskin. It sprouted out of a nest of thick, dark curls. I know they say that shaving your pubes is meant to make your dick look bigger, but I was glad Evan didn’t or I’d probably have been frightened off. That monster was plenty big enough already.

“We’ve decided to make an exception to our ‘no shagging the neighbours’ rule,” Evan said. “If you’re all right with that.”

I stared and cleared my throat, not sure of what to say.

“If you agree with him,” Rai murmured, “you could always suck his dick.”

I licked my lips, watching the beast in question slowly lift its head. Yep, I wanted Evan in my mouth, even if I was about to risk dislocating my jaw. And so I leant forward those remaining three inches and opened my mouth wide.

Chapter Seven

I didn’t have to use my hands, as Evan moved to meet me, cupping my jaw and feeding me his length as I sucked greedily. God, he tasted good. All musky hot and manly, like the scent trapped in his wiry pubes.

“Yeah, that’s it,” Evan said. “Feels amazing.” I groaned around him, feeling the pulse of his blood against my tongue. Was I really doing this, or was I dreaming? Perhaps in reality I was lying on a hospital bed, the fall through the ceiling having knocked out more than just my bathtub.

But then I felt Rai wriggling behind me, and a moment later, his naked skin was plastered up against my back. I’d been half-hard already, but the sensation of naked man on either side of me had me like granite. Rai’s cheek pressed against mine. He must have been able to feel Evan moving inside my mouth.

“That’s so fucking hot,” Rai said before sucking my earlobe.

I could only make a choked noise to show my appreciation, but I reminded my stunned hands to move, one grasping Evan’s buttock and the other kneading Rai’s thigh. I couldn’t sit still, my body squirming to make contact with as much naked flesh as possible. The dressing gown was bunched around my middle and really hampering my efforts to rub up against Rai’s hard-on. Rai seemed to understand my predicament, and his hands came around to untie the belt and pull all the fabric out of the way, just like I’d imagined earlier.

The only thing different from my fantasy was that I now had his boyfriend’s cock in my mouth. I was inclined to consider that an improvement, even when Evan thrust deep enough to set off my gag reflex. God, I was so out of practice at deep-throating. If I was honest, I’d never actually been in practice in the first place. That clearly needed to be remedied.

“Careful, honey,” Rai admonished Evan. “You’re a big boy, you know.”

“Sorry, Josh.” Evan made as if to move back, so I gurgled in protest and grabbed his arse tight, cramming my face down as hard as it would go. This time I was expecting the pressure against my throat, so I didn’t gag but still didn’t quite manage to swallow him. Damn it. I bet Rai could deep-throat like a pro. He’d hinted as much before. I was going to seem like a total amateur compared to him.

But then I felt Rai’s hand on my dick, heard his muttered endearments in my ear, and I remembered that this wasn’t a competition. This was a…a three-way with the guys I’d lusted after for the past six months. And since this might well be the only chance I ever got to do this, I was bloody well going to enjoy every minute.

I concentrated on the feel of Evan’s meaty cock dragging over my tongue, the squeeze of Rai’s hand around my nuts, and within moments, I was ready to blow my load. Shit, that really would be embarrassing. I imagined making glass instead, running through the process of taking an iron from the fire, opening the furnace to collect a gather, blowing, sticking my iron into the red-hot glory hole… Yeah, that really wasn’t helping, actually.

“Evan,” Rai said. “We should ask him.”

Ask me what?
No challenging questions right now, please

Evan pulled out, keeping hold of my jaw so I couldn’t follow his glistening dick for another taste. “Ask,” he said to Rai, but his eyes never left mine.

“What do you like?” Rai breathed.

I liked a lot of things. I’d liked the feel of Evan’s dick fucking my mouth, for instance.

“Topping, bottoming, or both?” Rai clarified.

Oh, yeah, of course. “Both.”

“Do you have a favourite?” Evan asked, like the answer was really important to him.

“Not really. They’re both fun.” I’d have been hard-pressed to choose, if someone said I could only have one or the other for the rest of my life. I imagined Evan fucking me from behind while I ploughed into Rai. That was probably my all-time-favourite wanking fantasy. Better even than the one where Daniel Craig whisked me off for a quickie in his Aston Martin.

“Perfect.” Evan beamed and stroked my jaw. I leant into his touch. “Ask him, Rai.” Maybe he was imagining the same thing as I was.

Rai moved around from behind me to stand next to his boyfriend. They both stared down at me, their chests rising and falling in tandem. Evan all burly and hairy, Rai all slim and smooth, naked apart from his specs. They made such an appealing contrast, and I wanted to reach out and kiss both of them. Lips, nipples, abs, cocks—I didn’t much care where. I just wanted skin.

“Josh?” Rai pulled my attention back from his dick. I mumbled something unintelligible, and he gave me that mysterious smile again. “How would you like to fuck Evan while I watch?

I sat there, gazing up at the two of them, unable to frame a reply. Would I be happy to fuck Evan? Yes, of course I would—I wasn’t an idiot. The man was smoking hot. Did I want to do it while Rai watched? Umm… Heat began spreading across my chest and up my neck. Shit, how was I going to manage a three-way if I got embarrassed about one of them watching me do something to the other? I remembered what a turn-on it had been when Rai watched the blowjob.

“Yeah,” I managed, my voice a cracked parody of its usual self. “Sounds good.”

Evan’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t want you to feel pressured into doing owt. If you want me to top, that’s fine too.”

I took a deep breath. “I’m sure. Of course I am. I’d just always thought of you as more of a top.”

“I love getting fucked too.” Evan ruffled Rai’s hair. “It’s just that this one is a total bottom, so I never get t’ chance.”

“Hey!” Rai protested, frowning. “What about that dildo I bought you for Christmas last year?”

“I know, pet, but it just in’t the same as being pounded by a real, flesh-and-blood man.”

“Oh yeah, you’re right there.”

I was relieved to see Rai smile sweetly, then reach down to squeeze Evan’s dick. I looked from one to the other. Like me, Rai wasn’t as well-hung as Evan—few guys were, so I wasn’t about to start feeling too inadequate about it. But Rai’s dick was pretty in its own right: long and curved. It looked like it would fit nicely in my grasp, so I reached out to test.

“Oh, that’s good!” Rai spread his legs slightly wider and leant more into Evan as I groped him thoroughly. His skin felt dewy and soft. I bet he tasted amazing. I reached back farther to discover his balls were perfectly smooth. I rolled them around, enjoying the sensation of being right up against skin with no wiry hairs in the way. I’d never been with a guy that smooth before. Well, let’s face it, I hadn’t been with many blokes full stop. You could count my past conquests on one hand.

I’d be needing two hands after tonight, though. Actually, I’d be needing two hands right now. I joined Rai in stroking Evan’s dick with my right hand, even as my left travelled back to explore Rai’s taint. Smooth again. I watched, mesmerised, as a drop of precome welled up at the tip of Rai’s cock. Could I make it fall? Rai moaned as I slipped my fingers back to tease his hole. It felt puffy, like he’d been reamed earlier, and I remembered the sounds I’d heard through Denise’s ceiling.

“Turn around,” I heard myself asking before I’d even realised I’d put my desire into words. Rai raised an eyebrow but complied, plastering himself up against Evan.

I’d caught a brief glimpse of Rai’s buttocks earlier in the bathroom, but I’d been too overwhelmed to really take in what I’d seen. Now I examined the reddened skin, running my fingertips everywhere. His bum was nicely padded, inviting me to dig my fingers in and squeeze, but I didn’t dare when he was covered with bruises like that.

“Doesn’t it hurt?” I asked.

“Oh yes, that’s kind of the point, really. I feel deliciously sore for hours afterwards. Days, sometimes, if I manage to persuade Evan to really let rip.” Rai wasn’t complaining, his voice rich with a smug satisfaction. “Have you ever been spanked?”

BOOK: The Hot Floor
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