Read The Hot Floor Online

Authors: Josephine Myles

The Hot Floor (10 page)

BOOK: The Hot Floor
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I shook my head, then realised Rai wouldn’t be able to see. “No.” I cleared my throat. “I, uh, I’ve never really done anything kinky before.” Not unless you counted that time I let Kenny blow me in the alleyway behind that club in Bristol, but I hadn’t been able to relax for one moment. The other couples nearby had been wrapped up in each other, but it had still been way too public for my liking. When I’d finally shot my load, it had been with gritted teeth and a flood of shame.

“Don’t worry,” Evan said, his voice a reassuring rumble. “No one’s going to do owt you’re not okay with. I wouldn’t hurt you. I only hurt Rai when he begs me to.”

“You could take more of the initiative with it, Ev. I wouldn’t complain. I’m a right little pain slut.”

“I know you are, love.” Evan bent his head down and kissed Rai’s nose. “I do my best to give you what you need.”

“You do a great job of it too.”

I started to feel a bit like I was intruding on a private moment, so I ceased my exploration of Rai’s arse and sat back.

“I, um, are you sure about doing this, guys?”

They both turned to look at me.

“I mean, I don’t want to wreck our friendship or anything. That’d be awful.”

“Why would it wreck anything?” Rai said. “You’re into both of us, aren’t you?”

I nodded.

“And we both fancy you. We’ll just give it a go, no strings. If you don’t ever want to do it again, that’s fine. We won’t feel hurt. I promise. Scouts’ honour.” Rai gave an impish smile.

“You were a Scout?”

“Oh yes. Some of the best times of my childhood, those were. I had a major crush on my Scout leader. Even at the tender age of eleven, I just knew.” Rai sighed wistfully. “He had the most gorgeous pair of buns, Rupert did. It was like two puppies wrestling in a sack when he strutted around in his tight shorts.”

Evan snorted. “Mebbe
should start getting jealous.” But he gave Rai’s nipples a twist, and he sounded amused more than anything else. “If you start on your list of past crushes, we’ll be here all night, and I seem to remember Josh here was interested in summat a little more action packed.”

Evan winked at me, and I gulped. I’d softened a bit as we’d talked, but I was still semi-hard, so I figured I’d be good to go if I had a bit of time to prep Evan first.

“Come on. Let’s take this to the bedroom,” Evan suggested, holding out his hand to me.

“No! Wait. I can’t.”

Evan and Rai both stared at me with disappointment in their eyes. Not earth-shattering regret, which is what I might have wished for, but at least it was something.

Evan sighed. “Okay, then. How about we just get our kit back on and play Kerplunk, then?”

“That’s not what I meant. Oh shit.” I was going to have to tell them. Denise had at least laid some of the groundwork earlier when she yelled through the door. I commanded my face not to blush, but judging by the heat, it was ignoring me as usual. “It’s your bedsprings. They’re really loud. You can hear pretty much everything downstairs.”

Rai’s eyes gleamed. “Yeah, I know.”

“You know?”

Evan shrugged. “Nowt to do with me. Rai chose that bed deliberately. I wanted a new un, but he’s a shameless exhibitionist.”

“Oh.” I thought about the idea of screwing Evan, knowing Denise would be able to hear everything. She’d know it wasn’t the usual if she couldn’t hear Rai. “I don’t think I could do that. It’s too…exposing.”

“That’s kind of the idea,” Rai teased. He dropped to his knees before me. “But that’s fine. If you don’t like it, we can always stay in here.” Rai leant forwards and nuzzled my thigh, pushing my knees apart with his hands. “We can always use the sofa for the shagging and the bed for afterwards.”

“Umm, okay. Oh God!” Rai had worked his way up to my crotch and was currently doing his best to bathe my dick in saliva from his slippery, tongue-infested kisses. There certainly couldn’t be any doubt I was ready to go now. I was so light-headed from the rush of blood to my groin, I probably wasn’t even blushing anymore.

Evan leered down at the two of us, then groped Rai’s bum in a way that made him yelp and attack my knob with renewed purpose. I figured Evan would probably want to stay there and give his boyfriend’s temptingly exposed rear a bit of loving attention, but instead, he sank down on the sofa and cuddled his arms around me.

“Hey, how’re you doing, chuck?”

Chuck? He’d called me that earlier, I seemed to recall. It made me feel strangely warm inside. Kenny had never seen fit to give me a pet name. It was good I hadn’t ended up as “pet” like Rai—I wanted my own name.

I realised Evan was still watching me, a quizzical smile playing on his lips. “Yeah, good. I’m doing g— Oh shit, that feels amazing!”

Rai had just swallowed me down deep. All the way down—his nose buried in my pubes and his throat squeezing the head of my cock. He made all manner of wet slurping, sucking noises, but they only turned me on even more.

“He’s had a lot of practice,” Evan said proudly. “That gob’s seen more dick than a porn star’s, I swear.”

Where was that thought again?
Oh yeah. “Doesn’t that bother you?”

“Why should it? He looks so bloody sexy with his lips stretched around you. It’s fucking hot, watching him blow other blokes. Just gets me even more excited about what’s going to happen next.”

“Next?” I swear, I wasn’t normally that obtuse, but the relentless motion of Rai’s tongue and throat was pretty distracting. I mean, even if I hadn’t had Evan breathing against my neck and reaching up to—ohmygod!—pinch my nipple, this would still have been the best blowjob I’d ever had, hands down.

“Next,” Evan growled into my ear, “when you fuck the stuffing out of me while he watches.”

Oh yes.
. I tried to chill out about the whole thing, because Evan was right, it was an incredible turn-on watching Rai getting to work on me. He sucked my cock like it was the most exquisite thing he’d ever tasted, but he seemed to know just when to hold off and ease the pressure, keeping me simmering without boiling over.

Evan laid a heavy hand on Rai’s head and pressed down. Rai and I moaned in tandem while Evan tongue-fucked my ear, and I felt like I was going to fly out of my body and soar into the night sky.

“Stop! Wait, I can’t— Oh shit!” My balls tingled with the urge to splurt their seed, my whole body tensing with the need to release.

But Rai had pulled off and was pinching me hard at the base of my dick, and gradually, the desperation eased. I gazed down at him, taking in the merry eyes and swollen, glistening lips. Jesus Christ, I hadn’t thought he could possibly look any more beautiful, but there he was: my debauched deep-throating angel in nerd specs.

“I think you’d better leave off sucking Josh, love. I know how much you want to taste him, but save summat for me.”

Rai pouted, but his eyes still gleamed behind his lenses. Lenses I now noticed were smeared with plaster dust from my belly. Oh God, why on earth was that a turn-on?

“So,” Rai said casually, leaning his head against my knee, “how do you want him, Josh? On his back? Doggy style? Riding your dick like a cowboy? Up against the wall?”

I stared down at Rai, aware of Evan’s gaze boring into me and scorching a blush onto my cheeks. I didn’t have a ready answer for Rai, because it wasn’t something I’d fantasised about all that often. Would I rather see Evan’s muscular buttocks, or did I want to be able to look into his eyes? More to the point, did I want him to be able to see me, humping away and looking as ridiculous as a Chihuahua on a Great Dane? Okay, that was an exaggeration. Evan wasn’t much taller than me, but the difference in our physique was pronounced enough to make me feel like a skinny runt compared to him.

“I’d like to see Evan on his back on the sofa,” Rai mused, as if he were contemplating a new arrangement of the furniture, “with his arse on the arm there, and you standing on the other side. He could put his legs on your shoulders so you could really pound him deep, and we’d both get to watch his tackle bobbing around. It’s quite a sight, I can tell you.”

I didn’t doubt it. “Sounds—” My voice cracked, and I tried to summon up enough saliva to finish the sentence. “Sounds like a plan.”

“Then you’ll be needing one of these,” Rai announced, handing me a foil-wrapped square, followed by a half-empty bottle of lube. It looked expensive—not like the stuff I used to pick up from Boots. “Get that on now, and then you can start prepping Evan. I’ll be over there”—he pointed to the leather armchair and dropped his voice as he gave a sly smile—“watching.”

Right. I had an audience. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, willing my heart to calm, my hands to stop shaking. I could do this. It wouldn’t be all that different from the first time I’d made glass, with Liam watching my every move. You need a steady hand and a measure of confidence to stick your iron in the furnace and pick up a gather of molten glass. We were just talking a different kind of iron and furnace here. My analogy broke down at the molten glass, because I really didn’t want to start thinking about jizz as something that would cause third-degree burns if you splashed it around.

I opened my eyes again to see Evan rearranging the cushions on the sofa to make himself more comfortable. He parked his bum on Rai’s favourite appliqué owl cushion, but a quick glance at Rai showed he wasn’t bothered by this. No, he lounged in the high-backed chair with the air of a Bond villain, languidly petting his, er, trouser snake.

Before I could get too distracted by Rai’s wanking, I fumbled the condom out of its wrapper and onto my dick. It was a pretty thick one—the condom, I meant, although my dick was getting thicker all the time—and I hoped it would deaden the sensations somewhat or this was going to be a very disappointing show.

Thinking of shows, I turned back to Evan. Christ on a bike! He’d now propped himself up so his arse was resting on the arm of the sofa, his long legs folded up to his chest and opened wide to display his wares. I reached out tentatively, grasping his thighs and caressing the skin there in gentle circles. The dark hairs arrowed down, leading my eye to his crotch, but I wasn’t about to be distracted by his crown jewels. No, I let my eyes lead my fingers down to his puckered hole, pink and innocent-looking beneath his meaty cock and bulging nut sac.

I stroked over the skin there, around and around, paying particular attention to the runway leading up to his balls, as that was a really sensitive area on me. Judging by Evan’s heartfelt groans, I was guessing I wasn’t the only one who enjoyed a massage there. My confidence grew, and I realised my hands were almost steady as I flipped the bottle top and dribbled a generous amount onto my fingers.

“I hope you’re going to do something with those fingers, now you’ve got them all slick and slippery,” Rai purred. I glanced over to see he’d thrown one of his legs over the arm of the chair, giving me a view of all his manly bits too. I wanted to dive in there, face-first, but then there was Evan over here needing me too. “I want to see you tease Evan with them until he’s begging you to fuck him.”

Tease? It wasn’t something I’d deliberately done to a lover before, but I’d give it my best shot. Being given the instructions to do it made it easier, somehow. Less initiative required on my part. Less chance of someone sneering at my choices. I circled Evan’s hole again, my finger gliding effortlessly this time. I ran my fingertips down his crack, up to his balls, then back again, earning me a moan every time they passed over his pucker. Soon Evan was panting, his thighs straining as he pushed himself up in an attempt to impale himself on my fingers. This teasing thing was fun, I realised. My eyes met Rai’s, and I grinned, then dug a fingertip just inside Evan and fluttered it around. Evan gave a surprised grunt, which melted into a series of gasping breaths as I pushed two fingers inside him.

“You’re about to get fucked, baby,” Rai crooned. “Is that what you want? You want Josh to stick his big fat dick in there?”

“God yes! Do it now. C’mon Josh. Do me!”

That counted as begging, right? I didn’t think I could bear to wait much longer, what with the heady scent of testosterone pouring off all of us. My nuts were pulled up so tight I decided to give my dick a big pinch just like Rai had done for me earlier, easing some of that pressure as I lined myself up.

And there it was—the crinkle tip of the condom pressed up against Evan’s glistening, lube-smeared hole, and above it all, like a proud flagpole on a mountain top, stood Evan’s erection. Not a view I’d ever believed I’d see outside of my wildest fantasies. Rai seemed to share my fascination with the sight, standing up and moving over to stand next to me.

“It drives him wild if you take it slow,” Rai murmured into my ear, copping a feel of my arse as his leaking cock kissed my flank. I shivered. “Then you can wait until he’s babbling before you pound into him. Makes him come like a fucking geyser.” Rai raised his voice for the last sentence, and Evan groaned.

“What’s he saying to you? Don’t believe a word of it. He’s a devious little bugger sometimes.”

“Just giving Josh pointers. I know what you like best of all.”

“That you do-OOH!”

That last exclamation was in response to my cockhead breaching his ring. Evan panted and brought his fist up to tug on his dick.

Rai swatted it away. “Don’t make me tie you up, babe. I will if I have to; you know that.”

BOOK: The Hot Floor
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