The Girl He Left Behind (12 page)

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Authors: Patricia Kay

BOOK: The Girl He Left Behind
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She finally agreed, but it took her an hour. He'd eaten his breakfast and had several cups of coffee before he saw her walk into the restaurant. His heart lifted. Although she looked way too serious, he could see the two days with her children had agreed with her. She looked beautiful and more relaxed, dressed in tapered white pants with a bright blue crop top and blue sandals. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and secured with a blue ribbon. She looked years younger than she actually was.

“This is not a good idea, Adam,” she said once she was seated. She still hadn't smiled.

“I'm not good at waiting.”

She didn't answer as their waiter handed her a menu, then poured her a cup of coffee. But when he walked away, she met Adam's gaze levelly. “I just don't know what you think coming here is going to accomplish.”

Adam knew he had to go all in. There was no other reason for him to have taken this gamble. “I guess I hoped you were missing me as much as I was missing you.” He lowered his voice so that she had to lean closer to hear him. “I've been missing you for too many years, Eve. Don't you think it's time we did something about that?”

To her credit, she didn't look away. “I just... Our lives are so different, Adam. I'm not free. You know that. I—I have two children. And you haven' haven't even met them yet.”

“That's another reason I'm here. I want to meet them. Why don't you give them a call? Tell them you want to take them to Venice Beach today.”

“What am I supposed to do? Lie to Bill?”

“No. I know you're not comfortable lying. So tell him the truth, that you're meeting me, that I want to meet your kids. Make it clear that I'm a part of your life now and he'll just have to get used to it.”

Her face had flushed as he talked, and he could see how conflicted she was. For some reason, she was terrified. Her mother had been right. It was up to him to make Eve see her fears could be dealt with, that a future between them wasn't an impossibility, that whatever she imagined the obstacles to be, they could surmount them.

“I—I don't have a car,” she said.

“That's not a problem. I'll call my driver and send you to Bill's in the limo. Luther will wait while you go in and collect your kids. We'll meet at the Ferris wheel at Santa Monica Pier.”

She swallowed. “I don't know...”

“Don't make this such a big deal. We'll have a great time.” What was she so afraid of? “Your kids know we're friends. Didn't you tell me your daughter was disappointed she hadn't met me yet?”

After a deep sigh, she finally said, “Okay.”

Adam grinned. “Call Bill now.”

“I'll go out to the lobby and do it while you take care of the bill.”

Five minutes later, check paid and phone call to Luther made, he walked out to the lobby and saw her just finishing her phone call. “Everything okay?” he asked as he approached.

She nodded. “I didn't tell him yet.”

“Why not?”

“I didn't want to do it over the phone. I'll tell him when I get there.”

He nodded. “Do you think he's going to make a scene?”

She shrugged. “I don't know.”

Adam squeezed her shoulder. “It'll be okay. Once you tell him, the worst will be over.”

“Will it?” The worry in her eyes was still there.

“Look, if it'll make it easier for you, I'll go with you.”

“No! That'll make it worse. I'll do it.”

“All right. Whatever you say. Want to go outside to wait? Luther should be here any minute.”

“Okay.” She opened her purse and took out a pair of sunglasses.

When they walked outside, Adam saw there were several photographers gathered along the curb.

“Oh, God,” Eve said.

“They're not here because of me,” Adam said, taking her arm and leading her away. “That's one of the Kardashian girls over there.” He put on his own sunglasses.

He was right. No one bothered them as they waited in front of the boutique next door. Eve kept biting her lip, and Adam wished he could think of something to make her relax, but he'd done all he could. So he said nothing and was grateful when he saw Luther pull up to the curb a few minutes later.

After helping her into the limo, he said, “It's all going to be fine, Eve.”

“Is it?” Her eyes were hidden behind her dark glasses.

“Yes.” He leaned over and kissed her briefly. “I'll see you soon.” He wished he had the right to say he loved her, but that would have to wait. First he had to meet her children and win them over.

Then, and only then, would he be free to put all his cards on the table.

Chapter Twelve

ve told Luther to park across the street from the cottage Bill and his family were living in rather than in front of it. She didn't want Adam's driver to hear what Bill had to say when he found out what she and Adam had planned.

Her stomach was jittery as she walked up the path to the front door. She hated confrontations, especially with Bill. She always seemed to come out the loser.
But that was preordained, wasn't it? From the moment you accepted his proposal of marriage, you agreed to his terms. You have no one but yourself to blame for any of it.

“How'd you get here?” Bill asked when he opened the door.

“Where are the twins?” she countered.

“They went to the store with Missy.” He was frowning, squinting against the bright sunlight reflected off the ocean beyond. “They'll be back any minute.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“So how did you get here?”

“Um, that car across the street.”

, you mean?”


“You rented a

“Um, no. Um, can we go inside?”

“Oh, sure. Sorry. C'mon in.”

As she walked into the small entry, she could see the baby in his playpen in the living area beyond. She smiled. He really was a doll. “Will's getting so big.”

Bill smiled proudly. “He is, isn't he?” Leading the way into the living room, he invited her to sit down. “The kids'll be excited to ride in a limo.”

“Yes.” Eve took a deep breath. She had to tell him now, before Missy and the kids got back, before she lost her courage. “Bill, there's something I need to tell you. Adam is here, in LA. The limo is his. The kids and I are going to meet him at the Santa Monica Pier.”

Bill stared at her. “What do you mean, he's here? Didn't we talk about this? Didn't you promise to come alone?”

“I didn't know he was coming. He just showed up. Came in late last night and didn't tell me until he was already at my hotel.”

“Christ, Eve, he's not

“No, no, he's not. He has a house in Malibu. He just...came to the restaurant this morning.”

“You know, he has one helluva lot of nerve. If I were him, I wouldn't want to show my face in public today. But I guess his kind don't care how much gossip there is about them. Just as long as you get your name plastered all over the place.”

“What are you talking about?”

“So he hasn't told you, huh?”

“Told me what?”

Bill got up, walked to a table near the front window and picked up a copy of the
Los Angeles Times.
He riffled through the pages, then shoved a section in front of her. At the top of the page, under the header News & Notes, there was a big picture of Adam and a beautiful redhead. The caption read, “Adam Crenshaw and his baby mama?” Eve's heart began to pound. The brief story said the woman pictured was Bethany D'Angelo, Adam's publicity manager and recent girlfriend, who had just announced she was pregnant with Adam's child. “He'd better not try to deny it,” she'd told the reporter, “because the proof is right here.” So saying, she'd patted her stomach and smiled. “He can't just walk away from this the way he's tried to walk away from me.”

Eve felt sick.

“I don't want you taking the twins with you today,” Bill said coldly. “I think you need to do some hard thinking, don't you? Is this the kind of thing you want them exposed to? First the tabloid stories about you and now the stories about this woman and their baby? What's next?”

“I—I didn't know,” Eve whispered. Had Adam? He couldn't have. He would have told her, wouldn't he? Of course he would have. He wasn't a liar.
Not like you are.
“What will we tell the kids?”

“You won't tell them anything. You're going to go out and get in that limo and get out of here before they come back. I'll tell them you called and aren't feeling well. That you said to tell them you'll see them tomorrow when you're better.”

Because Eve really did feel sick now, she didn't argue. Anyway, Bill was right. The kids didn't need to be there when she and Adam talked about this.

Luther looked at her quizzically when she got in the car and told him to take her to the Santa Monica Pier. Because he was obviously trained not to, he didn't question her about the whereabouts of her twins or why they weren't coming with them. He just pulled away from the curb and headed down the street.

Just before they turned the corner at the end of the block, she saw Missy and the twins approaching. Nathan was pulling a red wagon loaded with grocery bags, and Natalie was skipping ahead. They took no notice of the limo, but even if they had, the windows were tinted so dark they would not have seen Eve.

Tears rolled down Eve's face and she angrily wiped them away. She was sick to death of crying over Adam. Disappointment lodged in her belly, but along with the disappointment was gratitude. Because she'd been lucky. She'd found out the truth of what her life would be like if she spent the rest of it with Adam, and the discovery had come before she'd made the second biggest mistake of her life.

Now all that was left was for her to tell Adam it was over.

* * *

Adam watched the happy kids and the adults accompanying them as they rode the Ferris wheel. Soon he and Eve and her twins would be joining them. He was excited; he'd been wanting to meet Eve's children for a long time now. He was also nervous. He wanted them to like him. He knew they probably would; he was good with kids, plus he had the fame thing going. Although he hated to admit it, his fame could be a good thing instead of the noose around his neck he often complained about.

He stood at the railing at the edge of the pier and looked out over the ocean. The water sparkled as if a million diamonds had been sprinkled over it. He had to admit, as much as he loved Nashville, LA had a lot to recommend it. For one thing, people didn't bother him. They were so used to celebrities out here that they pretty much ignored him unless he was appearing at a performance.

And then there was the ocean, which was always magnificent, something he never tired of looking at. He couldn't wait to take Eve to his house in Malibu. He knew she'd love it with its ocean views and open, contemporary styling. The kids would love it there, too.

He looked at his watch. Luther had picked Eve up an hour ago. They should be coming to the pier anytime now. He decided to walk out to where the limo would have to stop, since it couldn't drive onto the pier.

Minutes later, he saw the car approaching, and his heart lifted. He was smiling when the limo stopped and Eve got out. The smile quickly faded when he realized she was alone.

“Where're the kids?” he said, walking toward her.

“They're not coming.” She didn't smile.

Adam swore softly. He guessed her ex wasn't quite the nice guy she'd portrayed. “Should I have Luther wait?”

“That's up to you. There's something we need to discuss.”

Now he frowned. What was the matter with her? She looked as if she were upset with
What had changed since they'd parted at the hotel? Walking over to the car, he waited till Luther had lowered the driver's-side window, then said, “Why don't you go on home? I'll call you when I need you.”

Luther nodded. “Okay, boss.”

Once car and driver were gone, Adam said, “Let's walk, okay?” When they'd gone a far enough distance from the pier to have some privacy, he said, “What happened?”

“Have you read today's paper?”

“No. Why?”

“Your ex-girlfriend, Bethany, has made an accusation.”



Austin was wrong. Adam
have fired her. “What'd she say?”

“That she's carrying your baby.”


“So you didn't know?”

“Hell, no, I didn't know.” His mind whirled. Was it possible? He had always taken precautions with Bethany. Not just to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, but because he believed in safe sex, for his partner's protection as much as his own. How could Bethany be pregnant? Especially with
child? “That doesn't make any sense. We've never had unprotected sex.”

“Birth control isn't foolproof,” Eve said.

Adam didn't know what to say. Eve wouldn't meet his eyes. He couldn't help thinking that she was remembering how just a week ago he hadn't used a condom with her. Maybe she thought he was lying about using them with Bethany.

“Bill showed me the story,” Eve finally said.

“That's why he didn't want you to bring the kids today.”

Eve nodded, looking out over the water. She seemed a million miles away. “I don't blame him.”

The way she was acting hurt. “I think it's interesting how I've been tried and convicted already. You seem to feel the same way Bill does.”

Her head whipped around, and now her eyes were blazing. “How
I feel, Adam? Happy? Today only proved what I've been thinking for a long time. Any relationship with you means the entire world will know my business. My whole life will be spread out for people to judge.”

was what her fear was all about. “Look, I can't deny that the tabloids love to leap on anything that smacks of scandal, but we wouldn't be living that kind of life. There'd be nothing interesting to write about, and they'd soon forget about us. Oh, hell, this is not the way I wanted to do this, but thanks to Bethany, it looks as if I no longer have a choice.” He reached into his pocket, where he'd been carrying something around for a while now, waiting for the right moment. Extracting the small velvet box, he opened it to reveal a gorgeous Neil Lane diamond ring. “I bought this when we were in Austin, Eve. I love you. I've always loved you, and I want us to be together, to build a family together. That's why I was so eager to meet your kids today. I was hoping you'd say you'll marry me.”

The color had drained from her face as he spoke.

“What do you say?” he asked gently. “Will you marry me?”

Her eyes filled with tears, and she shook her head. “I—I don't know what to say.”

“Say you love me. Say yes.”

“I can't.”

“Why not? Is it Bill?” When she didn't answer, he said, “He can't stop you, you know.”

“You don't understand.”

“You're right. I don't.” He reached for her hand, tried to put the box in it, but she wouldn't take it. “I never thought you were a coward, Eve. If you're afraid to tell him, I'll go with you. I'll tell him. We'll tell him together.”

Her eyes widened, and now two bright spots of color blazed on her cheeks. “No! I... You have to give me some time. I—I can't... I can't give you an answer today. I have to think about all this.”

Knowing he was beaten—at least for now—he sighed heavily, closed the box and put it back in his pocket. “Fine. You think about it, and I'll go back to Crandall Lake and talk to Austin about Bethany. Have him investigate and see if she's telling the truth.”

“And if she is?”

“If she is and I
the father of her baby, I'll support her and the child financially.” When she frowned, he added, “What? Did you think I

“No, no... I, well, I didn't know what to think.”

“Surely you didn't think I'd abandon my child. You know me better than that, Eve. I'd never do that.” He could have added that he'd always wanted a child, because he had. He'd been envious of friends who had families. It was just that he'd never imagined having a child like this. When he'd thought about it, he'd seen a traditional family, with a wife he loved in the picture.

With Eve.

But the way things were beginning to look, maybe she didn't love him the way he'd thought. Maybe his feelings were one-sided. He hadn't imagined she was that good an actress, that she could have responded to him the way she had if she
love him, but maybe he was wrong. He hated to think so. Hated to think he would have to say goodbye to her again, and this time permanently. But he couldn't force her to love him if she didn't. And if it was fear holding her back, he couldn't force her to be brave, either.

No, the next step belonged to Eve.

And all he could do was wait.

* * *

Eve had never been so frightened in her life.

What was she going to do?

She had thought she'd have weeks to figure all this out, but Adam had forced her hand. Damn that woman, that Bethany. If she hadn't made her announcement, this showdown wouldn't have happened. Adam would have waited to ask her to marry him, and she would have been better prepared.

Then again, if Bethany hadn't released that statement, the twins would have been at the pier with them. And then what? Eve's own mother had taken one look at Adam and known he was the father of her grandchildren. What if the same thing had happened with Adam? What if he'd realized the truth and asked her directly if the twins were his? She would have had to tell him the truth.

Oh, be honest with yourself. You'd have had to tell him the truth regardless. That's why you've been so scared. That's why you attacked him the way you did. That's why you've tried to run away without facing this.

And once she had told him he'd have been so disappointed in her and so angry at the ongoing lie she'd perpetrated, he would have changed his mind about wanting her. Then she'd have had a different problem right now, one that was even worse.

What should she do?

She'd refused a ride back to the hotel with Adam, instead opting to call her own cab. She told Adam she'd see him when she returned to Crandall Lake and asked him to please not call her in the meantime.

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