Read Teasing Hands Online

Authors: Elena M. Reyes

Teasing Hands (8 page)

BOOK: Teasing Hands
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Arching my brow, I waved him on. “Explain.”

“Easy.” Closer still. Chest slightly touching as he breathed me in. “You wore this for me; this all white and small tight dress. Nipples pebbling and brushing against the material as your breathing gets labored the closer I get. For me.”

“I don’t—”

“Bet your pussy’s wet.”

“Are you insane?” I whisper yelled. People were walking all around us. Some looking. Most didn’t give a fuck.

“Since I met you, yes.” We were nose to nose now. His breath wafted over my face, and instinctually I licked my lips. His eyes followed the movement.

“You are driving me insane.”

He swallowed hard and pulled me a tiny bit closer. “You make me want to fuck myself into your system. Somewhere you can’t erase my cock from your memory. Where you’ll feel me with every breath you take.”





Undress for me.”

The door hadn't fully closed when he uttered my instructions. It wouldn't cut it today. Not after everything he
’d said in our last conversation. All the questions he’d promised to answer.

No.” Turning his way, I leaned back against the table’s edge and regarded him with my bitchiest expression. “I have some questions for you. Answer them, and then I'll play.”

“I've already said all I had to say. Wasn’t I clear enough outside?”
He was annoyed by my reluctance to play his way. “Enough time has been wasted, and I'll need more than the remaining hour to get my fill of you.”

I shook my head and arched a brow. “
Again, no.”

Camden ran a frustrated hand down his face.
“Why are you being so difficult?”

Why are you evading this thing between us?” I countered, arms crossed over my chest. Was it such a bad thing to admit there was something happening between the two of us?

Was he married? Seeing someone?

The last two almost made me
ill. How could I have been so blind and stupid?

He took an angry step closer. His hypnotizing male scent hit me
full force, like the sea and the pure essence of sex collided. Fuck if it didn't make me shiver.

Cold?” Camden chuckled. His hand reached out to uncross my arms, but I ducked away. His brow scrunched up in confusion. A brief flash of hurt passed through his eyes.

“What's gotten—”

“Are you married?” I blurted out, interrupting him. Taken aback, he took a few steps back, to his original post in front of the door. If I wasn't sure that the cocky bastard didn't care, I'd say he was afraid I'd leave.

No. I'm not.” Okay. “There isn't a girlfriend either,
. I’m by no means a saint, but a fucking cheater I am not.”

My body physically relaxed at those words.
The earlier tightness in my chest lessened to the point the next breath I took didn’t hurt.

What about you, Amanda? Someone I should be concerned with?” There went that accusatory tone again. “Not that it’d matter much. Nothing will stop me when it comes to you.” Camden’s jaw was set hard. It ticked with anger, and his eyes glared. He intimated me.

Not for a long time. No.”

Good.” His stiff posture loosened a bit. “Undress.” Goddamned, frustrating asshole. The game he played was driving me insane. I was confused, angry—a horny wet whore for him.

What are we doing here, Camden? This isn’t me. I'm just not the casual finger or fuck type of girl.”

He smiled. Not a cocky
smirk or a know-it-all smile. It was soft and sincere. “I know.” That's it. Two words, and they said more to me than any lengthy speech would.

“Then, what’s
going on? Why do you need me here every Wednesday at three?”

Because I'm an asshole,
.” Camden’s breathing sped up. “I don't do relationships...not since my divorce three years ago. Casual was working fine until I saw you in that fucking club sitting all prim and proper. I wanted to corrupt you the moment we breathed the same air.”

And now?” I whispered, pushing off the table. My feet carried me to him, chest to fucking chest. Our breaths mingled between us. “Now what?”

Now, I want to take with no regard. Say a big ‘fuck you’ to what's right…appropriate.” He reached out tentatively and cupped my face in his hands. “Would you let me? Take until I've gorged myself? Until my cock’s raw from fucking you, and even then, let me have you again?”

Nuzzling the palm of his hand, I kissed it and turned my eyes to his.
“I don't share, Camden. I'm an all-or-nothing kind of girl.”

No sharing for me either.” He tipped my face up to his and nipped my bottom lip. “The thought of anyone else…”

“Exclusive means relationship, Camden. It’s either you do
want that….or you don’t.” Sighing deep, I pulled his hands from my face and kissed the tip of his finger.

How about we enjoy this and see where it goes. No labels for now.”

Could I do that
? Trust him?

Would he be truthful and only see me?

I'd have to. There was no other choice left for me. Not seeing
was out of the fucking question. The mere thought of walking away made me feel off.

Standing on the tips of my toes
, I kissed him. The way I took his mouth was hard and punishing. Raw need exploded within me at the taste of him on my tongue.

I nipped his bottom lip once and pulled back. “Yes.”

“Thank you—”

“For now.”
I cut him off, pressing my finger to his lips.

He smiled and nodded, pulling me in closer. And I meant it
, too. I’d give him space, but eventually this non-status-label bullshit would have to change.

He liked me, yet fought against what felt natural. What
was instinctual.

sensed his presence behind me then, and everything else disappeared. Our talk. My wants. Nothing but his cock rubbing against my lower abdomen mattered. Thick and hard—hot. “Can I undress now?”

Desperation colored my tone. Yearning. Hunger. It was all there as I begged him to play with me. To manipulate my body to his liking.

The urgent growl that passed through his lips made me squeak. It was ferocious and deep, that of an animal on the hunt that’s caught the scent of its favorite prey.

Camden’s nimble fingers ran up the base of my spine. They wandered every inch until he found the knot that held my simple cotton dress in place at the base of my neck. It was all that held me covered from him. Easy access in every sense of the word.

“Thank you,” he groaned against my lips. The kiss felt almost reverent, as if he wanted to drown in my taste. “Have I told you how beautiful you look today?”

I shook my head in a no and pressed my lips harder against his.

“You do. All in white like a good little girl. It’s maddening in the best of ways.”

“Just following instructions,” I whispered into his mouth.

“Fuck,” he groaned as the knot gave way and the simple cotton fabric began to fall down. It pooled between us, his chest and mine stopping its descent to the floor.

“You like?” My hips
pressed into his, his cock trapped between us I swiveled against him, massaging the hardened length that pulsed against me.

“You’re a goddamned innocent temptation. Little she-devil dressed in white and dripping innocence…driving me to
the edge of madness.” Camden spat the words with false disdain. One hand held the back of my neck, the grip tight. Exciting. There was nothing sexier to me than being manipulated by this man.

I wanted more.

“I’m not that innocent, Camden.” It was a taunt, a dare that someone else had been between my thighs. “You aren’t my first, nor do you scare me.”

“Don’t push me.” The hand he’d just placed on my hip tightened. Hard. The anger and yearning that stared back at me made me gasp. Fucking shook me to the core.


“When I’m through with you
, it will be my hips imprinted on your thighs. It will be my cock that you mourn when I pull out, and the memory of us—in this room—that you cry out for at night when you miss me.” The wetness I’d tried so hard to ignore ran down my thighs.

His nostrils flared
, and he took in a deep breath. “You fucking like that, don’t you? The thought of feeling me for days after?”

“Yes.” It was the truth. This was wrong, crazy…a goddamned mistake, yet it also felt right in every sense of the word. “I want you.”

Camden pushed down my dress before picking me up and carrying me over to his table. We were both past the point of rationalizing and needed to feel the other urgently. He laid me on the edge and stood between my parted thighs, eyeing with contempt the small piece of lace that hid me from him.

“I’m sorry
.” Leaning over me, he kissed my lips sweetly while fisting the small lace panties I wore. The material stretched. They dug into me as he tore them from my body.

“Shit.” I hissed out and bit down on his lip hard enough to draw the tiniest bit of blood. His responding groan was sexy. Camden appreciated a little pain.

“Fuck, yeah.” His stood up and wiped his lip, traces of my lip gloss still on him. Camden stared at me; his eyes raped me before looking up at the clock on the wall. “We only have fifteen minutes left. Nowhere near enough time for me to fuck you, devour your goddamned perfection.”

“You ca
n’t leave me like this!”

.” Humming, his hand reached out to cup my jaw and squeezed once before letting go. Those same fingers then tapped my lips. “Open.”

I did. Everything, even just talking was exhilarating with him. New. Fresh. Sexy.

With his other hand, he placed the same white panties I’d worn today just inside my mouth, barely sitting between my lips and teeth.

“Don’t drop them. You do, and I’ll stop.” The gush of fluids that fell down the crack of my ass made me feel embarrassed. My clit pulsed, trembled, and he’d yet to touch me.

Looking up, I spied the clock and saw we only had ten minutes left. “Fuck, Camden,” I complained around the lace. “Ten…oh shit!”

He’d lost his pants and now stood before me
, cock in hand. His thick, fucking glorious length had me salivating. A clear drop of liquid sat at the tip and rolled down the length.

“Let me feel you on my tongue.” He shook his head
, denying me. “Please.”

“No.” The one hand not holding his cock pushed my legs f
arther apart. He stepped closer and eyed the wetness leaving my pussy with thirst. “But I will be taking one small taste.”

Camden bent at the waist and ran the flat of his tongue from the bottom of my slit to my engorged clit. I trembled and screamed, the sound muffled by the small panties in my mouth. My teeth bit down hard into the makeshift gag.

“One lick will never be enough…sweetest temptation divine.” His lips wrapped around my clit—sucking, licking. He motherfucking flicked his tongue against the swollen bundle of nerves, and I arched off the table. My lips opened, the moan of pleasure caught in my throat.

“Don’t drop
them, or I stop.” Camden’s words did nothing to help center me. I was already half gone to the sensations he created. Taking one long, last lick, he pulled back and watched me. My wetness on his lips caused my hips to buck up. It was me he inhaled in deep and licked off those juicy lips.

“More,” I shamelessly begged.

Again, he shook his head. This time, though, he took a step closer. Close enough to let me savor his heat against my bare pussy.

“I’ll make you come,
, but this time I’ll get mine too. Let me paint your skin with my come.”

I was confused for about two second
s until he tapped the head of his cock against my clit. Three times in rapid succession he slapped me there, where I trembled for him. The grunt of pleasure he drew from me was raw.

Almost hurt.

“Yes. Fuck, Camden!” The panties fell from between my teeth and onto the table beneath me. Camden didn’t even notice. He was relentless. His cockhead met my clit with a mixture of hard taps and soft caresses.

“Five minutes,
…”  He pushed two fingers inside me and left them there as he rubbed himself all over my wetness. “Are you close?” I nodded and pushed up against him. The fingers inside my pussy anchored me. He twisted them up and at the same time smacked my swollen red lips with his entire cock.

“Fuck. Again,
. Let me feel that clit quiver against my dick.” That was it. He pumped his fingers inside me while alternating between rubbing and tapping. It drove me over. The sensations were too much.

BOOK: Teasing Hands
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