Read Teasing Hands Online

Authors: Elena M. Reyes

Teasing Hands (7 page)

BOOK: Teasing Hands
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Watching me. Tempting me.

The lady walked away after kissing his cheek, yet he never moved. No, instead his eyes admired me. He mouthed the words
“beautiful” twice, and I blushed under his intense scrutiny.

This was beyond inappropriate. Anyone could see
our exchange.

I didn’t give a flying fuck.


“Yes,” she answered and turned to look at me. “What is it?”

“We need to do this again, and soon.” Consequences be dammed.








One week.

hundred and ninety-two hours.

I d
idn’t even want to think about the amount of minutes this equated to. It’d been too long since I had seen him.

Camden ha
dn’t stopped plaguing my mind since we met. How could he, when I was obsessed. I’d close my eyes, and every time, he’d be there smirking at me.  Provoking me.

The man was a walking, talking
, sculpture of perfection. Beautiful. Not perfect, but a gorgeous man nonetheless. There was a slight bump on his nose; I’d only noticed it when he walked me out of his room. The curve and hump were nothing outrageous; in fact, it was something one might often see in an athlete.

Throughout the last week
, I’ve thought of every scenario where he could’ve sustained such an injury. I’d even admit to fingering myself to thoughts of him doing these activities. My favorite had him all sweaty and playing soccer with friends.

Muscles rippling as he ran down the field. Chest bared as the sun beat down on him, a trickling of sweat running down the center of his chest and into the waistband of his low hung shorts.

There was also a small scar over his left brow—a miniscule little thing— that unless you were up close and staring at it, you’d miss it. It was sexy. I’d never wanted to lick a man’s eyebrow before.

I was a motherfucking mess of infatuation and want for him. It didn’t sit well with me.

Never had I lusted after a man like this, especially after being in his presence for less than a few hours. Hate and want. Crazy emotions swirled within me, mixed with shame. What we did was reckless.

He could lose his job and I, my dignity.

It’s not your dignity you’re worried about.
No. It wasn’t. If things went further, I had no doubt that he would destroy my heart. Was this the norm for him? Did he sleep or touch all clients so intimately?

I banged my head against the kitchen table.

Everything from his eyes to his slightly crooked nose made him beautiful to me. It gave him that extra edge that all men wanted and very few achieved.

I wanted to go back. Now. Yesterday. The very minute we walked out of the hotel and back into the ca
r, but I couldn’t. Not yet, or it would be too obvious.

“Pick up your phone, kiddo,” Dad complained as he entered the kitchen and pulled a bottle of water
out of the fridge. “It’s been going off nonstop for the last ten minutes. That god-awful ringtone you love so much has been blaring on a constant loop.”

“Huh?” That was an eloquent reply if I’
d ever heard one.

He watched
me; eyebrow raised, and rubbed his chin. “What’s got you in a funk?”


“And I’m the king of Spain.” He pulled a chair up beside me. Elbows on the table, face in his hands, he watched me. It was unnerving. The man knew me better than I did most days. “Again, what has you looking like that? Sad?”

I shrugged and looked down at the magazine before me. “I’m not sad, Dad, just trying to piece together something that makes no sense. You know, like a puzzle that’s missing parts and no matter what you try to replace it with, it still makes no sense.”

“Whose ass do I have to beat?” Member of the city council or not, he’s always been protective of me. Sometimes excessive, but it was all due to his love.

old man.” I nudged his shoulder with mine. “Just—”

It rung again
, I picked it up and looked at the caller ID with confusion. This wasn’t a number I knew.

“Well,” Dad pushed while standing up to leave. “Aren’t you going to answer it?”

It stopped ringing before I could. I opened my mouth, just barely saying the words “I was,” when it rang again. Same number. Still private.

This time, I stood up and walked toward the patio doors
, away from the nosy old man, and answered it on the third ring. The warm sun felt spectacular on my face.

Looking up, I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. “Hello.”

“About fucking time,

“Camden?” I choked out.

His chuckle was low, rough. “Expecting someone else?”

“Maybe.” He didn’t laugh. There was no way I could continue to let him have the upper hand. Enough. “Was there something you needed?”

“You.” There was so much frustration and anger laced through that one word.

“What the hell—”

“Why weren’t you here today?” It was an accusation.

“What do you mean?” He wasn’t explaining. None of this made sense.

“Amanda,” Camden snarled, “don’t play games with me. You weren’t here. Why?”

Hearing him. Sensing his desire did things to my depraved mi
nd. He wanted more from me than the one-time finger fuck.

“I wasn’t aware I had an appointment,” I cooed into the phone. “Please forgive me.

“Every Wednesday at three
, I expect you in my room. No fucking excuses.”

“And if I can’t or am otherwise obligated elsewhere?” My unoccupied hand fisted my hair and tugged slightly, just as he had last week. It stung
, and I gasped.

“I don’t give a flying fuck what
you are doing. Where the hell are you?”  Another accusation. The man demanded much more than he gave.

“Does it matter where or with whom?” I was pulling the lion’s ta
il but I wanted his bite.

“Mark my words
—that cute little ass of yours will be tinged pink by the time we are through next week.” My nipples hardened at his words. The words, “yes, sir” sat on the very tip of my tongue.

Instead of letting him hear the desperation he caused, I gave him lip. “Is this how you treat all your clients? Do you fuck every one of them?”

“What I do or—”

“Answer me,” I hissed and walked further out into the backyard. The last thing I needed was for my parents to hear this conversation. “Answer or I hang u
p. Simple as that.”

“No.” His one
-word answers were beginning to get on my nerves.

Taking in a deep breath did nothing to help calm my mounting frustration. “That isn’t an answer.”

“It is, just not the one you want.”

“You’re right.”
I pulled the phone from my ear and hit end. It hurt to disconnect. Physically hurt me.

The phone rang again, but I never answered. It rang repeatedly. Fuck him for making this harder.

I turned back toward the house, my mind made up on letting this crazy thing go when it pinged instead. He was a player, and I’d fallen into his trap. The entire situation sucked, but it was best that I knew now.

Looking down, I swiped my finger across the screen and opened up my text messages
, thinking it was Court. It wasn’t. Why couldn’t he let me be?

I’m sorry. Please come next Wednesday at three…I’ll explain. No more bullshit. ~Cam

My response was quick. Unlike him, I wasn’t playing games. All I needed from him was to know what this was and if we were to continue, that his cock wasn’t massaging anyone else.

I’ll think about it. ~Mandi

Fair enough, and wear something white. Only white. ~Cam



Saying I was a nervous wreck would be the understatement of the century as I pulled into the hotel
’s valet parking. It was rather empty, only one car before me.

The muffler was loud, a special little upgrade
Dad wanted to add. The sexy hum of power made the parking attendants turn and rush over to me. They didn’t care one bit about the older lady in front of me sitting in her Cadillac.

I let them open my door, even handed the same kid that
had eye fucked my mom the keys without a word. He got in and slammed the door closed; I didn’t even bat an eyelash.

Entering the warmly decorated hotel lobby didn’t make me smile this time. To any stranger on the street
, I looked to be in pain. A sexual pain, if I were to be honest.

The Spa’s name came into view the further inside I walked. My heart beat fast. Palms became sweaty.

Fuck, I wasn’t ready.

Ready to hear lies or his hurtful truths. This could go either way, but only one viable possibility stood out. I’d be hurt either way.

“Are you heading inside, Miss?” It was the same older lady with the Cadillac standing before me. “You okay?”

“To be honest
…” I chuckled humorlessly. “I’m not sure how to answer that.”

“You’re looking a little pale, sweetie. Why don’t we head over and get something to drink at the café a little way down. There’s thirty minutes before I’m due for my cut and color.”

Nodding, I walked beside her while we strolled across the lobby. The small shop she’d mentioned was really a gift shop that sold cold beverages and cheesy Miami souvenirs. Grabbing a Coke for me and a diet for herself, she batted my hands away when I tried to pay.

“My treat.”

I huffed with a smile on my face. The old lady was cool. “Are you sure?”

“Yes, now grab these
, and sit down on the couch over there and wait.” Did I mention a bit pushy too?

Once she came back
, we chatted for a bit. Nothing serious. Just the basics, like the weather, and how no matter what time of year it was in Miami, it was hot as hell. Her words, not mine.

We drank our sodas
, and by the time she stood to leave, I felt better. At the very least, I would have my answers.

ll right, dear, it’s already 3:10. We need…” I didn’t hear the rest of what she’d said. My mind was too busy circulating over two words. I’m late. Giving her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, I grabbed my drink and rushed toward the entrance.

It was just in sight, the name standing bright. Not brighter than he
, though.

Camden stood in all his pissed off
, sexy glory by the door, a scowl on his face, arms crossed over his chest. His eyes—those beautiful eyes were a raging sea of ire as he watched me rush toward where he stood.

“You’re late.”

“I know, but—” He placed a single finger over my lips. I wanted to lick that tip. Bite it.

“First rule. Never make me wait for you. You won’t like the consequences of defying that major commandment.”

“You aren’t in any real position to threaten me, Camden. Push me too far, and I’ll walk.”

His eyes slowly perused my body, a low hum of approval leaving his throat. “Bullshit.”

“Excuse me?” Cocking my hip to the side, I placed my hand there and glared at him. This cocky son of a bitch didn’t know me.

“I said…
” Camden’s smirk grew; his lopsided and beautiful little smile had me pressing my thighs closer together. He pulled of the wall and stood right in front of me. The anger was still there. It simmered, but he seemed more entranced by my appearance than the reason I made him wait.

BOOK: Teasing Hands
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