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Authors: Elena M. Reyes

Teasing Hands (6 page)

BOOK: Teasing Hands
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Gingerly, his fingers ran soothing circles down my spine. Camden’s hands dug in deep for a second before releasing. He never went past my waist. That frustrated me beyond all reasoning.

“In this room, I want you like this,” he whispered before letting a bit of heated oil drip down and pool into the center of my back. “Naked. Open and waiting for what only I can do for you.”

“Who says this will happen again?”
My taunt didn’t faze him.

“I do.” The room grew warm then,
and my body trembled—fucking spasmed on his table as he spread the heated oil across my back.  Camden began applying slight pressure as he pressed his palms down my spine. He would only use his fingers the closer to my ass he got.

Stretching them with each pass
, touching more of me.

“That feels so good,” I moaned out on one particular upward motion. He’d spread his hands out as he came closer to my ribs. Up his fingers went
, massaging and rubbing up my ribs until his fingers stroked the underside of my breast.

Goosebumps arose. I wanted to turn around and beg him to play with my hardened nipples. As if sensing my thoughts, he pushed me down with one hand on my back while the other ran over my backside.

“Don’t rush it. Just feel me.”






His hands suddenly disappeared. 
      Frustration was mounting; my thighs were slick, and it wasn’t from the oil he’d just barely begun to spread throughout my body. On his table, I was a horny mess of need and want.
     Camden did this to me. Fucked with everything I knew the moment our eyes met.
    “What the…” I’d begun, but his hands—slick and dripping oil on my calves—shut me up. He didn’t say a word as he pressed his warm fingers into my flesh. I was pliant in his hands. Nothing had ever felt so good, so bad…so damned right in all my twenty-one years of life.
    “Don’t move,” he groaned, his hands parting my thighs a bit. The cool air inside the room met my wet lips, and I whimpered. “I can smell you.” 
    My response to his words was automatic. Out of my control. “More,” I begged and lifted my ass up, offering myself up to him.
    Camden took in a deep breath, his hands wandering down and grabbing onto my ass. Tight fucking grip hurt, but felt so good. I never wanted him to stop. 
    No, I wanted to push him for more. 
    “Sweetest fucking you taste like sin.” He’d squeezed my cheeks, both hands running over the flesh. His fingers were spread, and with each pass, he’d grown bolder, running his thumb around the outside of my wet lips.
    “Oh God,” I moaned out, his hands stilling for the briefest of seconds before he cupped me. One hand. Camden took me in his hand and pressed into my clit with his palm. “It feels so…”
    “I want to fuck you in the worst of ways.” He rubbed me. My clit throbbed and pulsed beneath his fingers. “You would let me too. This pussy,” he hissed and entered me with two fingers, “has been aching since I danced with you at Rage. Juicing for my cock.”
    Maybe I should have been angered by his words, but I wasn’t. It had the opposite effect on me—fucking fueled my need to fuck him. Take him down a notch.

    My head rose up and off the table. I wanted to insult him and deny all that he’d just said. 

    His hand pushed me down while his fingers curled inside of me. I clenched, my pussy gripped his fingers while my thighs squeezed his hands working between them.
    “Jesus, fuck!” My sob of pleasure only encouraged him. Camden’s hands pushed my legs apart as he began to finger me in earnest. Every nerve ending in my body was crying out for a release. I thrashed as he pushed in deeper, his fingers finding that spot that made me cry.
    “I want to feel you come all over my fingers, little
. Fucking drench me in you.” A lone finger caressed me, just on the outside of my labia and gathered the wetness there. “One day, I’m going to stuff my fat cock in both holes, and you will enjoy it.”
    My mind had gone blank for a second at those words. Wasn’t this a one-time deal?
    “What do you—” The words died on my tongue. Camden’s thumb touched a place no one ever had. 
     “You’ll feel so good wrapped around my cock…tight and hot—wet and pulsating—as I make you come over and over.” It was those words that pushed me. That and the feel of him playing with my back entrance. He hadn’t done more than pressing down gently, but it was enough to drive me wild. 
    The tingles ran from the tips of my toes to my clit. I vibrated for him. 
    “I’m…Motherfuck,” I cried out, intense pleasure bursting through me, rocking my body and causing me to push back harder on his finger. Camden’s other hand tightened around my ass, kneading the flesh before raising his hand up and down hard against my eager body.
    The sting felt euphoric. I undulated harder against his fingers.
    “Watching you ride my fingers is a thing of beauty,” Camden snarled, and I jumped. He sounded feral, as if he were hanging onto his sanity by a very thin thread. “But nothing compares to your walls pulsating around my fingers. Tight fucking heat. You’re a goddamned religious experience.” 
    The scream that erupted from within me was one of agony. Sweetest pain I’ve ever experienced. 
,” he cooed into my ear as I came down. Camden’s fingers never relented; instead, they slowed and prolonged my torture. “You don’t want people to hear you, do you? Hear what a dirty kitten you’ve been…slutty and wanton for me.”
    Shaking my head, I pulled my head up and turned to look at him from over my shoulder. “No, you’re right, but having Barbie up front hear me does sound appealing.”
    Camden laughed deeply, head thrown back. “You’re going to keep me on my toes, aren’t you?
    I shrugged coyly. “Maybe.”
    “Please do.” He bent down at the waist and kissed my left ass cheek as he pulled his fingers out. “I’ll see you next week at three?”

Smiling back at him, I didn’t answer. The truth was that I had no clue if I’d be here.

This was all happening too fast for me.



“Hey,” Courtney yelled the moment I walked into the salon. She’d beat me here and was already sitting, hair wet, and being cut. The stylist, an older woman with extremely short hair snipped away, not minding in the least how much her client moved as she waved me down. “How’d it go?”

How was I supposed to answer that? It was great! Best release of my life.

, no. Instead, I smiled and sat beside her. “I haven’t felt this relaxed in ages.”

She arched a brow. “So he was as good as your mom claimed?” I nodded, but kept quiet. “Hmm, maybe I should make an appointment with him.”

Fuck and no. Over my dead body would she have his hands on her body.

“His schedule seems pretty packed from what I overheard the receptionist tell another client. Instead, she referred her to some other guy she claimed had a few openings. Maybe you can check him out?”

“What aren’t you telling me?” Perceptive bitch was onto me.

“Nothing.” I lied. “Just sharing what I overheard. Plus, she claimed he was a cutie.”

“Okay.” Court looked at me as if I’d lost my head. Sadly, at the moment I had. “Babe, you do remember that I just started seeing someone, right? I don’t think Devin would appreciate you trying to—”

I flipped her off. “I’m not trying to pimp you
, woman! Just wanted you to see him and give me your thoughts.”

“Then let me take your slot with Camden—”

“No.” That came out harsher than I intended.  “I mean…fuck. Just no, Court. Leave it at that for now.”

She looked at me, stared deep into my eyes. Whatever she saw there made her back off. “Fine.”

“Thank you.” I sighed and looked up toward the ceiling.

“For now.” Figured as much; I nodded in agreement
, never taking my eyes off the white textured surface above.

The following two hours were a blur. I sat there
as the stylist worked on me, my mind lost, trying to rationalize everything that’d happened today. When asked what I wanted done, I’d merely mentioned bangs and low lights. Nothing else came to mind; I’d drawn a blank, and it was all Camden’s fault. My entire being was just too confused at the moment, consumed by the memories of what I’d just done.

While he cut and textured my layers, I thought of Camden’s hands on me
and the simple way my body gave itself to him without demanding anything in return.

Undress for me.”
Those three words ruined me.

It scared me. Fucking thrilled me. Made me feel and yearn for things I’d never thought
twice of in the last few years. Mom, though, she’d dreamed of the day I’d get back together with Hunter and give her grandkids. Funny thing was that she’d sent me to Camden.

d also complained about his age. How old was he?

It couldn’t be too bad, maybe thirty?

That didn’t bother me one bit. No. Not an ounce of concern there.

Maybe it was his long and
thick cock that threw me off.

I’d felt the fucker on the dance floor and again today. He’d rubbed himself against my thigh while fingering me
, and what pushed against me, could only be described as glorious. The day that I would have him in my hands—bare and warm—would surely kill me.

again, my attraction to him wasn’t just his cock’s girth or length. A dick to fuck isn’t something difficult to find in a city like Miami. Men flocked to the bars and clubs my friends frequented on the weekends with that purpose alone. An easy, no-strings-attached fuck.

That’s not something you
True, but then what?  It wasn’t his award-winning personality—he barely spoke, but when he did…fuck. Dirty. Explosive. Come-inducing.

His tone, the way he spoke to me
, all aroused me in the most basic of ways. In all the ways a woman wants a man. It was a turn-on.

“Why do you
look like you’re in pain?” Mom asked, making me jump in my chair much to my stylist’s annoyance.

“Quit it.” Jeffrey tsked, turning my face forward.

“Sorry,” I mumbled and rolled my eyes at my mother.

“Did you not have fun?” Her tone was light, yet her eyes looked too happy. What
was she up to now?

Nodding slowly, I looked at her through the mirror. “I’m beyond relaxed. Thank you, Mom.”

“I’m so happy to hear you say that, Amanda. Maybe we can make this our,” she pointed between us, “thing on a permanent basis. You know, throw out that whole trial-based clause to our agreement?”

“Getting ahead of yourself there, Susana?”

Her eyes narrowed and lips pursed. “Watch it, kiddo.”

“Give the girl a break, woman.” Kimberly stepped in
, laughing, while Courtney stood beside her. “By the way, love the bangs. They suit you perfectly, Mandi.”

“She is my daughter.”

Kim and Courtney stood in front of us with their heads cocked to the side; a mirrored image of the other. Mom looked over at me and bit her lip. We were all beyond ridiculous.

“What the hell does that mean?” Kim broke the stare down.

“Simple,” Mom boasted, “she is perfect.”

That did it. Everyone around us laughed, including the mother
-daughter duo.

“All done,” Jeffrey announced
, still chuckling at our stupidity. He turned me around then, and I gasped.

It was me.

Just a small bit different.

“I love it.” Slowly, I ran my fingers through my straightened locks. Jeffrey had added the low lights, and the darkened tone really stood out against my tanned skin. It meshed beautifully into a chaotic mess of layers
that framed my face. The side-swept bangs were fun and made my eyes pop.

“So, you approve?”
he hedged, and I laughed. The man did more than just good.

“You rocked it.” Jeffrey seemed lost by my reply.

“It means she loved it,” Mom explained and began to discuss a hair color change she wanted done. Kim and Courtney had walked off to get something to drink, while I continued to stare into the mirror.

This time, it wasn’t myself I was looking at. Camden stood directly behind me on the other side of the salon. He was talking to an older lady, all smiles and laughter. His eyes were set on me, though.

BOOK: Teasing Hands
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