Read Stanton Adore Online

Authors: T L Swan

Stanton Adore (21 page)

BOOK: Stanton Adore
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“Because I can’t handle saying goodbye to you,” he whispers. “I never want to say goodbye. This is not easy on me either you know.” His voice betrays a deep sadness much like the one I’m feeling myself. The tightness in my throat hurts as I try to suppress the tears that threaten again. Stop saying things like that your fucking with my head.

“Baby don’t cry,” he whispers as he wipes a lone tear that rolls down my face.

“Josh we are not going to make it are we? The hill is just too steep. We have too much against us”. My heart rate picks up as I try to grip the reality of the situation, my lip quivers and I sob out loud. There is no way out of this, if I stay I get hurt. If I leave………… I can’t even face that reality and pain lances through my chest. I already know what awaits me. He stays silent as he sums up my words and he leans his forehead in to touch mine. I run my fingers through the sideburns of his hair and down his jawline along his heavy stubble, his eyes close at the contact. He has an air of resignation about him, I can feel it. I know, because I have it myself.

“Can’t you just shut up and look pretty?” He whispers as he bites his lip? I stifle a giggle. I did not expect him to say that but its frigging funny, trust him to put our saying into that context. I know in my heart I don’t have him for long. In fact tonight is probably going to be our last night together. Once I give it to him an ultimatum tomorrow, and I will be. I know he won’t hang around, that’s if I even hear from him after I wake up alone. We both know it’s only a matter of time until his mother gets to him.

“Josh I think you are probably better suited to Amelie,” I whisper. “You should go home to her,” my heart breaks as I close my eyes. I mentally kick myself. I swore that I wouldn’t do this tonight, but I’m not strong enough to stop myself. He grabs my chin and rips it up to his face.

“You listen to me,” he growls. “You are the only woman I want. I don’t want Amelie. I. Want. You.”

My eyes tear up again. “Baby I can’t do this………… this casual thing. We are either together or we are not it’s messing with my head too much Josh, its breaking my heart”.

He swallows and nods. “Mine too”. I frown at him, he says the most confusing things. What does that mean?

He stays silent. “Then let’s be together,” he whispers. “I want to be with you Tash. Do you want to be with me, is the question?”

My eyes meet his. “Yes, you know I do.” He gently grabs my face with his two hands and passionately swipes his tongue between my lips.

“Then, be mine.” The finality in his tone sends my pheromones into overdrive and goose bumps scatter my body.

“Are you mine Josh?”

He smiles. “I told you already. Completely.” There is that word that I love again. Completely. He kisses me again more urgently. “If I rip these pyjamas will you throw them out?” he smiles into my neck.

I giggle. “Then what would I wear to bed?” he grabs my behind and grinds his hips forward circling his pubic bone against my clitoris.

“Me.” I smile, hmm I do like the sound of that. “You think you want to be my girlfriend but there are stipulations you know?” I smile as I listen to the words he is saying. Girlfriend, I like it, I like it a lot.

“Like what I whisper.”

“Definitely no pyjamas, and I need a lot more sex than you have been giving me.” He has that look in his eyes that I love, the one that makes me scream in ecstasy. “You’ve had me on rations and I’m not coping. A man’s not a Camel you know,” I smile as his oral assault moves lower.

“Tell me something, as your girlfriend how often will I be given sex? I mean, you’re not the only one who has a healthy………… appetite.”

He smiles at me. “You will be well fed, put it that way,” I frown and smile, how are we not fighting? Just when I think I can read how a situation is going to go, it goes the other way. My hands run over his strong large shoulders.

“What are you going to feed me?” I run my fingers roughly through his hair, desire starting to take me over as my legs fall wider open.

He rolls me onto my back and bites my neck. “Cock,” he whispers. Mmm, I get a rush of moisture to my core. “Tongue,” he kisses me slowly his tongue demanding arousal, again my blood heats. “Fingers and toes,” he smiles again into my neck.

“Toes,” I giggle. He nods as he starts to slowly unbutton my top as his mouth follows his hands. First one nipple in his mouth and then the other. He grabs my other breast roughly in his hand and pulls my top open to his searing gaze.

“I can’t get enough of your body,” he cracks his neck. From the lounge room his phone beeps a text. “Fuck off,” he whispers into my stomach at his phone. I smile up at the ceiling like an idiot and then it beeps again. He growls and keeps sucking on my breast his hand sliding down my pyjama bottoms. “These are going in the fucking bin,” he smiles.

“Ok. I will buy a onesie.”

He lifts his head to look at me and frowns. “I forbid it,” he snaps and I giggle. His phone beeps again. “Just fuck off,” he whispers at his phone again into my stomach.

“Baby go and switch it off, it’s annoying me,” I whisper as I raise my hips to meet his hip roll, my eyes half closed with desire. He gets up and switches the side lamp on and I wince under the light. “Why are you turning that on?”

“Because I want to watch you come,” he kisses me again chastely and saunters naked out of the room to get his phone. I lie on my back with my shirt open smiling at the ceiling. I’m aching for him. I need to orgasm like………now, hurry the hell up. I’ve been aroused since Saturday when he was texting dirty to me. What’s he doing? I can hear him on the phone, I sit up to listen.

“I don’t care…………no, I just talked to her about that. Just tell Mother I am with Natasha and I won’t be home any time soon.” He goes silent as he listens. “I don’t give a flying fuck. She can like it or lump it. Cam I mean it,” he listens again. “No of course not.” Shit he told his Mother that he was with me. I jump out of bed and start to shake my hands, a bad habit when I’m stressed. “I have just spoken to Tash and we are going to try and make a go of it.” I jump up and down excitedly like a little kid, holy shit is this really happening? “Tell her what you want. I don’t care, see you tomorrow,” he hangs up and I dive back into bed so I can pretend I didn’t hear the conversation he has just had. My heart rate is thumping in my chest as excitement pulses through me. He is so getting laid tonight………… My arousal just hit an all-time high. I lie on my back with my legs bent at my knees and the blankets pooled around my waist trying to calm my breathing and wipe the stupid smile off my face. He slowly walks into the bedroom and stands at the end of the bed unashamedly naked, his dominant stance doesn’t go unnoticed. He’s taking no prisoners tonight and a rush of cream once again rushes to my core as I anticipate the pleasure he is about to bestow onto me. With hooded eyes he takes his long length in his hand and gently starts to stroke himself while watching me, his jaw slackening with the contact. I sit up and watch as my legs involuntarily fall open onto the bed. He is just so fucking hot. He puts one of his feet up onto the bed and continues to stroke himself heavily as my arousal starts to pump in my ears.

“Here’s the thing Precious,” he huskily whispers. “I don’t want to have I missed you sex tonight.” I frown. “You don’t.” I whisper puzzled.

“No,” he shakes his head as he strokes get stronger, the muscles in his shoulder flex at the contact. I would pay good money to watch him pull himself to orgasm, this is off the charts arousing.

“I don’t want to have make up sex tonight.” I swallow as my eyes flick to the visual in the mirror behind him to see this Adonis from the rear angle, his whole back is flexing as he jerks his hand with such velocity. My mouth goes dry.

“I don’t want, I love you sex tonight.”

I frown and bite my lip. “I might, how does that go?” I whisper. He smiles as he continues the hard punishing strokes and I start to worry I am going to miss out on that beautiful cock.

“You’ve already had it,” he smirks.

Huh, which one? Damn. I missed it. “What do you want baby?” I sit up onto my knees and pull him forward so I can lick off the pre ejaculate that is oozing down his thick heavy length. He cups the back of my head gently. I take him into my mouth, he tastes good. He hisses and gently cups my cheek in his hand as he takes my top off and gently cups my breast. He strokes in and out of my mouth a few times. He pulls my hair back to pull himself out of my mouth, it releases with a pop, my suction so deep. I look back up to him.

“What do you want baby? Your wish is my command.” He smiles a slow sexy smile at me.

“I want to fuck,” his mouth drops open as he gently strokes the back of my head. “I want to fuck you, until you’re raw.” I swallow, shit that sounds painful. A fission of fear runs over me followed closely by a rush of cream, why do I respond to fear like that?

“Please me. Let me have my way with you.” Huh, hasn’t he been doing that for three weeks? What in the hell is he talking about?

“O Ok,” I nod nervously, my body wouldn’t let me get out of this bed even if I tried, my ovaries are screaming at me at a deafening pitch.

“Pants off,” and in one fell swoop I am naked. “On your knees,” he snaps.

“What……… What do you mean?” Shit does he want anal sex? He’s too big, he will rip me in half. I hesitate, he must be able to sense my fear.

“I won’t hurt you Precious girl, trust me.” He puts his hand gently on my lower back I give him a shaky nod. “I mean on your knees in the middle of the bed and resting down on your elbows.” I move into position and he walks around behind me still stroking himself. I can see him through my legs. “Legs wider apart,” his voice is husky with arousal, I wiggle my knees further apart. I am leaning on my elbows and knees naked. My legs are spread as wide as they go, he is behind me. He hisses again, ticks his jaw and cracks his neck as he continues to stroke himself while looking at my open weeping flesh.

“You’re fucking perfect, do you know that?” I smile as I bite my lip, thanks to a bit of bleach and wax I think to myself. He bends and I am expecting his tongue on my sex, what I am not expecting is his tongue on my rear entrance.
Oh fuck

“Josh,” I tense and try to pull away.

“Don’t move,” he snaps as he grabs my hips. He licks me again gently and all of the blood drains from my head, dear god I put my head into my pillow, he can’t do that to me. It’s not…………right. He slowly runs his fingertips through my swollen dripping lips as he continues his oral assault on my back rosette. He slides one finger into my sex and slowly makes time with his tongue, fucking me slowly with his finger. He adds another finger twisting his hand as he enters and my knees start to buckle.

“Josh I can’t……I can’t do………… I can’t hold my weight.”

“Don’t come,” he whispers into me and the vibrations send me into a spiral into orgasm I don’t think I can stop. “No!” he snaps and pulls his fingers out, I whimper at the loss. He waits for me to settle. He pushes three fingers into me as his tongue once again softens my rear, spreading saliva. God he’s good at this. He is definitely god’s gift to women, without a frigging doubt in my mind. I feel uncomfortable letting him do this to me, but I can’t stop him. It just feels too good. Then he’s up leaning over me as he continues to fuck me with his fingers and he kisses me over my shoulder. A deep hungry tongue kiss. He bites my lip as I feel his thumb pressure my rear entrance………… I hold my breath and my mouth is open as I feel the pressure he is putting on my opening.

“Relax Presh. Let me in,” he whispers. His breathing is heavy as he tries to control his arousal. I drop my head as I close my eyes and then he’s in. His thumb is pulsing into me in time with his fingers into my swollen sex.
Oh dear god!
I instantly start to groan as my hips drop by themselves towards the penetration.

“That’s it,” he kisses my back. “It feels good, doesn’t it?” He bites my shoulder blade. I start to quiver and he stills his fingers. “Don’t come,” he whispers into my back as he tries to control his breathing. “I can’t wait to take you here,” he smiles into my back. “I’m aching for it.” I moan a sound that if I hadn’t made it myself would swear it came from a beached whale. I feel like I am having an out of body experience. This level of arousal is new to me. I pant in anticipation as I nod unable to speak.

“You’re going to fucking love it. Love my cock buried deep in your beautiful tight ass.” Holy shit if someone told me I would actually like this, I would not have ever believed it. Not in a million years. This is unexpectedly intimate in a new raw kind of way. “But you’re not ready yet Presh, I have to get you ready. And I’m not ready,” he whispers as he gently kisses my back again.

My orgasm fog temporarily lifts. “Why aren’t you ready Josh?” I know for certain he likes a bit of kink, why wouldn’t he be ready?

“Because once I take you there, we are playing for keeps.” He pumps his fingers hard again and my eyes close and I moan.

“Do it Josh. Take me now,” I whisper. “I want to be yours, I need to be yours.”

“Not yet,” he smiles into my back and he picks up the pace and strength so the bed starts to rock. Holy shit that’s it, I start to quiver and he whispers into my ear.

“Come for me.” I convulse into the most violent orgasm I have experienced and I fall onto my stomach. He puts his hands under my hips and pulls me up. “Back on your knees,” he snaps. He slowly feeds his thick length into my swollen sex, pulling my hips back onto him. He holds my hips up as he slowly sinks into me. He groans. “You’re such a hot fuck,” he snaps as he slowly pulls out and then slams back into me. “You are so addictive,” he whispers as he repeatedly drives into me. Oh no………… can’t be. I start to quiver again.

“Josh I can’t come again, I…I it’s too much,” I whimper.

“You can and you will,” he bites out on a husky voice. He reaches around and with precision swipes the tips of his four finger tips over my clitoris and I convulse into another earth shattering orgasm. I scream into the mattress, before I can relax he’s pulled out and is around on his knees in front of me. What the fuck?

“Open.” He whispers. I go to speak but before I can, he has me by the hair pulling my mouth onto his cock.
Holy shit
. I’m not sure about this but one look at the arousal level in his eyes has me begging to please him.

BOOK: Stanton Adore
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