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Authors: T L Swan

Stanton Adore (17 page)

BOOK: Stanton Adore
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“I don’t need a personal assistant,” I snap. That came out harsher than I meant it to. I look up and I can see the hurt in his eyes. Poor bastard he’s trying to be nice, you’re such a bitch Natasha.

“But I could use a friend,” I smile. He smiles back and grabs my hand and pulls me up the hallway, there we see Joshua spread eagled naked on the bed like a starfish asleep. I look down.

“I imagine you must have seen some sights. I mean, being with him all the time.” I walk past him back towards the lounge room, uncomfortable with where this conversation is going.

“No funny enough, I have never seen Josh touch a woman at all,” I frown at him. “Josh doesn’t date. Girls drape themselves off him, but I have never seen him like he was tonight, he’s………… different with you.”

I smile, poor misguided Adrian. “Thanks for trying to save my feelings but I know what Josh is like, he’s way to affectionate to not touch girls, I’m not stupid.”

He rubs my arm. “I think you underestimate him Natasha,”

I smile. “I wish, do you want to grab a coffee in the morning?”

He nods. “I will call you”

“Ok, sounds good,” and then he was gone. I was alone with my beautiful man, my beautiful, unconscious smelling like a brewery man who was sleeping like a baby. I take my phone out and snap a photo of him. I smile as I look at it, there’s one for the family album.


“Wake up Precious girl,” his husky whispered voice splinters my dreams and brings me into consciousness. “I need you,” he kisses my neck and runs his open mouth down its length to my collar bone. I slowly come to and inhale the strong scent of soap and toothpaste. He’s showered, what the hell time is it? It’s still dark, why is he even awake? His strong body radiates with need. His arms are straining to hold his weight off me, I can feel the muscles contracted, his overwhelming power emanating from his body. He wasn’t exaggerating, he does need me I can feel it oozing from his every pore. “I’m aching for you, aching to be inside you.” Hmm I like this wakeup call, I rub my eyes as my legs fall open.

“Josh, what time is it?” I whisper.

“It’s make love to Josh time,” he smiles into my neck, his smile is contagious and I find myself mirroring him like an idiot. “Roll over Presh. I need you from behind,” he rolls my hip so that I am on my stomach and then hitches my right leg up. My knee is level to my breast bone. Then he is on me, he pulls my hair to the side to gain access to my neck. His heavy breathing into my ear from behind sends goose bumps across my body, awakening every cell. His hand runs from my knee to my behind and back again. His fingers gently slide between my legs and he hisses when he feels me. “So wet,” he whispers. “You need me too. Do you know what a turn on that is.”

“Yes,” I whisper darkly. This is what his touch does to me, it leaves me vulnerable and begging, submissive even? Before I have time to analyse my thoughts on this, his fingers are inside me. Long stroking circular movements, stretching me open. I instantly lift my hips in a silent beg, I need more. My body needs more. As he bites my neck, he slowly sinks his heavy length into my wet sex.

“Mmm,” he whispers. His arousal level is off the charts and he’s taking me with him. I’ve never been so hot for it in my life. His open affection for me tonight has opened a can of worms and I desperately want to please him. He pushes in and glides out in a slow movement. He’s so good at this. With his hands on my hips he lifts me until I am on my knees and he is kneeling behind me. He strokes my hair.

“Is that ok Presh? Can you handle it? Tell me to stop if I hurt you.” I smile and nod. Even when he is beyond aroused he is still achingly aware that he is a very large man, and I am a ridiculously tight and inexperienced girl. I nod too full to speak, he’s right it is a tight fit. He slowly starts to move at a quicker pace and his two hands are on my shoulders pulling me back onto him. He feels so damn good. A sheen of perspiration covers both of our bodies and I feel myself start to quiver.

“Not yet,” he snaps. “Let me enjoy you some more.” He moves me up until I am sitting on his lap with my knees on either side of his legs. Pulling my head to the side by my hair he gently swipes his tongue through my open lips and he kisses me with such tenderness I feel weak. My eyes roll back in my head. His hands move, one on my breast and the other down to my clit where he circles with perfect precision.

“Circle your hips,” he whispers. “I won’t move, take me how you want me.” I groan as I feel his hard length move inside me when I circle. This man is hot.

“Baby why didn’t you go to the strip show tonight?” I whisper.

He smiles into my neck. “Because you asked me not to.”

“Is that the only reason?” I swipe my tongue through his lips again, daring him to give me the truth I so desperately want. He tweaks my nipple and my body shudders in response. I’m close. “Why would I want to watch other women take their clothes off? When you’re the only women I see.

I smile as I kiss him again. “Good answer,” I smile.

“Shut up and fuck me,” he growls as he starts to lift me and slam me back down onto his brutal length. His mouth is open on my neck, his breathing burning me from the inside out. My head rolls back as I ride his hard punishing rhythm, one that pushes me into a shattering orgasm. I scream into his mouth and my body shudders as he bends me over and puts my elbows onto the mattress, he then really lets loose. A deep heavy rhythm. Shit. One that I don’t think I can take for much longer. I can feel him getting harder and I know he’s close. His hands are digging into my hips as he pulls me back onto him with such force I know I will have fingerprints on me tomorrow and you know what? I love it. He grabs my hips and stills himself, deep inside me and groans from his stomach. I feel his heat inside me and I collapse onto the mattress, his sweaty body covering mine.


When I woke up he was gone.


The seagulls cry wakes me from my daydream. Hot sun, beaming down onto my back. My hands drift in the water underneath my surf board. This is why I love Australia. My morning ritual since being here, 6.00am surf. I’ve missed my wave but I’m too relaxed to care. Being out here, and being with………… her are the only two things that ground me, bring me back to reality. I feel like shit and my head is pumping. Why in the hell did I drink so much? The seagulls go wild again as I look to the beach and my stomach drops. Fucking bodyguards, two of the bastards. Ben will be back tomorrow, thank god. I can’t stand having these guys I don’t know around me, at least when Ben is here I just feel like I’m hanging out with a mate. I wish to god they would just catch him so I can have my fucking life back, I feel like a cockroach in a jar, trapped and isolated. Unknown to her, Natasha has been guarded. I smile at the thought of her going off like a firecracker. She’d see it as an invasion of privacy. I catch my last wave in and walk up the beach, shaking the water from my head.

“Let’s go,” I gesture to the men and I walk towards home.

Brad one of the Australian bodyguards laughs. “Your bitch is fuming.”

“Yeah, I thought he would be.” I smile at the two men with me and shake my head. Adrian is a total prick when he’s angry with me, nobody else is game, he’s got guts I will give him that. He however takes pleasure in it I’m sure. I walk in the front door to find Adrian sitting at my kitchen bench reading the newspaper, he looks up and looks back at his paper deadpan.

I sigh. “Out with it,” he shakes his head and silently sips his coffee. “Listen, if you came to my house to give me the silent treatment. Don’t bother, do it from your house, I’m not in the fucking mood.”

He holds his hand up. “Do not insult my intelligence Joshua.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re being a bit melodramatic don’t you think?”

“Melodramatic,” he shrieks. “You ordered the body guards and I out of the pub so you could fight like a frat boy Josh. Last time I looked you were the CEO of a billion dollar company. Why in the hell did you get so drunk?” I shrug as I grab the orange juice from the fridge and drink it from the bottle.

“God, get a glass you behemoth.”

“It’s my house, get a muzzle. You’re hurting my ears.” He narrows his eyes at me. I turn my back to him and make a protein shake, my first of three today.

“What if you had fought that guy and he slapped another assault charge on you, what then huh?” I frown and nod as I rub my eyes.

“Do you reckon he slept with her?” I ask

“Oh fuck, not this again. You said she told you she had never been with him.”

“Yeah, well why would he go to such lengths if he had never slept with her?”

“Josh you’re going fucking crazy.”

“Maybe,” I crack an egg into my shake. “Anyway how did Tash know where we were last night? Maybe she was meeting him there and I crashed the party.”

Adrian puts his hands on his hips. “You’re pathetic, you know that don’t you?”

“Shut up.” I wince as my brain once again hits the sides of my skull.

“Natasha came because I rang her.”

“What. Why in the fuck would you do that?”

“Because you were acting totally crazy.”

“What if I was in a fight………… and she saw. Don’t you remember her reaction when she saw me kickboxing.”

“It was a cage fight you animal, and I totally support her. That’s not a sport, it’s barbaric.”

“Whatever,” I roll my eyes. “Go home, you’re hurting my brain.”

“I am going home actually,” he turns and walks towards the door. “I’m having brunch with Natasha.”

Huh what the fuck. I jump off the stool and follow him outside. “What did you just say?”

“I said,” he wobbles his stupid head to accentuate his point. “I’m having brunch with Natasha.”

“No you’re fucking not!”

“Oh yes I fucking am, just because you won’t take her for coffee doesn’t mean I can’t.”

“You know why I don’t take her for coffee.”

“No I don’t, I don’t get you at all. You’re obsessed with her, won’t stop talking about her but you won’t let yourself spend any time with her.”

“Because I can’t, you know that.”

“Why can’t you?”

“It’s fucking incest Adrian, its wrong. This is the kind of shit toothless rednecks who live in the damn swamp do, not millionaires and Psychologists. It’s unheard of. And besides it is only going to make it harder when I leave, for her I mean.”

“Oh yeah sure, harder for her.”

“You’re a hypocrite.” He turns to walk off again.

“Why am I a hypocrite?” I snap.

He turns and pokes me in the chest. “Who has been my biggest supporter in my sexuality Josh? Fight for what’s right Adrian. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks Adrian. You can’t put anyone’s happiness before your own Adrian. You deserve to be happy Adrian. Little did I know you wouldn’t have the guts to practice what you preach?”

“It’s different,” I shout. “And you know that. It’s not just me or I would do it in an instant. There isn’t a fucking thing I wouldn’t do to be with her, but I would never hurt her like that.”

“Like what?” He stills.

“Her family will disown her if they know, and I care too fucking much to let her choose me over them. It’s a decision that in years to come she will regret and I know that for a fact.”

“You asked her last night if she loves you.”

“I did what?”

“You heard me.”

I run both hands through my hair again. “This is a total fuck up.” I nod and go to walk away.

“Don’t you want to know her answer?” He smiles and I shake my head in sad resignation.

“No I don’t,” I sigh. I walk back down my steps towards my front door.

“Yes!” he yells. “She said yes.”

Oh fuck. What next, how much more am I supposed to take? I just can’t take much more.

She’s killing me softly.


I stalk back to my kitchen and skull my protein shake without tasting it, one night I just need one more night. This is totally fucked, I’m like a drug addict waiting for my next hit and she is my drug of choice. I text Adrian


I forbid you to go out with her today, if I can’t spend time with her, you’re definitely not. Trust me she could turn Elton John, but ask her to meet us at the Ivy tonight.


This is it, I will just spend one more night with her and then that’s it. I will walk away.

Chapter 13

I’m shitty. So,
so shitty. How dare he ask me if I love him and not say it back? What was it a fucking test? Did I pass………asshole. He probably wants to see exactly how pathetic I actually am, and you know what? I’m astounded myself at just how well I passed. I got a high fucking distinction. He doesn’t call me, except in the middle of the night for a booty call. He leaves in the middle of the night so he doesn’t have to do the walk of shame in the morning. He doesn’t communicate at all to me unless it’s with his damn penis, as lovely as that is. That’s it, I know I’ve said it before but I‘ve seriously had enough of his shit. If he does call me, which he won’t, but if he does, I’m going to tell him to take a hike. I smile as I listen to my thoughts, even to my ears I know that’s a lie. I put my head into my hands as I lean onto the kitchen bench. I hate having bastard player lover syndrome, aren’t you supposed to grow out of this shit when you turn nineteen. I drag on my gym gear and head to the gym, anything to stop me from calling him, calling him and begging for him to come back.


11am I receive a text

Hi Tash sorry I have to bail on coffee but do you and your friends want to meet Josh and me at the Ivy tonight

Adrian x

I press the delete button with such force I’m amazed I don’t crack the screen. As if I am going to turn up at the Ivy, he didn’t even text me himself. What a wanker. He can wait there all frigging night or go to hell, either or, I don’t care.


10pm I am in my flannelette PJ’s, the ones he hates in spite of course, with Abbie and Bridget by my side commiserating by drinking wine. We have decided he can go to hell. If he can’t call me himself, well then he bloody well can’t have me. I must say the thought of him at the Ivy with all of those beautiful women and him being……… well himself, is making me jumpy.

“As if he won’t pick up tonight,” I sigh to Abbie.

“You’re such an idiot,” she snaps. “I thought you wanted answers?”

“I do,” I sigh.

“Well you are really going to get them here aren’t you?” I shrug my shoulders as I feel sorry for myself and blow out a breath, my head leaning back onto my lounge.

Bridget chimes in. “Natasha you are doing the right thing, he’s a self-absorbed prick remember.”

“What would you do then Abbie?”

She smiles a sly smile. “I would go and look so unbelievably hot that he would be begging for mercy and then some.” I narrow my eyes. “Why don’t you go and set a trap?”

“Like what?”

“Arrive and then don’t go over and say hello but let him see you. And didn’t you say he liked dirty talk?” I nod. “Well, I would get my mouth so filthy it needs disinfecting and then I would go home without him. You watch, he’ll be begging for mercy tomorrow. And you know what men do when they are needy?” I shrug, really I have no idea about men do I? “They talk,” she raises her eyebrows and gives me a wink. I bite my lip and look to Bridget who shrugs her shoulders. “Hmm that does sound better than my plan I suppose,” I whisper.

She smiles at me, “Lucky you got that brazilin wax. It’s not pretty when girl’s pubes hang out the bottom of miniskirts.”

“Eeww you’re an animal,” Bridget chuckles.

“Hurry the hell up”, she snaps. “Time to tart up. Mr Stanton is going down.”


I look into the mirror at my reflection an hour later, ok yes it’s true. I do look sort of hot. I’ve got the cleavage happening thanks to my super dooper Booster Bra, tight wrap bandage black dress, my shoes that I want to marry and my hair is straightened to within an inch of its life. I’m even wearing red lipstick. If he can resist me looking as skanky as this then good luck to him, he deserves an exit pass. Now the dirty talk, that’s a whole different story. What the hell do I say? And how far is too far? There’s a fine line between hot and downright low, maybe I will just follow his lead all night. See how far he can take me.


11.45pm We walk into our favourite bar at the Ivy and I must say the reaction of a few drunken men outside on the street to my dress has given me the confidence boost I so desperately needed. Abbie heads to the bar to buy our drinks and I wait with Bridget. She knows a group of girls here from Uni and one of them have come over to talk to us.

“Oh my, Natasha you look amazing tonight,” she smiles. “Have you lost weight?” I fake a smile and nod. I hate it when girls say that when they can’t think of anything else, I haven’t lost frigging weight you silly bitch. My thoughts are anywhere but on this conversation.

“2.00o clock,” Bridget whispers. I casually look around and I see them, the Stanton boys well, three of them and Adrian. Two other men are not far from them leaning up against the wall and I now recognize them as Josh’s bodyguards. Josh is in his standard jeans and blazer but he has a pink check shirt on, he looks frigging awesome as usual.
I turn away instantly, not wanting to be the one that notices him first. Play the game Natasha, play the game, I chastise myself. Cameron notices us and bounds straight over, he grabs Bridge in an embrace and twirls her around.

“How are my two favourite cousins?” He smiles as he kisses her on the cheek. He comes over to me and puts his arm around my shoulder and kisses my forehead. “Sorry about the other night, Josh is a prick.” Huh what’s he talking about? Oh the fight night, shit he doesn’t know that I’ve seen Josh since. My mind races off in a tangent, he hasn’t told them we’ve hooked up, why would he do that? I know the answer…………to protect me. I am suddenly seeing our midnight visits in another light. They have been staying at his house………so of course he wants to be home before they wake up. Maybe, and I mean just maybe I have misread this situation. Abbie returns with our drinks and I take it immediately, wishing I could drain the damn tumbler in one gulp. From the corner of my eye I see the others join Cam and our group. Adrian kisses me on the cheek and squeezes my hand as does Wilson when he arrives. Joshua however stays back and silent but I can feel him watching me and I refuse to look at him, he can kiss my ass

I keep playing the game refusing to make eye contact with him while I talk to Adrian.

“So why did you bail on me today?” I tease.

He shuffles his feet. “I wasn’t allowed out to play,” he winces.

“Huh, what does that mean?” He leans in and lowers his voice so that no one else can hear us. “Josh said if he can’t spend time with you then I’m not allowed to either.”

I frown not understanding his statement. What does that mean?

“Josh can spend time with me, he just doesn’t want to,” I snap.

Adrian winces and nods. “By the way,” he whispers. “Josh hasn’t told his brothers about,” he points his glass to me. “You know,” as he nods his head.

“I thought so, why not?”

He shrugs. “He’s got it in his head it’s really wrong.”

I scowl. “We are not hurting anyone Adrian.”

He smiles. “I know, I thought you were ok with it. Josh however isn’t.” I take a gulp of my drink without tasting it. Adrian gets his phone out of his pocket and reads the text he smiles, “I’m going to the bar,” he gestures.

“Ok,” I smile. I turn back to Cam and Bridget’s conversation although I’m not in it, I feel my phone vibrate in my bag and I pull it out to check

Hello x

It’s Joshua, my eyes immediately shoot up to him. He dips his head and gives me a stifled smile. I text back


My phone beeps again

Are you purposely not returning my kiss?

Hmm what does that mean? Why would he even notice no kiss? This is honestly the most confusing man on the planet. I don’t know what to text so I just look up at him and shrug my shoulders. He gives me a sad smile, he knows I’m cranky. Well tough titties for him. What does he expect? Bridget thankfully reappears through the crowd with a round of Margarita’s, good timing Didge. How in the hell am I supposed to stand 2 meters from him and not talk to him all night? This isn’t punishment for him, I’m punishing my stupid self. I look around the club and notice most of the female population eyeing our group of men, I look back at the boys and I smile. Of course they attract attention, look how gorgeous the four of them are. They are all very alpha male even Adrian, he’s so masculine and good looking he definitely defies the camp gay boy image. My phone beeps again

Nice dress

I read the message and smile as I bite my lip, this hard to get act is wearing thin on me already. I look up and very deliberately do a pirouette to show him the full package. He gives me a carnal smile, his eyes drop down the length of my body and he cracks his neck, jackpot there it is.

Abbie pulls me by the hand. “Come on, we are dancing,” she heads towards the stairs.

“I will meet you down there.” A bartender walks past us with a tray of drinks and I have an idea. “Excuse me can I ask you to do me a favour?” He looks around.


I pull out $20.00 of my purse. “Do you see that man over there in the Navy blazer?” He looks around. “No over there near the wall,” I point with my chin. “Pink check shirt.”

“Oh yes,” he smiles “he’s hot.”

“I know,” I smirk. “Can you go over and discretely give him this money and tell him the lady in the black dress and red lipstick would like to place him on layby?”

He smiles at me as he frowns “Really?”

“Yes please,” I pull a whiney face at him. He heads off towards Joshua and I stand still watching, he taps him on the shoulder and whispers into his ear. Joshua dips his head to listen and then looks up as the bartender discreetly points me out, he smiles as he takes the money from the bartender and sticks it in his pocket. I smile and bite my lip as our eyes lock, he’s giving me that look. You know the one, the one I love. Come fuck me it screams and boy it’s smoking hot. I head towards the stairs to dance feeling quite proud of myself, halfway down the stairs my phone beeps again

Layby Receipt

I smile broadly and stop still. Oww, some idiot bangs into the back of me.

“Watch out,” I snap.

“Well don’t stop on the stairs, stupid.” Mmmm good point, I walk to the bottom of the stairs and continue reading

Layby Name: Beautiful Slut

Layby Number: 69

Item Purchased: Lamborghini

Pick up time: 1.00am

Don’t be late!

I smile and continue to the dance floor to join the girls and Adrian.

Two hours later I’m feeling very woozy on my legs when my favourite song comes on, it’s a track by Jason Derulo called Talk Dirty to Me.s I pull out my phone smiling and text Joshua

Talk Dirty To Me

I smile as I put my phone away, ok let’s see what he’s got. My phone beeps immediately

Keep thinking those dirty thoughts Precious. I want that beautiful tight cunt nice and creamy when I suck on it later.

Holy fuck. He’s good at talking dirty, that’s absolutely filthy. I smile again. What in the hell am I doing? I am so out of my league here, I text back a lame reply

It’s working I like it

My phone beeps immediately

You will swallow

Christ, uumm what will I write?


It beeps again

It wasn’t a question

Ok, it’s official. He’s the hottest man on the planet and I find myself feeling rather over heated by his texts. My phone beeps again

How loud are you going to scream when you come on my face with your knees on my pillow?

Shit ok. That’s dirty. I look around feeling quite embarrassed and flushed. I just know I am going to get some awesome sex tonight. I could come just by reading his texts. My phone beeps again

Do you have any idea how hard you are going to cop it tonight?

I smile and shake my head, good god………… Hard I hope. I text back

Ok you win, I’m gagging. Pick up time is now. I will be up in a minute.

A few more tracks later I turn to find Adrian with another round of Margarita’s, so of course I have to drink, wouldn’t want to waste a perfect Margarita, that’s blasphemy. Needless to say I don’t go to find Joshua for about another forty minutes. Adrian and I head up towards the stairs together.

“Josh has just texted me,” he smiles. “I have to take you out to the Limo first and he will follow a few minutes later. It will be here in twenty minutes.” I frown not understanding why, “He just doesn’t want you two to be photographed together.”

“Oh,” I nod. “Ok, that makes sense” I smile. When we get to the top of the stairs Adrian takes my hand to lead me through the crowd and I follow not paying any attention. He suddenly stops and I run into his back.

“Let’s get a drink,” he says nervously and pulls me towards the bar, huh why? I look over my shoulder to Joshua and see him talking to a blonde. He’s got his hands in his pockets and he’s scowling at her.

“Who is Joshua talking to?” I ask Adrian. He starts to fidget in his pockets looking for money, “Umm not sure,” he murmurs without making eye contact with me. He’s lying and I don’t have to be a Psychologist to know that. I look back over toward Joshua and the blonde and I see him mouth the words “go away”. Huh, he knows that girl, I can tell by the way he’s annoyed with her. That wasn’t a casual brushoff. I go to walk off towards them and Adrian pulls me by the hand back.

“Hey stay here,” he smiles as he pulls his arm around my shoulder. I look back over my shoulder and she is still talking to him, actually she looks………familiar. Where………… in the hell do I know her from. I hope she’s not an ex patient. Abbie and Bridget come back up the stairs and head straight over to the meeting spot. I see Abbie’s back straighten when she sees the girl and her hand goes onto her hip…huh. She barrels straight over to Joshua and I can see him shuffle on his feet, he’s nervous………he’s hiding something. I wish I couldn’t read body language so well………it’s really annoying. I pull out of Adrian’s grip which I now know for sure is so I don’t interrupt Josh,
and head over toward them. Abbie is saying something to her and I can tell by the way Abbie is talking that she is mad, what in the world is going on? Am I missing something? When I get to them Joshua immediately links our hands and without making eye contact whispers into my ear.

BOOK: Stanton Adore
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