Stanton Adore (31 page)

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Authors: T L Swan

BOOK: Stanton Adore
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“Going somewhere?”

“Um yes I’m going to LA on Friday to pick out a new house remember, or have you forgotten that too?” He nods and sits me on the lounge chair. He turns and faces the window as he puts his hands in his pockets.

“Natasha I want you to go back to Christopher.” Horror dawns.

“What?” I gasp.

“I know he loves you and he will look after you.”

I immediately stand. “Josh I don’t want Christopher, I only want you.” He keeps his back to me and I know it’s so I don’t see his face. I walk over and cuddle him from behind.

“Josh what’s this about? Talk to me, I don’t understand.” He turns and cuddles me as he kisses the top of my head.

“Tash I’m going to be honest with you because I love you and I want what’s best for you. I want you to hear me out before speaking,” I nod.

“I wasn’t with that girl last night, I was in the strip club for about ten minutes picked her up and left. It was totally premeditated that the photos were taken. I didn’t realize that you knew me as well as you do and in hindsight it was a bad decision but I still think that we should break up.” Ok now he’s scaring me.

“Josh,” I whisper as tears fill my eyes. “Don’t say that baby.”

“Hear me out, I can’t give you everything that you deserve. You have to give up everything to be with me,” he says deadpan as if running on auto pilot.

I frown. “Josh moving to the other side of the world is not giving up everything and besides I told you already as long as we are together I don’t care.”

“Tash you have to give up your job, your friends your family,” he looks down to the ground. “Motherhood,” he whispers. My eyes turn to saucers.

“This is about children?” I gasp. His haunted eyes come back up to meet mine and I know immediately that’s the reason. He needs to be sectioned, what in the hell is he on about? I burst a giggle and he looks at me in disgust.

“This is not funny Natasha, not even close.”

“Josh we have every opportunity to have children. There is only a one percent increased risk in first cousins and the younger I am the risk goes down. I have researched this for years you stupid man. Besides, I don’t care if we adopt or use a donor egg, whatever. As long as I get to mother your children I will be happy.” He swallows the lump in his throat but doesn’t speak. “Josh it is not your roll to protect me from you, I am not a high school girl giddy on love. I have thought long and hard about our relationship and I will not be with anyone else as long as I know you love me. So if you push me away in some hero act you will only be punishing me with a broken heart.”

“Tash you don’t know what you are saying,” he whispers.

“Wouldn’t you prefer to be the man who looks after me and loves me and tucks me into bed every night?” My eyes search his. Nodding he drops his eyes as he thinks.

“Josh I am not letting you go, I love you too much to do that and you can’t ask that of me…………it’s not fair that you have made this decision by yourself when it involves my future, what were you thinking? We have fought too hard already to be pulled apart now?” I grab his arms and wrap them around me and finally he relaxes into me and cuddles me, he bends down to gently brush his lips over mine.

“Tash I just need us to break up now if we are going to, it will break me in a few years if you decide that you hate America or the life I live and leave me. I won’t be able to handle it.”

I smile a broad smile. “Do you honestly think that you won’t be making any sacrifices to be with me?” He frowns not quite understanding my meaning.

“No women or strip clubs and by the way if you pull a trick like you did last night I will kill you with my bare hands and a smile on my face.”

He smiles warmly as he pushes the hair off my forehead and nods. “Deal,” he whispers.

“I mean it Josh, postal. Like Silence of the Lambs style killing,” he laughs out loud.

“Ok I get it. Natasha I didn’t know what to do, I knew I wasn’t strong enough to leave you and I knew you wouldn’t let me. You’re right I am gutless I tried to take the easy way out.” He hangs his head in shame.

“Yep,” I smile. “Totally” I reply as I do wide eyes at him. I frown as I sum up the events.

“Why are you even thinking of babies and me Josh?” I pause and smile. “Are you going to ask me to marry you?”

His eyes twinkle as he smirks, his head on an angle to the side as he watches me. “No it doesn’t mean I am going to ask you to marry me.”

I frown in disappointment. “This is probably one of those times when you should shut up and look pretty then Josh.”

He laughs. “Are you saying you want me to ask you to marry me?” he raises his eyebrows.

I smile and bite my lip. “No I don’t want you to ask me to marry you.”

He fakes a cranky face. “Now you can shut up and look pretty.”

“Actually I already look pretty and I think you need to be punished,” I smirk.

His eyes shoot up to mine. “Punished,” he repeats.

“Yes I just told you I’m not a giddy schoolgirl and you didn’t bat an eyelash, are you saying I’m an old boiler?”

He laughs again. “Old boiler,” he repeats as he raises an eyebrow. I nod as I smile and he shakes his head. “I’m not saying that at all. What I am saying though, is that you’re a beautiful slut who is too good for me,” he whispers as he runs his whiskers down the length of my neck. I bite my lip to stifle my smile.

“Way out of your league Stanton.”

He smiles. “And do pray tell who is in your league Miss Marx?” his hands run down the length of my body to my behind and he pulls me onto his rock hard erection. His eyes drop to my lips as he cracks his neck, why do I find that so damn arousing?

I shrug and act nonchalant. “I don’t know Jo Manginello or Henry Cavill, Thor, James Bond you know the type, all dominant and hot like.”

He licks his lips and then smirks. “Are you gagging to be punished Miss Marx by teasing me with interest in other men.”

I open my mouth to feign shock. “Me?” I smile.

“Yes you. If its domination you want then I’m only too happy to serve it up,” he growls and picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. “Out of my league, let me initiate you into
league Miss Marx.” He marches down the hall to our bedroom and he kicks open the door. “There’s a reason your name has an X in it,” he growls as he slaps me hard on the behind before he throws me onto the bed. I lie back as he rips my pants down and my shirt over my head so violently he nearly rips them. I am panting as anticipation seeps through my bones, my head lies back as he spreads my legs and looks down at my glistening sex, his mouth slightly open. He cracks his neck hard
. Mmm
. He looks up at me and without taking his eyes off mine he slowly undresses. His body is hard everywhere and my eyes drop to his perfect manhood………and my name burnt into his side. This is desire………… pure unadulterated lust. I feel the familiar rush of moisture as he opens my legs to his gaze and swipes his fingertips through me. His breath catching at the contact. How did I get here? So totally in love and lust with this magnificent beast. And he is a beast, even if I wanted to back out I know he would take me anyway. Just the thought of his domination over my body has me weeping for him. Eager to please him. He bends and runs his whiskers up the inside of my thigh until he gets to my centre and without taking his eyes from mine he runs his tongue through my creamy arousal. He lifts my legs over his shoulders and then he is in me, his tongue unleashed. Oh damn he’s good at this, my eyes close and my head rolls to one side as I watch him, my hands running through his hair. He reaches up and links my fingers with his as his tongue dives deep into my body, long deep licks. I’m close and I start to quiver, he releases my hand and pushes three fingers into me and I jump. He sits back and watches me as he fucks me hard with his fingers, my eyes closing and my body finding a rhythm of its own and bearing down on him hard.

“Oh yes………that’s it Precious girl,” he whispers. “Squeeze me……warm yourself up for my cock,” he starts to move his hand quicker and I can’t help it I start to jump. My body flying head first into a hard orgasm and I scream out loud. He leans in and then slides into me as he lifts my legs over his shoulders, his open mouth on my inside ankle. His hooded eyes watch me as my body tries to accommodate him, god it’s too much. I’m too sensitive, too swollen.

“Josh wait” I whisper. “I can’t………wait a minute” I gasp.

He slams into me harder. “You can and you will. Squeeze me and suck out my come, it’s yours.” I close my eyes as I ride the deep punishing rhythm, each stroke harder and deeper than the last until I can take it no longer and I scream into his mouth as another powerful orgasm rips through me. He stills and then it’s one…… two……… three pumps and he growls into my mouth as he kisses me hard. We both pant, covered in sweat as our hearts beat out of control.


“You’re going to kill me woman,” he smiles and I gasp for breath.

“Not if you kill me first.”


Its six o clock and Joshua and I have had awesome makeup sex for approximately three hours and I’m ready to go to bed……… to sleep. I haven’t really slept since Sunday when Josh started acting weird. We are both wrapped in towels fresh from bed and yes I feel even closer to him now that we have crossed another hurdle, how is that possible? Joshua is in the kitchen eating everything he can find, because if I know him at all, I know he has hardly eaten since Sunday and it’s now Wednesday. I can hear ice banging in the shaker as he makes another chocolate protein shake, god how does he stomach those things? The keys sound in my door and I turn as Bridget comes in carrying the biggest McDonald’s paper bag in history.

“I bought supplies chick,” she smiles. Oh shit, this is not going to go down well, I forgot to ring her back. She walks through and puts the bag onto my coffee table.

“Big Mac, extra – large fries and coke and an apple pie for added cellulite,” she puts her hands on her hips and beams at me feeling proud of herself. I stand still as Joshua comes around the corner oblivious in a towel. Her eyes go to saucers as she sees him and she turns and scowls at me.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” she snaps. I squirm uncomfortably under her glare. She turns to Joshua.

“Get out sleaze bag before I tip this coke over your head.” He looks at me and I gently shake my head signifying for him to keep quiet and thankfully he does. “Start talking Natasha because you can’t be this gullible. A picture tells a thousand words and the picture me and the rest of the world woke up to this morning was Joshua Stanton doing another stripper.” I bite my lip. This does look bad. Joshua doesn’t like that last comment and folds his arms in front of him as he rests the bottom of his foot against the shin of his other leg while he looks at her deadpan. She glares at him. “Speak asshole!” she yells.

“Not that it’s any of your business what goes on between my girlfriend and I but.”

She cuts him off.

“None of my business, are you fucking kidding me?” Ok, she’s losing it.

“Calm down Bridget, its ok. He was trying to protect me.” She looks at me like I have just grown another head.

“Seriously, if you pull your Psychology shit out now, I am going to frigging kill you. Your boyfriend slept with a cheap stripper last night and you saw the photos and here you are in a towel playing happy families with him. What in the hell is the matter with you?” I wince as I sum up the situation from her perspective, she’s right this does look bad.

“I didn’t sleep with her,” Joshua snaps. She turns on him like the devil himself pointing her finger in his face.

“I don’t care if she fucked you up the ass with a broom stick, you kissed her and that’s cheating! She waited seven fucking years for you Josh and this is how you repay her? Shaming her in public.”

He drops his head again in shame. “It was a bad decision, I will admit.”

“Oh how big of you to admit it. You loser!” she screams.

He scowls at me and I know he wants to fight with Bridget but is holding back for my sake only. It’s not in his nature to handle someone being so aggressive toward him without snapping.

“I’m going to take a shower,” he growls.

She glares at him. “Don’t slip on the soap and break your neck you asshole, I couldn’t handle it.” He narrows his eyes at her and comes over and runs his hand down the length of my spine and gently kisses me on the lips. It’s a power play, he’s showing her, who’s the boss. He’s lucky she doesn’t kill him on the spot, at this point I wouldn’t put it past her. She glances around the living room and notices the suitcase.

“Why do you have a suitcase out?” Oh god, not now Bridget. Why is she so good at playing the bitch? My eyes drop to the ground, this is not the way to tell her.

“Natasha’s moving to LA with me.” My eyes snap up to him and he raises an eyebrow in defiance, I can’t believe he just said that.
Bloody bastard

“What!” she screams, “have you lost the plot Natasha? Over my dead body are you moving anywhere with this asshole.”

Joshua glares at her. “That could be arranged Bridget…………don’t tempt me.”

“Is that a threat Stanton? Because I swear to god it will be go time if it is.” Jeez this is getting out of control.

“Bridget honey, calm down. Joshua get in the shower. Now!” I throw him a dirty look and he frowns at me as if not understanding what he has done wrong. He storms toward the bathroom and she pulls me into an embrace.

“Natasha please………… don’t put up with this………he’s frigging brainwashed you or something. Let’s leave now. You can stay at my house.”

“Bridget………Bridget…… Bridget,” I sigh as I hug her back, how do I get around this? “Bridget I believe him and if that makes me an idiot………… so be it. But I can’t go against my gut instinct.” Bridget pulls back and frowns at me.

“You know you have always had a dodgy digestive tract,” I laugh out loud.

“Can you trust me, please Didge?”

She scowls at me. “What would you say if this was Jeremy in that photo? How would you be acting?”

I give her a sad smile. “Exactly like you are, thankyou for being a great friend.” She nods and flops on the lounge chair and blows out a deep breath.

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