Something About Milan: A Complicated Love Story (7 page)

BOOK: Something About Milan: A Complicated Love Story
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Chapter Sixteen


I felt as if a weight had been lifted off my chest when Wise came walking out of the house with my babies in tow. This had been h scariest situation of my life. I didn’t even wait for him to get to the car. I hopped out and grabbed both of my babies and began to kiss them. They had only been gone for a couple of hours, but it felt like an eternity. It would be a cold day in hell before Jabari got a chance to ever lay eyes on them again.

“Come on y’all, let’s get the hell out of here before some shit really get to popping off.” Keem instructed, guiding us to our car, then hopping into his own.

I chose to sit in the back with the kids because I wanted to inspect them to make sure that they were okay, and talk to them. Jabari Jr. was five and a half, so he was old enough to talk, but Baby Kayla was only one, so she couldn’t say much.

I stared at her, she was my twin. Sometimes I had to wonder what if. I had gotten pregnant with her while Jabari was at the halfway house before he was fully released. We snuck off and did our thing during the hours that he was released for work. However, I still remembered that one time that Wise and I slipped up without a condom at his house. I never said anything and neither did he. I didn’t want that drama. Now, a part of me wished that all of my kids belonged to him.

I let out a sigh, leaning in to kiss both of my babies again. “Are you guys okay? Did anybody hurt you?” I asked Jabari Jr., I didn’t want to say the wrong thing about Jabari, because he was too young to understand, but I needed to know if he was okay.

“No, that girl hit me hard.” 

I instantly got mad. “What?! Who hit you Jabari?

“That girl. My daddy left me.” He poked his lips out and I caught Wise’s eyes through the rearview mirror. I think that we were on the same page. I was going to fuck whoever that girl that Jabari Jr. was talking about up, right after Wise handled Jabari. I wanted his crazy ass to die!

“Ok, mommy will take care of it. Did she hit your sister too?” I asked him, staring into his little eyes. He shook his head no, and I just sat back seething. I think that I wanted to be in the room with Wise when he ended Jabari’s life.

We pulled up to my mother’s house and grabbed Melanie. Then we went back to Wise’s house, opting to leave his car parked in front of my place until the morning. We had gone through enough shit for one night, and I didn’t feel like driving.

Once we were inside, and the kids were settled, Wise pulled me into his room and hugged me tightly. He smelled so good, and it felt amazing to be wrapped up in his love. I can’t believe that I fooled myself for eight years into believing that he was bad for me, when really he was my soul mate.

Wise kissed my forehead. “You ready to be my lil’ gangster?” He asked, staring into my eyes.

I chuckled, “You’re little gangster?”

“Yeah, you got me on some thug life shit. I thought I put the bullshit into retirement.” He laughed too.

My smile erased. “I’m sorry, Wise. I didn’t mean to involve you in all of this. Jabari just got crazy out of nowhere.” I honestly did feel bad that Wise was in the middle of everything.

“It’s okay, I already knew that he wasn’t gone let yo’ fine ass go without a fight. It’s my fault. If I wasn’t a little asshole back in the day, you would have never gotten with him. I hope you know I’m not that nigga from back in the day no more. I got you if you allow me to.” Wise preached to me and didn’t even have to. I believed him, and I wasn’t going nowhere. I had finally came to the conclusion that I needed him.

“I know and you’re stuck with me too.” I leaned in and kissed his soft lips. Our kiss lingered until he broke away.

“That ain’t a problem. But let me ask you something… I was looking at Kayla and Melanie, they look a lot alike. I know you both of their momma or whatever, but I need to know…”

“Need to know what?” I asked pretending to be clueless. I knew exactly what he was asking because I was just wondering the same thing.

“You know what I’m talking about. You got another nigga playing daddy to my kid?” Wise asked, staring at me with those coal black eyes. 

“We only slipped up that one time, Wise. I don’t know.” I played it cool. As I thought about it, I hoped like hell that Kayla was his baby. 

“So, you trying to say that the thought never crossed your mind? Kayla lookin’ a lot like Melanie right now.”

“Of course I’ve thought about it, but I honestly thought that she belonged to Jabari.” I said in my own defense.

“Whatever Milan, that’s fucked up that you got my baby thinking another nigga is her daddy. I bet you two pumps and a swirl that she all me.” Wise smirked, brushing his hard rod against my thigh.

I giggled. “With yo’ freaky ass. You better stop because the kids are up.” I pushed him away from me, admiring his physique. Shit, Wise was so fucking sexy to me that it didn’t make any sense.

“Melanie got them. Stop trying to run from this dick. You been running for eight years, ain’t you tired?” He teased, running a finger along my cleavage, staring seductively into my eyes.

I had to look away. I wasn’t ready for Wise to put it on me again just yet. I swear, he knew how to put a hurting on the kitty so good that I was still thinking about it nearly two years later. I thought about the last time we made love and my body shuddered.

“Well what if Sasha comes in and catches us?” I came up with another excuse.

“Then she gone stand there and watch me beat those guts out.” He chuckled, grabbing me again.

Before I knew it, he had ripped off my clothes and began doing things to me that I couldn’t even explain. Wise knew that he didn’t play fair. He took control of my body and handled it with precision, as if he had owned it all of his life.

With the way that Wise put it on me, and the drama that I went through today, I was knocked out within minutes. You know the D is good when it put you to sleep. It was on Wise to make sure that the kids got to bed okay.


I didn’t know how long I was sleep for, but I knew that I was fully awake when I heard a woman screaming, then I heard glass break. Wise and who I assumed to be Sasha were going at it like they didn’t have no sense at all. I sat up in the bed and listened for a second.

“So you didn’t have no problem getting another bitch in the house and it ain’t even been twenty four hours. Why is that bitch in my bed, Wise?”

Bitch? I asked myself, grabbing one of Wise’s white tees, and a pair of basketball shorts out of his drawer. I wasn’t going to be too many more of her bitches.

Wise was talking calmly, so I couldn’t hear him. But Sasha made sure to yell loud enough for me to hear. “No, I won’t quiet down. I don’t give a damn about those kids?” 

She was so disrespectful, but she was messing with the right one. The worst think you could do was disrespect my kids and I was going to show her ass. I politely walked into the living room to where she was standing. I was going to punch her dead in her face. My hand swung back to clock her ass, but Wise grabbed me up, pulling me away.

“Calm yo’ crazy ass down Milan! Take yo’ ass in the room and let me handle this. I don’t want the kids to wake up and see you acting a fool.” Wise tried calming me down, but I wasn’t having it. I continued to try to charge at her. “I said chill!” He yelled, causing me to stop in my tracks.

I snarled at Sasha’s ditzy ass, then turned to Wise before walking off. “You better handle that!”

Chapter Seventeen


I looked to Milan, then to Sasha. Both of their asses looked like they wanted to buck, but I gave them that look to let them know that they better chill out. I wasn’t even about to let them disrespect the kids or my house like that. 

I was actually shocked that Sasha brought her ass back here. She said that she was done, so she needed to carry her ass on. Wifey’s home, so I ain’t need her to in the mix, stirring up confusion.

“No sweetie, he doesn’t need to handle anything. I live here, boo-boo.” Sasha leaned around me to look into Milan’s face. She just didn’t know, if Milan was to catch her one good time, I wasn’t responsible. She was the one that kept talking shit.

“Man, Sasha, just leave. Why you still talking” I sighed, trying to carry Milan’s crazy ass out of the room. 

“Leave? And go where? I live here asshole!”

“Not no more!” Milan yelled! “This my house now, and he been my man. I was just letting you borrow him. By the way, thanks for babysitting. You’re dismissed.” Milan’s smart mouth ass shot. She snatched away, and stomped off into the room.

I was surprised that the kids didn’t wake up with all the noise that they were making. I knew that I would have to handle Sasha one day, but I wasn’t expecting her to come back tonight.

Once Milan had disappeared into the room and slammed the door, I focused back on Sasha. She was mad as hell and I felt bad because she stuck around looking out for Melanie. However, I wasn’t sorry enough to fuck up with Milan by letting her stay.

“I always knew that you loved her, Wise. My biggest fear was that I would lose you to her. That’s why I played the game while it lasted.”A tear slid down her face.”The sad part is that I actually loved your selfish ass. I tried not to, but I do.”

I looked away.”My bad, man. Me and that girl got history. I care about you too. But, you know it wasn’t like that with us. You just said it yo’self.”

She let out a sarcastic chuckle. “So, you cared about me, huh? I take it that you never loved me? I was just good enough to fuck whenever you got the urge to, or to keep Melanie, huh?”

I shrugged. What more could I say? It is what it is.

“That’s fucked up, Wise. That really is.” She shook her head. “Well, I have no place to go, you owe me and our unborn enough to allow us to stay. Hopefully you’ll love this one as much as you love her kids.”

Damn, Sasha dropped a bomb on my ass for real. The air had left my lungs. How the fuck was she pregnant and we barely fucked. Better yet, how was I supposed to tell Milan?

I wanted to tell her that she was a mothafuckin' lie. But I wasn't in the mood to argue with her ass. A part of me wondered if she was even pregnant. Sasha was the type that would fake a pregnancy, just to get me to stay. I just shook my head, as I glanced at the clock on the wall. 

It was just after one o'clock in the morning. If she was pregnant with my seed, it would be fucked up to send her out on the streets. Just off the strength of the possibilities, I decided to let her stay. I knew that Milan was going to be pissed, but she had to understand that I had a life before we decided to do us again.

"Man, you on some bullshit! So how far along are you?" I stared at her skeptically. Her brown eyes were sparkling against her bronze skin. She looked so vulnerable. Sasha had always been gorgeous, but I just couldn't love her how she wanted me to.

She shrugged. "I don't know, Wise. I just found out today. When I left, I went to my mother's house and I started throwing up, so I had my step daddy go get me a test and it came back positive."

I let out a breath of air, running my hand across my head. "Damn man. This shit is too much. You bet not be on no bullshit, Sasha. We ain't even been fuckin' like that." I said, still trying to comprehend everything. I didn't want shit to come between me and Milan getting back together. I'll be damned if I lose her again.

"So are you gone let me stay the night or not? You owe me that much, Wise."

I thought about what I was going to do for a second. "Look, you can sleep in the guest room tonight, but you can't stay here. I'll put you up in a little crib or whatever until you get on your feet."

She smiled. "Fair enough." She walked off, making her way to the extra bedroom. She put an extra way in her hips and I swiped my hand across my face, knowing that tonight was going to be a long ass night.

I dreaded going back to the room to tell Milan what was up, but I knew I had to. When I walked into the room and saw the fucked up look that was stuck on her face, I knew that she wasn't going to make it easy.

"Did you get rid of her?" Milan rolled her eyes.

I sighed. "Not exactly. She gone sleep in the guest room tonight."

"The what?! Hell no, Wise. I'm not trying to be in the same house as her. My kids are here too. I can't."

Milan began to snatch off my clothes that she had on, then she grabbed her own, pulling them on.

"Hold up, what you doing?" I asked. "Where you about to go this late?"

“Home Wise! I'm not leaving one fucked up situation and jumping right back into another! This is a disaster."

I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to me. "Chill out. First of all, you won't be going nowhere until I handle that nigga. Second, you know I would never fuck over you again. I'm not about to let you get away. Just ride with me."

"Ride with you? How you asking me to ride with you and you got another bitch in the next room? Why is she still here, Wise? Huh?"

I paused for a second, not even wanting to tell her the truth. But I wasn't a lying ass nigga. I had to tell her. "Because I can't just throw her on the streets. She might be pregnant with my seed..."


Chapter Eighteen


"Pregnant?" I asked out loud. I couldn't believe that Wise had fallen for the okie doke. Furthermore, I didn't care if the broad was on her deathbed. Either, she had to go, or I was leaving. I understood that she lived here, but that was irrelevant. The moment he invited me back to his house, her rights to it was terminated.

"Yeah, man. And I swear that I didn't know that girl was pregnant. This is news to me."

I let out a sarcastic chuckle as I looked at his stressed face."That's because she's not pregnant! Think about it, Wise. She's conveniently pregnant when you're about to replace her. She's playing on your emotions because she knows how passionate you are about children!" 

Wise stood there as if he was thinking about it. He didn't say anything, so I continued. "First, you need to find her a hotel or something for the night, and before she leaves, you need to go to the 24 hour Wal-Mart and get a pregnancy test!" I tried to speak as calmly as possible. I didn't know what games Sasha was trying to play, but I wasn't even about to allow her to run them on my man. Wise and I had been through too much.

"I can't send that girl out in the streets by herself, Milan."

"Well, I'll do it. Just go get that pregnancy test!" I all but yelled. I loved Wise and the man that he had become. But, he was tripping with this situation.

Wise let out a sigh. "I'll handle it."

I could tell by the look in Wise’s face that he was annoyed. I watched him walk out the room, dialing some numbers on his cell phone. I followed behind him, listening to whoever he was speaking to on the other end. He was arranging for somebody to come and get Sasha. That was fine by me; as long as she was gone.

I stopped following Wise and decided to go get little Ms. Sasha so that she could get her stuff together and be waiting by the door. I was about to open up her room door and walk in, but she was on the phone and her conversation was very interesting.

"What was I supposed to do? Yes I'm sure it's your baby!" I heard her attempt to whisper.

My face screwed all the way up. I knew that she was on some bullshit! Now I was about to act a fool!

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