Something About Milan: A Complicated Love Story (2 page)

BOOK: Something About Milan: A Complicated Love Story
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Chapter 2

I had to practically beg my mother to keep my kids, because I wasn’t in no shape to keep them. I felt like a fool being true to Jabari’s dog ass, when he clearly didn’t give a damn about me. His sugar momma? He’s going around telling broads that he was with me because I took care of him? The more I thought about it, the angrier I became. 

When I made it to the house, I took my anger out on all of Jabari’s shit. I bleached and cut up every piece of clothing that I saw of his. Then I went for his shoes, cutting them up. Everybody knew that he was a fool about his shoes, but I didn’t care. I wanted him to feel my pain. I wanted to see what I had done to his things and know the hurt that I felt. If he wanted to get physical about it, I had a hot bullet that would send his big ass six feet under.

I didn’t even notice that I was crying until a tear slid off my face and fell into my lap. Eight years? I had been with that bastard for eight long years, and all I got was his ass to kiss. Becoming frustrated, I threw my scissors onto the ground and went to my purse to grab my cell phone to call my best friend, Chanel.

She answered on the first ring, sounding all happy. “What’s up heffa?”  She asked.

“Why Jabari done had a big-head little bastard on me? With a bottom feeding ratchet little broad at that!” I sniffled, letting out a sigh.

“Stop lying! How you know?” Chanel gasped.

“Because she was at the Aid office with little Benjamin Button.”

Chanel giggled. “Girl, stop talking about people’s kids!”

“Fuck his snotty nosed ass.” I all but screamed. I meant that shit. Why was I supposed to care about a baby that was created off of Jabari’s lies?

“I’m not fooling with you. Where my little god babies? You trying to turn up on a Friday? You know Keem, and Wise are having that party tonight.” She sang into the phone, changing the subject. Chanel knew that Wise and I had history that neither of us wanted to rekindle. He had his situation, and I had my own. Well, I used to have a situation. Jabari was history.

I thought about it. Maybe I did need to get out of the house. Sitting here, crying over Jabari wasn’t going to cut it. That motherfucka didn’t even have the decency to try to call and explain the foolery. That’s why his shit was going to be fucked up and sitting on my lawn.

Wise and Keem always showed out when they threw parties. They never did anything without doing it big. Heat shot throughout my body as I thought about Wise. Gosh, he was the epitome of sexy! Maybe going to the party did sound promising. Maybe I would bust it wide open for Wise tonight; just to spite Jabari.


Chapter 3


I sat in my room, looking at the mess that I created. The smell of bleach lingered throughout the house, and the remains of his clothing were sitting in the middle of the floor. I had really done a number on his things, yet I still was hurting.

I looked at the clock on the nightstand, it was just past seven and Jabari still hadn’t called. I tried my hardest to be that tough chick that I desperately wanted to be. I didn’t want to call him; because I didn’t want him to know that I even gave a fuck. But, my soft ass just had to call him and ask him why he felt the need to go out and have a whole baby on me.

I called Jabari’s phone twice, only for my calls to go to voicemail. The third time that I called, he forwarded my call to his voicemail, pissing me off further. I threw my phone on the bed, deciding to get ready for Wise’s party.

I had just gotten a fresh sew-in with 24 inch Brazilian hair, so all I had to do was flat iron it, making it bone straight with a part down the middle. Then I threw on a little black dress that I had been dying to rock since I bought it. I had always been a thick chick. My waist was small, and my chest was nearly non-existent, but my ass and hips made up for it.

I gave myself the once over in the mirror.  Jabari had me fucked up. I was a bad bitch that could get any nigga that I wanted, so he was definitely sleeping on me. Here it was six hours since the bullshit at the DHS office and he still hadn’t contacted me.

Satisfied with my looks, I left out to meet Chanel at the lofts downtown where Wise and Keem were throwing their party. It was only a selected few invited, and when Wise offered me to come, I turned him down, trying to be respectful to Jabari, like a dumbass. However, at this very moment, I hoped that I didn’t mess up and he invited another bitch. I would be hurt.

I smiled, thinking about Wise. He was a sexy chocolate cat, with swag out of this world. He was cocky, yet humble all the same… as if that was even possible. I mean, it was like he knew that he was the shit, and he knew that I knew he was the shit, but he still played it cool. Then his smile! Shit, I had been crushing on Wise since we were teenagers, but the only problem was, he was a hoe, and somehow he became friends with Jabari and his cousin Keem. I knew Wise way before he became friends with Keem who introduced him to Jabari, however, we kept that on the low. I wasn’t trying to be loving the crew, but Wise’s ass could get it! He’d grown up the be that dude.

I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head as I pulled up to the lofts. Chanel was waiting for me in the parking lot, talking to some ugly dude. I swear, as pretty as my friend was, she liked those ugly cats with faces only a mother could love.

When I walked up, Crunchy Black’s friend smiled at me, but I gave him the screw face. Shit, he was uglier than the dude that Chanel was talking to, so I just knew that he didn’t think he was getting any play. I cleared my throat rudely, and motioned my head toward the building’s entrance. Chanel excused herself and we walked off.

I hoped like hell that Jabari wasn’t in the building. I was going to hit him where it hurts tonight. He was going to see how it felt to be lied to and cheated on. I let out a chuckle. He was going to be mad as hell when he found out that I was messing with his homeboy.


The loft that they held the party in was a plushed out five bedroom apartment that took up the whole sixteenth floor. It had scarce furniture, but it was decked out with a state-of-the-art entertainment system, a bar filled with expensive liquors, a pool table, as well as a stripper pole, and stage. It was set up similar to a club, but with more of a homely feel.

For it to only be an intimate party, Wise and Keem sure did invite a lot of people, and it was mostly females too. I turned my nose up in disdain, looking at the half-naked chicks walking around. They knew that they kept some dehydrated chicks around, just like Jabari’s trifling ass.

I had been at the party for close to an hour, and much to my disappointment, Wise hadn’t even come over to speak to me. I was low-key salty, because Wise was the one who usually showered me with attention. We caught eyes, and he smiled a couple of times, but he quickly turned away, like I was just a random chick.

I couldn’t help the feeling of being played, and my attitude along with my facial expression displayed it. Chanel kept laughing at me, but I didn’t find it funny.

“OMG! If you don’t just go over there and talk to that man already!” She chuckled, nudging me on the shoulder.

I tooted my lips up, and allowed my eyes to roll to the ceiling, then land on the ground. “I’m not thinking about Wise.” I lied, Chanel knew that I was lying too. The face that she gave me made the both of us burst out into laughter.

“Whatever, heffa. I’m about to go get me a drink. I see that it’s going to be a long night.” I sighed, my eyes traveling back to Wise as he spoke with some skinny bimbo.

The bar was located across the room , ducked off in the corner. I had to pass Wise and I tried my best not to look at him. Truth was, I was jealous as hell because he had been entertaining that little skinny broad since I walked through the door. She was alright in the face, but she wasn’t me.

I made it to the bar and poured me a cup of liquor. I was starting to feel as if I should have stayed my ass at home. I was already in my feelings about Jabari, now Wise had me in my feelings even more. I rolled my eyes as I turned to go back over to where Chanel and I were sitting. 

When I turned, I bumped right into Wise. He was all up on me and I didn’t even see him approach me. I jumped, trying not to spill my liquor on myself, then I frowned up at him. “Why your big black ass standing up there, like that? You almost scared me.” I shot, placing one hand on my hip, and using the other to take a sip from my cup.

“The same reason yo’ ass didn’t come speak to me, and you in my shit.” He had this cocky smirk on his face that was so sexy to me.

I waived him off. “Boy please. You was all up in that broad’s face. I wasn’t trying to get you into trouble.” I told him sarcastically. I could help the twinge of jealousy that flowed through my body.

“Here you go. That wasn’t nobody but Mika’s ass. She a part of the team.” He explained stepping closer. “But fuck her. I heard you left that nigga, is it for good this time?” He had been dying for me to leave Jabari.

My forehead wrinkled with surprise. “How did you know we broke up?”

He chuckled, “The whole hood knows y’all broke up. Y’all crazy ma’fuckas was setting it off at the DHS, you know word travel fast; especially when a bunch of ratchet ma’fuckas involved. Yo’ ass ain’t even got no reason to be getting food stamps. You try to be too independent when niggas willing to take care of you.”

I waved Wise off. “Whatever, you play too many games. And mostly definitely, that’s a done deal. I can’t do it with his ass anymore.”

“Good.”  Wise said, his intense glare took in my body lustfully, before his eyes landed back on my face. I had to look away. “And don’t be clowning in public like that. You too pretty to be acting like that.” He rubbed the side of my face, licking those thick pink lips. My body shuddered. At that very moment, I would have done anything that he said. He had me open as hell and didn’t even know it.

Chapter Four


I saw Milan as soon as she walked through the door. I wanted to walk right up to her and bite her sexy ass. She was looking good enough to eat. But, she was on that bullshit. She told me that she wasn’t coming and I wasn’t about to cater to her ass. I swear, Milan thought that the world revolved around her; she always did.

I had been digging Milan since high school, we had history. But now, she was stuck so far up Jabari’s ass that it wasn’t funny. He didn’t even know what kind of woman that he had at home, because if he did, he wouldn’t have been dogging her out like he did.

I sat back and watched the fuck shit that he did. I tried kicking knowledge to her ass, but she wasn’t trying to hear it. I was a hater if I said something, and I knew that she would be mad if she knew the shit that he did and I didn’t say anything. That’s why I fell back and allowed her to do her.

It didn’t even matter anymore, though. He fucked up and now I was about to slide back in. I saw the way that she looked at me whenever we were around each other. The eyes never lie, and it was obvious that she still had feelings for me, just as I did for her.

“Let me holla’ at you in the back room for a minute.” I suggested, wanting to sneak some time alone in with her. I had invited a few of the females that I was messing with, and everybody knew that she was Jabari’s baby momma. I didn’t give a fuck, but I wanted to save her the drama.

I took her hand and led her to the back room, closing the door. My shit was brick hard and the dog in me wanted to bend her ass over and beat it up right here in this room. But, I wasn’t gone do her like that, just yet. I wanted to see where her head was. Milan was more than a piece of pussy to me, and she knew it.

“Damn, you done had a nigga chasing you since forever. You better stop bullshitting with me before I just take you.” I shot, stepping closer to her and taking her into my arms. Her soft body pressed against mine felt so good and it had me aching to be inside of her.

I knew that she could feel that she belonged just where she was at… in my arms. Our chemistry was crazy. I’d dropped everything that I had going on to get back to the old us.

“Whatever, you knew that I had my situation. Plus, you got Sasha, and a whole stable of hoes to go along with it. I already deal with bullshit messing around with Jabari, and y’all birds of a feather.”

My face frowned all the way up. I knew that she couldn’t possibly believe the bullshit that she was kicking. I wasn’t nothing like Jabari’s broke ass.  “Stop lying to yo’self. If that’s the case, why you in this room with me?” I stepped closer using my body to back her against the wall. “And why  you want me to fuck you right now? I know yo’ pussy wet.” I gripped her up and pressed my lips to hers, kissing her hungrily. I had been waiting to do that for a minute.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and shit was about to get real. Well, until the door burst open and Kennedi, one of the little broads I was messing with, came barging into the room.

“Oh hell naw, Wise! I already play second to ya’ girl, but I’m not playing the background for the next bitch!” Her chickenhead-ass screamed. She looked from me, then to Milan, with her arms folded tightly across her chest.

Kennedi knew that it wasn’t even laying like that with us. I fucked around with her from time-to-time, but there wasn’t any commitments. I was shocked that she was playing herself like she was.

Milan pushed me away and she was about to walk off, until I grabbed her arm. “Where you going? Stay right here.” I demanded. Then, I turned to Kennedi. “Man, get yo’ ratchet ass out of here.”

She fixed her mouth to say something, but I gave her that look and she left right back out. I knew that I would be cutting her off after tonight. I didn’t need nobody around that didn’t know how to play their position.

“I knew this was a bad idea. Let’s just go back out there.” Milan tried to say, but I wasn’t hearing it.

“Fuck that. If this what you want, here I am. Fuck that broad, fuck Jabari. What’s up? You trying to do this?”

She just nodded her head yes. That’s what the fuck I thought! I wasn’t playing with Milan’s ass no more.

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