Something About Milan: A Complicated Love Story (6 page)

BOOK: Something About Milan: A Complicated Love Story
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Chapter Thirteen


Jabari is crazy, and I’m going to the house alone to meet him. Shit, I didn’t consider that when I left my mother’s house.
Maybe I should have allowed Wise to come with me
, I thought as I pulled into the driveway. There was a car parked in front of me and I wondered who it belonged to, and if Jabari had someone in there waiting to get me.

I never thought the day would come that I would be this afraid of Jabari. And all of this was over some bullshit! It’s crazy that he could dog me out, then when the shoes were on the other foot, he turned into a maniac.

I looked at the house, then reached into my glove box and pulled out my taser that was shaped like a cell phone.  It wasn’t a gun, but if he was on some bullshit, I was going to tase the fuck out of him.

I hopped out, clutching the taser and made my way into the house. It was small enough to conceal in my hand, so Jabari wouldn’t suspect it if I had to hit his ass.

When I walked into the door, all the lights were on and I cautiously swept my eyes across the room, looking for any signs of bullshit. I followed the noise of the TV to the living room, thinking my kids were in there. My antennas flew up when I saw that it was empty. Why the hell were cartoons playing, and where the hell was Jabari?

Something definitely wasn’t right and I told myself that I needed to get the hell out of the house before Jabari tried to kill my ass. When I turned around, Jabari had appeared from thin air. “Boo!” He shouted, causing me to jump back, with my hand to my chest. He scared the fuck out of me.

Jabari burst into laughter. “Look at yo’ scary ass. Talking all that shit over the phone and won’t bust a grape at a fruit fight.” He shook his head, walking toward me, and I backed away.

“Gone somewhere Jabari.” I shot, trying my best not to show that I was scared. I had temporarily forgotten about the taser in my hand until now. I fumbled with it and put my finger on the on switch.

“Naw, how the fuck you gone play me like that after all we been through?” I didn’t know if his face was angered or if it was disappointment. It may have been a mixture of both.

“Where the kids at, Jabari?”

He was still inching closer and my heart was beating.

“They good. But, I know you didn’t think that I was about to let you play me like that.” He lunged toward me and I hit the on button, tasering the hell out of him. His body began to jerk, and I held it there for a minute. I knew that the taser wouldn’t hold out for long. So once I felt that it stung him enough, I took off running out of the door. My chest hurt, I was so scared. I kept looking back as I ran, and before I knew it, I ran into something hard and stumbled back.

I almost died until I saw that it was Wise. His face was screwed up. “What the fuck is going on, Milan? What did that nigga do to you…”





"Oh my Goodness, Wise!" Milan ran into my arms, falling into my chest. "He tried to get me. He didn't have the kids with him! He was going to get me!" She squealed, breaking down. I swear, it hurt a nigga's pride.

I wanted to stand there and comfort her, but I was past enraged. Murder was on my mind, and I was going to handle that nigga tonight. I moved Milan out of the way, then snatched my .22 off of my hip. "Go sit in the car and lock the doors Milan. I called Keem and he should be pulling up any minute." I instructed her, watching until she got into her car. "Start it!" I yelled. "And pull off if shit gets to popping!"

With that, I turned and made my way toward the house cautiously. There wasn't no telling what that fool had up his sleeve, and I was going to shoot first, and not even worry about the questions.

I eased into the house, slowly assessing every inch it. "Where is this ma'fucka?" I thought, bracing myself for him to just pop out. Every time I thought about the fuck shit he was doing, I squeezed my pistol tighter.

“Man, where the fuck you at, pussy? Come take this ass whooping like a man!” I finally yelled, tired of playing games with him.

It was like crickets in this ma’fucka. I had basically searched the house and didn’t find no signs of him. “Why you hiding, fuck boy?” I continued to yell. I knew that his punk ass was in the house because I never saw him come out. 

I finally heard shuffling in the back room, and ran back that way. Damn, what if he had his piece too? I didn’t even think about that. I slowed my pace with the quickness, tip-toeing my way to the back. The door was partially closed, and the lights were out. This shit was a set up and I wasn’t the nigga to fall for it.

I started letting shots off into the door. Fuck going in for him to bombard me.  After letting off about five shots, I heard the front door slam, and Milan got to honking her horn. Then and there, I knew he tricked me to get to the back so that he could make his getaway. Fuck, he wasn’t getting off that easily.


Chapter Fourteen



I heard them gunshots and knew that I had to get the fuck on. I didn’t have my piece on me to clap back, and I wasn’t catching a bullet tonight. I can’t believe that Milan would bring that nigga with her. When I saw her, I was going to fuck her up for the way she was disrespecting me. Everybody was sleeping on ya’ boy since I ain’t carrying it like I used to. I think it’s time to remind them who Big Jay is.

I hit the door and ran to my ride. I didn’t even see Milan still parked behind me in the driveway until she started honking her horn, and she better move the fuck out the way before I rammed into her shit. 
I put the car in reverse, then I started backing out of the driveway. She was still blowing her horn, but she moved that ma’fucka out the way. I took off down the street, just as Wise came running out of the crib. Fuck his punk ass and Milan too. She tasered the fuck out of my ass. That caught me off guard and I can’t even front, that shit hurt. I didn’t think she had it in her. But she just didn’t know, I’ll keep the kids and she won’t ever see ‘em again. 

I looked into my rear view mirror, only to see that Milan was following me. I had got low on the cops plenty of times, so I knew it wouldn’t be nothing to get rid of her. I hit a sharp left onto 7 mile, swerving so that I wouldn’t hit the car coming, then I made a quick left onto Sussex. A bus blew its horn at me because I was inches from hitting it, but I sped down the road, hitting two more corners until I was sure that I lost her.

Now that I knew that Milan was on some bullshit, I had to reevaluate things. I had the upper hand as long as I had the kids. Hell yeah! If she wanted them back, that nigga Wise was gon’ have to come up off that bread, and I was going to use it to get the hell up out of Michigan. 

After riding for another twenty minutes, circling Jamella’s block, I finally pulled into the driveway and hopped out, making my way inside. My face instantly turned sour when I walked into her junky ass house, then my babies were screaming like somebody was trying to kill them. Jabari Jr. ran to me and held on to my legs.

“She hit me!” He whined, as Kayla came running to me too. I picked them both up, placing one in each arm, then I made my way to the back room, where Jamella was laying in the bed. “Why the fuck yo’ nasty ass laying up in all this junk? And why my son talking about you hit him?”

Her face twisted into a scowl. “Because I did! Don’t come checking me. I whoop kids. If you don’t want me putting my hands on them, then don’t leave them with me. Little terrorist.”

I swear, if I didn’t have my babies in my arms, I would have smacked the shit out of her smart mouth, trifling ass! I just walked out of the room and put the kids in Janarius’ bedroom. “Y’all stay in here for a minute. Daddy will be back.” They nodded.

I walked back into Jamella’s bedroom, closing the door. Before she could even realize what was happening, I had snatched her trifling ass up by the collar, and pulled her close so that we could be face-to-face. “Don’t you ever in yo’ life put yo’ hands on those two. Do you understand me?” I growled.

She nodded her head yes, then I released her, throwing her back on the bed. I began to fumble with my belt buckle, pulling it from the loops. I was about to show her ass that I wasn’t the one for the disrespect.

“I said yes, Jabari. Unt uhh, what you about to do with that belt?” She whined.

I ignored her, as I folded the belt in half and began to beat her ass like a bad ass kid that stole something. She got to jumping, and scrambling around the room. I cracked her ass until I felt like she had enough. By the time that I finished, she was balled up in the corner, whimpering.

“Now, don’t let my fucking kids tell me you put yo’ hands on them again. And get yo’ ass up and clean up this house and fix us dinner!”
She got up and scurried out of the room, just as my phone began to ring. It was Milan, I smiled. “You know that stunt you pulled about to cost you.” I chuckled into the phone.

“Nah, nigga. It’s gone cost you if you don’t bring her them damn kids back.” Wise shot, spitting out demands like he had a say in the situation.

“My man, Wise. How you liking that leftover pussy. I always knew you was a nasty nigga. Fuckin’ after ya’ mans.” I teased.

“Nah, I had the pussy first. Do yo’ fuckin’ research. But fuck that, what’s up with them kids?”

I began to smirk. “Fifty thou,” I said. “Bring me that bread and I’ll let you pretend to be me. I never wanted the hoe anyway. Her dumbass just used to hold a nigga down.” I lied, knowing damn well that I was fucked up about Milan choosing the next nigga over me. Pride was a ma’fucka and she definitely hit a nerve.

“What?!” Wise yelled into the phone. “Nigga, you something else. Alright, where you want to meet up at?”

“I’ll hit y’all back with the info.” I told him, hanging up. I wasn’t dumb. He agreed too easily. I was going to have to do this on my own time, and in my own way.

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Chapter Fifteen


“Yeah, I saw where that nigga stopped at. He went into a crib in them new projects on Joy Road.” Keem spoke into the phone, as I looked over at Milan. I still couldn’t believe that Jabari was trying to hold his own kids for ransom. He must have been off that dog food or some shit. I wish I would give him fifty thousand like I’m some punk ass nigga.

  I hopped into the car with Milan back at her house and we chased after Jabari. But she wasn’t no race car driver and Keem was right behind us, so I told Milan to fall back and we allowed Keem to give chase. I knew that Jabari wouldn’t be expecting him.

“Cool, stay there until I get there. If he pulls back off, hit me back.” I ended the conversation and placed my phone back into my pocket, then focused back on Milan. “Keem saw where he went. We gone get the kids. I’m not giving his punk ass fifty nothing. That nigga off something.” I shook my head. Didn’t he know that this was real life? He was living in a fairytale world and he wasn’t going to be satisfied until he couldn’t wake up.

The look of turmoil was evident on Milan’s face. I hated it too. I wanted her to smile every second that she was around me. I wanted to take away all the pain that she had been through in her life.

.“Look Wise,” She bit down on her bottom  lip, giving me a look of uncertainty “I know that you are probably going to kill Jabari. And after tonight, I want you to. But, please do not do anything in front of me or the kids. I can’t watch that. I hate him, but I still care.”

“No doubt. I wouldn’t do that anyways. But as long as you know what’s up, we’re good. Any man that would try to get money for their own kids don’t deserve to live. That ma’fucka been watching too many gangster movies and he's confusing real life with the pretend world.”

She nodded. “Yeah, I just want this over with. Today has been too much for me.” She let out a sigh, as I pointed to the gas station.

“Pull over in there. Let me drive.”

Once we switched seats, I pulled off, hopping onto the Southfield expressway. I zoomed in and out of traffic until I came up on the Joy Road exit. I had to call Keem back for him to guide us to the house that Jabari was in, and I parked two houses down.

I told Milan to stay outside, as I made my way to Keem’s truck. I knew that Jabari was Keem’s people, and I didn’t know how he was feeling about the whole situation, but I fucked with him because he was a loyal ass nigga. Plus, he knew that Jabari was on some bullshit.

“He in there. Do what you got to do. Get those kids and take care of Milan. She a good chick.” He said, giving me dap. He sounded like he was down for whatever, but I knew him too well.  Beefing with Jabari had him in his feelings.

I stared into his face, analyzing his expression for a second. “Thanks bro. You already know.” My eyes traveled to the house. “He probably laying up under a bitch with a house full of kids. I can’t handle that nigga tonight, but you already know what’s up.”

Keem just nodded, as he hopped out of the truck and we made our way to the front door. He knocked, and I stood off to the side. A couple of minutes later, some ugly ass chick came to the door, swinging it open.

“Can I help you.” She had her hand placed on her hip, and her attitude was stank as hell.

“What’s up? Is Jabari here?” Keem asked.

“Yea, his punk ass is here. What you coming to get him and his bad ass kids?”

Damn, she just made it easy on me. Nothing else needed to be said. I shot from the corner, knocking her out the way. Then, me and Keem barged into the place like we owned it. Keem grabbed her up and made her sit on the couch, while I roamed the house.

I peeped into the first room that I saw. The kids were in there laying down, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Then I went into the room across the hall and peeked in. Jabari was relaxed back on the bed watching TV. He didn’t even see it coming as I rushed into the room and gave him a hard left hook to his jaw, causing him to jump out of the bed.

“Yeah, nigga. I told you that I was gone fuck you up. I’m gone take this fifty thou out on that ass.” I growled, catching him off guard with two more to the jaw. His head flew back and he tried to throw a wild punch, but he was too dazed. I proceeded to whoop his ass like a rag doll. Jabari talked tough, but he had always been a pussy to me.

By the time that I finished, he was out cold on the ground. His punk ass was out of there without a fight, and I got mad because he went down too easily. It killed me not to be able to kill him, but now wasn’t the time.

"I'll be back mothafucka." I snarled, kicking him one last time in the face, before making my way to grab the kids, then I headed to the front room. “We out.” I motioned for Keem to leave with me. Jabari just didn’t know, he was living off of borrowed time. If the kids and Milan weren’t with me, I would have busted his melon wide open.

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