Skaia (70 page)

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Authors: Ayden Sadari

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Skaia
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Thaddeus could see the quick flutter of the boy’s lashes, but there was no blush. Completely different from Skaia. Nicea lowered his head again. “Yes, Master.”

Look at me,” Thaddeus repeated. When Nicea looked up, his eyes were void of expression. “Glaucus says you are very talented with your mouth.” Nicea said nothing, and Thaddeus smiled. “Come. Show me.” He spread his thighs.

Nicea knelt between Thaddeus’ legs and expertly untied his breechcloth, moving it aside gracefully, as he’d learned so long ago.
Make no mistakes,
he warned himself.
Please him, make him want you. Make him want to keep you.

It was a performance, and one Nicea intended to be perfect. Thaddeus was not aroused from the sight of him, from the thought of him, as others had been. Nicea quickly alternated delicate touches of his tongue with firmer strokes, and used his slender fingers to enhance each one. He was gratified to hear a heavy intake of breath, to feel the flesh beneath his lips firm and swell. As he laved the heavy length, he could feel the foreskin shifting back, and pushed with his tongue to fully expose the sensitive head.

Thaddeus’ breathing had become rapid; he was making soft sounds of pleasure. And Nicea lavished the dripping glans with the soft skill of his tongue, letting his hands shift to caress the swollen balls. He did not hurry this stage, rather kept his touches subtle, waiting until Thaddeus’ need drove him to shift his hips and begin to thrust.
Nicea thought.
Now was the time to encase him totally.

Watching the thin lips surround him, caressing his cock as the blond head moved up and down, Thaddeus moaned and began to thrust in earnest at the sight. The boy swallowed him down, his tongue still moving sinuously along the encompassed length, while his skilled fingers continued their massage of Thaddeus’ scrotum. And behind it.

Gods,” Thaddeus said aloud as the sensations overwhelmed him. His hands went to Nicea’s head, holding it firmly in place as he pushed even deeper into that exquisite cave of delight. His thrusts became faster, deeper—wanting,
the release.

When it came, Thaddeus was only vaguely aware that Nicea continued to suckle him, that his tongue continued its caresses. He knew only the superbly delicious rest he found in the warm close cavern.

Slowly, very slowly, Thaddeus became fully aware of his surroundings again. Of the blond head that was still between his legs. That his own hands still held it there. He watched as the mouth gradually released him, as the boy pulled back. As pale blue eyes met his. Not so blank now… uncertain, seeking approval.

Thaddeus laughed softly and leaned forward to caress Nicea’s hair. “My son is right. You are very talented.” Nicea bowed his head at the remark, and Thaddeus caught only a brief glimpse of the relief on his face.

But it was over. Thaddeus stood and started to undress. “Put my clothes outside the door,” he instructed. “They will be picked up and washed tomorrow.”

If Nicea had expected, or wanted more, he gave no sign. Just stood quickly and picked up the discarded clothing, placing it outside the door as Thaddeus directed. Still not speaking.

Thaddeus was sitting on the edge of his bed when Nicea returned. He saw the boy look up only briefly before dropping his gaze again.

Have you been forbidden to speak by some previous master?” Thaddeus asked, thinking the boy far too afraid.

Yes, Master.”

Damn it, Nicea,” Thaddeus said harshly. “Look at me when I’m talking to you.”

A startled, frightened face looked up immediately. “I’m sorry, Master.”

Thaddeus nodded, and deliberately kept his voice softer when he spoke again. “You have to learn my ways now, boy. When we are alone, I would prefer you to acknowledge my orders. And look at me when we talk.”

Nicea was oh so aware of the ingrained urge to look down. “I will try, Master. I… I am not accustomed to such things. Master Glaucus…” Nicea stopped, afraid he would offend this man by mentioning his son. But Thaddeus moved his hand, encouraging the boy to finish his thought. “Master Glaucus, all my young masters, only wanted me to be… invisible, sir.”

I see.” Thaddeus’ mind returned to the first weeks with Skaia, when he had thought that was what he wanted as well. He shook his head. “I am past such things, Nicea. As long as you don’t chatter constantly, and stare at me all the time, feel free to talk and look where you will.”

Yes, Master.”

When Thaddeus lay down in the bed, Nicea pulled the sheet and blanket over him, and Thaddeus touched his arm. “There is a pallet in the first small room. If you’re cold, there are extra blankets in the chest on the far wall. You can put out the lamps and sleep now.”

Yes, Master. Thank you, Master.”

Nicea put out the lamps, picked up his own clothes, and went to the pallet. He was surprised to feel so hopeful. He knew he had pleased this man with his mouth. And he thought Thaddeus not terribly angry about his mistakes afterward.

The master had not been rough with him; he was clean and carried a pleasant smell. Nicea thanked his gods.

As he started to fall into sleep, he thought he could be pleasing to Thaddeus, if only the master allowed him to stay…

Thaddeus lay awake, thinking, fighting off the urge to sleep. Nicea was indeed very skilled. And, obviously, he expected nothing in return. He would be a good slave. In time, Thaddeus was sure he would become fond of him.

But not like Skaia.

He had been sure, after Thane died, that he could never care for a slave again. But somehow, Skaia had made a place in his heart.
And never returned my feelings,
he thought bitterly.

He vowed he would never allow himself to feel again as he had for Thane and Skaia. But this boy would be fine. Nicea was lovely to look at. He was obedient and sexually talented. And Thaddeus would have no qualms about sharing him with his friends.

His last thought, just before he succumbed to sleep, was that he hoped Skaia was happy with his choice. And that the boy would not forget him completely.

At least, he has my ring.

It was Phaelas who opened Glaucus’ door in the morning. He touched Skaia’s cheek to wake him. “Master Thaddeus would like his son to join him in the peristylium garden for breakfast. Can you tell him, or should I?”

Skaia blinked rapidly to chase the sleep from his eyes. “Hot water…” he murmured. “My Master will want hot water.”

There is a bucket just outside the door,” Phaelas smiled. “Castor has taught me well.”

Returning the smile, Skaia got up quickly. “Thank you, sir. I will wake him.”

Glaucus appeared to be in a somewhat better mood. At least, he had no scathing comments as he washed and dressed. But his tone was still cold as he left his chamber. “You will not be required to serve at meals any longer. Bring your extra clothing to my rooms. After that you will stay here.”

Skaia said nothing, though he continued to look at the door for some moments after Glaucus was gone. He tried to be optimistic, telling himself that if Glaucus wanted his clothes here, he must want him as well. But as he set about the routine tasks of freshening the rooms, his thoughts turned darker.
Stay here.
Was he being confined again, like with Thaddeus in the beginning?

I won’t do it.

He looked at the bolts in the wall, deciding Glaucus would have to chain him before he would give into that again.

As he changed the bed, Skaia though of Crassus and Thaddia. They kept their slaves with them constantly. Glaucus could do it, too. But he never had… They had studied together. They had played games together. They had talked together. But Glaucus had never included him in family gatherings of any sort. Had usually sent him away when his friends came.

Skaia realized he had never questioned it before. Only now… because Thaddeus had shown him something different. Because Thaddia and Crassus did something different. Because he had come to know Paulinus and Lucius, and had hoped for the same kind of relationship with Glaucus.

Or Thaddeus…

After looking around the rooms to be sure everything was in order, he thought he should go to the kitchen for breakfast. But then he thought of looking for Nicea. Thaddeus would be in his morning meetings—Nicea would probably be available.

And I have to return the ring and get my clothing.
Valid reasons to go to Thaddeus’ chamber,
he told himself.

As he walked down the stairs, Skaia thought about what he wanted to know from the blond slave. How Glaucus had behaved on the trip. If Nicea and Glaucus had ever shared more than sexual intimacy.
Sex does not have to be intimate,
he reminded himself.
Like Scipio
. Perhaps Glaucus had just sought relief of his physical needs.

Entering Thaddeus’ rooms, Skaia noticed that the desk was still messy. He turned away, refusing to clean it himself. The bed was made—Nicea had performed his own morning duties.

What had his night-time duties been?

Skaia quickly pushed the thought from his mind and went to Thaddeus’ chest. Reluctantly, he put his ring there, among Thaddeus’ own.

Turning away, he could not help but look around and know how much he would miss this place. He picked up the whip he had been forced to kiss so often, and looked at the corner where he had spent so much of his time.

There were some bad memories, certainly. But there was also the table where he and Thaddeus had talked and played games. The bed where they had made love.
Made love?
Not so, in the beginning. But it was what the sex had become. A mutual sharing of pleasure.
When I could permit it to be so.

Reluctantly, Skaia took his two tunics, his street shoes, and the extra pair of sandals from Thaddeus’s wardrobe, and left to take them to Glaucus’ rooms.

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