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Authors: Ayden Sadari

Tags: #Erotica

Skaia (33 page)

BOOK: Skaia
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Thaddeus had been to his share of brothels; it was a rite of passage to adulthood for a young Roman. And he still went—on occasion—with one or several friends. But this was his first experience with such a public whore, one who could be used by anyone with a few coins in his pocket. He was pleasantly surprised at the young slave’s willingness and talent.

Antius used the boy’s mouth first, while Flavius stood between his legs and pumped. The boy showed no sign of pain or embarrassment or hesitancy. He sucked noisily, as his anus was rammed. Antius pulled out of his mouth before he climaxed, wanting to come in the boy’s ass. When Flavius climaxed, they changed positions, and while the young slave licked Flavius clean, Antius took his pleasure.

When it was his turn, Thaddeus was more than ready and eagerly moved between the boy’s buttocks and watched as the slave used his mouth again to clean Antius’ now softening cock. Although Thaddeus was the last to visit his mouth, the slave still sucked energetically, and Thaddeus felt clean when the boy was done.

Before they left the room, they checked the boy’s anus again. It had not fully closed, and their seed was freely spilling down his legs. Antius complimented the slave, and threw him a coin. The boy seemed hesitant, but finally picked it up from the floor and thanked them. Only when he stood, and started to pull on his tunic, did Thaddeus realize the extent to which he’d been cut. It had been obvious from the first examination that the slave was a eunuch. Now, standing upright and facing them, it was clear his cock was missing as well.

Thaddeus took his arm to prevent him from leaving. The boy looked up, fear briefly flitting across his features, before he cleared his face of all expression. “May I serve you in some other way, sir?” he asked in his soft, almost childish voice.

How old are you?”

Nineteen, sir.”

How long have you belonged to this house?”

Nine years, sir.”

The same age Skaia was when I bought him.
“Have you always been this way?” Thaddeus gestured with his hand down towards the slave’s mutilated groin.

The boy still seemed steady, but his eyelids fluttered for just a moment. “Since before I came here. Yes, sir.”

Thaddeus released his arm and spoke softly. “No other service is required.”

The boy dropped his gaze, but not before Thaddeus noticed his eyes were bright with tears. He handed the boy another coin and dismissed him.
Not so different from Skaia,
Thaddeus realized in that moment.
He does what he’s told, but only because he must.

Thaddeus and his friends returned to the stable, and decided to rent a litter and slaves to take them the rest of the way home. It was a little more expensive to hire six slaves, rather than the normal four to carry the litter, but less than the use of multiple litters. Thaddeus and the others quickly agreed to split the cost evenly.

Once the slaves lifted them, Flavius and Antius began to speak of the whore, but Thaddeus was soon lost in his own thoughts. Comparing Skaia to the young eunuch. This boy had objected to nothing, though he had certainly made no pretense of enjoying it. He behaved as Thaddeus thought Skaia might in the same circumstances. And Thaddeus’ heart lurched at that thought. He made himself listen to his friends.

I thought he was much younger,” Flavius was saying. “Maybe fourteen or fifteen. Does castration keep them from aging?”

Of course not” Antius laughed. “It only keeps them boys a while longer. They don’t grow beards or other body hair. They don’t get large voice boxes, so their voices don’t deepen.” Antius stroked his own, very prominent larynx. “They age, but as boys, rather than men. There are some brothels that cut their youngsters as soon as they arrive. If they survive, it insures they can be used far longer than those who are left intact. Plus, it keeps them docile.”

Thaddeus thought his little Gaul too proud to accept such a life.
And he was glad.
He wouldn’t want Skaia submitting to such things. Antius was the first to arrive home, then Thaddeus. Getting out of the litter, he wished Flavius a pleasant evening, and entered his domus.

Paulinus looked up in surprise when Skaia came to him in his room. He had not expected to see the boy today. “Master Thaddeus said you wished my services, sir,” Skaia said softly as he bowed.

Not me,” Paulinus smiled. “But the garden certainly needs you. Lucius, fetch the tools, and a bucket of water. Then join us in the peristylium.”

Skaia gave Paulinus his arm as they walked out, and helped the old master sit on the bench he had put there so many years ago. The boy looked about in dismay at the state of the garden. “I didn’t know it could get so bad in just a few weeks. Has it not rained, sir?”

This is Rome, Skaia,” Paulinus laughed. “It’s always too hot and it never rains enough. And when I try to send Lucius to water things, he steps on the plants.”

Skaia smiled before entering the garden himself, walking carefully. Then he knelt, and began to pull up all the small weeds, and place them in a pile. When Lucius returned, he handed Skaia the bucket of water, along with a scoop and a small digging tool. He sat beside Paulinus, and together they watched the boy work.

Is your back alright, Skaia?” Paulinus asked.

Yes, Master,” Skaia replied without looking up. “Master Thaddeus…” He hesitated, not sure what he should say. “He was easy on me, sir. Only ten strikes after the dinner. And none at all yesterday.”
Though I was supposed to receive twenty last night…

Did you deserve the whipping, Skaia?”

The boy sighed and turned to face Paulinus. “Yes, sir, I did. Master Thaddeus took me to the slave market, and I… I stepped away, sir. I asked him not to make me go back. And… and then I spoke without permission again.”

Surely you have no memories of the markets after all this time,” Paulinus said softly. “You were only a child.”

Oh, yes, I do,
Skaia thought. He doubted any slave ever forgot that experience. But he did not say such things to Paulinus. He simply lowered his head, and continued to work on the garden.

So, you angered my son?” Paulinus asked again, not willing to let the subject go.

Yes, Master. I disobeyed him. I… I deserved the punishment.”

Paulinus considered the boy’s words and his acceptance. “Do you think Thaddeus is hard on you?”

Skaia tried to think what to say. He always wanted to be as truthful as possible with Paulinus, but he did not dare criticize Thaddeus. And today, he wasn’t sure what the answer should be, with Thaddeus drifting between coldness and kindness.

Sometimes… sometimes, I am confused about what he wants from me, sir.” Hoping the questions would cease, he focused all his attention on the weeds. And Paulinus did not ask anything else, well aware he’d made Skaia uncomfortable.

When all the weeds were pulled, Skaia turned his efforts to digging around the wilted plants, creating a small ditch around each one. “I need more water, sir,” he said as he turned to face Paulinus.

Yes, I thought things had gotten much too dry,” Paulinus agreed. “But you’ll have to fetch it yourself. Lucius isn’t feeling well and I sent him back to bed.”

Skaia stood and went to Paulinus. “Do you know what’s wrong with him, sir?”

Old age, I suspect. The heat bothers him these days. Do you mind getting the water, or should I send for someone to help you?”

I don’t mind at all, Master,” Skaia smiled. “Even if it is hot, sir, it’s good to be outside again.”

Because you spend your days chained in the dark,
Paulinus thought. But he was much too glad to see Skaia happy to question him on it.

Gotus appeared with lunch at almost the same time that Skaia finished the watering. They glanced at one another but did not speak. As Skaia was taking the bucket out of the garden, Paulinus called him. “Come back inside with me. We’ll all eat together.”

Skaia was happy to accept the invitation. The respite from working was welcome, as was the coolness of Paulinus’ room after a morning of working in the sun. Still, he was surprised to see Lucius in Paulinus’ bed.

Lucius had trouble sitting up, and Skaia hurried to help, but stepped aside when Paulinus took over. The old master was solicitous, offering Lucius first choice from the tray and sending Skaia for juice when Lucius requested it.

Skaia had known the two were close, but he wondered about their relationship as he walked to the kitchen. And he wondered too why Paulinus objected so much that Glaucus liked him.

When Skaia returned, Paulinus noticed for the first time that he wore no shoes, and after Lucius was drinking his juice, he questioned the boy. “Why are you barefoot, Skaia? Surely Thaddeus has not taken away your shoes?”

Oh, no, sir,” Skaia smiled. “I got a blister the day Master Thaddeus took me to the baths. Since I knew I would be working in the dirt today, I… I chose not to wear any.”

Paulinus might have questioned further, but Lucius wanted to lie down again, and Paulinus turned his attention to making him comfortable. When Lucius seemed to be at ease, Paulinus led Skaia outside again.

They sat together on Paulinus’ bench. It was in the shade now and the shadows were getting longer. “Look,” Paulinus pointed, “the plants are already perking up.”

Yes, sir,” Skaia agreed. “I hope Master Thaddeus will permit me to come more often. At least until Lucius is feeling better.” He looked at the garden again. “I think sir, that some of the small grasses might be moved here, in front of the statue. Do you agree?”

Your eye is getting as good as mine,” Paulinus chuckled. “Do what you think is best.” As he watched young Skaia work, Paulinus considered what the boy had said about his son.
Hoping Thaddeus would allow him to work in the gardens. Confused about what Thaddeus wanted.

Paulinus found himself thinking that Thaddeus was probably every bit as confused as he had made Skaia. “My son is a good man,” he finally called out. Skaia looked up from where he was digging but said nothing. “You can trust that everything will work out.”

Skaia nodded, still not willing to speak. When Paulinus remained quiet, he continued with his digging. He was watering the transplanted grasses when Thaddeus walked up. Still in his brown tunic, even his heavy outside shoes, and looking far more rumpled than Skaia had ever seen him.

Instinctively Skaia became still, folding himself tightly, and trying to remain inconspicuous while Thaddeus looked around. “It looks better already, Father. And the small grasses look very nice there, where you’ve moved them.”

BOOK: Skaia
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