Skaia (19 page)

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Authors: Ayden Sadari

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Skaia
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Just as he was finishing the floor, he heard the door open, and looked up to see Gotus enter. “Skaia…” his friend started to say, but the boy stopped him quickly.

You must not speak with me, sir. I will surely be punished, and perhaps you as well.”

Oh, don’t cut yourself off so entirely,” Gotus tried to joke. “It’s private here. Thaddeus will never know we’ve talked.”

Skaia rose to his feet, shaking his head, never looking at Gotus directly. “Master Thaddeus would know. I must obey him.”

Gotus became even more concerned. He had held this boy when he was a child, listened to his nightmares and tried to console him. “Skaia, what is Thaddeus doing to you?” he whispered.

Whatever he wants.” Skaia was still humiliated by what Thaddeus had forced him to do and thought he would never talk about it. Certainly not to Gotus. He turned and walked towards the bathing chamber. “Will you show me how to clean the pool, sir, please?”

Silently, Gotus followed. There was some talk, as Gotus had to explain what needed to be done. Salt and fine clay were rubbed into the tiles to dissolve the oils, then scrubbed and rinsed away. But Skaia refused to be drawn into any other conversation, and once the tub had been cleaned to Gotus’ satisfaction, he picked up his supplies and finally left the boy alone.

Skaia looked around again and thought everything appeared acceptable. He didn’t want to think about last night again, definitely did not want to relive it, but he was weary, more than weary… Removing his tunic, he slipped down on his pallet and thankfully drifted into dreamless sleep.

The small antechamber was dark, and Skaia had no idea how long he had been sleeping when Gotus came back and woke him.

Castor wishes to see you,” Gotus said softly when Skaia opened his eyes.

Skaia stood at once and pulled on his tunic. “Thank you, sir.”

Skaia, I’m not a sir. You know that. I’m just like you.”

Skaia thought bitterly.
You’re not like me. You’re not a whore.
But he only answered, “Yes, sir,” and followed Gotus back to the kitchen.

Castor looked him up and down, seeing that his lips were still swollen. “I wish you did not have to take this duty tonight, Skaia,” he said, a little of his sympathy creeping into his voice. “But Master Thaddeus wants you to serve at dinner. You must have a bath, and I will give you a new tunic when you’re done.”

Skaia met his eyes for only a moment, before he looked back at the floor. “Yes, sir.” He had so many questions, but forced them all away, knowing Castor could not answer them. He tried to calm himself.
I will do as I’m told,
he thought. He would survive until Glaucus got home.
Oh, please, Belenus, let Glaucus forgive me.

Meera was sent to bathe him. He was surprised; he had never been alone with her before; but he said nothing. She, on the other hand, talked freely. When he was naked before her, she touched first his swollen nipple, and then his lips. “The master is using you, now. I thought it would come to this. I could never understand why he would buy such a pretty boy, and not use him. Well, I expect that’s because he gave you to Glaucus.” Skaia still said nothing, and Meera continued to chatter. He found her voice strangely comforting, and enjoyed her firm but gentle touches on his body. He felt humiliated when his cock began to rise. But he could do nothing to stop it, and Meera simply ignored it.

After she had washed his hair twice, she trimmed it. Then began to rub perfumed oils into his body. “You will smell so good tonight,” she giggled. “I suspect you are to be the dessert for Master’s friends.” She was surprised at the sudden look of fear on Skaia’s face. “It will not be so bad,” she said quickly. “Master Thaddeus has good friends. They are decent men.” She smiled again, expecting him to be comforted. “You are such a pretty boy, I would not be surprised if they gave you pleasure, too.”

In spite of all his best efforts to feel nothing, he shivered in dread. For the first time, Meera quieted, finally realizing Skaia was truly frightened. She was sorry now, for inadvertently telling him what was to happen. “Bend over, Skaia,” she said gently. Rubbing the oils between his buttocks, she pushed her fingers inside him, stroking his back when he protested. “Hush, Skaia. This needs to be done.” She patted his shoulder when she was finished. “Wait here, now. Castor will want to check you as well.”

When Castor came in, he had Skaia bend over again. The old slave entered his body as well, pushing and pulling at the muscles of his opening with his gnarled fingers. “You’ve healed very well. I will tell Thaddeus I don’t think he should use your ass just yet. But I don’t know if he will listen. If he or his friends decide to take you that way, try to relax these muscles.” Castor pushed at Skaia’s anus again to demonstrate. “If you do that, it will be much less painful for you.”

Castor sighed when Skaia remained silent. He knew the boy must be terrified. Glaucus had surely not prepared him for such things. But there was no help for it now. Thaddeus was master of the house. Whatever he wanted, he would have.

Handed a new tunic of pale blue, Skaia noticed the elaborate embroidery of colorful flowers around the neckline. When he put it on, he realized it was shorter than what he was used to. And when Castor insisted he belt it as well, it crept even higher, barely covering his crotch. Castor did not offer a breechcloth and Skaia felt his heart race even faster.
A whore’s uniform.

Castor’s fingers touched the boy’s neck beneath the collar, almost in a caress. “You must go to the dining room now. Thaddeus will be expecting you.” As Skaia turned to leave the kitchen, Castor called him back one more time. “It will not be so bad, Skaia. This is not a large dinner party. Only Antius and Flavius will be attending, besides Master Paulinus and Master Thaddeus. Try not to look as if you’re going to your death.” Skaia met his eyes, and Castor was saddened to see the carefully blank expression on the boy’s face.
But it’s better than defiance. Better than such terrible fear.

Skaia bowed his head. “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” With head still lowered, he walked to the dining room.

The only person in the room when he arrived was Menion, the Greek tutor who worked with Glaucus and the other young men on mathematics. He smiled warmly at Skaia in greeting. “My best pupil,” he laughed softly. “How appropriate that we serve this dinner together.” Skaia only looked at him, surprised he would be here. He had thought Menion had a certain status… that he would never be used for household chores.

As nothing happened and no one else came, Skaia looked at him again. “Menion,” he asked softly, “do these men… do they use you?”

You mean sexually?”

Yes, sir.”

Menion laughed. “In my younger days, I was quite popular,” he said almost proudly. “But now I’m much too old. You are more what they will want.” He handled the embroidery at Skaia’s neck.

He’s not ashamed,
Skaia realized.
How can that be?

Menion watched the play of emotions on Skaia’s face. “I’m sorry. It can be daunting at first. You… you get used to it.” For just a moment, Skaia’s face betrayed his fear. “I’m sorry,” Menion said again. Then lowered his voice. “We are slaves, Skaia. What the masters do to us is no cause for shame on our part. Our only responsibility is to be pleasing to them.”

He might have continued further, but Skaia had turned away. They stood together awkwardly until the guests arrived. Antius and Flavius spoke to Menion, but only looked at Skaia. Menion, Skaia noticed, conversed with them almost as an equal. No shame, no humiliation.

When Paulinus arrived, he called Skaia to him. “I wondered where you were, boy. My gardens need work.”

The smile that Skaia bestowed upon the old master was sincere. “Master Thaddeus does not allow me to leave his chambers, sir. Are the little seedlings we planted before Glaucus left still alive?”

Paulinus frowned. “You mean, my son keeps you in there all alone, every day?”

Skaia looked down and his smile disappeared. He realized he should not have said anything to Paulinus. Most certainly not a complaint. He quickly tried to remedy his mistake. “It is not so bad, sir. I go to the kitchen, and I get to go outside every day.”

No doubt to empty my son’s pot,” Paulinus started, but Thaddeus arrived and called Skaia away from his father.

Prepare the wine and serve it.”

Skaia had no idea what to do, but Menion joined him immediately, and took his elbow to lead him to the serving table. He whispered instructions. “Fill all the cups, and take the tray first to Paulinus, next to Thaddeus, and then to the guests.” Skaia nodded in gratitude. “If you are confused, watch me,” Menion added. “I’ll try to help.” With the other slave’s aid, Skaia did reasonably well. And Paulinus’ whispered encouragement helped also.

Gotus brought platters of food which Menion served. Skaia refilled cups. When all the men were reclining, their plates full, Skaia joined Menion at the serving table at the side of the room. Menion arranged several towels over his own arm, and had Skaia pick up the bowl of warm water. “Watch for them to look at you,” he whispered. “Then you go to them, and offer the water. I’ll follow with the towels.”

Skaia was grateful when the washing was done; he had been sure several times that he would spill the water. He steadied somewhat when he and Menion could stand back quietly, waiting to be called for service. When the conversation among the couches turned to politics, he could almost believe the worst had passed.

It seemed the Senate had just proclaimed a new law, urged by Caesar, which seemed to have upset all the men greatly. The law decreed that a third of their work force must be free men. The idea was to make sure there was employment for the citizens of Rome. But, of course, it might also mean that the wealthy Romans who owned the large farming operations would have to pay wages, rather than simply use slave labor.

Paulinus spoke up firmly for the first time. “I’m glad I left the Senate before it got to this. No one believed me when I warned about how dangerous this Julius Caesar would be to us all. When Pompey is finally dead, I fear for the very Republic.”

Skaia watched the other men’s reactions, remembering what Carden had told him so long ago. That the Republic was crumbling. Thaddeus was the only one to comment. “It may not come to that, Father. Pompey has strong support and troops of his own. Let us not give up on him so quickly.” Antius and Flavius listened respectfully but said nothing. Their concerns, it seemed, were more limited. To those things that affected them directly.

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