Read Skaia Online

Authors: Ayden Sadari

Tags: #Erotica

Skaia (17 page)

BOOK: Skaia
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He tried to push his head back under the water, but this time a hand grabbed his hair and yanked him from the pool, dropping him on the tile floor. Thaddeus stood over him, his face contorted in fury. “What in Hades do you think you are doing, you little shit?”

Skaia coughed several more times before he could speak. “I can’t live like this… with you hating me. I can’t do what you want—I would rather die.”

Thaddeus dragged him by his hair down the hallway, through the sitting room to the slave chamber, and threw him on his pallet. “If you want to die, I’ll help you. Tomorrow, I’ll chain you to the post in the front garden and beat you to death. With the entire household watching.” Hooking the chain to Skaia’s collar, Thaddeus then used the extra length to bind the boy’s hands behind his back. “I’ll invite my friends, too. They mock Glaucus on your account. I’ll let them see how a real Suetonius handles slaves. And my father should enjoy watching you die, as well.”

With the slave tied, Thaddeus put out his lamps and got in bed, still almost shaking with fury. This time, though, he could hear Skaia cry. His first instinct was to go and thrash the boy. But as the cries became quieter, his anger also dissipated.
Perhaps I did push too hard.
He tossed in the bed, feeling foolish, but he already knew he couldn’t
Skaia without alienating his son.
And perhaps my father…

He remembered what was supposed to be happening. How Skaia was supposed to be sucking his cock. The fear and hopelessness in the young slave’s eyes had excited him. The thought of ramming down that slender throat… and Skaia’s sudden vulnerability made the prospect almost too attractive to resist.

Thaddeus re-lit the lamp by his bed and carried it with him to the antechamber. The boy was still huddled on his pallet on the floor, his eyes wide open and watching. With his free hand, Thaddeus removed the chain from Skaia’s wrists and unhooked it from his collar. “Get up.” Skaia pushed himself to his feet and stood. “Come,” Thaddeus commanded and Skaia followed him back to his bed, watching him as he put the small lamp back on the table. Thaddeus motioned him to get in bed and when Skaia was lying on top, Thaddeus climbed in beside him. The boy was shaking; his eyes reflected his terror. “Relax, Skaia. I won’t hurt you.”

Not hurt me?
Skaia could not relax and he believed nothing Thaddeus said. “Will you kill me tomorrow?” he finally asked softly.

Only if it’s what you still want,” Thaddeus sighed, knowing his resolve was weakening.

Skaia took a deep breath. He knew he risked another beating, but he begged again. “Please, sir. Not in front of Master Paulinus. Your father would not want to see me die. Please, Master.”

Thaddeus chuckled at the slave’s distress. “My father is not as soft as you think, Skaia. He understands the need to discipline a disobedient slave.” But when he lay back on the bed, he thought Skaia might well be right. He knew his father. Knew he was often lax with the slaves. And knew he was especially fond of this one.
It was indeed possible…

Without really thinking of what he was doing, Thaddeus moved his hand to Skaia’s chest and caressed it almost gently.

And felt the slave shiver beneath his touch.


You don’t need to be afraid of me, now. I won’t hurt you,” Thaddeus repeated. “I’m much more experienced than my son.”

The words were far from comforting and Skaia fought himself very hard to lie still as Thaddeus’ hands continued their exploration of his body. He wished he could scream. Or weep. But he was sure Thaddeus would tolerate neither. He had no idea what the man wanted from him. No idea what response was required.

But he shivered as Thaddeus’ hand brushed against his nipple, and Thaddeus noticed. “Did Glaucus touch you like this?”

Glaucus? Oh, Belenus, I wish these hands belonged to Glaucus.
But they didn’t and Thaddeus had asked a question. Skaia replied very quietly. “I… I don’t think I should speak of what my master did, sir.”

It was absolutely the wrong thing to say. Thaddeus’ fingers became cruel and hard, pinching and twisting the small nub. Skaia gasped at the sudden pain, and then quickly clenched his lips to hold in the sound. “Glaucus isn’t here,” Thaddeus said harshly. “I am your master now. And I asked you a question. I expect you to answer it.”

Oh, Belenus…
Skaia kept his voice soft, desperately not wanting to anger Thaddeus any further. “No, sir. Master Glaucus did not touch me like this.”

Thaddeus released the nipple and pulled Skaia closer, kissing him brutally, bruising his lips. The boy did not fight him and did not try to pull away.
Totally submissive,
Thaddeus thought. Like any good slave should be.

Suddenly, Thaddeus lay back, disgusted with himself.
What was I thinking? I just told him I wouldn’t hurt him.
He touched the boy again, gently this time. “I don’t want to hurt you Skaia. But you can’t fight me. You have to cooperate.”

Skaia said nothing. He didn’t trust this man, this… master. And he couldn’t imagine how anything he had done so far could be interpreted as fighting. Unless Thaddeus was referring to his pathetic attempt to kill himself… He knew well enough that there was nothing he could do to stop Thaddeus, except to end his own life.
I’m too weak…
With no alternative, he simply lay still.

Thaddeus leaned over him again and, this time, kissed him lightly. The boy’s lips were as soft and tender as Thaddeus had thought they would be. At first, he only pressed his own lips against Skaia’s. But then, he used his tongue to feel their shape and texture. The boy tasted of salt.
Probably from his tears,
Thaddeus thought with a twinge of regret. He pushed persistently at the crevice of the opening, and gradually Skaia opened for him. “Have you ever been kissed like this before?” he demanded as he pulled away.

No, Master.”

Surprised, Thaddeus wondered what Glaucus had done with the slave.
Had his son really only penetrated him, without any preparation or foreplay at all?
Not that he wanted Glaucus to feel tenderness for the little barbarian, but if his son thought penetration was all there was to sex, he would miss much of its pleasure. “Did you find my kiss unpleasant?” he asked softly.

A hitched breath, almost a sob. “No, Master.”

Thaddeus licked again across Skaia’s upper lip, and then his bottom one. He felt the boy’s tongue slip out shyly, and he touched it with his own. Gently. Trying to encourage the slave’s responses. He entered Skaia’s mouth again, but when the boy hastily withdrew his tongue, he stopped and lifted his head. “Touch me with your tongue, as I’m touching you,” he instructed. “Don’t be afraid.”

Don’t be afraid?
Skaia thought that was impossible… But when Thaddeus entered again, Skaia met his tongue with his own, still tentative, still meek, but not so skittish. Thaddeus rolled to his side, pleased at the reaction, and his hand crept to Skaia’s groin. The boy was partially erect. “Did my kissing excite you?”

Skaia opened his eyes to see Thaddeus’ face. He wanted to say
. But it would be a lie. The kisses and the touches had stirred his body, and he could not will the reaction away. His voice, when he answered, was barely more than a whisper. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it.”

Thaddeus laughed softly. “No need for regret. It is a desirable trait in a whore.”

Skaia stiffened immediately and pulled away. “I’m not a whore,” he protested.

No?”  Thaddeus drew him close again, and plundered his mouth, stroking the boy’s cock all the while. Skaia fought him for a moment, trying to push him away. But Thaddeus was far stronger, and held him in place easily. In time, Skaia moaned, and felt his hips thrust forward.
As unstoppable as Thaddeus’ assault.

The slave was young and his body responded instinctively. Thaddeus manipulated him expertly, feeling when he was almost ready to climax, and stopping. Skaia groaned, and tried to push his needy erection into Thaddeus’ hand.

You want something from me, little whore?” Thaddeus taunted with amusement.

Skaia wanted so much to protest, but his body
. “Yes Master,” he finally whispered. “I… I want you to continue… To touch me. Please.” He was shamed by his need, this need Thaddeus seemed to create so easily in him.

Thaddeus laughed and handled him again, touching the sensitive head that had emerged from its foreskin. Teasing it until Skaia’s breathing came more quickly, almost ragged. Just as he knew Skaia could not hold back, Thaddeus moved his other hand to Skaia’s nipple, and pinched hard.

The boy gasped loudly, thrusting himself into Thaddeus’ hand one more time… And then he was still, his body arched and tense, except for his labored breathing and the rhythmic movements of his pulsating cock, as his warm creamy fluid flowed over Thaddeus’ hand.

The pain,” Thaddeus said softly, “always makes the pleasure sweeter.”

Thaddeus withdrew his hands, and waited for the waves of Skaia’s release to stop. When the boy’s breathing was finally normal, Thaddeus spoke. “Get up now, and clean yourself. Bring another cloth when you come back to bed.” He watched the gentle sway of the boy’s hips as he moved to do his bidding, the subtle movement of muscles in his back and ass as he walked away.
Very nice…

As Skaia returned, Thaddeus looked at the small, almost boyish cock, the nicely shaped scrotum that now hung low beneath it. He took the offered cloth and wiped his soiled hand. Then he looked at the boy, patiently standing there. “I want something from you, now.”

Yes Master.” Still submissive, still accepting, though with a look of apprehension on his face. “What… what do you wish of me, sir?”

I want you to suck my cock.”

Skaia met his eyes. It was what Thaddeus had talked about in the bath. He shook his head slowly. “I don’t know how, sir.”

You said that already,” Thaddeus remarked calmly. “Everyone has a first time. Yours
have been with Glaucus but I’ll correct his error and teach you. I expect you to do exactly what I tell you and to try to please me.”

Of course,
Skaia thought. And, still, there was no recourse but to obey. “Yes, Master.”

Thaddeus pulled the boy back into the bed. “I pleasured you today, Skaia. Do not expect that in the future.
you please me, I may allow you release. But only then. And you may never find release by your own hand again. Is that understood?”

Skaia hesitated, thinking such demands would be impossible. Huge and awful limitations for a boy just entering manhood.
And absolutely no way to refuse
. “Yes, Master. I understand.”

Thaddeus smiled at the resignation he heard in the young voice. “Don’t be so sad. You belong to me now. Do as I say, and satisfy me, and you will see that I can be kind. I will ensure that you have all the pleasure and pain you need.”

Skaia’s hand moved unconsciously to his swollen nipple. “Do you want pain, too, Master?”

Of course I do,” Thaddeus laughed. “As long as it’s yours.”

In spite of everything, as absurd as it seemed, Skaia couldn’t help himself and the corners of his mouth lifted in a small smile. Thaddeus found himself charmed and had to deliberately hold back his answering smile.

Instead, he launched into his directions, telling Skaia to settle between his thighs, to hold his cock in his hands, to lower his head, push the foreskin back with his tongue and lick at the exposed head. When the boy obeyed, Thaddeus moaned at the sheer goodness of it. “Lick the underside of the shaft. There’s a vein there, just like on yours.” He pushed the boy’s head down, and moved it as he wanted. Up and down the length of his erection. “Now suck. Try to pull my fluids out.”

BOOK: Skaia
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