Skaia (18 page)

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Authors: Ayden Sadari

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Skaia
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Skaia was still for a moment, wishing there was some way he could refuse, and knowing there was not. He pursed his lips, taking the swollen purple head of Thaddeus’ cock in his mouth tentatively, and suckled. When Thaddeus was pleased, he caressed the boy’s head gently, and made soft lilting moans to express his approval. Skaia realized, with shame, that he desperately wanted Thaddeus’ approval. He felt the flush of heat on his face.
Oh, Belenus, have I really accepted being owned by him like this, as his whore?
It was a betrayal to Glaucus. It was a betrayal to himself. And he could see no way to stop it.

Take the head deeper, and swirl it with your tongue.”

Skaia jerked his thoughts back to the task he was given, doing as he was told. When Thaddeus was satisfied, he told Skaia to lick the slit. He almost gasped with pleasure as Skaia obeyed, the soft motions of the boy’s tongue titillating and exquisite. Even as Thaddeus was engulfed with need, Skaia had almost backed away, disgusted by the taste and smell of urine and musky salt. But he stopped himself and repeated his actions until Thaddeus was thrusting into his mouth.

Thaddeus’ hands were gentle on Skaia’s head, though holding it firmly in place. His voice was shaky with passion. “I’m going to push down into your throat now. It may hurt. Just relax, and swallow me. Tilt your head to straighten the path. To make it easier.”

There were no more words. Thaddeus shoved deeply into the slave’s throat, ignoring him when he gagged, not letting him pull away. After two more quick thrusts, he stopped and held Skaia’s head very still. His seed flooded the boy’s mouth as he found his release. “Swallow, Skaia,” Thaddeus ordered raggedly. “Don’t let it spill.”

Desperate to please the man, Skaia tried, but failed. Thaddeus could feel the warm, creamy liquid drip from the boy’s mouth onto his leg. He pushed Skaia away. “Get the cloth and clean me,” he snapped. Then he lay back, enjoying the feelings that ran through his body.
Too long,
he thought,
since I’ve used a boy. Since I’ve enjoyed a mouth so much.
He kept his eyes closed as Skaia wiped at him, concentrating on the sensations, and ignored the slave as he walked back to the basin. When Thaddeus sat up, he glanced across at Skaia, who was still waiting next to the wash stand, and called him back to bed.

Skaia came at once to lie down beside him, and Thaddeus rolled to his side to look at him. He thought the boy incredibly beautiful now, with his lips swollen and red. He touched them, rubbing his fingers against them, first gently and then with such force that Skaia flinched in pain.

When Thaddeus removed his fingers, Skaia asked softly. “Was… was I terrible? Is that why you hurt me?”

Thaddeus smiled at the question and confusion. “If you were terrible, you’d be leaning against the wall now. I hurt you, because I enjoy your pain.” Skaia looked at him for just a moment, before he turned his head away. He wanted only to go to his pallet now, and be away from this man. But Thaddeus was speaking again. “Sit up now. We’ll discuss your performance.”

Oh, Belenus…
Skaia felt another wave of fear, but obediently he pushed himself up, and knelt on the bed facing Thaddeus. “Spread your legs wide. I want to see you.” Even in the dim light of the flickering lamp, Thaddeus could see the blush creep across Skaia’s face. “Handle yourself.”

The boy’s head flew up. “But… you said…”

Obey me.” Curt now, showing impatience. Skaia began touching himself, but stopped when he felt the first stirrings in his groin. “Keep going,” Thaddeus commanded. “You’re young. You could do this many times. Make yourself erect.” Skaia sobbed once, but bit it back and continued to stroke. He wrapped his hand around his length, and held it tighter as he moved, growing full and hard. Thaddeus reached out and touched the naked, sensitive head that was now leaking fresh fluid, feeling the automatic thrusts. “Faster, Skaia. Harder.”

Skaia’s breathing became rapid again as his need grew, and Thaddeus clamped down on his wrist. “Stop now. Put your hands on your thighs.” Another almost sob. And Thaddeus smiled. “Do you know what you did worst, just now?”

No, Master,” Skaia answered, forcing himself to pay attention and to ignore his body’s demands.

Thaddeus used one finger to stroke the side of Skaia’s cock, and saw the boy push forward. He withdrew his hand. “You didn’t swallow. A whore must always swallow all the seed.”

Skaia’s head shot up, his eyes wide, a little of his old defiance back. “I am not a whore.”

Thaddeus touched him again, drawing the boy’s eyes back to his throbbing cock. “You are what I say you are. Look at yourself,” he laughed. Skaia was moving under his light caresses. “You want it so badly, you can’t be still.” Thaddeus held him tightly as he moved his own hand up and down the slender shaft. Skaia’s body jerked with his involuntary movements and Thaddeus removed his hand. “If you ever want release again, you’ll learn to swallow.”

Skaia blinked several times and licked his lips before he could speak. Still his voice was shaking when he answered. “Yes, Master.”

Good boy,” Thaddeus said contemptuously. “As for the rest, it was tolerable, though it was quite obviously your first time. Any Roman pumping into a slave’s mouth expects to have his seed appreciated and swallowed. Luckily for you, I am a patient man and I’ll give you ample opportunity to practice.” Thaddeus embraced the boy’s slender shaft again, and heard Skaia sigh in frustration as he pushed his hips forward.

But enough for tonight,” Thaddeus said mockingly, as he removed his hand. “Go back to your pallet.”

Skaia lifted his head, shocked at this announcement, and was incredibly tempted to beg. But he didn’t. He moved awkwardly off the bed, and turned quickly, anxious to be away. He was not aware at first that Thaddeus had followed him. Not until he heard the master’s voice.

Put your hands behind your back.”

The purpose was obvious and Skaia did as he was told reluctantly, keeping still as Thaddeus tied his wrists together with his belt, before lowering him gently onto the pallet. Thaddeus then hooked the chain to Skaia’s collar and stroked his face lightly before saying, “Sleep well, little whore. If I hear any more crying from you, you will regret it.” Returning to his bed, Thaddeus, wrapped himself in blankets against the chill in the air, well satisfied now, and slept.

Skaia was in agony, his cock aching, his mind confused, his body growing cold. But even as he lay in misery, he was aware that the intense desire to die had passed. He felt such a fool.
I can’t even do this simple thing. What’s wrong with me? Why do I keep thinking of death, when I am not brave enough to do it?

Reluctantly, he admitted his weakness to himself; that, in this moment, he would do anything to have Thaddeus touch him, to bring him to climax.

He tried to shift his thoughts to Glaucus, remembering the unruly hair and the easy smile. His young master looked much like his father, but everything else was so different. Glaucus had demanded obedience, yes, but he was never deliberately cruel.
He left me my dignity.

But he also lacked his father’s skill.
And he never deliberately attempted to give me pleasure.

Castor entered the room the next morning to wake Thaddeus. He stopped when he saw Skaia naked, and knelt by his side to see why the boy had not covered himself with the blanket from last night’s chill. But when he saw that Skaia was chained again, and that his hands were bound, he left him without comment, afraid to attempt any help, and woke Thaddeus.

The master’s commands were abrupt, as soon as he opened his eyes. “Wake my slave. Untie his hands and unhook his chain. Send him to me.” Castor bowed silently and backed away.

Skaia did not get up until Castor left him. He wished he had his clothing but it was still in the bathing chamber. Naked though he was, he knew he could not delay any longer and walked into Thaddeus’ bedroom, determined to feel nothing.

How did you sleep?” Thaddeus asked cheerfully.

Skaia blinked, surprised at the question.
What does he want to hear, that I was awake most of the night? That I was miserable? Should I tell him? Would it make him happy, to know?
But Skaia was stubborn, too, and refused to give Thaddeus that satisfaction. “I slept well, Master,” he said simply.

Thaddeus grinned anyway, knowing the boy’s words were a lie. “I’m glad to hear it. I feared you would be uncomfortable.”

Skaia said nothing, only stood motionless, staring at the floor. Thaddeus’ grin faded at Skaia’s continued composure. “Get my clothing and help me dress.” Skaia did exactly as he was told, his last task being to fasten the master’s sandals. It left him kneeling at the man’s feet when Thaddeus stood abruptly. “Clean the pool as well as your other duties,” he said as he left.

As soon as Skaia was sure Thaddeus was gone, he rose from his knees and went to the bathing room, picked up his clothes, which were still lying on the floor, and dressed quickly. Before leaving, he pulled the plug from the pool and watched as the water began to swirl. His next task was to empty and clean the chamber pot. He took it to the wash room off the kitchen, and went outside to empty it in the sewer.

As awful as the job could be, Skaia had always enjoyed the early morning hours. He glanced up at the sky, seeing the first rays of sunlight. A new day.
What would this one bring?
His thoughts threatened to turn depressing, but he focused on his task, and finished cleaning the pot and washing the filthy sponge.

When he went back inside he washed his hands thoroughly, then his body, and took care of his other needs before going to the kitchen to eat.

Castor had his plate prepared, and Skaia took a seat at the table and ate quietly. Only Gotus and Aulus even glanced his way. Aulus turned his face away quickly, although Gotus gave a weak smile. Skaia shook his head almost imperceptibly, hoping that Gotus would take the hint and ignore him as the others did.

When he’d eaten as much as he could force down, Skaia went to Castor and waited to be acknowledged. The old slave of course noticed his swollen lips and the light bruising on his cheeks. And knew what must have happened. His instinct was to sympathize, but he held it in check and spoke calmly. “What do you need?”

To clean Master’s bathing pool, sir. I… I don’t know how.” Skaia’s voice was shaky and Castor looked at him in distress. This boy had been happy with Glaucus, usually wearing a smile on his face. But, of course, Thaddeus wanted to destroy that happiness.
And I am not allowed to offer solace.
“Go back to your master’s rooms,” he said quietly. “I will send Gotus with supplies later. He will instruct you.”

Thank you, sir.” Skaia bowed to him and left.

Castor could only watch sadly. He had never understood why happiness, or at least, satisfaction, was not acceptable to so many masters. But, in all his years as a slave, through many different households, he had learned to accept what was. Thaddeus was being especially hard on Skaia now. Perhaps, when the boy was broken, it would stop. Usually, the pretty ones were allowed more leeway. But Thaddeus had obviously decided to destroy this one’s spirit.

Skaia returned to Thaddeus’ rooms with the freshly cleaned chamber pot. After he sat it behind the screen, he began tidying up. The bed needed changing. Skaia saw the stains and smelled the lingering odors of sex. He removed the messed bedding, the cloths that had been soiled, and put them outside the door. Then put fresh sheets on and arranged them carefully. The floors needed to be scrubbed as well, he noticed. It was a mindless job that he usually hated, but today, he almost looked forward to it. He could concentrate on the pain in his knees, and think of nothing else.

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