Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection (96 page)

Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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“Will you have dinner with me on Saturday?” I ask Sloane nicely, once she answers her cell phone.

“Justin, we’ve been through all of this before. Let’s just be friends.”

“Have dinner with me.”

“You’re persistent, aren’t you?”

“You should know me by now, I always get what I want.”

“Are you saying you want me now?” she teases.

For someone who’s supposed to be so ‘innocent’, she sure knows how to play the game and do the mating dance.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying, but I want to show you on Saturday night.”

I admit the cold hard truth, and I’m met with silence on the other end of the line. I can almost hear her swallowing hard, panting for me.

“Hello, Sloane, are you there?”


“So is that a yes to Saturday?”

“I have to think about it. I’m not sure we should do this. Maybe you were right all along Justin. Let’s not start something that will just end in heartbreak for me, ok?” she asks. She’s right. She’s smart not to start something with me.

Why am I pushing for this now? Is it a conquest thing for me? Even I don’t know for sure. All I know is that I want her; she’s gotten under my skin and into my head.

All I can think about is her. I can’t get her off my mind.

“Look, Sloane, I’ve been fighting this for awhile now, ever since I saw you at our first party of the summer. Then spending the week together under the same roof in Carmel was almost unbearable. I want to try and give you what you deserve; let me take you out on a proper date on Saturday, please?”

Damn, I can’t believe I’m fucking begging.

Not a good look Harlow.

I’m met by silence on the other end.

“What’s it going to be, Sloane?”

“Alright,” she replies softly, putting me out of my agony.

“Wish you sounded a little happier about the prospect of having dinner with me.”

“I feel it’s against my better judgment agreeing to go out with you.”

“We’ll have a good time, I promise. I’ll pick you up at 7:00.”

“See you then. Goodnight, Justin.”

“Sweet dreams,” I say, wishing I was there to tuck her in tonight.




What’s going on with Justin?

Just when I decided to stop pining for him, stop hoping we could ever have anything real together; he calls to tell me he has decided he does want me after all.

During our time together in Carmel, I felt like a human yo-yo. Back and forth with him; he’d reel me in and then push me away. I know he wants me physically, that much I’m sure of. The question is, for how long until he casts me away and moves on?

Is it really worth a few stolen moments of passion, a few moments in his arms and in his bed only to be left with a broken heart?

“Hey Emily,” I say, walking out to the living room and joining her on the sofa. She’s watching The Voice.

“What’s up?” she asks.

“Justin just called and asked me to dinner on Saturday. He said he wants to try and give me what I deserve, whatever that means.”

“Hmm. I’m worried for you,” Emily says.

“I told him I didn’t think we should go there, all that would happen is a broken heart for me. I was boldly honest,” I admit.

“Yeah, I don’t know what to make of him and his intentions for you.”

“My thoughts exactly. He was rather persistent and I finally agreed to go, but I must admit, I’m a little nervous about it all.”

“I don’t blame you one bit. So, I guess you’re going to follow your heart?” she asks.

“I guess I’ll just go with it, see where it takes us and throw caution to the wind,” I sigh out in resignation.

I feel like I will be walking into the lion’s den on Saturday.

Justin Harlow will eat me up and may spit me out.




I take my time getting ready for my date with Justin. I’m filled with nervous energy and anticipation.

I start off with a long soak in the bathtub to quiet my nerves. The steam rising off the water feels nice against my face as I breathe it in, willing myself to relax.

Knowing Justin, we will be going someplace superb to dine so I decide to wear a dress tonight. He seems like the savvy man about town who knows how to wine and dine the ladies, who he then takes back to his sleek bachelor pad to have his way with no doubt.

Just thinking about it sends my pulse racing. I close my eyes and take a few calming breaths. Sloane, get ahold of yourself, it’s just Justin, the boy you’ve know for over a decade. The only thing is now he’s a man, one God of a man who wants the woman I’ve become, the woman I’ve grown into, I think, as I admire myself in the mirror.

Who is this self-assured looking girl, with the long wavy caramel colored hair, the just-made-up face and the sweet but sexy smile? It’s me Sloane Hart, and tonight I’m going out with the boy I’ve been in love with for almost a decade.

I’m in trouble, big time. I’m his for the taking and he knows it.





I haven’t felt this much sexual tension, this much build up for a woman in I can’t remember how long. And I struggle to believe these feelings I have are for Sloane, Sloane Hart, the same awkward little girl who is Kylie’s best friend.

Sloane has morphed into one incredibly sexy and irresistible woman. Her sinful curves and the enticing way she carries herself leave me thinking of one thing and one thing only; burying myself inside of her.

When I’m around her, I can’t think straight. I become an irrational fool around her. Whenever I replay that night in Carmel where I literally stalked her and her International Italian Playboy, I cringe inside at my behavior that fateful evening.

I can’t stand seeing her with someone else, but you knew that already.

I stop at the florist to buy her a bouquet of flowers. After our rocky start, I need to woo her, get her to welcome me with open arms.

I arrive at her apartment and park in front of her building. God, do I actually feel nervous? Grabbing the bouquet of flowers from the back seat, I head up the stairs two at a time. I need to approach this just right; I can’t blow it by making any sudden moves with her.

I knock on the door and within two minutes she opens her door and she steals my breath away.

“Wow, Sloane, you look stunning tonight,” I compliment, eyeing her curves.

“Thank you, Justin. Won’t you come in?” she greets me pleasantly, as if she’s now looking forward to our date.




We pull up in front of Giselle’s and the valet opens Sloane’s door for her. I come around to her side and take her hand in mine as we walk into the restaurant.

The hostess seats us in a booth in the quieter room towards the back of the dimly lit restaurant.

“This place is nice. I’ve never been here before,” Sloane says, glancing around the room, her eyes twinkling. I’m happy to bring her someplace nice for dinner, show her the finer things in life; she deserves it.

“You look beautiful tonight,” I say, and I mean it. It’s not some line I’m giving her to get her in bed tonight.

“Why thank you, Mr. Harlow,” she says. “Stop staring please,” she giggles. “What do you recommend?”

“Everything here is good. My favorite is their braised short ribs.”

“Mmm, that sounds good.”

“How’s school going?” I ask.

“Alright. I’m really struggling in one of my law classes. Luckily it comes easily to Bryce, so he’s been helping me study.”

“I bet he has,” I scoff, looking away. That guy wants her, I know it.

“Why do you dislike him? He’s really a good guy.”

“Yeah, whatever you say.”

Sloane just shakes her head at me.

“Did you tell Kylie we were going out tonight?”


“Good, let’s keep this quiet for awhile.”

“Oh, ok, I understand,” Sloane replies, but I don’t think she really does. She looks a little hurt, as if she thinks she’s my dirty little secret.

“Kylie and my Dad warned me not to take you out. They said you’re too innocent, too nice for the likes of a guy like me,” I admit to her. They’re right I know, but I just can’t seem to resist Sloane’s temptation.

“I take it you’re not heeding their warning?”

“No one tells me what to do. You should know that about me by now.”

“Yes, I know what an alpha male personality you have. You always want to be in control.”

“So you noticed.”

“The way you try to control who I date, yes I noticed,” she huffs out looking adorably angry.

“Well, that’s done with.”

“What do you mean?”

“You will only be dating me from now on, I plan on making you mine…tonight,” I say confidently, pinning her with my panty-melting smirk.

Sloane pulls her eyes away from my heated gaze, and she flushes. She’s turned on by my words, I can tell by the way she shifts in her seat. I’ve rendered her speechless for a moment.

“Sure of yourself aren’t you?” she finally says, meeting my eyes again.


The waiter interrupts our exchange and tells us the daily specials, but Sloane takes my recommendation and orders the short ribs.

“You won’t be disappointed with your choice,” I say, after we order.

“Are you talking about the ribs or about yourself?” she smiles wickedly.

“Both,” I banter back at her quick wit.

My eyes cast down eyeing her delicious cleavage in her form fitting dress. I can’t wait to sink my teeth into her tonight.

“Justin, my eyes are up here,” she says sassily.

I’m caught staring, again.

“I know your mom taught you better manners than that,” she scolds.

“My apologies sweetheart, but you look ravishing in that dress that leaves little to the imagination, and imagine I do.”

“How are your parents?” she asks, changing the subject off her hot little body.

“Good. They’re busy planning a trip to Europe.”

“That sounds like fun. I’m hoping to go to Europe right after I graduate. Kylie and I’ve talked about going together.”

“Oh really, when were you thinking of going?” I ask.

“June probably or late May. Have you been to Europe?”

“Yes, I went for a month right after I graduated. Had a total blast backpacking with some buddies. We hit ten countries. There’s so much to see.”

“I want to see it all,” Sloane says, her eyes wide with excitement.

Dinner arrives. We enjoy the food, the wine and each other’s company.

“Do you know I had the biggest crush on you growing up?” Sloane admits.

“Had, as in past tense?” I ask.

“Maybe I still do,” she says, her eyes teasing, yet seductive.

“When you first started having ‘sleepovers’ as you girls would call it, with my sister, you were so young,” I start.

“And giggling immature girls, right?” she finishes my sentence for me.

“Your words not mine, but yes giggling, immature pains in the ass.”

“Hey, I take offense to that last comment,” she objects.

“No, seriously, you guys weren’t that bad. I’ll admit, once you started growing up in high school, I did start to notice how hot you were getting.”

“Really? All I remember is that you were hot and heavy with that cheerleader, what was her name?”

“Rachel Adamson.”

“Yes, that’s her. Whatever happened to her?”

“I have no idea, I lost contact with her.”

“Were you dating anyone in high school?”

“No, not really.”

“Oh, I remember now. A couple of my friends wanted to take you out, and when they asked you, you shot them down,” I say laughing at my friends expense.

“I’m picky, what can I say.”

“What about once you got in college, anyone special?”

“No, I’ve just been sitting around, pining for you Justin Harlow,” she says, all innocence and I can’t tell whether she’s being serious or sarcastic. Probably the latter no doubt.

“Stop it. I’m sure the guys were after you, and are still after you.”

She plays coy, like what I’m saying is wrong.

“I’ve kept my nose to the grindstone studying. I have lots of guy friends.”

“Who all want to be more than just friends, I can assure you.”

“Stop it.”

“Look, the only reason a guy bother’s to be friends with a girl is because he’s interested in her.”

“That’s not true,” she tries to deny.

“Trust me, it is.”

“Maybe for a player like you, but that’s not how my guy friends are. Take Bryce for instance, we’re just good buddies.”

“Yeah, that’s what you think. He’s just waiting patiently for the right time to make his move.”

“Bryce is just a friend,” she adamantly insists.

“To you, from your side, I believe that’s true.”

“Whatever, Justin.”

“How did you enjoy your dinner?”

“These were excellent. You were right; I wasn’t disappointed with my dinner choice,” she says, adding a sexy wink for good measure. Being out with Sloane is so easy; she’s fun to be around.

We walk out into the cold night air and wait for the valet to bring my car around. I see her rubbing her arms, trying to warm up. I put my arm around her.

“You cold?”

“Yes, it’s chilly tonight.”

“I’ll warm you up,” I say, and she bursts out laughing.

“Justin, do those lines really work on girls?” she asks, still wearing a smile that reaches her sparkling eyes.

“Actually they usually do,” I say with an air of arrogance. “You won’t be laughing when I’m done with you.”

“Is that a promise?” she teases.

“Absolutely, get in the car my dear,” I reply, opening her door for her.

I’m going to make her regret ever laughing at me.

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