Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection (93 page)

Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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“Hi, Sloane.”

“Oh, hey Kylie.”

“Do you want to come with my family to Carmel for Car Week?

“When is it?”

“In a couple of weeks, mid August. We are going to head up on Wednesday the fifteenth.”

“Sure, that sounds like a fun time.”

“My parents are renting a house in Carmel, we’ll have our own room.”

“Cool,” I reply, wondering if Justin is going, but I don’t dare ask Kylie. She has warned me off her brother time and time again.

She knows he wouldn’t be good for me.

“Justin is coming and bringing one of his hot friends,” Kylie says.

“Who, Connor?” I ask, although if he knows I’m going I doubt he would bring Connor.

“No, his friend Scott from college. He’s definitely swoon worthy, let me tell you.”

“I will have to see for myself.”

“Trust me on this one,” Kylie laughs.

“We’re going to ride up with my brother and Scott, we’ll swing by and pick you up that Wednesday morning.

“Okay, great,” I say, trying to sound enthusiastic.

I have my reservations about being in a car with Justin for six hours and sharing a house with him for five days, but I don’t share that with Kylie.




They come and pick me up on Wednesday morning and when I get outside to the car Justin is standing at the back of his car, with the trunk open.

Even though he has his mirrored aviator sunglasses on, I feel him eye me from head to toe. I’m wearing a short crop top and tight white denim shorts for him to feast his eyes on.

“Hey beautiful,” Mr. Charming says in greeting.

“Hey yourself,” I reply, I’m so tempted to give him a peck, but I think better of it. He takes my duffle bag from me and tosses it in the trunk. Being the gentleman that he is, he opens the car door for me to sit behind him and next to Kylie in the back seat.

“Hi Sloane, this is Scott Morris, Justin’s friend from college,” Kylie says, greeting me and introducing me to Mr. Swoon worthy. He is pretty cute, in a boyish sort of way.

“Hi Scott,” I say, and he returns the hello.

“I like what you have on, is it new?” Kylie comments on my outfit.

“Thanks, not really,” I reply, as I sense Justin looking at me in the rearview mirror.

I still want him of course, I will always want him, but I realize the real Justin is unattainable. I have had a glimpse of some parts of him, but he seems unwilling to give himself fully to any girl for some reason. He holds back. He has told me he doesn’t do long term relationships and that he tires of girls quickly. So I can’t ever give my heart to him. For me, it’s a lot easier said then done. That’s why we won’t take it any further. We can’t.

Resisting the temptation that’s sitting in the driver’s seat and taking me to Carmel this weekend will be difficult. This will be a tough five days.

Kylie has no idea that Justin and I went out a couple of times. I would never hear the end of it if she knew. She is so against us ever being together.

Our drive along the coast is breathtaking. We stop along the cliffs overlooking the water to take pictures like tourists. Kylie and I take selfies with the view behind us and I can feel Justin taking me in as the wind whips through my hair.

Likewise, I find myself admiring his delicious backside as we walk back to the car. Oh how I want to grab his buns in his just-tight-enough jeans, but I don’t dare. Kylie walks ahead and is doing her best at flirting with Scott, and he looks like he’s enjoying it.

Justin and I hang back a few paces from them.

“Those are pretty short shorts you’ve got on, Miss Sloane,” he says huskily.

“I wore them for your benefit.”

He takes me by surprise and wraps his arm around my waist and his hand lands across the bare skin under my crop top. He delicately lets his thumb skim my breast through my lacey bra. “Hey Mr. Harlow, keep your hands to yourself,” I whisper, so Kylie doesn’t overhear.

“This is going to be a tough five days,” he says close to my ear.

“My thoughts exactly. I should’ve never agreed to come.”

“I for one, am glad you did,” he says with a smile that shows off his dimples.

We all get back in the car for another couple of hours up to Carmel. I drift off to sleep and dream of Justin. Long car rides always lull me to sleep.

“Wake up, Sloane,” Kylie says as she gently rubs my arm.

We are driving up a long winding driveway and then the charming Carmel Highlands home they’re renting comes into view. The house is an enchanting old world stone home and once you go through the front door you immediately get swept away by the spectacular ocean view from the huge bay windows in the living room. It’s a private and secluded retreat.

Kylie’s parents have already been here a couple of days.

“Hi kids, how was the drive up?” Mrs. Harlow comes to greet us. Justin and Kylie have the nicest parents. I love them and they treat me like a daughter.

“Sloane dear, it’s good to see you.” Mrs. Harlow gives me a warm hug.

“Hi Mrs. Harlow, this house is amazing. Something smells good,” I say.

“Dad is grilling some steaks and I have scalloped potatoes baking. We thought you kids would be hungry.”

“Famished, Mom,” Justin answers for all of us.

“Come on Sloane, lets put our stuff in what will be our room,” Kylie says.

“Yes, come on girls let me show you to your room upstairs,” Mrs. Harlow says, and we follow her through the sprawling four-bedroom home.

Once we put our things down, we head out to the deck in the backyard and admire the awe-inspiring view of the Pacific Ocean.

“The view here is spectacular Mr. Harlow,” I say as I walk up to Kylie’s dad who is manning the grill.

“Hi Sloane, glad you could join us.”

We all sit down at the large table on the deck and Mr. and Mrs. Harlow have a fabulous dinner prepared for us. Justin sits next to me and I feel his presence throughout the entire meal.

After dinner we help clear the dishes. Kylie wants to watch a movie upstairs in the family room and I see Scott follow her upstairs.

“Let’s go back outside on the deck, Sloane,” Justin leans in and whispers to me before he walks away from me, expecting me to follow him.

Mr. and Mrs. Harlow are busy in the kitchen and don’t seem to notice us slip outside again.

“God Sloane, now that I’ve had a taste of you, I can’t stop thinking about you. I still want you. I crave you, your scent, your taste.”

Damn, he’s a naughty charmer, isn’t he? His words alone turn me on beyond belief. He pulls me into his hard body then dips his head down and nuzzles his nose into my neck.

“Your scent is intoxicating, Sloane. Don’t fight it anymore. I have to have you.”

“Oh, but I thought it wasn’t a good idea. I thought you never wanted to touch me again,” I taunt seductively. I want to bring the player to his knees. Make him beg for me. I love tantalizing him. I will never forget his “Get off me” comment. Payback time for how low he made me feel that night.

“Kylie will be looking for me. I need to get back inside.”

“No, stay out here with me a little longer. Let’s go in the Jacuzzi.”

“You can’t be serious. It’s too cold.”

“Oh, but I’m serious. I want to see your nipples get hard from the cold air blowing on them.”

“Don’t tempt me,” I reply, blushing from his comment.

“Why not? You tempt me all the time,” he says, trailing his fingertips along my arm, sending twinges to my girl parts below my waist.

“Sloane!” I hear Kylie calling out for me.

“I’m going in now,” I say as I start to walk away.

Justin’s hand grabs my wrist. “I will have you,” he says, with a look of determination.

“Is that a promise, Justin Harlow?” I reply, through narrowed eyes.

“Most definitely,” he replies, releasing my wrist.

“There you are. Let’s go to sleep, I’m tired,” Kylie says when I walk into the bonus room. She’s lounging on the couch and Scott is sitting close by.

We head to our room and I catch a glimpse of Justin, and he’s watching us walk down the hall to our room.

“Isn’t Scott a dream?” Kylie gushes, once we’re tucked in for the night.

“He’s not bad,” I reply.

I only have eyes for Justin.

“He’s so nice and so funny. I love hanging out with him, but I’m afraid he only sees me as Justin’s little sister.”

I know the feeling; for the longest time I felt Justin only saw me as his little sister’s friend.

“You need to vamp it up.”

“Look whose talking, virgin girl.”

“Hey, I still know how to be sexy, I think.”

“Yeah, you do. I’m just teasing you.”

“Help me then. Let’s go shopping in town tomorrow,” Kylie says.

“Sounds like a plan.”

We are at the mercy of Justin driving us into town this morning, but he obliges us.

Carmel by the Sea is the most charming seaside village. Many shops line the main street, Ocean Blvd.

“I love it up here. It’s so quaint isn’t it?”

Kylie agrees as we roam into a shop that displays cute summer dresses and accessories in the storefront window. As we peruse the racks of clothing, I drape a few dresses over my arm and we head back into the dressing rooms.

“Here, try these on,” I say, shoving a few dresses at Kylie.

“What do you think?” Kylie asks, pulling the curtain open so I can see her.

“I like that on you, it shows off your curves, in a casual way. Get it in both colors, the turquoise and the red.”

“What do you think of this halter dress on me, is it too much? I can’t wear a bra with it.”

“No, I like the black on you. It screams sexy and sophisticated.”

The sales girl talks us into some cute earrings to go with our dresses and we waltz out with a shopping bag each.

“Did you buy the whole store?” Justin teases.

“Let’s have lunch somewhere in town. Let’s got to the Inn at Spanish Bay for lunch,” Kylie suggests.

“Lead the way, I’m getting hungry.”




On Friday morning we drive out to the Concourso Italiano at the nearby Laguna Seca Race Course. The Harlows are showing their Ferrari in this show.

Kylie and I roam around and check out all of the sexy Ferraris lined up row after row on the large grassy field. Some of the Ferraris have equally sexy owners; Kylie and I can’t help noticing them. We make our way back to the Harlow’s car and they’re chatting with the Ferrari owner parked next to them.

“This is the hottest Italian guy I’ve seen all day, and that accent is to die for,” I whisper to Kylie.

“You can say that again,” she replies, and we hold back our giggles.

“Girls, this is Giovanni Mennuci. He brings one of his Ferraris every year.”

We exchange hellos and furtive glances with each other. The sex appeal oozing from this guy is hard to resist.

“He keeps staring at you, Sloane,” Kylie says, nudging me.

“Stop it, he is not,” I say, as he sidles up next to me.

“Sloane, which is your favorite car here?”

“That’s a tough one, all the Ferraris are super sexy,” I reply.

“Would you like to take a ride with me after the show?”

“I would love to,” I gush.

I hear Justin clear his throat trying to get my attention. When I look over at him, he’s wearing a scowl. Don’t tell me he’s jealous?

“Are you staying with the Harlows?”

“Yes, in a lovely home with an amazing ocean view. Carmel is such a charming place. Where are you staying?”

“The Inn at Spanish Bay.”

“Oh, we had lunch there yesterday.”

“What do you do, Sloane?”

“I’m in my last year of college.”

“Where do you attend University?”

“Pepperdine; it’s in LA. What do you do?”

“I live in Milan and help run my family’s apparel business.”

“Does your family have a lot of exotic cars?”

“Yes, mostly Ferraris.”

“Hey Sloane, come on, let’s go walk around,” Justin says, rudely interrupting us. Giovanni glares at him, but Justin stands there and takes my hand.

“Excuse me, Giovanni. I will be back later for that ride,” I say, smiling at him.

Justin tugs my hand and we start to walk away.

“Justin, you were being rude.”

“That guy is a total player, with his Ferrari and Italian accent. Don’t fall for him.”

“And you are no different, Mr. Harlow.”

We continue to walk in silence and I drop his hand.

“Why can’t a single girl have some fun? You’re putting a serious damper on my love life and I’m getting tired of it.” 

Even though the only love life I would like to have going on is with him.

Justin pulls me behind one of the exhibition tents, away from the prying eyes of Kylie and the rest of the family. He takes my face in his hands and kisses me. My lips part for his searching tongue.

“Sloane, don’t you dare ride with him. I mean it,” he commands, pulling away from the kiss.

“Justin, you don’t own me. You haven’t staked any kind of claim on me so I suggest you back off,” I say heatedly.

I’m starting to get angry at his demands on me. Who does he think he is? Certainly not my boyfriend, he’s made it clear he would never want to be. He just wants something physical with me. I start to walk off and he lets me.

Once I find Kylie we decide to grab some lunch and then Justin and Scott come and join us at our table. I refuse to look at Justin. What the hell am I going to do with him?

When he isn’t looking in my direction, I steal glances at him in his dress shirt with its sleeves rolled up, and I admire his toned and tan forearms. He looks devastatingly handsome in his aviator sunglasses, very cool and male model-like. Some razor stubble going on, and his wavy dark brown hair is always styled to perfection.

“Sloane, did you hear me?” I finally hear Kylie talking to me.

“No, I’m sorry. What did you say?”

“Are you going for a ride with dreamy Giovanni?” she asks loudly enough so her brother overhears and I know he’s looking at me through those mirrored glasses of his. Even though I can’t see his eyes clearly, I can sense them.

“Yes, probably. If he asks me again.”

“Oh, believe me, he will.”

“Whatever,” I reply, shrugging my shoulders.

“Bella, there you are. Are you ready for that ride?” Giovanni comes up to me at the table and asks. Kylie nudges me with her elbow.

“Yes, I would love to.”

“I’ll give you a ride back to where you’re staying.”

“Sounds divine. See you back at the house,” I say, turning towards Kylie.

“This is a beautiful car, Giovanni,” I gush once we get into his sporty, yet luxurious Ferrari.

“Thank you, Bella. Not as beautiful as you,” he replies in his seductive Italian accent.

“I bet you say that to all of the girls,” I tease, remembering what Justin said earlier about Giovanni being a player.

We roar out onto the highway and I can feel the rev of the engine. It’s a complete turn on. I feel sexy in this car, especially with an Italian Stallion sitting next to me, giving me his undivided attention. This is just what I needed to feel desired again. Take that Justin Harlow.

I catch Giovanni eyeing my legs in my short dress. I have the sudden urge to kiss him. I want to let loose and be wild.

“Let’s drive along the coast,” he says.

“Sounds perfect. I have really fallen in love with Carmel; it’s so pretty here. I love being by the ocean.”

“I know, I feel the same way about this special place. My family has been coming for the past eight years.”

“How old are you?” I ask.

“Twenty-five. How about you, Sloane?”


“Come out with me tonight?”

“I can’t leave my friend, Kylie.”

“Bring her along and I will bring my cousin Luca. You met him back at the car show.”

“Let me text Kylie.”

Sloane: Can we go to dinner tonight with Giovanni and his cousin Luca

Kylie: Yes, absolutely!

“Kylie said yes,” I say.

Once we get back to the house, Giovanni drops me off and promises to return in a couple of hours.

“Until tonight,” I say and Giovanni leans over and gives me a peck on the cheek.

When I walk into the house, I immediately see Justin standing in the entry. He must have been waiting for me to return.

“Tell me you’re not seeing him again.”

“Yes, Kylie and I are going to dinner with him and his cousin.”

“You are so naïve Sloane, to be taken in by that Italian playboy.”

“What do you care?”

“Unfortunately, I do care.”

“Whatever Justin. Where is Kylie?”

“Up in your room. The last time I saw her, clothes were strewn all over your room.”

“Don’t stay out too late,” Justin cautions.

“Who are you, my warden?”

“Just be careful with that guy,” he warns.

“I’m a big girl and can take care of myself, thanks for the warning though.”

Justin looks none too happy.

“Kylie, what a mess you’ve made,” I say as I walk into our messy room.

“I can’t decide what to wear tonight.”

“I’m wearing this black halter dress we bought yesterday. What do you think?

“Va-va-voom, are you going to wear a bra?”

“No, I can’t because of the halter style.”

“Giovanni will be all over you.”

“Maybe that’s what I want. I’m in the mood to let loose tonight,” I say with a devilish grin.

“Sloane, I’ve never seen you like this before.”

“I’m tired of being the good girl. It’s time I lost it and give up on the idea of saving myself for love that may never come.”

“So you would do it with Giovanni?” Kylie asks in surprise.

“He sure gets me going. Don’t you think he’s sexy?”

“Most definitely, I wonder if his cousin is just as much of an Italian Stallion?” We both start laughing.

“What’s so funny?” nosey Justin asks, leaning by the door with his arms crossed.

“Girl talk, Justin; get out of here, we’re changing.”

“Close the door next time,” he gripes, as he eyes me from head to toe.

We go downstairs once Kylie and I are ready to go.

“You’re not wearing that are you?” Justin asks, staring at my chest.

“Yes I am, what’s wrong with it?”

“First of all, I can tell you’re not wearing a bra, that’s what’s wrong.”

“Leave me alone, Justin,” I say.

“I can’t,” Justin says, with no elaborating.

I hear the roar of Giovanni’s Ferrari pull up to the house.

“Bye Mom, bye Dad,” Kylie calls out to her parents.

“Goodbye girls, have a good time,” Mrs. Harlow says, coming to the door.

“Good evening, Mrs. Harlow,” Giovanni says, standing at the front door. Justin hangs back in the foyer with that scowl on his face and his arms crossed.

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