Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection (45 page)

Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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Chapter 7



If I said Ellis had been acting strange during dinner, that really wouldn’t be a very factual statement, considering I really wasn’t sure what his “normal” looked like. I knew his charms and the way his smile made me melt, and I knew his anger when something random (and usually strange) would cause a reaction out of him, but during dinner, he just seemed… I don’t know… stoic?

I’m not even sure if that’s the right word. He didn’t seem to have been paying attention to me as we were talking about what to eat, then he disappeared to the bathroom for a while. I never asked why he was gone so long, and I didn’t want to know, really. That was his business. Hopefully he wasn’t in there calling or texting some other girl.

And there it was. My insecurities rearing their ugly head. I didn’t think they’d ever go away, but then again, whose ever did?

I sat pondering these things in the passenger seat of Ellis’s loud, obnoxious car. Occasionally I’d steal sideways glances at his black hair that shined almost blue under a full moon. The firm set of his shadowed jaw gave him the appearance of being deep in thought. The car, which I think was some sort of domestic thing, Dodge or Chevy maybe – well it was much too loud to listen to the radio, so I just enjoyed its growling purr, grateful it filled the silence between us.

Looking out of the windshield, I could see he had led us to the piers on the western edge of Tampa. The water looked beautiful and peaceful under the bright moon, and when Ellis finally stopped the car and killed the engine, my ears rang a little at the absolute silence.

He left the keys in the ignition and put his hands in his lap, shifting his upper body to look over at me. He was just staring, half of his face bathed blue from the moonlight. The night was warm so he rolled down his window, and I did the same. Once my concentration was away from the window and its breathtaking view, I turned to look at him once again. He seemed like he wanted to say something but was holding back. The glass of wine I’d had at dinner was still buzzing through me, so with more courage than usual, I said, “What’s on your mind, Ellis?”

He smiled a little and looked down at his hands, lifting one shoulder in a slight shrug. “Do you think I’m damaged?”

The question took me off guard, as it seemed to be such a deviation from his usual cocky, confident self. Did this mean he felt comfortable enough to open up to me? A tiny spark of hope blossomed in my chest. About the question, though, I didn’t believe I knew him well enough to have the answer. But instead of that coming out of my mouth, I grinned a little and reached over to touch his hand, glancing briefly at the missing finger on his left. “Who told you you’re damaged?” I was desperate to see a little more into his world.

He shook his head. “Nobody. I just sometimes think I’m fucked up beyond repair.”

I cocked my head to the side, my thumb running gently over the top of his hand, understanding he was talking about emotional damage. “Why do think that? Because of being in the Marines?”

“Nah,” he said, smiling sadly. “The Marines was the best thing to ever happen to me.”

“Then what?” I urged.

He took a deep breath. “Before I joined the military, I wasn’t a good person, T. I was involved in some bad shit. Some really bad shit. Shit you don’t want to know about.”

This surprised me, and saddened me. It made me think of Rick, and I hoped that Ellis wouldn’t turn out to be an abusive prick. But instead of voicing that, I just stayed silent, nodding for him to continue, enjoying the feel of the hot night air blowing in through the open windows. The crash of the waves against the pier was a calming sound – almost cleansing – and I wondered if Ellis felt it, too.

“I can’t believe I’m telling you this, but I was sort of in a gang before I joined the Marines.” He shook his head and chuckled nervously.

Both my eyebrows hit my hairline and my finger momentarily stopped stroking his hand. “What?”

“Fuck,” he murmured. “I shouldn’t have told you that.”

I shook my head. “No, it’s okay, really. Please continue. Tell me what happened.”

But he didn’t. When he leaned over and fisted a handful of my hair at the back of my head and forced his lips on mine, I figured the conversation was over. The small twinge of disappointment I’d felt was quickly overtaken by the happiness that engulfed me at him opening up to me, even if it was short-lived.

Six months. All this time of him coming over, adoring my body, giving me the occasional small talk, a tiny peek into his past, into his life – and now this. This was huge, and I wondered what had caused him to want to open up like that. I tried to not dwell on
he’d told me, though.

I couldn’t analyze it any longer when his hand slid up my bare thigh and came to rest just inches from my most intimate spot. His kiss was doing things that nobody had ever done to me before. I lost all thoughts of the over-analyzation of who and what Ellis Anderson was and my raging hormones took over, wanting nothing more than to feel him rocking in and out of me. To wrap my legs around his thick, muscular body and press every inch of my naked form into him. To claim his mouth with mine until he screamed my name into it while I made him forget his own.

His fingers climbed higher up my thigh, finally pushing aside my panties. One eager finger slid into me, slick and easy. I groaned into his mouth. It was him making me forget my own name now.

“I want you, T. I can either take you in the backseat or we can head to my place. Your choice, sweetheart.”

It was difficult but I really didn’t want to have car sex like a couple of teenagers. “Take me to a bed, now,” I breathed into his ear.

He pulled his hand away from my leg and stuck it in his mouth, smiling as he licked his finger. Then he started up the car and drove a little too fast back to his place.



I could barely drive home with her hand on my zipper and her lips so close to my ear. The car was permeated with the smell of sex and heat. How did Talia do things to me nobody else could?

I steered the car toward my house and decided to throw caution to the humid wind and say, “Stay with me tonight.”

It wasn’t a question, it was a demand, a plea.

She stopped licking my ear and said, “I don’t know.”

“Why not?” I shot back, immediately regretting the question. I don’t know why I regretted asking it, just that I thought I sounded sorta desperate. But wasn’t that what I was?

She shrugged, taking that bottom lip captive again. “I… I don’t know. I just shouldn’t.”

We reached a stoplight and I put the car in park. I reached over and ran my hand over her creamy, pale thigh again. I then reached up under her dress, grazing my fingers over the black lace and my pants shrunk another size. “Please.”

She stared at me again, that hostage lip and those indecisive amber eyes that gave her away in every way. I knew I had her.

“Please,” I said again.

A green light illuminated her beautiful face and I knew I needed to put the car into motion but I didn’t care. There were no other cars around so I just sat there, waiting for her answer.

Finally she smiled a little, nodding her pretty red head. “Okay. I’ll stay with you.”

I smiled in triumph and put the car into gear, heading to my place.

I had a feeling we weren’t going to get much sleep tonight. And that was fucking awesome.


She’d been to my place a few times, but had never stayed the night. What in the hell was wrong with us?

I set the alarm to my beautiful car and led us to the door of my little mobile home I rented in this ridiculous trailer park. Thankfully, this one was one of the “higher end” mobile home parks, the roads paved and lawns manicured, a little kiddie park on its edge with play equipment and a basketball hoop.

Talia didn’t seem to care at all. After I locked the door, I threw my keys, phone, and wallet onto my kitchen counter then looked at her. She had a mischievous, wild look on her face, and I slid the purse she had slung around her body off over her head and threw it on my couch. But she didn’t move.

Crouching down, I slowly removed one of her boots and set it next to the sofa. I then removed the other, and looked up to see her staring down at me in amusement.

I kissed the tops of her purple painted toes and began trailing kisses up her ankle, knee, then the inside of her perfect thigh. Reaching up while my lips stayed on her skin, I pulled her panties off and tossed them… somewhere.

Standing slowly, I slid my hands up her hips, taking her dress with me. She raised her arms voluntarily when it reached her ribcage, and I tossed the dress off of her with one swift movement.

The black lacy thing holding her breasts in place had to come off. Pressing my body into hers, I kissed her softly on the mouth and then threaded my fingers through the curls on the back of her head. With slow movements that were killing me, I slid my hand down her back and popped the latch on her bra, releasing it as I slid both straps off her shoulders, never breaking the kiss. She groaned into my mouth when I tossed it to the side, then I pulled apart from her for a fraction of a second to lose my shirt.

I pressed my bare chest into hers and pushed her to walk backwards toward my room. The door was already open and we kept walking and kissing until we reached my bed. The backs of her knees hit the mattress and she fell with a giggle, me following.

Talia slid on her back until her beautiful head was on a pillow and I put myself on top of her, leaning down to lick and kiss every inch of her body. My dick was straining unbelievably hard against my jeans, so I yanked them off, tossing them onto the floor. Underwear? No. Who has time for that?

I was on top of her, my cock pressing into her thigh.

“Please, Ellis. I need you. Please,” she breathed into my ear.

Oh, hell.

I smiled down at her, my hand pinning her down on her belly, and looked at my nightstand. Knowing it held what I needed, I reached over and pulled out a box.
Fuck! Empty.

A mild panic began to overtake me. I slid over and began rummaging through the drawer until relief flooded me at the feel of a small, round foil wrapper. I pulled it out. I don’t remember buying this brand but who cares. I needed it now.

Note to self: Go buy more Trojans tomorrow.

I ripped it open and slid it on, looking back at my girl, her lip in her teeth again, making me absolutely insane. Did she do that on purpose, that lip biting thing? Or did she even know she was doing it? I didn’t care. It made me stand to attention and that’s exactly what I needed right now.

Her legs were already open so I positioned myself between them. Looking down at her, she was smiling wickedly up at me. I grabbed both her hands and pinned them above her head, wrapping my hand around her delicate, thin wrists. She gave no resistance at all.

Without breaking eye contact, I plunged into her silky depths, gasping in relief. I kept her hands hostage as I watched her beautiful, naughty expression turn to one of surrender. Her eyes closed and her eyebrows dipped together, her breaths getting faster. I felt her wet muscles clench around me and then she was panting at me to keep going.

I pounded her harder. She smiled, then concentrated again, her hips bucking to meet mine as I continued to thrust as hard as I could.

She made a strange mewling sound and relaxed a little, and so did I. I kept moving, looking down at her as her hands were pinned above her head. My right arm had them captive, but my left hand was free to do… whatever it wanted.

I used the flat of my palm to run it over her peaked nipple, causing her to moan. I then ran it over the plain of her belly, circling my finger around her bellybutton, continuing my thrusts as she met me stroke for stroke.

Pressing my hand down to her beautiful mound, I then slid a finger down to her sensitive nub, circling my finger there as I felt us both moving together, me inside her then out, then in again. Watching the movement was too much as I felt the pleasurable pressure continuing to build inside me.

Then I felt her clench around me again. Her nipples went hard instantly and her hips bucked in time with mine.

“Oh, God, please,” she cried out, slamming her hips against mine.

I was completely undone. I felt my eyes roll back as I lost everything I had inside of her.

Then I felt something strange. It almost felt like a pop. All I knew was that the head of my cock was suddenly the only thing I could feel inside of her. It was the most intense, pleasurable feeling ever. Every burst of what I let loose was rushing out of me, and I could feel every minute detail. I’d never felt anything so... fucking awesome.

I collapsed on top of my beautiful girl, my body shaking from the experience, my emotions skittering all over the damn place. That was unlike anything I’d ever felt. It was incredible… indescribable… should I say beautiful?

I pulled out of her and gasped when I went to yank off the condom. The entire tip was ripped and hanging open.

The damn thing had busted open.

Fuck me.

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